-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Drupal 6 version of Millennium module available for download
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 15:28:28 -0600
From: Alejandro Garza Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Next generation catalogs for libraries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Dirección de Biblioteca, Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey

Just a quick note...

The development version (e.g. "still changing")  of the Millennium
integration module for Drupal 6 is now out.


This module imports bibliographic information from the Millennium
WebOpac (library catalog) and generates Drupal pages which include
real-time holdings information.

The module was already available for Drupal 5, but some told me they
were meaning to use or already using Drupal 6 in their institutions.
Enjoy! =)

Module Features

   * auto-crawl or manual import of items with each cron run
   * support for external book jacket image services
   * imports Library of Congress book description and Table of Contents
along with item, available for searching
   * choose between real-time holdings information or just a link to
the original item in your WebOpac
   * maps MARC fields to taxonomy vocabularies for navigation and RSS
   * Google Books links for items available online

We are currently using the Drupal 5 version of the module at our
Library, which is also using Apache Solr. For a demo search, try this link:


_________________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro [EMAIL PROTECTED], Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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Yitzchak Schaffer
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Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

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