EADitor is a free, open-source cross-platform XForms framework for
creating, editing, and publishing Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
finding aids using Orbeon, an enterprise-level XForms Java application,
which runs in Apache Tomcat.  I have released the latest stable code in
downloadable packages on our Google Code site (
http://code.google.com/p/eaditor/downloads/list).  This release is a major
advancement over the June 2011 release, especially in terms of performance
and stability.  I call EADitor a beta because there is much I have left to
improve, but this is the first production-ready release, an example of
which is the American Numismatic Society Archives site,

Features in a nutshell:

   - Public interface with faceted search results and facet-based
   OpenLayers mapping
   - Linked data and geographic services: OAI-PMH feed, Solr-based Atom
   feed (embedded with geographic points) and search results in the form of KML
   - Geonames, LCSH, VIAF APIs for geographic, subject term, personal, and
   corporate name controlled vocabulary
   - Upload finding aids from the "wild" (if they adhere to EAD 2002).
   - Interface for reordering and setting permissions of components
   - Flickr API integration, attach flickr images as a daogrp
   - Simple template controls for EAD finding aids
   - Introduction of simple themes: select facet orientation on search page
   and from a selection of jQuery UI themes (theme controls will be enhanced
   over time)

One of the most important recent advancements in the project is the
introduction of our documentation wiki (
http://wiki.numismatics.org/eaditor:eaditor).  Documentation is an ongoing
process, but the wiki contains enough information to get you started with
installation and use.

Blog: http://eaditor.blogspot.com/
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/eaditor
SAA 2010 slideshow: http://people.virginia.edu/~ewg4x/saa10_eaditor.ppt
code4lib article (XForms for Libraries, an Introduction):

Feedback is welcome!

Ethan Gruber
American Numismatic Society

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