We have been trying to use the "Generate call numbers" feature built into
MarcEdit (uses OCLC's Classify service [1]) to automatically assign call
numbers to our e-book loads for the purposes of shelf browsing. However, we
have found a large number of incorrectly assigned call numbers result
(often with no apparent reason for why a call number seemed to be getting
matched to a record).

Has anyone else tried to work with this tool? No one else on the MarcEdit
email list seemed to have any experience, so I thought I'd try one last
ditch here.

Obviously, we could build our own script to enhance records with call
numbers based on OCLC's service. But it would nice to be able to use prior
art, especially when our cataloging staff are already using MarcEdit to
modify these records prior to loading.


[1] http://oclc.org/developer/services/classify

Emily Lynema
Associate Department Head
Information Technology, NCSU Libraries

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