On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 05:08:03PM -0400, Rajkumar, Joseph wrote:
> Hi Folks
>     This did it and it all works beautifully. I took the stock Tomcat-4.0
> binary distribution and Cocoon-2.0B2.tar.gz.
>     The build 'cocoon' with the install option giving it the path to the
> tomcat webapps directory as given on the "install" page on cocoon2-page.
> Removed jaxp.jar and crimson.jar and copied xerces_1_4_1.jar.

It wasn't necessary for me. Straight out of CVS, I did a "./build.sh
-Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes dist", then copied the cocoon.war to my
webapps directory, restarted, and it all worked.

That was on one linux box. On another, I got some weird X errors on

_X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for tcp
_X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for tcp
_X11TransOpen: transport open failed for tcp/

The "" is from my DISPLAY variable, and it points to a working X
server (on the box where C2 worked). Xvfb on localhost:1 gives the same error.
This is with an identical JVM to the working install (Sun 1.3.0), out-the-box
Tomcat and same cocoon.war.

I've absolutely no idea on this one. I'm just throwing it out there so that if
anyone else is searching the archives with an identical error, we can
commiserate together ;P


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