
Recently I had the vision of a kind of DBLP for the field of library and
information science. There are some commercial bibliographic databases
like Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), INFODATA, some
public repositories like E-LIS, some open bibliographic databases like
DABI (German), and a rich variety of bibliographic data that is only
available embedded on web pages. The latter includes for instance the
encyclopedia of library and information science [1] and the Code4Lib
journal [2].

[1] http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713172967
[2] http://journal.code4lib.org/issues

During some procrastination I wrote a screen scraper to collect
bibliographic data for all Code4Lib journal articles. It looks like
there are 100 right now, including book reviews and editorials. You can
find the scraper script [3] and the resulting bibliography [4] in a git
repository [5]

[5] http://github.com/nichtich/dblis

Feel free to fork and add more scrapers or raw bibliographic data. I
doubt that one social cataloging system fits all needs, and linked data
is more the method than the goal, so just aggregating related
bibliographic data in any format I can get, is an easy way to start
with. Of course you can also just grab the Code4Lib Journal
bibliography, and forget about the vision.

I also tried to import the data to Mendeley and created a Code4Lib
journal group [6]. Unfortunately the BibTeX import of Mendeley does not
fully support some fields like "month", "day", and "abstract" - you can
vote and comment on a feature request [7].

[6] http://www.mendeley.com/library/group/607411/


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+49 (0)551 39-10242

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