Hello, all.

It's been all day long and I'm still stuck with this.
I can make the XMLForms Wizard demo to work nicely, but everytime I try to
change just one property to test a custom solution, the 'invalid for data'
message appears. I guess this is because of some mapping problems between
forms and model bean.

I tried initializing one of the variables in the bean to see if the value
shows in the form, but no luck. Don't know what else I can try. I also
remove most of the fields and forms on the wizard, keeping just one form
with one name field. It doesn't work either...oh, god...

Well, just a very very simple question. If I take the XMLForm Wizard and I
do a minimal change:
1.- Change the name of the 'firstName' field in the 'userIdentity.xml' file
to, for example 'theName'. I keep the initial value to 'Donald'.
2.- Change the getter and setter method in the model bean so I now have
'setTheName' and 'getTheName' methods.
3.- Change for validation in the schematron file, in the 'firstName'
pattern, I change it for 'theName' too.

Why now the Wizard is not working? Did I miss something? I'm pretty sure
this has to be a mapping issue, but don't know how to fix it.

Thanks in advance.

ps: I could attach files or code if needed

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