The Code4Lib Journal (C4LJ) exists to foster community and share
information among those interested in the intersection of libraries,
technology, and the future.

Discussions on the Code4Lib listserv and keynotes by Valerie Aurora and
Sumana Harihareswara at Code4Lib 2014 show that diversity is a topic of
ongoing importance to the Code4Lib community.  A recent editorial
<> in the Code4Lib Journal by Ron
Peterson originally sparked discussion of the idea for a special issue
among the journal’s editorial committee; the demographic breakdown of both
the author community and the committee itself laid bare the fact that
diversity is a major challenge even in communities that are highly
supportive.  With this in mind, the Code4Lib Journal will present a special
issue on diversity within library technology as its 28th publication, to be
published in April 2015.

The Editorial Committee recognizes the value that different backgrounds and
experiences bring to our editorial process. We also recognize a lack of
diverse voices represented among us, so we are seeking applications and
nominations for guest editors to help shape and curate this special issue.
Guest editors will collaborate with members of the Editorial Committee on
soliciting, reviewing, selecting, and editing articles as well as
co-authoring an editorial with the Coordinating Editor. We are seeking
individuals with a demonstrated commitment to forwarding diversity and
inclusivity in library technology; editorial/writing experience is
preferable, but not necessary.

Work as a guest editor will involve around ten hours of work per month,
running from December/January through April 2015.  As part of the guest
editorial committee, you will define the process and criteria for selecting
articles as well as contribute to the issue’s editorial introduction.  You
will also be able to work closely with selected authors in order to provide
suggestions and help develop the issue’s articles.  The journal’s regular
editorial committee will provide assistance in this process as second
readers and sounding boards, but you will be the main driving force behind
the success of the issue.

We will begin accepting applications immediately, and will close the call
once we have built a strong guest editorial committee.  To apply for a spot
or nominate someone else, please email your/the nominee’s CV and a brief
letter of interest to  Your letter should address
these two basic questions:

1) What is your/the nominee’s background in diversity in library tech?

2) What is your/the nominee’s potential contribution to the special issue?

If you have any questions, contact us by email at or
email me, coordinating editor for the special issue, directly (


*Heidi Elaine Dowding, MLIS* | @theglobal_lib

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