Just once a year, an opportunity comes along to emblazon your vision for a
spiffy t-shirt design onto the torsi of the entire Code4Lib community--and
to bask in the fleeting, minimal fame that accompanies the honor of being
selected. That opportunity has come.

We are now accepting design ideas for the Official Code4Lib 2014 Conference
T-Shirt! Submit yours at:

All themes and concepts welcome. A great design might reflect our
profession, the Code4Lib community, or the culture of North Carolina's
Research Triangle. Pandering for votes with puns or pop culture references
has also worked splendidly in past years.

Submissions are due January 3. The winning design will be selected via a
community-wide vote in mid-January. Further instructions and information
can be found on the wiki page.

Charlie Morris & Josh Wilson, C4L 2014 T-Shirt Committee

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