Significant updates to the web accessibility guidelines are forthcoming and you 
have a chance to offer feedback.
Katherine (Kate) Deibel | PhD
Inclusion & Accessibility Librarian
Syracuse University Libraries
T 315.443.7178<>
222 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244
Syracuse University

-----Original Message-----

From: Shawn Henry <<>>

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 11:08 PM


Subject: For Wide Review: WCAG 2.2 Updated Working Draft

Dear WAI Interest Group,

W3C WAI invites you to comment on the updated Working Draft of WCAG 2.2 at:

The Working Group is done adding new success criteria for WCAG 2.2. This 
Working Draft is ready for wide review before finalizing WCAG 2.2.

Additional information is in the blog post "Web Content Accessibility 
Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Draft for Review":


This draft includes 9 new success criteria since WCAG 2.1, and 1 success 
criteria level change. The new success criteria address user needs of people 
with cognitive or learning disabilities, users of mobile devices, and users of 
ebooks. Details of these changes are in:

In-progress updates to the document are available in the Editors' Draft at:


Public feedback is really important to us. We want to hear from users, authors, 
tool developers, policy makers, and others about benefits from the new proposed 
success criteria, as well as how achievable you feel it is to conform to the 
new success criteria.

To comment, please open a new issue in the W3C Spec GitHub repository:

If this is not feasible, send email to:

Please send comments by *18 September 2020*.


We encourage you to share this information and include @w3c_wai, @w3c, 
#accessibility, #a11y, #wcag Here's a tweet you can use:


Alastair Campbell, Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Co-Chair Chuck Adams, 
Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Co-Chair Rachael Montgomery, 
Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Co-Chair Michael Cooper, W3C Staff 
Contact for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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