Re: [CODE4LIB] Mayor of Libraries

2015-03-27 Thread Alex Byrne
It seems to me (as a relatively uneducated-in-databases layperson) that a 
simple (although not necessarily elegant) solution would be to see if there's a 
table in your database that has the rankings of senority by position in order. 
If there is, and a person's position is attached to their name, you could send 
a query that asks "Hey, is there anybody in that's high enough rank to 
potentially be in charge?", sort the returned list by rank, and then take only 
the person who is the highest rank off that list and discard the rest. If there 
are people of the same rank, then you may need to have it go back over the list 
of people with a secondary criterion for rank, like years of service, and 
return back the person who wins on that criterion.

Depending on how often you want to re-run that call, it could be taxing on the 
database, but I'm sure that people who are more experienced than I am that 
could elegant things up so that the database isn't called every time that 
someone loads up the Intranet to find out who's in charge, but instead displays 
the result from the last time the database was called by referencing a variable 
that is otherwise static Somewhere Else. 

There may be open-source plugins or programs that do just this, but I do not 
know of any right now. 

Hope this helps.


Date:Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:56:54 +
From:Rodney Griffith 
Subject: Mayor of Libraries

I'm sharing a dilemma to the list in hopes of getting in touch with anyone has 
been in a similar situation (although I have looked high and low without 
finding one similar case for over two months). Our library requires that the 
Senior employee In Charge be updated on our Intranet based on an old relational 
database which contains staff schedules. So when John Smith is in the library, 
if he outranks Kate Stewart, his name is posted at the top of the page. 
However, when John Smith's shift is over and Jo Grant appears, she's outranked 
by Kate Stewart, whose name then replaces John's.

That system has to be replaced, however. A few weeks back, I began likening the 
situation to the old, deprecated Foursquare: whoever is highest ranking when 
present is Mayor. Unfortunately, that was the old Foursquare, and no one left a 
recipe, how-to or breadcrumb trail behind.

There are lots of in/out boards (like Tabzon) online, and a few js calendars, 
but I have found absolutely nothing that ranks seniority and automagically 
pushes the name of the senior officer somewhere.

Worst-case scenario is that I'd have to write one from scratch, and I'm really 
more of a front-end person. But I'm posting here to see if anyone, anywhere has 
the same scenario and how they've dealt with it. I would honestly be surprised 
if there isn't an existing open-source solution for such a need--after all, all 
kinds of commercial enterprises, military situations etc. depend on seniority 

I should mention that the quickest, most logical and least labor-intensive 
method, "just post it manually as a status update", is out. Don't ask why.

Re: [CODE4LIB] wifi / network use policies

2015-01-23 Thread Alex Byrne
Hi, Nate!

Here's the Internet Use Policy that we display for all our public computers 
when they log on:

"These are Pierce County Library System's rules for use of the Internet. 
Failure to use this service appropriately and responsibly may result in 
suspension of Internet use privileges, library privileges, and/or criminal 

*Refrain from deliberately accessing illegal sites.

*Comply with copyright laws or software licensing restrictions.

*Do not make any attempt to damage computer equipment or software; 
alter software configurations; cause degradation of system performance.

*Respect the privacy of others.

*Refrain from any activity which is disruptive, libelous or slanderous.

The library staff may request computer users to move to another location or 
vacate a station in order to ensure equitable use for all patrons. Any person 
showing a lack of cooperation with library staff in the use of the Internet is 
subject to being restricted from using it.

Be a smart consumer of information. Evaluate information for accuracy, 
completeness, and validity. Remember, the safest use of the Internet is to 
provide no personal information.

I have read and understand the Library guidelines for Internet use."

(Which can seem a bit hardcore, now that I've typed them out. I wonder how many 
people actually read them when they log in to know what they're agreeing to?)


Date:Thu, 22 Jan 2015 16:22:38 +

From:Riley Childs 

Subject: Re: wifi / network use policies

This is the one we use for our Guest/Student network

By accessing this network you agree to the following:


You will not utilize this network for any illegal purpose You will 
not utilize this network in such a way that may degrade the performance of the 
network for others Usage of this network may be revoked at any time 
for any reason deemed by Charlotte United Christian Academy You agree 
to hold Charlotte United Christian Academy and Associated Organizations 
blameless in any issues that may arise  If you have any issues please 
contact IT Services


Riley Childs


IT Manager

Library Services Administrator

Charlotte United Christian Academy

office: +1 (704) 537-0331 x101

mobile: +1 (704) 497-2086


twitter: @RowdyChildren

Checkout our new Online Library Catalog:

From: Code for Libraries  on behalf of Nate Hill 

Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:11 AM


Subject: [CODE4LIB] wifi / network use policies

Hi all,

I wonder if libraries that manage their own networks, either academic or 
public, would be willing to share their wifi / network use policies with me?  
I'm working with the city of Chattanooga to separate our library's 4th Floor 
GigLab  from the city's network.  The 4th Floor is our 
library's beta space / makerspace / civic lab, and we are constantly running 
public experiments of one kind or another here.  Our ISP has given us a 
separate 1gig fiber drop for this space, and we intend to use (or keep using) 
the whole area as a public laboratory to experiment with the network, hardware, 
and software.

So... I need to get a policy to city legal for review and to my board before we 
actually make this separation.  I don't really want to go to jail when someone 
hacks North Korea from the library's GigLab.

Thanks for any documents or input you all might provide,



Nate Hill

Alexander Byrne
Youth Services Librarian
Pierce County Library System
Current Assignments:
University Place Pierce County Library: 253-548-3307
Steilacoom Pierce County Library: 253-548-3313