
I try to implement an action, that verifiyes the http
authorization-header, and send a http errorcode back, if its
nonexistent. How can I make this? I know, that this is not necessarly a
cocoon task but I want to make it application/web server independent.

Actualy my action looks like:

public class AuthAction extends AbstractAction

  final static String PORTAL_AUTH_TYPE = "xxx.hu";

  public Map act (Redirector redirector, 
                  SourceResolver resolver, 
                  Map objectModel, 
                  String source, 
                  Parameters params) {
  Map sitemapParams = new HashMap();

    Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
    Response response = ObjectModelHelper.getResponse(objectModel);

    Logger logger = this.getLogger();

    String authtype = request.getAuthType();

    try {

    if (authtype.equals(PORTAL_AUTH_TYPE)) {
      request.setAttribute("authok", "true");
      request.setAttribute("reqtype", request.getClass().getName());
      request.setAttribute("errormsg","AUTH OK");

      logger.debug("-- Auth OK - reqtype: " + request.getClass().getName());

    } else {

      logger.debug("-- Auth FAILED - reqtype: " + request.getClass().getName() +
                    " -- authtype: " + authtype);

        try {
          HttpResponse a = (HttpResponse)response;
          request.setAttribute("errormsg","authentication required!");
        catch (java.io.IOException e) {

      } else {
        request.setAttribute("authok", "true");
        request.setAttribute("reqtype", request.getClass().getName());
        request.setAttribute("errormsg","AUTH CMDLINE");

    catch (Exception e) {

    return sitemapParams;

Kálmán Kiss

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