Re: [vote] finilizing the pending votes on flow [was Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration]

2003-01-17 Thread Michael Melhem
On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 04:20:17PM +0100, Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> >Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> >
> >Yes, I think I'm pretty much settled that we should not have two 
> >different semantics for pipelines and flows. I hear Sylvain about 
> > being really the problem but I can't think of a better term 
> >myself and process really sucks.
> So let's keep pipeline, but please add a FAQ entry about this ;-)
> >I like the underlying concepts, but I think that:
> >
> >1) I don't like "process" enough and I don't think we have that much 
> >of an urge to change the semantics at that deep level.
> >
> >2) the super-selector should be implicit (Berin proposed something 
> >along these lines a while ago)
> >
> >>Ah, and I have no objection for "cocoon:" calling scripts, and would 
> >>love to call a pipeline with a different output stream !
> >
> >
> >Cool, but let's make it another vote.
> OK. So we have some strong and justified -1's against ...

Yes your argument is convincing, so perhaps we should put 
the flowmap issue on the back-burner .. ;)

One small point though, I still think flow differs from a pipeline
because it contains information at more abstract level. As I noted
earlier, IMHO a pipelines purpose regardless of redirects, forwardings, or
actions is to describe a single "resource". While a flow describes 
a logical set of "resources"...

Anyway, its time for weekend. :) 


> Sylvain
> -- 
> Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
> { XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
> -
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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-16 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Michael Melhem wrote:

On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 04:52:43PM +, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Michael Melhem wrote:

Hmmm, but if we get that far, then

isn't just syntax sugar for



Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within the
pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
pipeline section.

Good point.

if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
is desirable:





We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
or whatever)


We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and would
not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.

But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will 
complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same 
thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor 
please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)

A map:map = map:match + map:call

Im not against using  here within the flowmap...but 
I do have to ask wouldnt it suggest to the user (incorrectly) that this 
is another a "pipeline" where they can assemble anything they like? 

Perhaps at the implementation level  and  are  
similar, but conceptually they are different.  Using  will 
encourage the user to think of the mapping as a single atomic 
instruction and not try and "tinker" with other 
components (routing or otherwise). Hmmmbut im still in two minds
about this. :)

Me too. While I do see value in the concept of  separation, I 
think that we might be closing the door to creative uses of the flow 
layer that might end up making the  mappings as complex as the 
normal sitemap pipelines.

I'm starting to think that we should leave it as it is and see user 
feedback before trying to solve an issue that might not even exist.

If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
the above case)?

Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
already existing matcher components to the matching here?.

No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely semantical one.

Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline, I 
think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because 
people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce 
their need to learn new stuff.


What about issues like backwards compatibility. If we were to get the
the go ahead form the list to implement this, would we still allow 
flow-hooks within the pipelines sections as is the case now - for the
sake of backward compatibility??

We are in alpha-mode for a reason. And the reason is *exactly* to try to 
do the *right* thing *before* we have to bind our back-compatibility 
effort to it.

When we designed the sitemap, it took us months to agree on the 
semantics and we kept moving it back and forward until nobody had 
anything to say about it.

I think that effort saved us a bunch of pain later on and I'm willing to 
follow the same path once again.

Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-16 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Michael Melhem / Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> > >
> > >  
> > >  
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > >
> > >  
> > >   flow="registerUser"/>
> > >  
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > >  
> > >...
> > >  
> > >
> > >
> > >We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
> > >and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
> > >or whatever)
> >
> > True.
> >
> > >We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
> > >this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and would
> > >not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.
> >
> > But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will
> > complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same
> > thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor
> > please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)
> A map:map = map:match + map:call
> Im not against using  here within the flowmap...but
> I do have to ask wouldnt it suggest to the user (incorrectly) that this
> is another a "pipeline" where they can assemble anything they like?

I don't think so because the flow related stuff is outside of
 And a second arguement: the sitemap
interpreter will not allow such constructs.

Therefore I would use following XML to declare the mappings to flow scripts.



This would have following advantages:
 - reuse of the matchers
 - easier for existing cocoon users to understand the mapping
   between uri/request-parameter/what-ever  <---> flow
 - possible to submit parameters to the matcher AND to the function
 - clear separation between pipelines and flows

 - (as already mentioned in this thread): the -part should match
   before the  part

... disclaimer:
I know that element/attribute names are important but my point in this mail
is the structure - so please don't discuss why I named elements this ;-)

> Perhaps at the implementation level  and  are
> similar, but conceptually they are different.  Using  will
> encourage the user to think of the mapping as a single atomic
> instruction and not try and "tinker" with other
> components (routing or otherwise). Hmmmbut im still in two minds
> about this. :)

What do you mean exactly?
What I *really* need is a way to redirect to a URI which is mapped to a
flowscript - which is currently possible.

> > >If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
> > >becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
> > >the above case)?
> > >
> > >Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
> > >already existing matcher components to the matching here?.
> >
> > No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely
> semantical one.
> >
> > Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline, I
> > think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because
> > people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce
> > their need to learn new stuff.


> >
> > Thoughts?
> What about issues like backwards compatibility. If we were to get the
> the go ahead form the list to implement this, would we still allow
> flow-hooks within the pipelines sections as is the case now - for the
> sake of backward compatibility??

I think there should be a *final* vote about the semantics without
considering backward compatibilty:

 - should "flow-hooks within the pipelines" be removed?
 - names of the flow elements (scripts, call-function, continue)
 - allowing the cocoon protocol calling scripts?
  (I'm in favor of it because this could become a *really* cool feature!)


> Regards,
> Michael
> >
> > --
> > Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-16 Thread Michael Melhem
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 04:52:43PM +, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Michael Melhem wrote:
> >>Hmmm, but if we get that far, then
> >>
> >> 
> >>  
> >> 
> >>
> >>isn't just syntax sugar for
> >>
> >> 
> >>  
> >>   
> >>  
> >> 
> >>
> >>???
> >
> >
> >Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within the
> >pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
> >and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
> >other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
> >pipeline section.
> Good point.
> >if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
> >is desirable:
> >
> >
> >  
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> >
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >...
> >  
> >
> >
> >We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
> >and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
> >or whatever)
> True.
> >We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
> >this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and would
> >not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.
> But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will 
> complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same 
> thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor 
> please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)

A map:map = map:match + map:call

Im not against using  here within the flowmap...but 
I do have to ask wouldnt it suggest to the user (incorrectly) that this 
is another a "pipeline" where they can assemble anything they like? 

Perhaps at the implementation level  and  are  
similar, but conceptually they are different.  Using  will 
encourage the user to think of the mapping as a single atomic 
instruction and not try and "tinker" with other 
components (routing or otherwise). Hmmmbut im still in two minds
about this. :)

> >If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
> >becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
> >the above case)?
> >
> >Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
> >already existing matcher components to the matching here?.
> No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely semantical one.
> Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline, I 
> think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because 
> people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce 
> their need to learn new stuff.
> Thoughts?

What about issues like backwards compatibility. If we were to get the
the go ahead form the list to implement this, would we still allow 
flow-hooks within the pipelines sections as is the case now - for the
sake of backward compatibility??


> -- 
> Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -
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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-16 Thread Michael Melhem
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Ovidiu Predescu wrote:

Hi Ovidiu!! :)

> My 2 cents here. I haven't read the whole discussion thread, so please
> illuminate me if I'm missing the point.
> Why can't we use the same syntax as today and extend the treeprocessor
> to prevent stuff from being added before and after the 
> element? It seems to me this is the most simple thing we can do,
> without requiring the user to use a reference manual each time they
> want to modify the sitemap.

Well...IMHO, the chief objection to this is that
flow-mappings are _not_ pipelines and should not live in the pipelines
section. Infact flow-mappings/hooks currently ignore the pipelines they
are defined in. (See the initial posting in this thread for a more
thorough reasoning as to why flow-mappings/hooks are not pipelines)

The idea was too move the flow-mappings out of the pipelines
section and into the flow section. This way you have all the flow stuff
defined together in a "flow-contoller" for the sitemap.


> Regards,
> Ovidiu
> On Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003, at 08:52 US/Pacific, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> > Michael Melhem wrote:
> >
> >>> Hmmm, but if we get that far, then
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>   
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>> isn't just syntax sugar for
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>   
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>> ???
> >> Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within
> >> the
> >> pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
> >> and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
> >> other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
> >> pipeline section.
> >
> > Good point.
> >
> >> if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
> >> is desirable:
> >> 
> >>   
> >>   
> >>   
> >> 
> >>   
> >> 
> >> 
> >>   
> >>>> flow="registerUser"/>
> >>   
> >> 
> >>   
> >>   
> >> ...
> >>   
> >> 
> >> We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
> >> and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
> >> or whatever)
> >
> > True.
> >
> >> We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
> >> this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and
> >> would
> >> not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.
> >
> > But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will
> > complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same
> > thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor
> > please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)
> >
> >> If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
> >> becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
> >> the above case)?
> >> Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
> >> already existing matcher components to the matching here?.
> >
> > No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely semantical
> > one.
> >
> > Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline,
> > I think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because
> > people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce
> > their need to learn new stuff.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > --
> > Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> --
> Ovidiu Predescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (Are you feeling lucky?)
> -
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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-14 Thread Ovidiu Predescu
My 2 cents here. I haven't read the whole discussion thread, so please 
illuminate me if I'm missing the point.

Why can't we use the same syntax as today and extend the treeprocessor 
to prevent stuff from being added before and after the  
element? It seems to me this is the most simple thing we can do, 
without requiring the user to use a reference manual each time they 
want to modify the sitemap.


On Tuesday, Jan 14, 2003, at 08:52 US/Pacific, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Michael Melhem wrote:

Hmmm, but if we get that far, then


isn't just syntax sugar for



Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within 
pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
pipeline section.

Good point.

if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
is desirable:





We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
or whatever)


We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and 
not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.

But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will 
complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same 
thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor 
please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)

If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
the above case)?
Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
already existing matcher components to the matching here?.

No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely semantical 

Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline, 
I think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because 
people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce 
their need to learn new stuff.


Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Ovidiu Predescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Are you feeling lucky?)

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Michael Melhem wrote:

Hmmm, but if we get that far, then


isn't just syntax sugar for



Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within the
pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
pipeline section.

Good point.

if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
is desirable:







We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
or whatever)


We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and would
not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.

But I'm pretty sure that people *will* want to extend that and will 
complain about the fact that  and  do, in fact, the same 
thing, but with different semantics and this won't please people (nor 
please my sense of semantic elegance, to tell you the truth)

If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
the above case)?

Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
already existing matcher components to the matching here?.

No technical reason (that I can think of) but it's a purely semantical one.

Granted that it makes sense to move the flow hooks from the pipeline, I 
think that we should reuse semantics where it makes sense, because 
people already made an effort to learn it and in that case we reduce 
their need to learn new stuff.


Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-13 Thread Michael Melhem
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> Michael Melhem wrote:
> >>>If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions
> >>>and routing components around flow calls:-
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing
> >>>a new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the
> >>>flowmap section as follows:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>  
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control
> >>>in the flow and out of the sitemap.
> >>
> >>Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the
> >>use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply love to see
> >>enforced, but that's my personal view, of course, and you all know my
> >>stand against actions) it also *forces* the flow calls to be tied to URI
> >>matching.
> >
> >
> > Why would this force us to tie flow calls only to uri matchers?  The
> > treeprocessor when processing the flowmap would lookup existing
> > matcher components. So all existing matcher "types" are available.
> well, a syntax such as
> doesn't leave room for much pluggability of matching.
> >>I wonder, is this the case? by getting rid of matchers, we are also
> >>getting rid of the ability to keep them pluggable... and first objection
> >>would be 'how do I match flow URI with regexp?'
> >
> >
> > My initial thoughts are that we do not get rid of matchers at all, but
> > rather, we specify the matcher type we want to use inside the map tag.
> >
> > The following is how one would match flow URIs with regexp:
> >
> >  
> >
> > We only constrain the sitemap markup within the the  tags
> > to enforce "best practice" (and to make the mapping syntax more
> > compact and readable). We do not require new flowmap matcher
> > componets etc.
> Hmmm, but if we get that far, then
> isn't just syntax sugar for
> ???

Hmm..Well maybe, but for the fact that flowmap section in not within the
pipeline section (which I think we agreed is what we want)
and that the treeprocessor would not allow actions or
other routing components which would otherwise be allowed within the
pipeline section.

if we agree that something like the following sitemap syntax
is desirable:







We could define a flow mapping as a "matching" between a flow function
and its corresponding entry point pattern (which could be an URI
or whatever)

We could use the  directly withing the flowmap to implement
this, but this would not force the user to call a flow method and would
not allow for the compact easy-to-read syntax above.

If we use  component (as suggested above), the question then
becomes, how do we get the  component to match (URIs in
the above case)?

Is there a reason why we wouldnt use (under the hood) the
already existing matcher components to the matching here?.

Michael Melhem

> --
> Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -
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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-09 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Michael Melhem wrote:

Well the point here, no matter whether we use the word "pipeline" or
"resource", is that flows and resources/pipelines are fundimentally
different "beasts" and probably shouldnt be living in the same paddock.


The hard part is to identify what a pipeline is.

Originally, a pipeline has been identified as a static (means 
non-runtime-based) assembly of filtering components and adaptors. That 
was easy.

Then came actions which changed that.

And now pipeline-state-aware selection has been shown as necessary for 
meaninful validation at transformation stage.

I fear that as we move along, we are adding more and more 'procedural' 
(say run-time) concepts to the pipelines making them harder to describe 
with a markup language.

Assuming you want to keep that semantics all in the sitemap (you don't
specify so, but I would tend to see that)... we must define the order of
matching preference between  and 

I would suggest flow have matching preference before the . If
a sitemap has a flowmap defined, then its likely that for the most part,
the sitemap recources are accessed via the flow and not directly.

Very good point.

If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions
and routing components around flow calls:-


Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing
a new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the
flowmap section as follows:


This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control
in the flow and out of the sitemap.

Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the
use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply love to see
enforced, but that's my personal view, of course, and you all know my
stand against actions) it also *forces* the flow calls to be tied to URI

Why would this force us to tie flow calls only to uri matchers?  The
treeprocessor when processing the flowmap would lookup existing
matcher components. So all existing matcher "types" are available.

well, a syntax such as


doesn't leave room for much pluggability of matching.

I wonder, is this the case? by getting rid of matchers, we are also
getting rid of the ability to keep them pluggable... and first objection
would be 'how do I match flow URI with regexp?'

My initial thoughts are that we do not get rid of matchers at all, but
rather, we specify the matcher type we want to use inside the map tag.

The following is how one would match flow URIs with regexp:


We only constrain the sitemap markup within the the  tags
to enforce "best practice" (and to make the mapping syntax more
compact and readable). We do not require new flowmap matcher
componets etc.

Hmmm, but if we get that far, then


isn't just syntax sugar for



Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2003-01-08 Thread Michael Melhem
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> I know almost everybody is idle for the holydays, but I want to reply to
> this before I forgot :)

Unfortunaltly my idle time is over and im now back in "freezing"
Germany. Hmmm...

> Michael Melhem wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Ok, here is a little "rant" on flow/sitemap intergration :)
> First, let me tell you that I link your ranting style a lot :)

Please, dont encourage me! :P

> > 1. What Is A Cocoon Pipeline?
> >
> > There are at least two concepts of pipeline in cocoon.
> >
> > 1.1 The Sitemap Pipeline.
> >
> > A sitemap-pipeline basically acts as a "recipe" on how
> > to build a processing-pipeline. Sitemap-pipelines contain
> > information on the type of processing-pipeline to use, and the
> > set of processing components to be attached to them.
> >
> > Typically, the purpose of each "sitemap-pipeline uri"
> > is to build a specific processing-pipeline.
> >
> > (Of course entry points into pipelines/flows need not be URI's, one
> > can match on "whatever", but for purposes of this mail, I will
> > stick to URIs)
> And this might be a first strong hypthesis in your reasoning that must
> be taken into consideration.
> > 1.2 The Processing Pipeline
> >
> > There are several different types of Processing Pipelines,
> > noncaching, caching, caching-point, profiling, hintable etc..
> >
> > The processing pipeline is in effect the SAX-conducting "glue" or "pipe"
> > which holds the pipeline components together. Usually an XML stream
> > flows down this pipe and gets transformed by each of the
> > pipeline components until it gets serialized by the last
> > pipeline component - the serializer (no surprise here).
> >
> > 2. What is A Flow?
> >
> > A flow is controlled navigation through a set of
> > processing-pipelines.
> The above is slightly incorrect, I would say:
>   - a pipeline is the way cocoon uses to produces resources (readers can
> be seen as 'condensed pipelines' for non-XML resources)

Yes, at more abstract level, a processing pipeline can be described as
a resource-producer.

>   - a flow is controlled navigation thru a set of resources
> the difference is the level of indirection provided by the URI space
> that provides the contract between the two. This is important to be able
> to separate the flow from actual pipeline descriptions and keep concerns
> separate.
> > That is, the purpose of "flow uri" is _not_ to build a
> > processing-pipeline, but rather, to define a application specific
> > flow through a logical set of them.
> Again, the flow controls navigation between a logical set of
> 'resources', not pipelines. The fact that those resources are associated
> to pipelines is merely an implementation detail in this context.

Well the point here, no matter whether we use the word "pipeline" or
"resource", is that flows and resources/pipelines are fundimentally
different "beasts" and probably shouldnt be living in the same paddock.

> >
> > This means a "flow-uri" is not same as a "sitemap-pipeline uri".
> > Conceptually flow URIs are not part of pipelines at all, they are
> > extra-pipeline. They act on pipelines.
> I do see your point but still your terminology might be misleading...
> more comments below.
> > ---
> >
> > So I find the notion of "flow uri's" living side by side with
> > "sitemap-pipline uri's" inside pipeline sections a little awkward.
> > There seems to be some muddling of concerns here.
> Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we
> start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we
> get in trouble.
> > Infact, although flow function are defined within
> > "pipeline sections", they ignore them.
> >
> >
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >   
> > 
> Now, discussions aside, *this* is a valid point and shows some
> 'hackiness' in the current semantics.
> I totally agree with you.
> > Implementation details aside, IMO, it would much cleaner if we could
> > define a flow-uri mapping (a flowmap) and keep it together with the
> > flow defintion itself.
> Heck, my original intention was to separate the sitemap into sitemap
> (for resource) and flowmap (for flow)... but we didn't have an
> implementation back then, it was everything up in the air now we do
> have something that works, maybe we should start discussing this again.
> > For example, one can define a flow for a sitemap like this:
> >
> >   
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >
> >   
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >
> > This way we actually define the "uber-contoller" for the sitemap
> > in one place leaving the pipeline section as follows:
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   ...
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > ...
> >   
> >
> > This way (with most actions and flow logic

RE: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-30 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
>> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

>> I don't think I will!  However, when doing architecture you always 
>> have to ask if inverting a control flow makes sense; sometimes 
>> abstractions suddenly become obvious or new use cases jump out.
> Oh totally. That's why I take time replying to your messages even if 
> they might sound too "devil's advocate"-ish to many here. ;-)

Who moi? Never... ;-)

I guess there are two things that drive me to spend the time worrying about
how the Cocoon architecture will shake out in the long run:

1) Our commitment to using Cocoon.  Even though we're pretty careful to use
only standard XSLT it would still take a lot of work to rebuild our
application as a normal Servlet.  We've got working code that doesn't use
Cocoon but it would be a lot of work to extend it  to do all the things that
the Cocoon version does and it's likely that the subsequent maintenance
costs would also be high.

2) A general interest in data driven architectures.  I think this makes us
somewhat different than much of the regular Cocoon community (which is
probably much more procedural logic driven).  As such, it's worth while
spending time trying to determine if and how much the two sets of
requirements can merge.  To many people the whole idea of data driven
architectures is so foreign that they immediately think that they can't
scale; but ultimately computing is computing and all logic is data, it's
just the algorithms that exploit the data that differ, so I do hold out some
hope that our requirements can fit with the rest of the Cocoon communities.

>> If one was to do such a thing
>> with the Cocoon sitemap obviously you'd have to allow the current 
>> semantics to continue to work so you'd introduce some complete new 
>> concept (what's the inversion of a pipeline?...)
> Not only that. Everytime you add a new construct you are not adding just 
> *one*, but you are adding all possible combinations of that construct 
> with everything that was there already.
> This is why I'm always *very* careful about adding new functionality.

Well, I don't think it's always N! combinations: there are restrictions on
which components can be used with other components.  But I understand your
concern, in particular since when you invert a control flow what was
formally a many to one mapping now may become a one to many mapping (but
also the reverse may happen, which is one reason why you look at it in the
first place).

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-27 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Then don't propose it.

I don't think I will!  However, when doing architecture you always have to
ask if inverting a control flow makes sense; sometimes abstractions suddenly
become obvious or new use cases jump out.

Oh totally. That's why I take time replying to your messages even if 
they might sound too "devil's advocate"-ish to many here. ;-)

If one was to do such a thing
with the Cocoon sitemap obviously you'd have to allow the current semantics
to continue to work so you'd introduce some complete new concept (what's the
inversion of a pipeline?...)

Not only that. Everytime you add a new construct you are not adding just 
*one*, but you are adding all possible combinations of that construct 
with everything that was there already.

This is why I'm always *very* careful about adding new functionality.

Damn, that's exactly the reason why I wanted pluggable matchers.

Are you saying this as a good thing or as a bad thing?

The sitemap components interfaces were designed so that concerns remain 
separate. From that point on, I'm happy with *anything* that comes out 
of that. That means: I'm happy about people experimenting new 
functionality by adding more components that fit the architecture.

I tend to me a little more nervous when people try to force the 
architecture to do stuff that it can already do but in other ways that 
break back-compatibility.

Is there a problem going forward?

Not at all!

You can have the equivalent of mod_spelling as a matcher as well... or 
you could have that table stored into a database... it's up to your 
matching logic.

But matching is a special concern and I want to keep that separate from 
flow and other sitemap components.

Sounds very good to me.


If that was a patter, that would mean that you'd be calling possibly 
more than one function in the flowscript at the same time and I would 
*NOT* like this.

That makes sense (I was assuming first match wins, but I can't see a reason
to support it).  In that case, you're back to my original assumption: unique
names and you can hash map the whole works. 


Of course I'll probably always
wonder if there aren't multiple types of URI matching...

Totally, that's exactly the reason why the entire URI matching logic is 
pluggable and not built into the sitemap.

Stefano Mazzocchi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-27 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Now, if the "type" was available in the flow, you could get different 
resources for the same flow.
>>>Well, how would Cocoon know how to match? Say I ask for '/dashboard' how 
>>>is the pipeline going to find out where to get the parameter in order to 
>>>match the user-level?
>> It would have to come from some higher level Cocoon component...
> well..
>> Essentially you'd invert the current pipeline flow: matchers/selectors
>> outside of pipeline types.
> but *why* braking everybody's sitemap when we have something else that 
> works perfectly with our current semantic?
>> I don't think it's currently worth spending any
>> energy discussing why such a thing would be a bad idea...
> Then don't propose it.

I don't think I will!  However, when doing architecture you always have to
ask if inverting a control flow makes sense; sometimes abstractions suddenly
become obvious or new use cases jump out.  If one was to do such a thing
with the Cocoon sitemap obviously you'd have to allow the current semantics
to continue to work so you'd introduce some complete new concept (what's the
inversion of a pipeline?...)

>> Seems fair enough.  If that's the case then the recent issue about
>> internal resources seems relevant: shouldn't flow also match internal
>> resources?
> Yes, and AFAIK it does.

Someone had posted that they couldn't get it to work. Hadn't heard more

>>>Agreed. One way of solving this would be to have a way to generate a 
>>>flowscript out of a cocoon:/ pipeline. But we haven't decided if that is 
>>>a good thing or is FS.
>> Well I can certainly see how it might be nice to generate your language
>> dependant URI matching automagically...
> Well, it's damn easy to do it right now with a custom i18n-aware matcher:
> then this "i18n" matcher has a lookup table like this
> There is no need to alter the sitemap semantics for this and no need to 
> have the flow involved.
> Damn, that's exactly the reason why I wanted pluggable matchers.

Are you saying this as a good thing or as a bad thing? Is there a problem
going forward?

> You can have the equivalent of mod_spelling as a matcher as well... or 
> you could have that table stored into a database... it's up to your 
> matching logic.
> But matching is a special concern and I want to keep that separate from 
> flow and other sitemap components.

Sounds very good to me.

>> Yes, I agree.  It seems that there is a real reason for indirect URI
>> from flow to pipeline, but no real reason to allow multiple types of
>> indirection.  As such, the addition of map:map isn't needed, you can
>> the same thing by adding a new attribute to the existing pipeline.  IE:
>>  ...
>> But then the question of what to do with actions remains, (it seems too
>> early to deprecate them ;-)...
> Oh, I totally agree here.
>> The other new question is now; is the "flow" attribute in the above a
>> name (as per my original assumption), or in fact a pattern?
> If that was a patter, that would mean that you'd be calling possibly 
> more than one function in the flowscript at the same time and I would 
> *NOT* like this.

That makes sense (I was assuming first match wins, but I can't see a reason
to support it).  In that case, you're back to my original assumption: unique
names and you can hash map the whole works. Of course I'll probably always
wonder if there aren't multiple types of URI matching...

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-27 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we
start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we 
get in trouble.

This comes at the matching issue the opposite way that I did 
initially: instead of assuming that it is a unique resource name the 
assumption seems to be that there is always a level of re-direction.  
We discussed whether there was a real need for this and although I 
thought it was interesting the only use case I could find was to allow 
systems external from Cocoon to also be controlled from the flow 

Another need is internationalized URI spaces: say you want 
'' for english and '' for italian, 
and so on, but don't want to rewrite your flowscript method names.

Ahh, now there's a real use case...


Also, indirection is a good protection against intrusive injection of 
scripting since it wan't be enough to inject an harmful script, but you 
also need to modify the sitemap to redirect to the method.

It seems unlikely it would help much: most often script injection exploits a
faulty POST handler.  Having found such a beast, you can usually just round
trip a bad form field.  However, I suspect you're really suggesting that it
may help stop cross site scripting exploits and that seems more likely?

No, forget about it. I thought more about it and it doesn't really make 
sense what I said. Ingore.

Now, if the "type" was available in the flow, you could get different 
resources for the same flow.

Well, how would Cocoon know how to match? Say I ask for '/dashboard' how 
is the pipeline going to find out where to get the parameter in order to 
match the user-level?

It would have to come from some higher level Cocoon component...


Essentially you'd invert the current pipeline flow: matchers/selectors
outside of pipeline types.

but *why* braking everybody's sitemap when we have something else that 
works perfectly with our current semantic?

I don't think it's currently worth spending any
energy discussing why such a thing would be a bad idea...

Then don't propose it.

You are hardcoding pattern matching capabilities in your pipeline and 
this is not very nice, IMHO.

Well, no, it might not be hard coded pattern matching, (though my simple
example was), each pipeline might still use generic pattern matching.  What
I was getting at is that there may be flow "types" that are orthogonal to
the URI space in some applications.  Being able to have some kind of generic
flow type matching capability seems so far FS, but, if you're adding URI
indirection it seems worth while to ask: are there different types of

This is a good question. I'll have to think about it more. Right now I 
can't think of anything that would help me answer it.

But my point is that pipeline 'type' should indicate *how* the pipeline 
operates for all the resources it receives. it's a URI-space agnostic 
setting and I'd like to keep it so.

Seems fair enough.  If that's the case then the recent issue about matching
internal resources seems relevant: shouldn't flow also match internal

Yes, and AFAIK it does.

Agreed. One way of solving this would be to have a way to generate a 
flowscript out of a cocoon:/ pipeline. But we haven't decided if that is 
a good thing or is FS.

Well I can certainly see how it might be nice to generate your language
dependant URI matching automagically...

Well, it's damn easy to do it right now with a custom i18n-aware matcher:


then this "i18n" matcher has a lookup table like this


There is no need to alter the sitemap semantics for this and no need to 
have the flow involved.

Damn, that's exactly the reason why I wanted pluggable matchers.

You can have the equivalent of mod_spelling as a matcher as well... or 
you could have that table stored into a database... it's up to your 
matching logic.

But matching is a special concern and I want to keep that separate from 
flow and other sitemap components.

The only partial overlap is between matchers and selectors but for 
back compatibility we have to support both even if we find a way to get 
rid of one of them.

If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions and 
components around flow calls:-


Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing a
new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the flowmap 
section as follows:



This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control in the 
flow and out of the sitemap.

Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the
use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply love to see 
enforced, but that's my personal view, of course, and you all know my 
stand against actions) it also *forces* the flow calls to be tied to URI 

RE: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-26 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

>>>Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we
>>>start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we 
>>>get in trouble.
>> This comes at the matching issue the opposite way that I did 
>> initially: instead of assuming that it is a unique resource name the 
>> assumption seems to be that there is always a level of re-direction.  
>> We discussed whether there was a real need for this and although I 
>> thought it was interesting the only use case I could find was to allow 
>> systems external from Cocoon to also be controlled from the flow 
>> layer...
> Another need is internationalized URI spaces: say you want 
> '' for english and '' for italian, 
> and so on, but don't want to rewrite your flowscript method names.

Ahh, now there's a real use case...

> Also, indirection is a good protection against intrusive injection of 
> scripting since it wan't be enough to inject an harmful script, but you 
> also need to modify the sitemap to redirect to the method.

It seems unlikely it would help much: most often script injection exploits a
faulty POST handler.  Having found such a beast, you can usually just round
trip a bad form field.  However, I suspect you're really suggesting that it
may help stop cross site scripting exploits and that seems more likely?

>> Now, if the "type" was available in the flow, you could get different 
>> resources for the same flow.
> Well, how would Cocoon know how to match? Say I ask for '/dashboard' how 
> is the pipeline going to find out where to get the parameter in order to 
> match the user-level?

It would have to come from some higher level Cocoon component...
Essentially you'd invert the current pipeline flow: matchers/selectors
outside of pipeline types.  I don't think it's currently worth spending any
energy discussing why such a thing would be a bad idea...

> You are hardcoding pattern matching capabilities in your pipeline and 
> this is not very nice, IMHO.

Well, no, it might not be hard coded pattern matching, (though my simple
example was), each pipeline might still use generic pattern matching.  What
I was getting at is that there may be flow "types" that are orthogonal to
the URI space in some applications.  Being able to have some kind of generic
flow type matching capability seems so far FS, but, if you're adding URI
indirection it seems worth while to ask: are there different types of

>> I'm sure there other ways to do the same thing
>> and this seems dangerous to me; this use case is wrong or at best 
>> weak, but perhaps there would be other real pipeline types that you 
>> might want to select from in this manner?
> I really don't see any.
> The pipeline "type" decides *how* the pipeline works internally, but it 
> doesn't influence the way the components work or the system matches 
> resources.

> This seems to fragment concerns since it should be a flowscript's 
> concern to know how to save state and not a sitemap's one.
> But my point is that pipeline 'type' should indicate *how* the pipeline 
> operates for all the resources it receives. it's a URI-space agnostic 
> setting and I'd like to keep it so.

Seems fair enough.  If that's the case then the recent issue about matching
internal resources seems relevant: shouldn't flow also match internal

Implementation details aside, IMO, it would much cleaner if we could
define a flow-uri mapping (a flowmap) and keep it together with the 
flow defintion itself.
>>>Heck, my original intention was to separate the sitemap into sitemap
>>>(for resource) and flowmap (for flow)... but we didn't have an 
>>implementation back then, it was everything up in the air now we do 
>>>have something that works, maybe we should start discussing this again.
>> In a way, if you implement your XML spec to flow generator don't you 
>> get this for free? Or, in other-words, couldn't an XML flow spec and a 
>> flowmap be one and the same thing?  It seems to me that if you can 
>> specify flow generation via a language external to the sitemap you 
>> don't really need a flow map?  Yes, the issue of mapping names (or 
>> whatever) to URIs still exists, but your flow controller is already 
>> capable of that if you really need it...
> Agreed. One way of solving this would be to have a way to generate a 
> flowscript out of a cocoon:/ pipeline. But we haven't decided if that is 
> a good thing or is FS.

Well I can certainly see how it might be nice to generate your language
dependant URI matching automagically...

If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions and 
components around flow calls:-



Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing a
new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the fl

Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-24 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

So I find the notion of "flow uri's" living side by side with 
"sitemap-pipline uri's" inside pipeline sections a little awkward. 
There seems to be some muddling of concerns here.

Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we 
start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we 
get in trouble.

This comes at the matching issue the opposite way that I did initially:
instead of assuming that it is a unique resource name the assumption seems
to be that there is always a level of re-direction.  We discussed whether
there was a real need for this and although I thought it was interesting the
only use case I could find was to allow systems external from Cocoon to also
be controlled from the flow layer...

Another need is internationalized URI spaces: say you want 
'' for english and '' for italian, 
and so on, but don't want to rewrite your flowscript method names.

Also, indirection is a good protection against intrusive injection of 
scripting since it wan't be enough to inject an harmful script, but you 
also need to modify the sitemap to redirect to the method.

Infact, although flow function are defined within
"pipeline sections", they ignore them.


Now, discussions aside, *this* is a valid point and shows some 
'hackiness' in the current semantics.

I totally agree with you.

This also suggests that you could abstract the pipeline type into some extra
level of flow control.  For example consider:



Now, if the "type" was available in the flow, you could get different
resources for the same flow. 

Well, how would Cocoon know how to match? Say I ask for '/dashboard' how 
is the pipeline going to find out where to get the parameter in order to 
match the user-level?

You are hardcoding pattern matching capabilities in your pipeline and 
this is not very nice, IMHO.

I'm sure there other ways to do the same thing
and this seems dangerous to me; this use case is wrong or at best weak, but
perhaps there would be other real pipeline types that you might want to
select from in this manner?

I really don't see any.

The pipeline "type" decides *how* the pipeline works internally, but it 
doesn't influence the way the components work or the system matches 

So, one thing could be to have


where no continuation is ever kept



where continuations are created and kept.

This seems to fragment concerns since it should be a flowscript's 
concern to know how to save state and not a sitemap's one.

But my point is that pipeline 'type' should indicate *how* the pipeline 
operates for all the resources it receives. it's a URI-space agnostic 
setting and I'd like to keep it so.

Implementation details aside, IMO, it would much cleaner if we could 
define a flow-uri mapping (a flowmap) and keep it together with the 
flow defintion itself.

Heck, my original intention was to separate the sitemap into sitemap 
(for resource) and flowmap (for flow)... but we didn't have an 
implementation back then, it was everything up in the air now we do 
have something that works, maybe we should start discussing this again.

In a way, if you implement your XML spec to flow generator don't you get
this for free? Or, in other-words, couldn't an XML flow spec and a flowmap
be one and the same thing?  It seems to me that if you can specify flow
generation via a language external to the sitemap you don't really need a
flow map?  Yes, the issue of mapping names (or whatever) to URIs still
exists, but your flow controller is already capable of that if you really
need it...

Agreed. One way of solving this would be to have a way to generate a 
flowscript out of a cocoon:/ pipeline. But we haven't decided if that is 
a good thing or is FS.

If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions and routing 
components around flow calls:-


Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing a 
new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the flowmap 
section as follows:


This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control
in the flow and out of the sitemap.

Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the 
use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply love to see 
enforced, but that's my personal view, of course, and you all know my 
stand against actions) it also *forces* the flow calls to be tied to URI 

I wonder, is this the case? by getting rid of matchers, we are also 
getting rid of the ability to keep them pluggable... and first objection 
would be 'how do I match flow URI with regexp?'

Here you have an opportunity for all kinds of over design...  You could add
"type" to the flowmap to allow my expert, intermediate, beginner use case.
You could also add "type" to t

RE: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-23 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote: >

Hi again Stefano,

Peter Hunsberger here; I was watching for your reply to this since it seemed
to get specific about some of the issues we had discussed more generally a
couple of weeks ago. 

>> So I find the notion of "flow uri's" living side by side with 
>> "sitemap-pipline uri's" inside pipeline sections a little awkward. 
>> There seems to be some muddling of concerns here.
> Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we 
> start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we 
> get in trouble.

This comes at the matching issue the opposite way that I did initially:
instead of assuming that it is a unique resource name the assumption seems
to be that there is always a level of re-direction.  We discussed whether
there was a real need for this and although I thought it was interesting the
only use case I could find was to allow systems external from Cocoon to also
be controlled from the flow layer...

>> Infact, although flow function are defined within
>> "pipeline sections", they ignore them.
> Now, discussions aside, *this* is a valid point and shows some 
> 'hackiness' in the current semantics.
> I totally agree with you.

This also suggests that you could abstract the pipeline type into some extra
level of flow control.  For example consider:



Now, if the "type" was available in the flow, you could get different
resources for the same flow.  I'm sure there other ways to do the same thing
and this seems dangerous to me; this use case is wrong or at best weak, but
perhaps there would be other real pipeline types that you might want to
select from in this manner?

>> Implementation details aside, IMO, it would much cleaner if we could 
>> define a flow-uri mapping (a flowmap) and keep it together with the 
>> flow defintion itself.
> Heck, my original intention was to separate the sitemap into sitemap 
> (for resource) and flowmap (for flow)... but we didn't have an 
> implementation back then, it was everything up in the air now we do 
> have something that works, maybe we should start discussing this again.

In a way, if you implement your XML spec to flow generator don't you get
this for free? Or, in other-words, couldn't an XML flow spec and a flowmap
be one and the same thing?  It seems to me that if you can specify flow
generation via a language external to the sitemap you don't really need a
flow map?  Yes, the issue of mapping names (or whatever) to URIs still
exists, but your flow controller is already capable of that if you really
need it...

>> If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions and routing 
>> components around flow calls:-
>> Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing a 
>> new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the flowmap 
>> section as follows:
>> This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control
>> in the flow and out of the sitemap.
> Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the 
> use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply love to see 
> enforced, but that's my personal view, of course, and you all know my 
> stand against actions) it also *forces* the flow calls to be tied to URI 
> matching.
> I wonder, is this the case? by getting rid of matchers, we are also 
> getting rid of the ability to keep them pluggable... and first objection 
> would be 'how do I match flow URI with regexp?'

Here you have an opportunity for all kinds of over design...  You could add
"type" to the flowmap to allow my expert, intermediate, beginner use case.
You could also add "type" to the map:map to specify the type of matcher (and
get regexp or whatever back). Or you could add a pseudo protocol support to
the flow attribute and support multiple simultaneous flow controllers (and
maybe have expert, intermediate, beginner flows as opposed to expert,
intermediate, beginner resources). The mind boggles %-) ...

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Re: [RT] Flow/Sitemap Integration

2002-12-23 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
I know almost everybody is idle for the holydays, but I want to reply to 
this before I forgot :)

Michael Melhem wrote:

Ok, here is a little "rant" on flow/sitemap intergration :)

First, let me tell you that I link your ranting style a lot :)

1. What Is A Cocoon Pipeline?

There are at least two concepts of pipeline in cocoon.

1.1 The Sitemap Pipeline.

A sitemap-pipeline basically acts as a "recipe" on how
to build a processing-pipeline. Sitemap-pipelines contain
information on the type of processing-pipeline to use, and the
set of processing components to be attached to them.

Typically, the purpose of each "sitemap-pipeline uri"
is to build a specific processing-pipeline.

(Of course entry points into pipelines/flows need not be URI's, one
can match on "whatever", but for purposes of this mail, I will
stick to URIs)

And this might be a first strong hypthesis in your reasoning that must 
be taken into consideration.

1.2 The Processing Pipeline

There are several different types of Processing Pipelines,
noncaching, caching, caching-point, profiling, hintable etc..

The processing pipeline is in effect the SAX-conducting "glue" or "pipe"
which holds the pipeline components together. Usually an XML stream
flows down this pipe and gets transformed by each of the
pipeline components until it gets serialized by the last
pipeline component - the serializer (no surprise here).

2. What is A Flow?

A flow is controlled navigation through a set of

The above is slightly incorrect, I would say:

 - a pipeline is the way cocoon uses to produces resources (readers can 
be seen as 'condensed pipelines' for non-XML resources)

 - a flow is controlled navigation thru a set of resources

the difference is the level of indirection provided by the URI space 
that provides the contract between the two. This is important to be able 
to separate the flow from actual pipeline descriptions and keep concerns 

That is, the purpose of "flow uri" is _not_ to build a
processing-pipeline, but rather, to define a application specific
flow through a logical set of them.

Again, the flow controls navigation between a logical set of 
'resources', not pipelines. The fact that those resources are associated 
to pipelines is merely an implementation detail in this context.

This means a "flow-uri" is not same as a "sitemap-pipeline uri".
Conceptually flow URIs are not part of pipelines at all, they are
extra-pipeline. They act on pipelines.

I do see your point but still your terminology might be misleading... 
more comments below.


So I find the notion of "flow uri's" living side by side with
"sitemap-pipline uri's" inside pipeline sections a little awkward.
There seems to be some muddling of concerns here.

Oh boy, it's already hard enough to indicate what is a good URI, if we 
start discussing what is a 'flow uri' compared to a 'resource uri' we 
get in trouble.

Infact, although flow function are defined within
"pipeline sections", they ignore them.



Now, discussions aside, *this* is a valid point and shows some 
'hackiness' in the current semantics.

I totally agree with you.

Implementation details aside, IMO, it would much cleaner if we could
define a flow-uri mapping (a flowmap) and keep it together with the
flow defintion itself.

Heck, my original intention was to separate the sitemap into sitemap 
(for resource) and flowmap (for flow)... but we didn't have an 
implementation back then, it was everything up in the air now we do 
have something that works, maybe we should start discussing this again.

For example, one can define a flow for a sitemap like this:










This way we actually define the "uber-contoller" for the sitemap
in one place leaving the pipeline section as follows:







This way (with most actions and flow logic moved into the flow),
sitemap-pipelines become just that, pipelines!

Conceptually a client can either invoke pipelines via flow (indirectly),
or invoke a pipeline directly.

Assuming you want to keep that semantics all in the sitemap (you don't 
specify so, but I would tend to see that)... we must define the order of 
matching preference between  and 


If it is decided that best practice is to disallow actions
and routing components around flow calls:-



Then perhaps the flowmap can be further simplified by introducing
a new sitemap element "map:map". This means we can rewrite the
flowmap section as follows:


This way we enforce best practice and keep routing control
in the flow and out of the sitemap.

Hmmm, this is an interesting concept but this doesn't only prevent the 
use actions before calls (something which I'd deeply lo