Hello members of Code4Lib,

I thought some of you might be interested in the opportunity that we
currently have open with the Digital Humanities Research Institute (see
announcement below). We are building out our current network of DHRIs
around the country. Applications are due March 2 to join us as a Community
Leader over the next two years. In the capacity of Project Coordinator, I'm
happy to answer any questions that you may have (although you should also
check out the FAQ page on our website, which contains answers to many
common questions).

All best,


[image: logo-725x300.jpg]

Do you want to become a DHRI Community Leader?
Apply now and join us from June 15-24, 2020.

You are invited to apply for the second Digital Humanities Research
Institute (DHRI) <http://bit.ly/2HiL0cG>, which will take place at The
Graduate Center, City University of New York. This ten-day institute will
introduce participants to core digital humanities skills, and help you
develop those skills as part of a growing community of leaders at
universities, libraries, archives, museums, and scholarly societies.

*Apply here. Applications must be received by March 2, 2020.

What to expect:

   - 8 days of in-person workshops focused on foundational digital research
   skills like the command line, data and ethics, introduction to python, and
   - mentoring to help grow local partnerships and launch your local
   version of the Digital Humanities Research Institutes,
   - sharing your experience through a final report and evaluations that
   will be included in our Guide to Leading Digital Humanities Research
   - a stipend of $3,600.

Who should apply?

We encourage applications from humanities scholars from a wide range of
institutional types, including but not limited to universities, community
colleges, libraries, archives, museums, historical associations and who
fill an array of professional roles (graduate students, experienced
faculty, librarians, administrators, museum curators, archivists and more).
No previous technical experience is required—applications will not be
evaluated based on familiarity with existing technologies.

If you have questions about the form, the application process, or the
evaluation criteria, see our application page <http://bit.ly/38qtjni> or
contact i...@dhinstitutes.org.


The Digital Humanities Research Institute is made possible through generous
funding from the Office of Digital Humanities, National Endowment for the
Humanities and with the support of the Provost's Office of the CUNY
Graduate Center and GC Digital Initiatives.

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