If any members of the Code4Lib community are considering submitting a
proposal to the edUi 2012 conference, the deadline is just two weeks away.
Featured speakers include Jared Spool, Aneesh Chopra, Derek Featherstone,
Whitney Hess, Jason Cranford Teague, Jay Blanchard, Jeff Gothelf, Stephanie

We're already planning sessions on Accessibility, jQuery, Responsive
Design, Lean UX, Writing Content for Usability and more. We hope you'll
take this opportunity to join us by submitting a proposal.


Here's a bit from out Call for Proposals.
We Want You @ edUi 2012*

We seek dynamic speakers willing to share their knowledge and
expertise about web design, user experience design and
development. Preference is given to presentations that offer
practical methods and ready-to-use techniques and tools.

You can look at our programs from previous years for inspiration
( 2009 [http://edui2009.vfhblogs.org/program/], 2010
[http://edui.vfhblogs.org/program/], 2011
[http://edui2011.vfhblogs.org/schedule/]) or come up with
something so totally mind-blowing and new that we can't possibly
imagine this conference without it.

*Deadline for Proposals: June 15, 2012*

Submit Your Proposal Now! [http://eduiconf.org/speak-edui/]

*What is edUi?*

Think edu as in .edu, although we extend beyond just higher
education and welcome folks from museums, libraries and other
institutions of of learning.

Think UI as in "User Interface", although we also embrace user
experience, and a lot of general web design and development

edUi is a two and a half day conference for web professionals
working with institutions of learning.

It's a professional development event with a focus on practical
skill building. It's a mixing pot of industry rock-stars and
leading peers from institutions of learning. It's two and a half
days of fun with friends and like-minded professionals.

*Why Speak @ edUi?*

* Because you've got knowledge to share with your peers.
* Your boss will think it's so cool that you shared a stage with Jared
* It looks great on your resume (in case your boss doesn't know who Jared
Spool is).
* Everyone who submits a proposal gets 10% off registration.
* Speakers attend for free!*

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