Hello fellow Blacklighters,

Last week, 30 representatives from 13 institutions gathered at the
Blacklight Summit hosted by the Princeton University Library. The event
featured demonstrations of Blacklight-powered applications and sessions
about enhancing Blacklight applications. Notes from the event’s activities
are available on the Blacklight Summit Agenda

The summit participants discussed the upcoming 6.0 release and future
directions for Project Blacklight. On Sunday morning, Chris Beer sent out
release notes for a version 6 pre-release
which summarize the main upcoming changes. Several of the plugins for
Blacklight were updated throughout the summit so that they will be able to
support version 6. These include blacklight_advanced_search
hydra-head <https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head>, geoblacklight
<https://github.com/geoblacklight/geoblacklight>, blacklight_folders
blacklight-marc <https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight-marc>,
blacklight-maps <https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight-maps>, and
blacklight-gallery <https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight-gallery>

The group consensus was that another Blacklight community knowledge-sharing
event should definitely occur in the future, either again at Princeton or
at another institution. The Princeton University Library is looking at
potentially host another similar event next fall during the week of October
29th-November 6th, 2016.

Thanks to all of the event attendees, who made the Blacklight Summit a


Nikitas Tampakis
Ruby on Rails Developer
Princeton University Library

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