The International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Summit (LOD-LAM) will be held in San Francisco on 2-3 June 2011.

LOD-LAM will convene leaders in their respective areas of expertise
from the humanities and sciences to catalyse practical and actionable
approaches to publishing Linked Open Data, specifically:

* Identify the tools and techniques for publishing and working with
Linked Open Data.
* Draft precedents and policy for licensing and copyright
considerations regarding the publishing of library, archive, and
museum metadata.
* Publish definitions and promote use cases that will give LAM staff
the tools they need to advocate for Linked Open Data in their

Applications open on 1 February. Limited travel grants will be
available. The tag for the event is #lodlam.

Please go to for more information.

Sent on behalf of the organizers and organizing committee:

Jon Voss, Founder, LookBackMaps, principal organizer/facilitator.
Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Director of Web Group, Internet Archive,
project manager

Organizing Committee:

Lisa Goddard, Acting Associate University Librarian for Information
Technology, Memorial University Libraries
Martin Kalfatovic, Assistant Director, Digital Services Division at
Smithsonian Institution Libraries and the Deputy Project Director of
the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Mark Matienzo, Digital Archivist in Manuscripts and Archives at the
Yale University Library
Mia Ridge, Lead Web Developer & Technical Architect, Science Museum/NMSI (UK)
Tim Sherratt, National Museum of Australia & University of Canberra
MacKenzie Smith, Research Director, MIT Libraries
Adrian Stevenson, Research Officer, UKOLN; Project Manager, LOCAH
Linked Data Project
John Wilbanks, VP of Science, Director of Science Commons, Creative Commons

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