[PATCH] The sitemap handler's sitemap is not available

2001-06-20 Thread francesco.casalena
Hi, I had this error message on RedHat 6.2, TC4 beta5, JDK 1.3.1 and C2. It was an error due to X server. Try this: 1) kill X server and delete /tmp/.X0-lock file 2) install Xvfb package (X virtual frame buffer) from distro cd 3) Xvfb :0 -screen 0 640x480x8 4) export DISPLAY=:0 5) cd TC4_HOME 6)

warp error

2001-06-16 Thread francesco.casalena
Hi, finally C2 works on my Linux box with TC4beta5! I've used Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer) to avoid Internal Server Error. On port 8080 all works fine, but I would use Apache instead TC as webserver. http://localhost:80/cocoon/ returns this error message: mod_webapp (warp) error Cannot

Re:[C2] InvalidArgumentException

2001-06-12 Thread francesco.casalena
Hi, I've inserted these raws in server.xml: Context path=/cocoon docBase=webapps/cocoon debug=0 reloadable=true /Context Try using Context path=/cocoon docBase=cocoon debug=0 reloadable=true /Contxt The default directory base is inside the webapps dir. Giacomo Thank you Giacomo,

C2: it works w/ Tomcat 4

2001-06-07 Thread francesco.casalena
Hi, I've successfully installed C2 on my Linux box (Red Hat 6.2) with Tomcat 4.0 m5. Steps needed: mkdir /opt/cocoon2 cp Cocoon-2.0b1.tar.gz /opt/cocoon2 cd /opt/cocoon2 tar xzvf Cocoon-2.01.tar.gz chmod 755 ./build.sh cp ant_1_3-optional.jar $ANT_HOME/lib ./build.sh -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes

Cocoon 2 beta 1 bug?

2001-06-06 Thread francesco.casalena
Hi, thank you to Carsten and his team for their grat job! I've tried to install Cocoon 2 beta 1 and I noticed: 1) build.xml seems absent (yet indicated on this ml) 2) my /usr/local/jakarta-ant-1.3/ant.jar has been named ant_1_3.jar by me otherwise it isn't recognise (ANT_HOME is path is