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VuFind 1.4 Released

Villanova, Pennsylvania - January 28, 2013 - The latest version of the VuFind 
Open Source discovery software has just been released. This will be the final 
release in the 1.x series, with a 2.0 release planned for later in the year.

The new release includes several significant enhancements:

- Support for hierarchical collections of records, allowing better integration 
of archival materials and digital repositories.

- Built-in support for running without an Integrated Library System, making 
VuFind more convenient for non-library uses and offering smarter behavior 
during temporary ILS outages.

- The ability to provide custom recommendations to the user when no search 
results are found.

- An improved and expanded mobile interface.

- New index fields allowing VuFind to be used as an article index.

- Optional Clickatell support for text messaging.

- Several new interface translations: Basque, Catalan, Czech and Russian.

Additionally, several bug fixes and minor improvements have been incorporated.

Questions about the new release or VuFind in general can be directed to Demian 
Katz, the lead developer of the project at Villanova University.

Demian Katz
Villanova University
Falvey Memorial Library
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085


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