Posted on behalf of my colleague.

OCLC Research is repeating its survey to learn details of specific projects
or services that format metadata as linked data and/or make subsequent uses
of it. Many in the libraries/archives/museum community are excited by the
potential of linked data applications to make new, valuable uses of
existing metadata.

If you or a colleague have implemented or are implementing linked data
projects or services-either by publishing data as linked data or ingesting
linked data resources into your own data or applications-please take the
survey at

Expected time to complete the survey: 15-20 minutes for each project
described. We ask that responses be completed by *17 July 2015.*

As with last year’s survey, examples collected will be shared for the
benefit of others wanting to undertake similar efforts, wondering what is
possible to do and how to go about it. Participating institutions will be
identified with the projects described, but contact information will be
held confidential. Responses to this survey will be valuable to others who
are also interested in starting Linked Data projects.

If you took the survey last year, please take this year’s as well, as
things might have changed. The questions are the same, but some multiple
choice questions have additional options taken from the “other” responses
in last year’s survey, and some open-ended questions have been changed to
multiple choice, again based on last year’s responses. You can check what
you answered last year on this publicly available spreadsheet, “Results of
Linked Data Survey for Implementers

Please feel free to share the above link to the survey. We’d like as many
responses as possible!

With thanks,

Karen Smith-Yoshimura

OCLC Research

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