Re: [CODE4LIB] Apps to reduce large file on the fly when it's requested

2011-08-03 Thread Dave Caroline
One method is to dispense with PDF and just view the scanned pages online as
images or OCR'd text or point the user to a directory with the scans
for the document.
He then only needs an image viewer using a lot less of his machines memory.

Large PDF's also cause problems in the viewing computer. I was
reviewing someones
25mb PDF the other day and it peaked at 3.3 gig memory use, which on a 2.5gig
memory box meant it went into swap and slowed to a crawl.
The viewer used there was evince.

I scan to jpg and only produce a PDF if nagged

As I serve from home and the upload is on the slow side individual
pages helps there too.
And when in a good mood I finish off a document thus
where all pages are web viewable. Been too lazy to write a page to
page link on the page
view so far (need a round tuit).

Dave Caroline

Re: [CODE4LIB] Apps to reduce large file on the fly when it's requested

2011-08-03 Thread Joe Hourcle
On Aug 3, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Ranti Junus wrote:

> Dear All,
> My colleague came with this query and I hope some of you could give us some
> ideas or suggestion:
> Our Digital Multimedia Center (DMC) scanning project can produce very large
> PDF files. They will have PDFs that are about 25Mb and some may move into
> the 100Mb range. If we provide a link to a PDF of that large, a user may not
> want to try to download it even though she really needs to see the
> information. In the past, DMC has created a lower quality, smaller versions
> to the original file to reduce the size. Some thoughts have been tossed
> around to reduce the duplication or the work (e.g. no more creating the
> lower quality PDF manually.)
> They are wondering if there is an application that we could point to the end
> user, who might need it due to poor internet access, that if used will
> simplify the very large file transfer for the end user. Basically:
> - a client software that tells the server to manipulate and reduce the file
> on the fly
> - a server app that would to the actual manipulation of the file and then
> deliver it to the end user.
> Personally, I'm not really sure about the client software part. It makes
> more sense to me (from the user's perspective) that we provide a "download
> the smaller size of this large file" link that would trigger the server-side
> apps to manipulate the big file. However, we're all ears for any suggestions
> you might have.

I've been dealing with related issues for a few years, and if you have
the file locally, it's generally not too difficult to have a CGI or similar
that you can call that will do some sort of transformation on the fly.

Unfortunately, what we've run into is that in some cases, in part because
it tends to be used by people with slow connections, and for very large
files, they'll keep restarting to the process, and because it's a generated
on-the-fly, the webserver can't just pick up where it left off, so has to
re-start the process.

The alternative is to write it out to disk, and then let the webserver
handle it as a normal file.  Depending on how many of these you're
dealing with, you may have to have something manage the scratch
space and remove the generated files that haven't been viewed in
some time.

What I've been hoping to do is:

1. Assign URLs to all of the processed forms, of the format:
(where 'ID' includes some hashing in it, so it's not 10mil 
files in a directory)

2. Write a 404 handler for each processing type, so that
should a file not exist in that directory, it will:
(a) verify that the ID is valid, otherwise, return a 404.
(b) check to see if the ID's being processed, otherwise, kick
off a process for the file to be generated
(c) return a 503 status.

Unfortunately, my initial testing (years ago) suggested that no
clients at the time properly handled 503 requests (effectively,
try back in (x) minutes, and you give 'em a time)

The alternative is to just basically sleep for a period of time, and
then return the file once it's been generated ... but for ones
that take some time (some of my processing might take hours,
as the files that it needs as input are stored near-line, and we're
at the mercy of a tape robot)


You might also be able to sleep and then use one of the various
30x status codes, but I don't know what a client might do if you
returned the same URL.  (they might abort, to prevent looping)


Re: [CODE4LIB] Seeking feedback on database design for an open source software registry

2011-08-03 Thread Peter Murray
Thanks for the reply, Stuart.  With the first question, I've updated the 
diagram to add an "Association" entity.  (Technically, I don't think this is an 
entity but rather a specialization of a relationship.)  This is based off some 
great work I saw at the NITRC.  Take a look at the "Associations" section of 
these page:

This fits the use case you describe and that of modules that would be a part of 
a Drupal installation or how djatoka can be a component of several different 

Regarding the second question, I think of standards as a kind of "technology".  
I've added "standard" to the list of enumerations at


On Aug 3, 2011, at 7:06 PM, stuart yeates wrote:
> Two points:
> (1) The model seems appears not to capture "Project A builds on Project 
> B" This will make the model less-than-optimal for comparing (for 
> example) an open source Project A with an propriety Project B when B is 
> a fork of A.
> (2) Standards. They appear not to be mentioned at all.
> cheers
> stuart

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester 

[CODE4LIB] Job Announcement: Systems Librarian

2011-08-03 Thread Salwa Ismail
Georgetown University, Lauinger Library has the following new position open. : 
Systems Librarian
Lauinger Library/Library Information Technology
Georgetown University
Washington D.C.
Date Position Posted: July 27, 2011

Duties And Responsibilities & Minimum Requirements:
Responsibilities for the Systems Librarian include: •administer, maintain and 
support the Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) hardware, software and associated 
peripherals which make up the Library’s primary computing system; •Manage and 
support the Library’s suite of information management systems like TDNet, 
WebBridge, AquaBrowser discovery platform and ILLiad. •act as liaison between 
III and the Library for problem resolution and enhancement requests and act as 
Library’s representative to the national user group; •provide end user support 
in the form of report production and distribution of reports, database 
maintenance and system modifications as required; and •consult with library 
staff with regard to system capabilities and functionality.

Minimum Requirements: Master’s degree in Library Science with four years of 
extensive experience managing III integrated library systems, platforms and 
computer operations; two yeas experience with ERM systems and Link Resolvers; 
Familiarity with library technology standards and protocols such as FRBR, 
Z39.50, OAI/PHM, RDA. Familiarity with EZProxy, digital library tools and 
standards, RSS Web 2.0 etc.

To apply visit:

Re: [CODE4LIB] Apps to reduce large file on the fly when it's requested

2011-08-03 Thread Gabriel Farrell
I agree that your client software should be nothing more than a link
or button in the web browser. As for the server, it sounds akin to
image servers that resize on the fly. I would probably just proxy
requests to a script or cgi that compresses/converts the files,
especially if you're not planning to get a lot of hits per second. If
that's not robust enough, there are a number of results from a search
for "pdf server" that might work for you.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Ranti Junus  wrote:
> Dear All,
> My colleague came with this query and I hope some of you could give us some
> ideas or suggestion:
> Our Digital Multimedia Center (DMC) scanning project can produce very large
> PDF files. They will have PDFs that are about 25Mb and some may move into
> the 100Mb range. If we provide a link to a PDF of that large, a user may not
> want to try to download it even though she really needs to see the
> information. In the past, DMC has created a lower quality, smaller versions
> to the original file to reduce the size. Some thoughts have been tossed
> around to reduce the duplication or the work (e.g. no more creating the
> lower quality PDF manually.)
> They are wondering if there is an application that we could point to the end
> user, who might need it due to poor internet access, that if used will
> simplify the very large file transfer for the end user. Basically:
> - a client software that tells the server to manipulate and reduce the file
> on the fly
> - a server app that would to the actual manipulation of the file and then
> deliver it to the end user.
> Personally, I'm not really sure about the client software part. It makes
> more sense to me (from the user's perspective) that we provide a "download
> the smaller size of this large file" link that would trigger the server-side
> apps to manipulate the big file. However, we're all ears for any suggestions
> you might have.
> thanks,
> ranti.
> --
> Bulk mail.  Postage paid.

[CODE4LIB] Apps to reduce large file on the fly when it's requested

2011-08-03 Thread Ranti Junus
Dear All,

My colleague came with this query and I hope some of you could give us some
ideas or suggestion:

Our Digital Multimedia Center (DMC) scanning project can produce very large
PDF files. They will have PDFs that are about 25Mb and some may move into
the 100Mb range. If we provide a link to a PDF of that large, a user may not
want to try to download it even though she really needs to see the
information. In the past, DMC has created a lower quality, smaller versions
to the original file to reduce the size. Some thoughts have been tossed
around to reduce the duplication or the work (e.g. no more creating the
lower quality PDF manually.)

They are wondering if there is an application that we could point to the end
user, who might need it due to poor internet access, that if used will
simplify the very large file transfer for the end user. Basically:
- a client software that tells the server to manipulate and reduce the file
on the fly
- a server app that would to the actual manipulation of the file and then
deliver it to the end user.

Personally, I'm not really sure about the client software part. It makes
more sense to me (from the user's perspective) that we provide a "download
the smaller size of this large file" link that would trigger the server-side
apps to manipulate the big file. However, we're all ears for any suggestions
you might have.


Bulk mail.  Postage paid.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Seeking feedback on database design for an open source software registry

2011-08-03 Thread stuart yeates

On 02/08/11 08:22, Peter Murray wrote:

Colleagues -- please excuse the cross-posting; I've found the circle of people 
potentially interested in this was wider than I thought.

As part of the Mellon Foundation grant funding the start-up of LYRASIS 
Technology Services, LTS is to produce a series of tools that enable libraries 
to decide whether open source is right for their environments.  I’ve put a page 
up on the Code4Lib wiki 
( describing the 
kinds of tools that will initially fall into this area.  After review by the 
LTS Advisory Panel and comments from the community, statements of work will be 
drafted for consultants to create these tools and the work will be let out for 
contract. The completed tools will be turned into web documents in the form of 
whitepapers, checklists, spreadsheets, etc., and published along with the open 
source software registry now under development. To encourage consultants to 
share their knowledge, we are considering allowing consultants to identify 
themselves in the text of the document (e.g. “Prepared for LYRASIS with funding 
from the 2011-2012 Mellon Found

ation Open Source Support Grant by name of consultant.”)

Two points:

(1) The model seems appears not to capture "Project A builds on Project 
B" This will make the model less-than-optimal for comparing (for 
example) an open source Project A with an propriety Project B when B is 
a fork of A.

(2) Standards. They appear not to be mentioned at all.

Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services

[CODE4LIB] Job Announcement: Web Librarian, subject to award, to perform e-reference duties and manage web-based content (Washington, DC)

2011-08-03 Thread Patty De Anda Gates
LAC Group seeks experienced Web Librarian on behalf of our client, a 
prestigious government agency library. Web Librarian will have thorough 
knowledge of web-based library resources (electronic resources), web page 
management, OPACs, and Internet-based services. Position subject to contract 
award.  Work location Washington, D.C.

Primary Responsibilities:

* Perform web-based library services including electronic reference, 
e-resources accessed via the Internet, managing web-based content, and other 
related functions.

* Provides general input and suggestions for improvement of processes 
and products for the benefit of the library's clientele

* Assists users in formulating search strategies and in locating 
materials using all available sources and tools

* Maintains current awareness about new products and sources of 
relevant materials or information.  Coordinates with government counterparts 
when information requests include extensive research


* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent and 5 years relevant experience are 

* MLS from an ALA accredited institution preferred

* Work experience with Millennium's Innovative Interfaces Inc (III) 
integrated library system, OCLC Worldcat, EBSCO, Innopac, Webpac Pro, or other 
similar library automation software is highly desired

* Knowledge of HTML (XHTML, HTML5), CSS, RSS, and web-accessibility 
issues are strongly preferred.

* Experience with electronic resources management (ERM) and content 
management systems (CMS) are strongly preferred

* Knowledge of or familiarity with any other web-development languages 
/ scripts including Java, Javascript, PHP, Perl, SQL, XML or other would be a 

To Apply: To submit your application please visit:

To view all of our currently open positions please visit:

LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer who values 
diversity in the workplace.

Patty De Anda Gates
Communications & Projects Associate
323.302.9439 - direct
323.852.1083 - main
323.852.1093 - fax

LAC Group, 6500 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2240, Los Angeles, CA 90048
LAC on LinkedIn | LAC 
 | LAC on Twitter  | LAC Group Newsletter 

The information contained in this e-mail message is confidential.  If you are 
not the intended recipient, any dissemination or copying is strictly 
prohibited.  If you think that you have received this e-mail message in error, 
please contact the sender.

[CODE4LIB] Job Posting: Senior Systems Librarian, Brandeis University, Waltham MA

2011-08-03 Thread Tania Fersenheim
Senior Systems Librarian

Brandeis University, a private research university in the metropolitan
Boston area, seeks an experienced, innovative and service-oriented
Senior Systems Librarian to serve as an integral member of the library
systems team.  The primary responsibility of the position is to
implement, develop and support complex software systems for the
Libraries.  The Senior Systems Librarian will serve as the primary
administrator and support person for a variety of commercial and open
source systems, and develop, maintain and enhance integration between
library systems, other campus systems and cloud services.

Responsibilities include:
  * Providing project management and oversight of technical
operations, in partnership with the Manager of Library Systems
  * Developing integration between library systems, other campus
systems and cloud services
  * Providing administration, support and enhancement of a variety of
library systems, including but not limited to the integrated library
system, link resolver, proxy server, federated search system, archives
management system, interlibrary loan management system
  * Perform ad-hoc scripting, report writing and data munging

Qualifications include:
  * Master's degree in library science or related field and 3-5 years
demonstrated experience administering library systems, preferably in
an academic setting.  Relevant work experience may be substituted for
some of the required education.
  * Strong knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems, Apache,
and relational databases
  * Proficiency with HTML and XML, Javascript, Perl (or PHP), SQL
  * Experience maintaining and supporting library automated systems
and resources, especially including, but not limited to, Aleph,
Metalib, SFX, EZProxy, ILLiad.
  * Strong interpersonal and communication skills ; ability to
establish good working relationships with colleagues and vendors
  * Strong analytical, technical and troubleshooting skills for
complex applications

The successful candidate will be flexible, creative, and enthusiastic,
with a strong interest in exploring and implementing emerging
technologies and innovative services.  S/he will have a demonstrated
ability to work collaboratively and possess a strong service
commitment, with a demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate and carry
out complex projects.  Preference will be given to candidates who
demonstrate the ability to operate and maintain library systems,
knowledge of current issues and trends in library technology,
knowledge of contemporary web design and development, and project
management abilities.

How to apply:
Submit cover letter and resume as a single document at
Job ID 520056

Closing Statement:
Brandeis University operates under an affirmative action plan and
encourages minorities, women, disabled individuals, and eligible
veterans to apply. It is the policy of the University not to
discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of race,
ancestry, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, genetic
information, national origin, disability, veteran status, or on the
basis of any other legally protected category.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Programmer Orientation to Library/Lib Sci

2011-08-03 Thread Laura Smart
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Jonathan Rochkind  wrote:

> I'd add that you should be open to accepting that some of those things STILL
> won't make sense once you know why librarians do things the way they do.

> .. but often where we are is really
> really unfortunate.  (And even many of us librarians don't entirely
> understand how we got here, if we're under a certain age!)

Totally agreed.  +1000

I'd hazard a jaded guess that things don't make sense for some other
reasons like: (a) building rules via multiple committees; (b) doing
things based on what catalogers *think* current users want ; (c) doing
things based on what end users did back in the era of card or
dictionary catalogs ; (d) failure to see forest for the trees (I once
listened to CC:DA debate punctuation rules in a 260 field for an hour.
Seriously.) and, (e) workarounds geared to past/current ILS which over
time have led to a culture of catalogers who conflate MARC field
content with display  (see comment re: punctuation).

It's rather unfortunate that the massive amount of legacy data means
we just can't scrap it all and start fresh.

Thanks again everybody for your comments.  Orientation is taking place
this afternoon and your feedback has been helpful.

Re: [CODE4LIB] METS question for @USE in file/fileGrp

2011-08-03 Thread Ford, Kevin
Dear Ethan,

I think your suggested organization is, and your chosen semantics are, 
perfectly consistent regarding how the USE attribute was meant to be employed 
on the fileGrp and file elements, per the METS documention [1].  I didn't do an 
exhaustive search, but looking at other examples I found things like "large," 
"screen," "print," "encodedtext," etc.

All best,


> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Ethan Gruber
> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 9:33 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] METS question for @USE in file/fileGrp
> Hi all,
> According to the METS schema, the USE attribute is " A tagging
> attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group
> (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files)." I'm using the
> mets:fileSec to capture images of a coin within a larger numismatic XML
> schema.  The @USE is an unrestricted xs:string, and this example
> document -
> 4333843/source-
> uses "recto" as a USE for images of a map.  By this same token, is it
> semantically acceptable to have "obverse" and "reverse" as a USE?
> Example:
> fileGrp use="obverse"
>   file use="master"
>   file use="reference"
>   file use="thumbnail"
> fileGrp use="reverse"
>   file use="master"
>   file use="reference"
>   file use="thumbnail"
> Thanks,
> Ethan

Re: [CODE4LIB] Seeking feedback on database design for an open source software registry

2011-08-03 Thread Peter Murray
On Aug 3, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
> Peter, if I understand you correctly, your approach seems novel. Usually open 
> source software developers have "scratched their itch", made their software 
> available to the world, and if so inclined, spent time and effort building a 
> community around the software. Your approach seems RFP-like. Statements of 
> work will be drafted by LTS. Developers (consultants) will respond, be 
> selected, and contracted. Software will be created.

This is insightful, Eric.  The thrust of our justification to the Mellon 
Foundation was to help take open source from early adopt to early majority (on 
Everett Roger's Diffusion of Innovations scale).  So while early adopters will 
want to scratch an itch I don't think the same can be said for the early 
majority.  There are certainly consultants and self starters among library 
staff that will move the pace of adoption along, but what we also heard in 
surveying LYRASIS members was that they needed a location to find information 
about open source software and tools that they could use to evaluate it along 
side corporate offerings.  That is the gap that this work is trying to fill.  

So, yeah, in building this I'm trying to bridge the gap between the two worlds 
with open comments on the specifications paired with contracted help to build 
pieces and ending with (hopefully -- certainly by intention) a site that helps 
projects, libraries, and support providers find themselves more easily than 
they can today.

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester 

Re: [CODE4LIB] Seeking feedback on database design for an open source software registry

2011-08-03 Thread Eric Lease Morgan
On Aug 1, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Peter Murray wrote:

> As part of the Mellon Foundation grant funding the start-up of LYRASIS 
> Technology Services, LTS is to produce a series of tools that enable 
> libraries to decide whether open source is right for their environments.  
> I’ve put a page up on the Code4Lib wiki describing the kinds of tools that 
> will initially fall into this area.  After review by the LTS Advisory Panel 
> and comments from the community, statements of work will be drafted for 
> consultants to create these tools and the work will be let out for contract. 
> The completed tools will be turned into web documents in the form of 
> whitepapers, checklists, spreadsheets, etc., and published along with the 
> open source software registry now under development. To encourage consultants 
> to share their knowledge, we are considering allowing consultants to identify 
> themselves in the text of the document (e.g. “Prepared for LYRASIS with 
> funding from the 2011-2012 Mellon Foundation! Open Source Support Grant by 
> name of consultant.”)
> With this background in mind, answers to these questions would be helpful:
>   • Based on your experience and/or knowledge of open source software 
> adoption, are there other tools or techniques that would be useful to 
> document and make available?

Peter, if I understand you correctly, your approach seems novel. Usually open 
source software developers have "scratched their itch", made their software 
available to the world, and if so inclined, spent time and effort building a 
community around the software. Your approach seems RFP-like. Statements of work 
will be drafted by LTS. Developers (consultants) will respond, be selected, and 
contracted. Software will be created.

Eric Lease Morgan

Re: [CODE4LIB] Programmer Orientation to Library/Lib Sci

2011-08-03 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

  I'm especially interested in anything which
>>  gave you an "ah-ha!" moment when you were working with library data --
>>  the implicit things which didn't make sense until you knew why those
>>  crazy librarians did things the way they did.

I'd add that you should be open to accepting that some of those things 
STILL won't make sense once you know why librarians do things the way 
they do.

Much of what we do indeed simply doesn't make sense -- I mean, we got 
here somehow for certain reasons, and understanding the history can help 
understand how we got to where we are, but often where we are is really 
really unfortunate.  (And even many of us librarians don't entirely 
understand how we got here, if we're under a certain age!)

But anyway, you've probably already seen it, but Jason Thomale's 
Code4Lib Journal article might be useful for providing some of that 
background for Marc (although I don't neccesarily think his 
explanation/analysis/solutions are airtight, they're an introduction).

Re: [CODE4LIB] [lita-l] Re: Seeking feedback on database design for an open source software registry

2011-08-03 Thread Peter Murray
In the E-R diagram, there is a place for a URL and a chunk of HTML code in each 
Release entity.  I was thinking that is where release-specific information 
would go, and I will update the document to call it out more explicitly.

Thanks again, Lori.


On Aug 2, 2011, at 7:25 PM, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> I think providing a URL for information about specific features is a good 
> idea.  You may want to allow for listing more than one version of a 
> particular software package and allow for a link to the features listing 
> associated with each version (or perhaps release notes) for each supported 
> version.

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester 

[CODE4LIB] METS question for @USE in file/fileGrp

2011-08-03 Thread Ethan Gruber
Hi all,

According to the METS schema, the USE attribute is " A tagging attribute to
indicate the intended use of files within this file group (e.g., master,
reference, thumbnails for image files)." I'm using the mets:fileSec to
capture images of a coin within a larger numismatic XML schema.  The @USE is
an unrestricted xs:string, and this example document -
uses "recto" as a USE for images of a map.  By this same token, is it
semantically acceptable to have "obverse" and "reverse" as a USE?


fileGrp use="obverse"
  file use="master"
  file use="reference"
  file use="thumbnail"
fileGrp use="reverse"
  file use="master"
  file use="reference"
  file use="thumbnail"
