I'm trying to use the Cocoon CLI along with the HTMLGenerator to convert
existing HTML content into well-formed XML en mass. (I have a fairly recent
checkout from CVS.)

I've begun with the "docs" target in build.xml as a starting point, creating
a new target with incremental modifications.

When I use the default (File) generator, everything works fine (as long as
the source is well-formed XML to begin with). But when I use the
HTMLGenerator, Ant returns successfully but reports my starting URL as a
"broken link" and creates a "Resource Not Found" HTML page in the
destination directory.

This appears to be a CLI-specific problem (at least from my perspective),
because when I drop the application into a servlet container, the
HTMLGenerator works just fine, serving up the page as I expect.

Does anyone have any idea why this wouldn't work? Any help would be greatly


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