*** Apologies for cross-postings.***

Please save the date! Discovery Camp at University of Houston’s MD Anderson 
Library, in Houston, TX, will return this fall on Thursday, October 16, 2014 
from 9am – 4pm.

We are thrilled to announce that Marshall 
Breeding<http://librarytechnology.org/marshallbreeding/>, creator and editor of 
Library Technology Guides<http://www.librarytechnology.org/> and expert on 
next-generation library systems, will be our keynote speaker, discussing trends 
in web-scale discovery and resource management systems. The event will also 
feature a panel discussion, breakout sessions, and vendor demonstrations.

Details and registration information coming soon! For additional information, 
check our Discovery Camp website<http://sites.lib.uh.edu/wp/ddc2/>; we will be 
updating it regularly.

Please direct questions to Kelsey Brett, Discovery Systems Librarian, at 


Rachel Vacek, Head of Web Services
University Libraries
University of Houston
A Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university

President, Library Information Technology Association

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