
We are proud to announce the release of the latest version of the SobekCM 
open-source digital repository software<>. 
This version includes the addition of a robust web content system, useful for 
online exhibits, general announcements related to your digital collection, or 
documentation. This module is the largest single addition to the SobekCM system 
in the last five years, with more than 10 new administrative screens. In 
addition, all of the administrative and public pages are supported by the 
SobekCM Engine REST APIs. This makes this module the first to be supported 100% 
by the new architecture. As a result of this work, the architecture of the 
SobekCM Engine continued to evolve.

In addition to the web content work, several changes occurred to searching and 
browsing material, a new video viewer was added, and the system realize many 
small improvements. In addition, the efforts towards the cleanest code possible 
was continued and additional support for PostgreSQL and MySQL continued to be 
added. The ability to customize several messages, including the 404 missing 
page and no results pages was added. Finally, many community reported bugs have 
been corrected.

SobekCM releases are available at the following locations:

  *   Sourceforge (digitally signed and protected MSIs):
  *   GitHub (Daily Builds):

A complete list of changes appears below and is available online at

Mark V. Sullivan
Sobek Digital

Web Content (Exhibits) Module

  *   Changed the way the URL is parsed to the web content pages
     *   Web Content Hierarchy is now stored in the engine application state
     *   Web Content Hierarchy is now checked for any possible calls before 
aggregation call checks
     *   Only web content pages in the database will function now
  *   Added ability to set a redirect, so that a user hitting this page is 
redirected to another (internal or external) URL
  *   New single page administration
     *   Enabled online editing of the HTML, including image upload, similar to 
the aggregation-level static HTML pages
     *   Added new internal header for logged on, permissioned users
     *   Added usage statistics viewer for one page online
     *   Added milestone/history viewer to see all the changes through time
     *   Permissions viewer to see assigned rights for page online (currently 
admin and portal admins)
     *   Management menu to access all the new single page admins screens
     *   Admin view:
        *   Allows all of the SEO metadata to be edited
        *   Manage the display characteristics for the page
        *   Associate the page with a web content navigation unit
        *   View all the child pages
        *   Bulk manage uploaded images and documents
  *   New top level administration
     *   View list of all pages and redirects
     *   View usage statistics for all pages
     *   View history of changes across all web content pages
     *   Ability to add a new web content page
  *   New REST API endpoints are used for all of this, both public and admin 

Video Item Viewer

  *   Added new item viewer for MP4, OGG, and WEBM formats
  *   Automatically added when those files are available for download
  *   Includes ability to select the video to view if multiple

PostgreSQL and MySQL support

  *   Engine agnostic layer pulled into its own class library
  *   Resource object library database now uses this library for all database 
  *   Removed reference to old Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data library
  *   Fixed OAI-PMH saving error introduced with new support for PostgreSQL
  *   Support for selecting MySQL as database type

General REST API endpoint / SobekCM Engine updates

  *   General endpoints are now passed a debug flag, so debug eligibility can 
be defined at the microservice handler level
  *   Fix for the IP restriction check when there are more than 3 IP ranges 
  *   Engine config file and config reader updates
     *   Config reader now reads BOTH the default and user config files and 
merges them
     *   Now supports ClearAll and RemoveAll elements to clear what was 
previously loaded at any level
     *   Documentation parts moved into an AutoDoc tag, and can now reside at 
the path level
     *   IPs can be added in the user config to those standard ranges from the 
default config
  *   Multiple verbs ( POST / PUT / DELETE )
     *   A single endpoint can now map each verb differently, for REST API 
     *   Tested and implemented this new architecture with the web content 
  *   Error catching
     *   Errors encountered by the client are now written to the trace route as 
well as re-thrown
     *   If endpoint is not found, that is also written to the trace route

Searching Changes

  *   New basic search type
     *   Includes a checkbox to include full text in search (USF, Auraria, SOAS)
     *   Updated the admin screens to include this and make the choice of basic 
searches more obvious
  *   Seaching Fixes
     *   Advanced search would return dark items in the search results list in 
certain situations - corrected stored procedure (UOC-7)
     *   Corrected issue where simplified search used the wrong link ( i.e., 
advanced search where all terms hit the same field ) (USF/SOBEK-59)
     *   Corrected issue where citation links were encoded incorrectly, which 
caused failure on diacritics (WOLF-35)
     *   EXACT type searches (like when you click on a term in metadata browse) 
were not unicode compliant throughout (SOBEK-79)
  *   Verified that temporal searching and faceting is working correctly from 
publication date

Geographic Support

  *   Map Searching
     *   Fixed map searching to correctly show the coordinates again, for all 
instances (AURARIA-21)
     *   Corrected issue with two globe icons appearing in search results ( 
     *   Changed columns used when searching (see item level support below)
  *   Map Browse
     *   Corrected issue that thumbnails were not appearing in map browse 
     *   Fix to allow map browsing at the top, ALL collection level
  *   Item Level Support
     *   Fixed issue showing the map view at the digital resource level without 
a search
     *   Added new columns in database at item level for spatial footprint and 
distance, to replace the incorrectly named and populated Spatial_KML
     *   When the create final citation stored procedure is called at the end 
of item save, the complete footprint is now calculated
  *   Administrative Settings
     *   Can now set the default map in the map search and map browse, or set 
to extent
     *   Modified procedure to get aggregation information from the database to 
include geographic extent

Changes to Missing Page and No Results Pages

  *   Missing Page
     *   Customizable via a missing.html file at the top level of the web 
content folder for non-admins
     *   Returns a 404 code for robots and search
     *   For admins, a special screen is displayed that provides several 
possible actions:
        *   Add a new web content page
        *   Add a new aggregation alias
        *   Add a new aggregation using the wizard
        *   Add a new item
  *   No Results Page ( WOLF-15 / AURARIA-22 )
     *   Customizable via a noresults.html file at the top level of the web 
content folder
     *   Several special tokens in that file allow the same functionality as 


  *   Added fix for item count statistics where title count was incorrect on 
the date range search (UF)
  *   Updated item count stats to allow users to change criteria and just get 
ALL items OR items with digital files, in addition to items that are milestone 
complete (SOAS-5)
  *   Corrected tab direction on the usage reports
  *   Corrected the styling on the private items report when more than one page 
of private titles
     *   Buttons use correct styling
     *   Number of titles displayed ( i.e., 1 - 20 of 45 matching titles ) now 

Online Item Management

  *   Image (JPEG) Upload
     *   Thumbnails generated from uploaded JPEGs now
     *   Large JPEGs are saved, converted to TIFF, and then smaller versions 
     *   Builder will then generate the JPEG2000s
  *   When deleting a PDF in the online interface, the related text and 
thumbnail files are also deleted (SOBEK-52/USF)
  *   Updated Rights Element - UF copyright statements edits tements edits
  *   Updating the title on a single item Bib will also update the group title, 
unless it is a serial or newspaper type item
  *   Quality Control
     *   Updated issue for recently uploaded images not receiving their proper 
name in the QC, causing an exception on final save
     *   Updated QC exception catching to work correctly and to email the error 
in when it occurs (WOLF-29)
  *   Corrected issue deleting existing items (MBDA-14)

Builder Changes

  *   Added more logging to the usage statistics builder module
  *   Builder image derivative creation changes
     *   Was not checking for JPEG2000 missing, only JPEGs. Now correctly 
checks JPEG2000s as well. (USF)
     *   No longer copies the TIFF to a local temporary folder for processing. 
All processing happens in situ (SOBEK-51/81)
  *   Added more logging to the copy to archive builder module

Code Cleanup

  *   Documentation and Warnings
     *   Update corrects hundreds of fairly inconsequential warnings due to 
incomplete XML documentation, unused variables, and other warnings. Only the 
SObekCM_Resource_Object is left. Also, ran the Resharper Code Cleanup routine 
against all the other libraries. Corrected many XML invalid comments.
     *   Finished cleaning the web code and clearing nearly all the compilation 
(mostly documentation) warnings
     *   Finished updating Builder_Library code for better documentation and 
cleaner, more conformant code with more comments and no warnings
  *   Removed Aware JPEG2000 viewer and query string stuff
  *   Removed an unnecessary call to tracking and history when showing the 
citation for an item for an item

Bug Fixes

  *   Fix for editing the home page text, now that child aggregations are 
included in the ALL
  *   Corrected issue where the host administrator check box was not saving to 
the database during user administration
  *   Corrected issue preventing user group changes from correctly saving 
  *   Printing citation online now works correctly again (WOLF-34)
  *   Corrected HTML facet link for donors in the citation - ( donor ) was 
messing it up (WOLF-30)
  *   Corrected issue that DARK items were a little too resilient in loading 
downloads and images and were semi-accessible via the TOC (UOC-8)
  *   Verified that downloads with accents works just fine throughout the 
system (SOBEK-47)
  *   Check for null and check for existence of viewer behavior. Was causing a 
strange null error.

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