Some time ago there was a mail according some problems with the TextSerializer, but I didn't find it. But there was said, because of some other problems with Xalan, the configuration of the text serializer was deactivated. Can somebody confirm this?

Oskar Casquero wrote:
I have done a simple pipeline in cocoon that applies some transformations to an xml document and obtains a text document:
<map:match pattern="MAST">
<map:generate src="xmldocuments/Robot_Teleoperado.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/xml2txt.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="text"/>
Depending on the cocoon version, the result is different:
1) When the pipeline is included in cocoon 2.0.3 the result is the expected one.
2) When the pipeline is included in cocoon 2.1-dev (not updated), it losts the following transformation rule:
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
despite I have selected xalan as the xslt processor (the default xslt processor in cocoon 2.1-dev is xsltc).
3) When the pipeline is included in cocoon 2.1-dev (updated), the previous transformation rule and the following one are not applied:
<xsl:variable name="pe"><![CDATA[>]]></xsl:variable>
<xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="$pe"/>
Normal behaviour in my eyes. disable-output-escaping is bad for pipelining. The result XML must be maybe reparsed, so it was deactived completely. But I heard that it work at least in a meantime.



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