After bashing my head a little trying to figure out how to use dynamic
tag parameters in esql, I finally figured it out and have a few
(constructive, I hope) suggestions.


contains a lot of information which is pretty important to using
logicsheets, not just for people writing them.  I'd prefer that it be
rewritten to target users, not writers, but at a minimum, *please*
remove (or move) the section on SiLLy--there's precious little doc as it
is on logicsheets, and including a large section on a still-in-design
component is very confusing to those of us getting started.

2. "Also, dynamic tag parameters must be accepted both as constant
strings and as (potentially complex) expressions."

This is, of course, a great great thing, a lifesaver.  But the example
given is:
  <util:parameter name="format">

To use this with esql, you must say:

  <esql:param ...>

BUT, it's "param" not "parameter"!  Also, it's not at all obvious that
the util and esql namespaces both contain an element named "param"; I
might have been tempted to use "util:param" in my esql sheet.

[That it's "esql:param" is not obvious from looking at esql.xsl--I
attempted to grep for "esql:param" and found nothing.  That's because
the code is written:

<xsl:value-of select="concat($prefix, ':param')"/>

Where $prefix (which is only used here!) is hard-coded to "esql"!



1. I could not get <xsl:message terminate="yes"> text to show up in the
.log file.  In my sitemap, I have:

<map:transformer logger="sitemap.transformer.xslt" name="xslt"
pool-grow="2" pool-max="32" pool-min="8"

In logkit.xconf I have:

<category name="sitemap" log-level="DEBUG>

Is there another piece to the puzzle?

I managed to work around this by hacking together some
System.out.println's, so this is not an urgent problem for me.

2. It's my belief that SQLWarning's are totally ignored by, and, therefore, there is no way for esql users to see
any warnings if they occur. (see, for example --
getWarnings() is a method of the (private)
connection/statement/resultset object.

Can someone confirm this?

That's all!


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