I'll be there with bells on (unless it's cold - then I'll dress warmer).

I've had a few others write off list with some interest, and an idea to
arrange a presentation at the NOVA JUG in Reston at some point.  If you're
interested, let me know on/off list.  No schedule yet - we'll just consider
the presentation on Feb. 19th our kick-off.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 12:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Cocoon use worldwide
> Geoff,
> I'm game for a DC CHUG.  I already partipate in the DC SGML/XML UG and
> the Baltimore HJUG, but my S.O. won't mind another night per month.
> Right? :-)
> Let's talk on Wed. Feb 19th at the DC SGML/XML UG meeting (at the AGU
> Bldg. on Florida and Connecticut Aves. NW north of Dupont Circle).
> February's meeting is also a joint meeting with the DC Linux UG.
> -- jack
> John R. Callahan
> Sphere Software Corporation - The Intelligence of XML
> >
> > Anyone in DC up for a C.H.U.G.? (Cocoon Hackers & Users Group)
> >
> > Geoff
> >
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