I finally resolve the problem I got about the tutorial sample.

I reformated the code of the source file result-dept.xsp. of the tutorial from 
the original to:

<parameter name="id">
        <xsp:attribute name="value">
                <esql:get-string column="department_id"/>

This means that the parameter included one or more characters "\n". That is 
VERY BAD in the case we are validating a numeric format like "int" or "long" 
or another numeric format.

SOLUTION: Just put all this thing together in the same line:

<parameter name="id"><xsp:attribute name="value"><esql:get-string 

With this approach no more "\n" will be in the parameter we are sending 
("id"). This means that the FormValidator will not fault anymore.

I know this is a very simple thing, but I dont found about this nowhere. Maybe 
is but I am new. Sorry, fot taking your time about this problem. :)

I want to thanks to Christian Haul, he gives me the clue about how to resolve 
my problem. He told me I need to see in the logfile:


to see how Cocoon works.

I will start to playing about Session and permissions.


Antonio Gallardo

El Domingo, 18 de Agosto de 2002 01:09, Antonio Gallardo Rivera escribió:
> I am trying the tutorial example that comes with Cocoon.
> When I try to create a employe or update a department. I always get this
> error in the sitemap.log file:
> Thread-14/AbstractValidatorAction: Validating long parameter department
> (encoded in a string: true)
> Then, my question is: How I can send a parameter of type "long" in a
> request string? Is there another method todo that?
> I am using: Cocoon 2.0.3
>               Tomcat 4.1.9
>               Sun Java 1.4.
> Please help me.
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