Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce 27th Annual North Carolina Serials Conference
<> will be held on
Friday, April 6, 2018 at The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing
Education in Chapel Hill.

The Planning Committee is currently accepting proposals for presentations
that reflect the 2018 conference theme: *Blazing a New Path: Diversity,
Collaboration, and Innovation.*

Libraries strive to offer users the widest possible array of content to
meet their information needs, but face many challenges in doing so. In the
face of external constraints, such as budget cuts and reduced staffing, the
complexities of scholarly publishing, and constantly shifting patron needs,
innovation in the face of change has become a necessary tool for survival.

Please join us for a day of discussion around how we've collaborated across
traditional organizational boundaries to find new ways to get things done,
how we've expanded conversations to include people and ideas outside of
traditional norms to improve services and workflows, how we've worked to
expand the diversity of the staff at our organizations, and ways we've
re-scoped our collections and/or workflows to acknowledge the diversity of
our user populations to better serve their needs.

Proposals may address any aspect of the serials industry or serials
management and may be submitted by any member of the community including
librarians, staff, students, publishers, and vendors.

Proposals should be submitted using this form.
The deadline for submissions is* Friday, December 8, 2017.*

Proposals will require the following information:

   - Contact details (including your name, mailing address, telephone
   number, and email address)
   - A short (50 words or less) biographical description for each speaker
   - Presentation title
   - An abstract (approximately 100 words)
   - Type of program
      - Presentation (45 minutes)
      - Technology tips and tricks lightning talk (5-7 minutes)
      - Other (please provide details)

Please note: Presenters' registration expenses will be waived.

The Planning Committee will review all proposals for their content,
timeliness, relevance, and fit with the overall Conference content. The
Committee reserves the right to refocus or combine proposals as needed
(with notice) to reach a diverse audience and to maximize use of program
time slots.

Maria Collins
Head, Acquisitions and Discovery
NCSU Libraries
Editor, Serials Review
(w) 919-515-3188
(f) 919-515-7292

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