The Oviatt Library is seeking an enthusiastic candidate for the Systems 
Librarian position. In a team environment, the successful candidate will be 
responsible for: managing and supporting the Unified Library Management System 
(Alma and Primo data display and indexing); providing analysis of MARC and 
other metadata to facilitate import, export, and interoperability with other 
systems; collaborating with the Library Systems Group, campus technology 
departments, staff, librarians, and teaching faculty to design, promote, and 
improve online access and integration of library resources and collections; 
initiating both the implementation and the awareness of new features that 
enhance user success in finding and using library content; and serving on 
Library, campus, regional and national organizations and initiatives. Liaison 
responsibilities include providing reference, instruction and outreach to 
students and faculty.  In addition, collection development responsibilities may 
be assigned, depending on staffing needs.

Application Deadline: 

Screening of applications will begin October 16, 2017.  Priority will be given 
to applicants who meet the screening deadline; however, the position will 
remain open until filled.

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