Re: [CODE4LIB] Hours on Library Websites?

2016-07-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
Not mine, but SFU built their own API so that they could pull hours and
many other things easily in various sites and what not:

Which I thought was really cool

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Valerie Forrestal <> wrote:

> I feel very low tech right now, but we are using the Business Hours
> Wordpress plugin: (it doesn't show up on mobile
> because media queries so you have to view the site on a regular computer to
> see what it looks like.)
> It's super easy to update and you can edit the CSS to customize the
> display.
> -Val
> > On Jul 7, 2016, at 1:13 PM, Erin White  wrote:
> >
> > I've had my eye on Google My Business [1] recently.
> >
> > You can claim your library's location with a snail-mail postcard
> > verification process, then set regular hours AND exceptions using the My
> > Business site. This way your library's hours show up correctly in Google
> > search.
> >
> > And (this is the part we haven't tested, would be interested to hear from
> > others if you have): the Google Places API [2] should allow you to fetch
> > today's hours based on that data. We're hoping to test and migrate from
> our
> > current Google Calendar API setup in the next few months.
> >
> > Now that google search results for the library location display open
> hours,
> > though, I'm not sure how many folks are actually clicking through to
> verify
> > our hours anyway. The horror!
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > --
> > Erin White
> > Web Systems Librarian, VCU Libraries
> > (804) 827-3552 | |
> >
> >> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Heather Rayl <> wrote:
> >>
> >> We use a custom javascript with a giant array. The script first tests to
> >> determine the month and date, and it also tests for the day of the
> week. We
> >> have two lines that have the "regular" hours -- one set for fall and
> spring
> >> semester and one set for summer, and then we write "exceptions" for each
> >> day that is different. if it's not one of the exceptions, then it lists
> the
> >> regular hours. Although it sounds cumbersome, it doesn't really take
> that
> >> long to update it, and you only have to update it twice -- once at the
> >> beginning of summer to comment out the regular fall/spring hours, and
> once
> >> at the end of the summer to comment out the regular summer hours. Around
> >> this time, we also update the exceptions for the upcoming year.
> >>
> >> I'd be happy to share the code with anyone who would like it.
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Ketner, Kenny 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> At Texas Tech University Libraries, our solution for over 12 years has
> >>> been Google Calendar along with a custom PHP script with MySQL database
> >>> backend. Every summer our circ staff creates the next calendar year's
> >> hours
> >>> in a spreadsheet; this is imported into Google Calendar and also
> ingested
> >>> into our MySQL database. The purpose of the PHP script is to provide
> >> quick
> >>> information to web pages about the current day's hours, and the Google
> >>> Calendar gives a look-ahead for future hours and library events.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Kenny Ketner
> >>> Software Development Manager
> >>> Texas Tech University Libraries
> >>>
> >>> 806-773-5323
> >>> Strategic - Ideation - Connectedness - Relator - Learner
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of
> >>> Katherine N. Deibel []
> >>> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 11:20 AM
> >>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Hours on Library Websites?
> >>>
> >>> Hi Matt,
> >>>
> >>> Coincidentally enough, UW is currently looking at how to easily and
> >>> centrally distribute hours information to our website (and potentially
> >> some
> >>> other campus web apps). We're looking at LibCal but also considering
> >>> rolling our own with some harvesting through the Alma Hours API.
> LibCal's
> >>> REST API is still in development and has a limitations that we've
> >> noticed:
> >>>
> >>> * Can only request times from today to the future. We'd have to cache
> >>> older results if we wanted to display them
> >>>
> >>> * Can only show up to one year in advance (we sometimes need to show a
> >>> full schedule fro 15 months)
> >>>
> >>> * Identifiers for locations and sublocations is an ID number, so you'd
> >>> have to write a mapping if you want others to use it easily.
> >>>
> >>> * Given our large number of libraries and sublocations within them,
> we'd
> >>> really like to be able to set hours relative to the "containing"
> library.
> >>>
> >>> We're still debating as you can guess, but the basic gist I've gotten
> is
> >>> that if you want to use LibCal, you're going to probably write some
> >>> intermediary JavaScript to make your l

Re: [CODE4LIB] C4L17 - LA Fiscal Host Announcement

2016-06-23 Thread Cynthia Ng
UCLA Library++

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Gary Thompson  wrote:

> I am happy to follow up on Brian's announcement, confirming UCLA's
> agreement to serve as fiscal sponsor for this proposal. Ginny Steel, UCLA's
> University Librarian, signed a statement yesterday saying:
>/"The UCLA Library enthusiastically supports the collaborative
>effort of the Chattanooga 2017 Code4Lib Conference organizing
>committee and the Southern California Code4Lib community to hold the
>2017 conference in the Los Angles area. If the greater Code4Lib
>community accepts this collaborative proposal, the UCLA Library will
>serve as fiduciary sponsor for the conference."/
> SoCal organizers have met with the Chattanooga organizers, and are
> encourage by the potential of this collaboration.
> If any other local group(s) offer another proposal, we will post details
> of our collaboration so the community can decide through the normal voting
> process. If you are considering such a proposal, please let us know that a
> proposal is forthcoming.
> But if there are no other proposal by July 1, we will dive in an plan to
> host another awesome Code4Lib Conference in February or March, 2017.
> --Gary Thompson
> On 6/23/2016 4:45 PM, Brian Rogers wrote:
>> Greetings from the LA (formerly Chattanooga) Proposal Committee -
>> We are pickled as punch and tickled as teeth to inform the community that
>> UCLA Library has agreed to serve as fiscal host for the Code4Lib 2017
>> Conference.
>> That being said, adhering to our previous post and to the spirit of
>> openness/accountability, we wholly welcome any group who may wish to
>> propose an alternative city for next year's conference. We realize a
>> handful of other individuals had begun earnest conversations in their own
>> states, and do not wish to discount or diminish any additional effort or
>> excitement toward the goal. We know the community at-large has an
>> investment in seeing this gathering of minds occur, and that the desire for
>> an in-person conference is the sole motivating factor in any of our
>> activities. As a reminder, so that any of us can make pragmatic movement
>> toward conference planning, the deadline for proposals, with a secure
>> fiscal host in hand, is July 1st.
>> Once again, we thank everyone for their private and public input, their
>> patience while this gets sorted out, and for their passion as a community
>> in providing a safe and accommodating environment for folks to enjoy and
>> contribute to the conference.
>> - Brian Rogers

Re: [CODE4LIB] Formalizing Code4Lib?

2016-06-17 Thread Cynthia Ng
Just want to thank Galen and Coral for setting this up and the IG (whoever
gets involved and contributes) for their interest and efforts in moving
this discussion forward.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Galen Charlton  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:46 PM, Coral Sheldon-Hess
>  wrote:
> > Does anyone else want to self-nominate, to join a group to investigate
> > making Code4Lib fiscally sustainable? Does someone want to *organize*
> that
> > group? (Put the group on some communications medium, make deadlines, keep
> > people on task -- stuff like that.)
> After consulting with Coral, I'm volunteering to act as cat-herder for
> this group.  I've created a page on the wiki for it (and given it the
> name "Fiscal Continuity Interest Group"):
> The IG will use a Google group for most communications; anybody can
> view, and anybody who desires to contribute to the discussion can
> request an invite.
> I should mention that not all research and discussions by the IG will
> be completely open: some budgetary documents that we'll be looking
> cannot be published in full or at all, and some discussions with
> potential fiscal hosts will require discretion to avoid prematurely
> committing to any decision.
> As Coral suggested, the IG will act as a task group with a limited
> duration: we'll research and make recommendations for the Code4Lib
> community to consider. After that, the IG as it is currently
> constituted will end, although some of its members may continue on to
> help implement a scheme for fiscal continuity if there's the general
> assent and will to do so.
> Some steps the IG will be taking in the near future include:
> - organizing itself and setting some deadlines
> - sending out a survey to get more information about options and
> community preferences
> - enlisting the aid of experts as we do our work
> Regards,
> Galen
> --
> Galen Charlton

Re: [CODE4LIB] Back-of-house software

2016-05-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
I've had some experience with JIRA, Redmine, and RT, and I think part of it
has to do with how much time you want to put into customizing the system to
fit your needs before you start using it. Here's my quick run down as I've
experienced them.

JIRA - can be customized greatly, but can a lot of time to set it up
because of that. User interface is clear, but can be overwhelming. A very
big system that many have previously expressed concerns with maintaining.
(JIRA reminds me of Drupal, where everything is customizable, but you need
instructions sometimes on doing something "simple".) Can be fully
integrated with Confluence (wiki). Cost money (not sure how much).

Redmine - Easy to setup and start working with. Supports multiple projects,
wiki, codeview, many of the other standard things out of the box. I found
the community to be very supportive as well. Cost: free.

RT (Request Tracker) - Unfortunately, less about setup/maintenance of RT.
As a staff users, it's been easy to us, but I found many things unintuitive
and I've had a couple of issues getting permissions to work the way I want.
Though I believe it was not the newest version.

In all 3 cases, my experience with users submitting issues has been for
them to fill out a form that submits an email, which gets forwarded to the
system. JIRA and Redmine both do very well in automatically putting it into
a specific area, tagged, etc.

My vote goes to Redmine. When I asked this question a couple of years ago
on the list, that was the consensus the group came up with and I was very
happy with the speed at which we got it set up and running.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Stuart A. Yeates  wrote:

> I’m looking for recommendations for software to run our much of our
> academic library back-of-house business-as-usual work. Things like incident
> management, CRM, documentation management, etc across three tiers of
> support.
> We’re looking for something more structured than a mediawiki wiki (which
> we’ve got) and probably less structured than full-blown ITIL. We’re happy
> with open source or proprietary,  self-hosted or cloud solution, but we’re
> not happy to pay the kinds of money that Alemba (formerly VMWare) are
> asking for vFire Core (formerly VMware Service Manager).
> We have library management system (ALMA), a discovery system (PRIMO), a
> website (httpd, drupal), a proxy (EZproxy) and a copyright management
> system (Talis Aspire). Our institution provides us with user management,
> physical access management, VM host, email and physical infrastructure.
> Thoughts?
> --
> ...let us be heard from red core to black sky

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib mailing list

2016-03-24 Thread Cynthia Ng
While I have little to add to what others have already said, I do want to
add my thanks for your long term efforts and work on starting and
continuing the mailing list.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Eric Lease Morgan  wrote:

> Alas, the Code4Lib mailing list software will most likely need to be
> migrated before the end of summer, and I’m proposing a number possible
> options for the lists continued existence.
> I have been managing the Code4Lib mailing list since its inception about
> twelve years ago. This work has been both a privilege and an honor. The
> list itself runs on top of the venerable LISTSERV application and is hosted
> by the University of Notre Dame. The list includes about 3,500 subscribers,
> and traffic very very rarely gets over fifty messages a day. But alas,
> University support for LISTSERV is going away, and I believe the University
> wants to migrate the whole kit and caboodle to Google Groups.
> Personally, I don’t like the idea of Code4Lib moving to Google Groups.
> Google knows enough about me (us), and I don’t feel the need for them to
> know more. Sure, moving to Google Groups includes a large convenience
> factor, but it also means we have less control over our own computing
> environment, let alone our data.
> So, what do we (I) do? I see three options:
>   0. Let the mailing list die — Not really an option, in my opinion
>   1. Use Google Groups - Feasible, (probably) reliable, but with less
> control
>   2. Host it ourselves - More difficult, more responsibility, all but
> absolute control
> Again, personally, I like Option #2, and I would probably be willing to
> host the list on my one of my computers, (and after a bit of DNS trickery)
> complete with a domain.
> What do y’all think? If we go with Option #2, then where might we host the
> list, who might do the work, and what software might we use?
> —
> Eric Lease Morgan
> Artist- And Librarian-At-Large

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4libBC (Vancouver, BC) - save the date November 26/27. 2015

2015-09-01 Thread Cynthia Ng
No, out here in BC it's all about Pacific Salmon and trees (for the
treehuggers of course!). =P

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Eric Lease Morgan  wrote:

> On Aug 31, 2015, at 9:23 PM, Cary Gordon  wrote:
> > Perhaps this belongs on the Cod4lib list.
>  ^^^
> Yesterday, I didn’t quite understand the allusion to the East Coast, but
> now I see that I lost an e in Code4Lib. Cod4Lib. That's pretty funny.
> Thanks!  :-D  —Earache

[CODE4LIB] Code4libBC (Vancouver, BC) - save the date November 26/27. 2015

2015-08-31 Thread Cynthia Ng
Code4lib BC is pleased to announce that another unconference is in the
works! Please save the dates - November 26 and 27, at the UBC Irving
K. Barber Learning Centre.

Program and registration to follow on this list and online at

If you have attended past Code4lib BC events, you will know they are
informative, dynamic, and affordable gatherings. We will follow a
similar format to past meetings featuring morning lightning talks, and
afternoon breakout sessions. If you have not attended a session before,
please join this group of dynamic library technology practitioners who
want to build new relationships as much as develop new software
solutions to problems. What’s not to like?

Stay tuned for more details to come!

Sent on behalf of the organizers:

  * Paul Joseph (Chair)
  * Caroline Daniels
  * Cynthia Ng
  * Gordon Coleman
  * Jeff Davis
  * Mark Jordan
  * Shirley Lew
  * Tamarack Hockin

Re: [CODE4LIB] free html editors

2015-05-16 Thread Cynthia Ng
I recommend Sublime: It's a great editor for
all languages (with lots of plugins if/when you need them). It's free to
use as long as you don't mind the pop up bugging you to buy it on occasion.

On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Jason Bengtson 

> When I recently taught a beginning web coding course I told mac users they
> would be fine to start out just using textedit. If you really want them to
> get the advantage of color coding and other, more modern features, there
> are also online editors like:  that you can take a look at. Bluefish and
> Eclipse work on mac, although I don't know what kind of legacy support they
> have. Seems like it would be strong, though, since Eclipse is very widely
> used and has been around forever.
> Best regards,
> *Jason Bengtson, MLIS, MA*
> Innovation Architect
> *Houston Academy of MedicineThe Texas Medical Center Library*
> 1133 John Freeman Blvd
> Houston, TX   77030
> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 10:19 AM, David Mayo  wrote:
> > Hmmm...
> >
> >
> > Are they Intel or PPC, and what OS version are they running?
> >
> > It seems likely that there's SOME version of TextWrangler that will work
> -
> > they keep old versions around for the use of people with older OS
> versions.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Sarles Patricia (18K500) <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > > I just this minute subscribed to this list after reading Andromeda
> > > Yelton's column in American Libraries from yesterday with great
> interest
> > > since I would like to teach coding in my high school library next year.
> > >
> > > I purchased Andy Harris' HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies for my
> > > summer reading and the free HTML editors he mentions in the book are
> > either
> > > not really free or are not compatible with my lab's 2008 Macs.
> > >
> > > Can anyone recommend a free HTML editor for older Macs?
> > >
> > > Many thanks and happy to be on this list,
> > > Patricia
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > Patricia Sarles, MA (Anthropology), MLS
> > > Librarian
> > > Jerome Parker Campus Library
> > > 100 Essex Drive
> > > Staten Island, NY 10314
> > > 718-370-6900 x1322
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell
> whether
> > > a man is wise by his questions. - Naguib Mahfouz
> > >
> > > As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has
> the
> > > best information. - Benjamin Disraeli
> > >
> >

Re: [CODE4LIB] pdf and web publishing question

2015-04-29 Thread Cynthia Ng
Does Indesign not export to HTML or something that can easily be converted
to HTML?

If you have Acrobat, that will export into HTML as well, though I'm not
sure how well it will deal with table/column text.

If you're having to work off of the PDF, tabula might help. It's a program
that turns PDF tables into CSV (which can then easily be converted to

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:10 AM, Haitz, Lisa (haitzlm) <> wrote:

> It might be helpful if we could see it, as well as the page you are trying
> to insert it into.
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Sergio Letuche
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:05 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] pdf and web publishing question
> Dear all,
> we have a pdf, that is taken from a to be printed pdf, full of tables. The
> text is split in two columns. How would you suggest we uploaded this pdf to
> the web? We would like to keep the structure, and split each section taken
> from the table of contents as a page, but also keep the format, and if
> possible, serve the content both in an html view, and in a pdf view, based
> on the preference of the user.
> Looking forward for your input.
> The document is made with Indesign CS6, and i do not know in which format
> i could transform it into
> Best

[CODE4LIB] Vancouver, BC: code4libBC Workshops. Come Learn!

2015-03-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
(Apologies for any duplication due to cross-posting)

Amazing presenters, awesome community and $20, which you really can't beat.

code4libBC is offering 4 half-day workshops on Friday, May 1st at SFU
Harbour Centre. They sold out quickly last year, so if you're
interested register now.

* Get your hands dirty with Data Management Plans  with Eugene Barsky
* User Experience Fundamentals with Haig Armen
* Intro to Shell Scripting: The Terminal Does Not Hate You with Alex Garnett
* If you build it, will they come? Best practices for managing an
institutional repository with Lisa Goddard, Don Taylor, Tara

More info on the sessions:

code4libBC is a diverse and open community of library developers and
non-developers engaging in effective, collaborative problem-solving
through technology. Anyone from the library community who is
interested in library technologies are welcome to join and
participate, regardless of their department or background: systems and
IT, public services, circulation, cataloguing and technical services,
archives, digitization and preservation.

On behalf of the code4libBC organizing group,

Re: [CODE4LIB] Cleaning up

2014-09-10 Thread Cynthia Ng
Wow, thanks a lot Chris! That's awesome.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Jessie Keck  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2014, at 8:13 AM, Chris Beer  wrote:
>> Thanks Stuart. I've found that same behavior on a couple other pages. The
>> data was all there, and either a configuration or caching issue stopped it
>> from displaying, but it should be OK now.
>> I updated from Drupal 4 to Drupal 7 (or, from 4 to 5, 5 to 6,
>> cursed Drupal repeatedly, and finally from 6 to 7).
> As Chris’ office neighbor I can vehemently attest to this.
>> The theme is slightly different (and leaves something to be desired). I've
>> pushed the theme to github, in case someone wants to take a stab at doing
>> it better: The theme is based on a
>> used-to-be-core theme called Chameleon, which provides those lovely
>> table-based layouts. I suspect, should someone be interested in making
>> bigger changes, it would be worth some time finding a slightly more modern
>> base theme (perhaps one that is mobile-friendly).
>> I also updated to Mediawiki 1.23.3 (as the thing I wanted
>> to do in the first place..), all to get decent infobox support and a couple
>> other new features.
>> So, let me know if you spot any other problems.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris

Re: [CODE4LIB] Software to track website changes?

2014-07-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
I've worked with both JIRA and Redmine. For a small team, I think Redmine
is a little easier to get going with (and free), but JIRA is very
customizable (but can take a decent amount of initial time setting it up).

Both have the capability of grabbing issues via email, so in both cases
when I worked with them, staff could fill out a form (on the intranet),
which would send information formatted a certain way (based on the form
inputs) so that they are automatically added to the relevant project and

Not sure about the scheduling part. I know you can set a "due date", which
could serve as a reminder.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Jesse Martinez 

> I know of a few colleagues in different orgs who have had good success
> using Redmine for task delegation (issue tracking) for small internal
> projects.
> I've used JIRA for years and it is extremely flexible and has nice custom
> workflow controls. Like others have mentioned, it can be overkill for small
> projects, though.
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Elizabeth Leonard <
>> wrote:
> > What I am really looking for:
> >
> > Example: proquest updates links to its resources. I need to tell my
> people
> > to make that change and I want to be able to see that it was done- all in
> > one place. I want to put changes on a schedule: when our Gallery's
> exhibit
> > is over, I want to make sure that the proper person is notified to change
> > the image on the site that advertises the show.
> >
> > I really hate hunting through all my emails for this stuff, having to run
> > around to find people and ask them.
> >
> > We use LibGuides as our website, which has an integrated link checkers,
> so
> > I am not worried as much about that.
> >
> > Does this make sense?
> >
> > Elizabeth
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> > Hagedon, Mike - (mhagedon)
> > Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 11:29 AM
> > Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Software to track website changes?
> >
> > HI Elizabeth,
> > We've had great success (some might say too much!) with Redmine,
> installed
> > locally (we migrated from Trac). We're able to easily involve our
> > colleagues in issue discussions (collaboration is very important to us).
> It
> > can integrate with email (but maybe you don't want that?), and we've
> > integrated it with our campus single sign-on. It can be used for light
> > project management issue tracking, or for support requests (which sounds
> > more like what you're wanting). We have non-developers who have requested
> > Redmine projects to track their projects, so it's useful beyond just
> > tracking website changes.
> >
> > We also use the GitHub issue tracker for our one major open-source
> > project, and it's great except when it's not flexible enough for what we
> > want to do.
> >
> > Mike
> > ---
> >   Mike Hagedon
> >   Web Development Work Team Leader
> >   User Experience Department
> >   University of Arizona Libraries
> >
> > ---
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> > Elizabeth Leonard
> > Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 6:31 AM
> > Subject: [CODE4LIB] Software to track website changes?
> >
> > Does anyone have a good way to track requests to make changes to your
> > website(s)? I would like to be able to put in requests and be able to
> track
> > if they are done and when, so there's fewer emails flying about.
> >
> > E
> >
> > Elizabeth Leonard
> > Assistant Dean of Information Technologies, Resources Acquisition and
> > Description Seton Hall University
> > 400 South Orange Avenue
> > South Orange, NJ 07079
> > 973-761-9445
> >
> --
> Jesse Martinez
> Web Services Librarian
> O'Neill Library, Boston College
> 617-552-2509

[CODE4LIB] Open Access Button: Log when you hit a paywall & search for open version

2014-06-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hey Everyone,

Just found this and thought it was really cool.

It's a bookmarklet that lets you log when you hit a paywall when searching
for articles and helps you find an open access version. Not sure if it'd be
useful for many of you, but definitely for people you know.

They other reason is I noticed they are looking for help in fixing some
bugs and with development in general. As with all open source projects, if
you can even help fix one bug, I'm sure they'd really appreciate it!

The site:

Blog post about recent developments and where they need help:

- Arty

[CODE4LIB] Programming for Science! Call for Ideas & Participation July 22-23

2014-06-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hey Everyone,

I recently heard about this and thought it sounded cool.

Software Carpentry is hosting a code sprint where programmers and
researchers work together to get some hackfest type projects done.

Programming skills are not required for many of the projects, but for those
that do, it should be evident (or you can email the lead to ask).

Ways to contribute:
1) Suggest a project idea (don't need to lead it) - you can just add it to
the list
2) Attend a session to help out - add your name to the participant list
3) Attend and lead a project that has no leader yet - move the project to
the 'has a leader' section and add your name
4) Host a space in an unlisted city

For #2-4, also send a quick email to

Have fun!

Re: [CODE4LIB] jobs digest for 2014-05-16

2014-05-16 Thread Cynthia Ng
apologies.. clearly I misunderstood something...

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:

> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
>> On May 16, 2014, at 3:46 PM, Andreas Orphanides 
>> wrote:
>> >> Library Electronic Resources Specialist
>> >> Raritan Valley Community College
>> >> Branchburg Township, New Jersey
>> >> ColdFusion, EZproxy, JavaScript, Personal computer hardware
>> >>
>> I’d rather see the whole cabbit and caboodle. —Eric Morgan
> ^ then wouldn't you just have the digest turned off?

Re: [CODE4LIB] jobs digest for 2014-05-16

2014-05-16 Thread Cynthia Ng
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Eric Lease Morgan  wrote:

> On May 16, 2014, at 3:46 PM, Andreas Orphanides  wrote:
> >> Library Electronic Resources Specialist
> >> Raritan Valley Community College
> >> Branchburg Township, New Jersey
> >> ColdFusion, EZproxy, JavaScript, Personal computer hardware
> >>
> I’d rather see the whole cabbit and caboodle. —Eric Morgan

^ then wouldn't you just have the digest turned off?

Re: [CODE4LIB] separate list for jobs

2014-05-06 Thread Cynthia Ng
what jobs emails? I haven't seen one of those since I started on this list

I agree that a simple filter works perfectly well, and the lower number of
mailing list people have to subscribe to, the better

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Kate Kosturski  wrote:

> I agree as well - I've always been taught to always keep your eye on the
> job market, even if you are gainfully and happily employed.  You also never
> know when a friend or colleague may be a good fit for a job you see on C4L.
> So, I enjoy the job posts and if you don't want to read them, the
> suggestion of email filters, or even simple deletion, may work for you.
> Best,
> Kate
> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Jacobs, Jane W <
>> wrote:
> > I also vote "NO".  I want so see first hand what the "marketable skills"
> > are that I should be acquiring.  I can always delete the ones that are
> way
> > above my head, but at least I've some idea what terms to look up!
> > JJ
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> > Dan Chudnov
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 12:35 PM
> > Subject: [CODE4LIB] separate list for jobs
> >
> > Is it time to reconsider:  should we start a separate list for "Job:"
> > postings?  "code4lib-jobs", perhaps?
> >
> >   -Dan
> >
> >
> > *Shop to Support Queens Library!  Buy books, e-books, videos,
> > music, gifts at great prices. A portion of the proceeds benefit
> > Queens Library.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The information contained in this message may be privileged and
> > confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this
> > message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent
> > responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient,
> > you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
> > copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
> > received this communication in error, please notify us immediately
> > by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer.
> >
> --
> Kate Kosturski, MSLIS, Pratt Institute
> 609-235-7658 (mobile)
> Twitter: librarian_kate 

Re: [CODE4LIB] New Zealand Chapter

2014-04-09 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi J,

Honestly, if you think it fits under Code4Lib, then the only thing you need
to consider other than organizing your event is the Code of Conduct:

Basically, you should make participants aware that the Code of Conduct
exists and that participants are expected to follow it. You should also
assign at least 1 male and 1 female to be the initial contact if
participants need to bring anything up. In most events I've been a part of,
we've just designated all the organizers to be possible initial contact
people and it would go from there.

Glad to hear that the interest in regionals is spreading!

Good luck and have fun!

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Jay Gattuso wrote:

> Hi all,
> Long time listener, first time caller.
> We don't have a C4L chapter over here in New Zealand, and I wondered what
> we would need to do to align the small group of Lib  / GLAM coders with the
> broader C4L group.
> One of my colleagues did make this:
> We are  also setting up a two day code/hack fest, focusing on our Digital
> Preservation concerns, in June.
> I'd also really like to "run" the hackfest under a C4L banner.
> Any thoughts?
> J
> Jay Gattuso | Digital Preservation Analyst | Preservation, Research and
> Consultancy
> National Library of New Zealand | Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
> PO Box 1467 Wellington 6140 New Zealand | +64 (0)4 474 3064

Re: [CODE4LIB] Intro to the Conference

2014-03-04 Thread Cynthia Ng
Beyond the last couple of years, I don't know what's been done, but seems
to make sense if it's someone from the social committee who can speak to
all the "outside of conference session" stuff that's going on as well. Of
course, you could just appoint (or have someone volunteer) and have
everyone throw ideas at them.

I thought between the two of us, Becky and I didn't do a bad job, so
whoever it is can always reuse some slides.

Here are the speaking points I had from last year's opening
announcement/housekeeping slot:
* Welcome

* Code of Conduct:

Code4Lib is dedicated to providing a welcoming, fun, and safe (read:
harassment-free) community.

** During the conference: Francis, Tod, Margaret

* quick thanks to organizers/sponsors/volunteers/etc

* wifi info

* twitter hashtag

* IRC + Help

* other (newcomer) conf info: Becky

* presenters should load stuff at break unless using own computer
* lightning talk signups (after keynote)
* breakout session signups (on google doc)

Re: [CODE4LIB] C4L14 #libtechwomen meet-up

2014-02-23 Thread Cynthia Ng
I'm in

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Lisa Rabey wrote:

> I've been informed by Becky Yoose's cats that I need to sort out the
> location of the #libtechwomen meet-up, which the cat's agreed will be
> happening on Tuesday eve after the tour.
> If you're >50% on attending, let me know by end of this week so I can
> have a headcount.
> Frozenly,
> Lisa
> Lisa M. Rabey | @pnkrcklibrarian
> An Unreliable Narrator:
> Cunning Tales from a Systems Librarian:

Re: [CODE4LIB] Photos from last Code4lib Chicago posted.

2014-01-27 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks Ray! Though next time, can I request that you not catch me mostly
with really weird expressions? =P

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Schwartz, Raymond wrote:

> I know this took a while, But here they are.
> --
> Ray Schwartz,
> Systems Specialist Librarian
> David and Lorraine Cheng Library  Tel: +1 973 720-3192
> William Paterson University   Fax: +1 973 720-2585
> 300 Pompton Road  Mobile: +1 201 424-4491
> Wayne, NJ 07470-2103 USA

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Conference Registration

2013-11-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
Well, they will definitely announce it on the website too when registration
goes up.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:52 PM, John Blair  wrote:

> Thanks.
> As much as I love arguments about https and comparing notes on various
> pet-projects, I wish the website was a little more … put together. This
> list has added about 30-40+ mails per day to my inbox, and I'm only really
> looking for one bit of information.
> I might have written "Hotel reservations will be able to be made after you
> register (sometime early-mid Janueary 2014)
> using the information provided in your registration confirmation."
> I'm hard to please. ;)
> -JLB
> On Nov 20, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:
> > Registration hasn't opened yet. My guess is sometime in January which is
> > when the program will be set. If you're subscribed to the list, it'll be
> > hard to miss!
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:45 AM, John Blair  wrote:
> >
> >> Per the website (bolding mine):
> >>
> >> "Finally, the hotel has the capacity to host all of the attendees, and
> >> we've negotiated a rate of $159/night that includes wireless access in
> the
> >> hotel rooms. Hotel reservations will be able to be made after you
> register
> >> using the information provided in your registration confirmation. We
> will
> >> be publishing more details as they become available."
> >>
> >> Where? When? How? Or does registration fall under "…more details…?"
> >>
> >>
> >> -John Blair
> >>

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Conference Registration

2013-11-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
Registration hasn't opened yet. My guess is sometime in January which is
when the program will be set. If you're subscribed to the list, it'll be
hard to miss!

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:45 AM, John Blair  wrote:

> Per the website (bolding mine):
> "Finally, the hotel has the capacity to host all of the attendees, and
> we've negotiated a rate of $159/night that includes wireless access in the
> hotel rooms. Hotel reservations will be able to be made after you register
> using the information provided in your registration confirmation. We will
> be publishing more details as they become available."
> Where? When? How? Or does registration fall under "…more details…?"
> -John Blair

Re: [CODE4LIB] Canadian WordPress Hosting

2013-11-08 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks, but they don't seem to do shared hosting unless I totally missed it.

All I need it for is 1-2 WordPress sites after all... nothing enterprise

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Lin, Kun  wrote:

> is at quebec
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Cynthia Ng
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2013 12:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Canadian WordPress Hosting
> I believe the act says it has to stay in Canada. Hence the need to get
> local or at least Canadian hosting.
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Riley Childs  wrote:
> > What about another country?
> >
> > Riley Childs
> > Library Director and IT Admin
> > Junior
> > Charlotte United Christian Academy
> > P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> > P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > Please excuse mistakes
> >
> > > On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Mark Jordan  wrote:
> > >
> > > FWIW, in British Columbia, public institutions are prohibited by law
> > from hosting any data in the US.
> > >
> > > Mark
> > >
> > > Ross Singer  wrote:
> > >
> > > I assume it's not about speed, but about the PATRIOT Act.
> > >
> > > For example, we don't host any of our customer data in the US (and
> > > aren't allowed to).
> > >
> > > -Ross.
> > >
> > >
> > >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Riley Childs 
> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> I take that back, did a bit more research, I think there are plenty
> > >> of options. But I have to ask, why only in Canada, a transit
> > >> provider in
> > the
> > >> us willbe just as fast as in Canada
> > >>
> > >> Riley Childs
> > >> Library Director and IT Admin
> > >> Junior
> > >> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> > >> P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> > >> P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> > >>
> > >> Sent from my iPhone
> > >> Please excuse mistakes
> > >>
> > >>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:09 PM, Nick Ruest  wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Cynthia: If you just need a Canadian server, not a Canadian
> > corporation,
> > >> check out Site5[1]. Not sure if they are exactly what you are
> > >> looking
> > for,
> > >> but they have the standard one-click install ControlPanel stuff.
> > >> Not
> > sure
> > >> about the automated backup options you're looking for. I've been
> > >> using
> > them
> > >> for a few years, and have zero complaints.
> > >>>
> > >>> Riley: Really? Why would we be hard pressed to find that in Canada?
> > >>>
> > >>> -nruest
> > >>>
> > >>> [1]
> > >>>
> > >>>> On 13-11-07 08:38 PM, Riley Childs wrote:
> > >>>> Why in Canada? You will be hard pressed to find that
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Riley Childs
> > >>>> Library Director and IT Admin
> > >>>> Junior
> > >>>> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> > >>>> P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> > >>>> P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Sent from my iPhone
> > >>>> Please excuse mistakes
> > >>>>
> > >>>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Cynthia Ng 
> > wrote:
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> Thanks Kevin. Servers need to be in Canada, preferably paid in
> > >> Canadian but
> > >>>>> I don't think that's necessary. I'll looking your recommendation.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Kevin Hawkins <
> > >>>>>> wrote:
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>> Does the entity you pay need to be in Canada (that is, accept
> > payment
> > >> in
> > >>>>>> Canadian dollars), or do the servers need to be there?  Or both?
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> I use for my personal hosting.  Their
> > business
> > >>>>&g

Re: [CODE4LIB] Canadian WordPress Hosting

2013-11-08 Thread Cynthia Ng
I believe the act says it has to stay in Canada. Hence the need to get
local or at least Canadian hosting.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:41 PM, Riley Childs  wrote:

> What about another country?
> Riley Childs
> Library Director and IT Admin
> Junior
> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> Sent from my iPhone
> Please excuse mistakes
> > On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Mark Jordan  wrote:
> >
> > FWIW, in British Columbia, public institutions are prohibited by law
> from hosting any data in the US.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > Ross Singer  wrote:
> >
> > I assume it's not about speed, but about the PATRIOT Act.
> >
> > For example, we don't host any of our customer data in the US (and aren't
> > allowed to).
> >
> > -Ross.
> >
> >
> >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Riley Childs  wrote:
> >>
> >> I take that back, did a bit more research, I think there are plenty of
> >> options. But I have to ask, why only in Canada, a transit provider in
> the
> >> us willbe just as fast as in Canada
> >>
> >> Riley Childs
> >> Library Director and IT Admin
> >> Junior
> >> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> >> P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> >> P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >> Please excuse mistakes
> >>
> >>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 9:09 PM, Nick Ruest  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Cynthia: If you just need a Canadian server, not a Canadian
> corporation,
> >> check out Site5[1]. Not sure if they are exactly what you are looking
> for,
> >> but they have the standard one-click install ControlPanel stuff. Not
> sure
> >> about the automated backup options you're looking for. I've been using
> them
> >> for a few years, and have zero complaints.
> >>>
> >>> Riley: Really? Why would we be hard pressed to find that in Canada?
> >>>
> >>> -nruest
> >>>
> >>> [1]
> >>>
> >>>> On 13-11-07 08:38 PM, Riley Childs wrote:
> >>>> Why in Canada? You will be hard pressed to find that
> >>>>
> >>>> Riley Childs
> >>>> Library Director and IT Admin
> >>>> Junior
> >>>> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> >>>> P: 704-497-2086 (Anytime)
> >>>> P: 704-537-0331 x101 (M-F 7:30am-3pm ET)
> >>>>
> >>>> Sent from my iPhone
> >>>> Please excuse mistakes
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Cynthia Ng 
> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks Kevin. Servers need to be in Canada, preferably paid in
> >> Canadian but
> >>>>> I don't think that's necessary. I'll looking your recommendation.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Kevin Hawkins <
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Does the entity you pay need to be in Canada (that is, accept
> payment
> >> in
> >>>>>> Canadian dollars), or do the servers need to be there?  Or both?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I use for my personal hosting.  Their
> business
> >>>>>> office is in Canada, but I'm unclear on where their servers are.
> >> Their
> >>>>>> documentation is written assuming you have strong technical skills,
> >> but
> >>>>>> they respond quickly (and tersely) whenever I've needed help to
> >> address
> >>>>>> gaps in my skills.  They have some specific instructions for
> >> installation
> >>>>>> of WordPress once you've connected to them through SSH:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> They also have documentation in French in case that's helpful.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --Kevin
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 2:59 PM, Cynthia Ng wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Apologies for cross-posting, but code4lib is much more active, and
> >> has
> >>>>>>> more
> >>>>>>> Canadians that I've seen.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for a WordPress
> hosting
> >>>>>>> solution? And yes, it needs to be in Canada. I can do most of my
> own
> >>>>>>> dev-type work, so really it just needs to be setup to run WordPress
> >>>>>>> (preferably with 1-click install), and most of all, reliable,
> >> hopefully
> >>>>>>> with good customer service for when we need to contact the company.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Okay, also preferable is that they do daily backups for us and has
> >>>>>>> excellent security (considering it's WordPress).
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Too many hosting solutions include email and a bunch of other
> stuff,
> >> and I
> >>>>>>> need it only for WordPress and nothing else.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> A name, plus at least 1-2 reasons on the recommendation would be
> >> great!
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
> >>>>>>> Cynthia
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> -nruest
> >>

Re: [CODE4LIB] Canadian WordPress Hosting

2013-11-07 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks Kevin. Servers need to be in Canada, preferably paid in Canadian but
I don't think that's necessary. I'll looking your recommendation.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Kevin Hawkins <> wrote:

> Does the entity you pay need to be in Canada (that is, accept payment in
> Canadian dollars), or do the servers need to be there?  Or both?
> I use for my personal hosting.  Their business
> office is in Canada, but I'm unclear on where their servers are.  Their
> documentation is written assuming you have strong technical skills, but
> they respond quickly (and tersely) whenever I've needed help to address
> gaps in my skills.  They have some specific instructions for installation
> of WordPress once you've connected to them through SSH:
> They also have documentation in French in case that's helpful.
> --Kevin
> On 2:59 PM, Cynthia Ng wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Apologies for cross-posting, but code4lib is much more active, and has
>> more
>> Canadians that I've seen.
>> I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for a WordPress hosting
>> solution? And yes, it needs to be in Canada. I can do most of my own
>> dev-type work, so really it just needs to be setup to run WordPress
>> (preferably with 1-click install), and most of all, reliable, hopefully
>> with good customer service for when we need to contact the company.
>> Okay, also preferable is that they do daily backups for us and has
>> excellent security (considering it's WordPress).
>> Too many hosting solutions include email and a bunch of other stuff, and I
>> need it only for WordPress and nothing else.
>> A name, plus at least 1-2 reasons on the recommendation would be great!
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Cynthia

[CODE4LIB] Canadian WordPress Hosting

2013-11-06 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi Everyone,

Apologies for cross-posting, but code4lib is much more active, and has more
Canadians that I've seen.

I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for a WordPress hosting
solution? And yes, it needs to be in Canada. I can do most of my own
dev-type work, so really it just needs to be setup to run WordPress
(preferably with 1-click install), and most of all, reliable, hopefully
with good customer service for when we need to contact the company.

Okay, also preferable is that they do daily backups for us and has
excellent security (considering it's WordPress).

Too many hosting solutions include email and a bunch of other stuff, and I
need it only for WordPress and nothing else.

A name, plus at least 1-2 reasons on the recommendation would be great!

Thanks in advance,

Re: [CODE4LIB] Usability Person?

2013-10-30 Thread Cynthia Ng
I've worked at numerous places in the past few years:

1. Dedicated Designer + UX person (non-librarian, large academic library).
The web team consisted of 4-5 people, one of which was solely dedicated to
design (including graphics design), user interface, and user experience. It
made a really big difference to the look of the website and doing actual
user testing.

2. I was the acting web services librarian and it was just one component of
my job (in a medium sized, bordering on large academic library). I
unfortunately rarely had time to do as much user testing as I would've
liked, but set aside time for it. The library also has a web committee
which would provide staff input, and a student advisory committee exists to
provide feedback (in general, though I took over one of their meetings to
focus on the website).

3. There is a dedicated User Experience librarian (in a small-ish college
library), however, this is user experience in general, including the
physical library. Currently, this means that she is too busy to really
focus on the website because she takes care of the learning commons and
other aspects of user experience. To provide a bit more context though, the
website is in an IT controlled CMS, so not a huge amount of customization
can be done.

4. In my current organization, there are 2 librarians, so there is no room
for dedicated positions and I'll be in charge of the website and any user
experience/user testing, which will simply have to be done on an as needed

If you can have it, a specific person tends to work better whether it's
full time or part of a full time position depends on how much work you
think is needed. If you have a team where there are programmers already, I
would suggest focusing on the design/creativity/architecture side of things
with technical know how (but not necessarily a "coder"). It also seems to
work best if they reside in the systems/IT team, but working closely with
other staff.

As to qualifications, the only thing I might add to Shaun's list is
universal design & accessibility.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Notess, Mark  wrote:

> We are spinning up a UX team at IU Bloomington Libraries—below is the
> current opening for the initial hire. More are anticipated. As library
> collections and services move increasingly online, we need to invest in the
> kind of staffing needed to create successful online experiences.
> We did formerly have a usability specialist, but we haven't had a
> dedicated team. The team will provide internal consulting to technology
> projects.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Notess
> Head, User Experience and Digital Media Services
> Library Technologies
> Indiana University Bloomington Libraries
> +1.812.856.0494
> --
> User Experience Designer
> Rank: PAE-3IT
> Position#: 00039047
> List #: 9631
> FTE: 100%
> Job Summary: Provides interaction design consulting services to key
> technology-based projects. Works with stakeholders across IU Bloomington
> Libraries’ departments to understand requirements in order to design
> web-based user interfaces, mobile user interfaces, and online visual
> elements. Performs usability testing and ensures accessibility of services.
> Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in a user experience discipline such as
> human-computer interaction design, interaction design, or related field and
> two years of experience in interface and visual design (as demonstrated by
> a portfolio) or a related professional position required.
> An equivalent combination of related education, training, and experience
> from which comparable skills can be acquired may be considered at a 2:1
> ratio.
> Experience with interaction design, visual design, web design, mobile
> design; demonstrated experience with the relevant interaction and visual
> design tools (Adobe Creative Suite or equivalent); and demonstrated
> experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Excellent oral, written, and
> interpersonal communication skills.
> Knowledge of and experience with academic libraries or higher education
> work environments preferred.
> Note: Submit a letter of interest and resume that provides evidence of the
> qualifications outlined and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at
> least three references that can comment about your qualifications for the
> position.
> Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
> committed to excellence through diversity. Indiana University has a strong
> commitment to principles of diversity and in that spirit seeks a broad
> spectrum of candidates including women, minorities, and persons with
> disabilities. Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
> Employer and encourages applications from candidates with diverse cultural
> backgrounds.
> For more information about Indiana University-Bloomington go to
> .
> To browse other open staff posi

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Northwest

2013-07-30 Thread Cynthia Ng
The BC group is organizing one in Vancouver for November, which you
could consider part of the NW region.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Kyle Banerjee  wrote:
> The c4l meetings in Portland all seemed to work pretty well. I'd be happy
> to help put another one together.
> kyle
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Tom Johnson <
>> wrote:
>> There certainly is.
>> We held a Code4Lib NW a few years ago in Portland. It was well attended. I
>> think it would be great we could get better organized about an annual(?)
>> event.
>> I've also been batting around the idea of doing a regional LODLAM Summit
>> event for the West/Northwest. I'm hoping to have that put together for
>> early next year.
>> - Tom
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Amy Vecchione <
>> > wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > I was just looking at the Code4Libraries site for the regions and saw
>> that
>> > the Northwest link went to an old google group:
>> >!forum/pnwcode4lib
>> >
>> > Is there anyone active in coding for libraries in the Northwest in a new
>> > discussion group/conference/etc?
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance!
>> >
>> > Amy
>> >
>> > --
>> > Amy Vecchione, Digital Access Librarian/Assistant Professor
>> >
>> > Albertsons Library, Boise State University, L212
>> >
>> > (208) 426-1625
>> >

Re: [CODE4LIB] Windows 8

2013-07-24 Thread Cynthia Ng
Our public and staff machines are controlled by IT. Some staff are still on
XP though most are Win7, public is on Win7.

At my former place, public was controlled by IT and on Win7. Staff had just
moved to Win7 over the last year. The move to Win7 + Office 2010 + Google
Apps was such a big change already that we didn't want to make it worse by
going to Win8.

In both cases, I believe a huge part is the campus-wide licensing.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Ruth Frasur  wrote:

> Our library is still on 7.  We will most likely almost wait until the
> release of Window 8.1.  We will be moving to touch screen monitors as well.
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Eric Phetteplace  >wrote:
> > Hi Stuart,
> >
> > We've received a number of Surface RT tablets which we'll be using in the
> > Fall. Right now, it's only staff trying them out but eventually students
> > will use them. We don't have a timeline for migrating our public
> computers
> > to Windows 8.
> >
> > My biggest impression is it's probably wise to wait until Windows 8.1
> > brings back the Start button before upgrading. The lack of a start button
> > seriously frustrates users who have grown accustomed to routing all their
> > actions through it. The touch screen side of the interface would also
> work
> > best alongside touch screen monitors, so that's another consideration.
> >
> > Best,
> > Eric Phetteplace
> > Emerging Technologies Librarian
> > Chesapeake College
> > Wye Mills, MD
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Forrest, Stuart 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi All
> > >
> > > Just taking a quick poll...Who is using windows 8 in their libraries
> and
> > > of those how many use staff, public, both?? And if not why??
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Stuart Forrest PhD
> > > Library Systems Specialist
> > > Beaufort County Library
> > > Beaufort
> > > SC 29902
> > > 843 255 6450
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > For Learning, For Leisure, For Life.
> > >
> >
> --
> Ruth Frasur
> Director of the Historic(ally Awesome) Hagerstown - Jefferson Township
> Library
> 10 W. College Street in Hagerstown, Indiana (47346)
> p (765) 489-5632; f (765) 489-5808
> Our Kickin' Website   Our Rockin' Facebook
> Page   and Stuff I'm
> Reading

Re: [CODE4LIB] Reminder: 4th Code4Lib North May 23-24, Toronto

2013-04-22 Thread Cynthia Ng
Registration link is actually:

My fault for having it wrong in the original email =X

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 12:13 PM, MJ Suhonos  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is a reminder that the 4th Code4Lib North unconference is fast
> approaching, and that we only have 14 spaces left for attendees!
> This year we're trying something a little different, and considering an
> untheme around the concept of "computational thinking".  We want to
> encourage coders and non-coders to mingle together and learn from each
> other -- so tech-services-types and others are especially welcome.
> If you haven't registered yet, now's the time.  If you've registered but
> haven't signed up for a talk, now's the time.  If you have an idea for a
> hackfest, workshop, or breakout discussion, now is definitely the time.
> When: May 23 & 24, 2013
> Where: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON at Heaslip House
> Format: 2 full days – morning presentations, afternoon workshops/hackfest
> Sign up to present 5 or 20 min talk, or to lead/facilitate a hackfest or
> workshop!
> All other information is on the wiki page:
> Schedule and socials will be posted as they get hammered out.
> Register here:
> Cheers,
> @mjsuhonos

[CODE4LIB] Final Reminder: Code4lib Toronto Meetup Friday April 19

2013-04-15 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Just a final reminder for the next code4lib Toronto Meetup.

The next meetup is to encourage collaboration between different libraries
to do a presentation or workshop together! It will also be a great
opportunity to brainstorm possible hackfest ideas. You can of course always
just come to hang out and chat.

As this will be a drop in session, no reservations are needed, just show up!

When: Friday, April 19, 5-7pm
Where: Mozilla Toronto, 5th Floor, 366 Adelaide West

Suggested beery place to gather afterwards: Town Crier Pub at 115 John
St (just 3 blocks away)

Hope to see you there!

Arty-chan / TheRealArty

[CODE4LIB] Code4lib Toronto Meetup Friday April 19

2013-03-25 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Based on those who responded with their availability, I have now set a
date/time for the next code4lib Toronto Meetup.

The next meetup is to encourage collaboration between different
libraries to do a presentation or workshop together! It will also be a
great opportunity to brainstorm possible hackfest ideas.

As this will be a drop in session, no reservations are needed, just show up!

When: Friday, April 19, 5-7pm
Where: Mozilla Toronto, 5th Floor, 366 Adelaide West

Suggested beery place to gather afterwards: Town Crier Pub at 115 John
St (just 3 blocks away)

Hope to see you there!

Arty-chan / TheRealArty

Re: [CODE4LIB] Issuing Mozilla Open Badges

2013-03-15 Thread Cynthia Ng
I've used it as a user/badge collector and found it to be quite easy
to use barring bugs from the game maker:

Re: [CODE4LIB] 4th Code4Lib North May 23 & 24! & next code4libTO

2013-03-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
Sorry the correct registration link is:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:
> Hi All,
> Now that everyone has had a chance to recover from the Code4Lib
> Conference, it’s time to start thinking about the next Code4Lib North!
> Ryerson University Library & Archives is excited to host this year’s
> 4th Code4Lib North Regional Un/conference. We’ve booked a space that
> will allow us to have up to 50 people.
> When: May 23 & 24, 2013
> Where: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON at Heaslip House
> Format: 2 full days – morning presentations, afternoon workshops/hackfest
> Sign up to present 5 or 20 min talk, or to lead a workshop!
> All the other information including detailed location information,
> nearby accommodations, and sign ups are on the wiki page:
> Schedule and socials will be posted as they get hammered out.
> Register here:
> **code4libTO April Meetup**
> The next code4libTO will be a simple get together where we will
> encourage brainstorming and collaboration for workshops and hackfest
> ideas for the upcoming North un/conference. We will also try to get as
> many of the North organizers at the event.
> Help decide the date of the next meetup and sign up to attend:
> If I missed anything or if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
> Cheers,
> Cynthia
> Arty-chan / @TheRealArty

[CODE4LIB] 4th Code4Lib North May 23 & 24! & next code4libTO

2013-03-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Now that everyone has had a chance to recover from the Code4Lib
Conference, it’s time to start thinking about the next Code4Lib North!

Ryerson University Library & Archives is excited to host this year’s
4th Code4Lib North Regional Un/conference. We’ve booked a space that
will allow us to have up to 50 people.

When: May 23 & 24, 2013

Where: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON at Heaslip House

Format: 2 full days – morning presentations, afternoon workshops/hackfest

Sign up to present 5 or 20 min talk, or to lead a workshop!

All the other information including detailed location information,
nearby accommodations, and sign ups are on the wiki page:

Schedule and socials will be posted as they get hammered out.

Register here:

**code4libTO April Meetup**
The next code4libTO will be a simple get together where we will
encourage brainstorming and collaboration for workshops and hackfest
ideas for the upcoming North un/conference. We will also try to get as
many of the North organizers at the event.

Help decide the date of the next meetup and sign up to attend:

If I missed anything or if you have any questions, feel free to let me know.

Arty-chan / @TheRealArty

[CODE4LIB] Anyone at c4l13 seen my popcorn button?

2013-02-14 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

I lost my Popcorn JS button. It's a small button that just has the
popcornjs logo, which just looks like a container of butter popcorn.
I'm sitting in the 4th row on the left side of the room this morning.

@TheRealArty / Arty-chan

Re: [CODE4LIB] post your presentation slides before your talk, please!

2013-02-13 Thread Cynthia Ng
Adding it to lanyrd is super easy too!

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:14 AM, James Stuart  wrote:
> If our entirely awesome presenters can, just drop an email on this thread
> or link into the IRC with your slides right before you go up. That way the
> talks that use code and small text can be followable without squinting.
> If you use dropbox, dropping the share link into IRC is super easy.
> Thanks!

Re: [CODE4LIB] Game Night Code4Lib 2013

2013-02-08 Thread Cynthia Ng
Just an idea if space is really an issue. Would it be possible to
simply get a second room next to (or at least nearby) the first one?
As I image not everyone will be playing the same game, I don't see it
as a problem.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Jon Gorman  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been getting some questions and I realized there was some
> confusion about the Game night.  I was a bit late in organizing it and
> quite frankly haven't done the best job.
> I put out a request for people to express their interest on by Jan.
> 14th by signing up on the wiki or sending me an email, but I didn't
> actually put that date in the wiki and it was only mentioned in the
> email on this list (which was on the 10th of Jan if I remember).  That
> wasn't a hard and fast deadline, mostly so we could get an idea of
> what sized room we need.  However, in the past week or two , we've
> gotten a lot more people sign up and I've also heard from several
> folks now that they thought the signup was only for bringing games.
> As it stand though I realized this morning we had about 15 people
> expressing interest a month ago and now are looking at over twice that
> number.
> I don't want to turn anyone away, but this does pose some logistical hurdles.
> Mea cupla, this is my fault, not any of the Chicago folks.  I'm going
> to try to work with the folks on the ground on seeing if we can get
> another room at the UIC Library. I'll also try to find out some
> surrounding locations that can serve as overspill, like cafes that
> would be fine having a table of people show up and play.  I'm also
> nervous about the number of games vs people who want to play games.
> If you are attending and can bring some games and teach them, that
> would be wonderful. (Also, I've run gaming events like this up to
> about 20 people, but could really use a person or two to serve as a
> helper.  Mainly that just means joining people to games, answering
> questions, etc) Due to the scale, I have some ideas like signup sheets
> for various games at the registration desk, rather like the signups
> for the newcomer's dinner.
> Again, sorry about this,
> Jon Gorman

[CODE4LIB] Volunteer during C4L13!

2013-02-01 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Another friendly reminder to sign up to volunteer. You're going to be
there anyway! Who wants to sit in the _same_ spot the _entire_ day? So
move around a little bit by joining the volunteers!

Just think, minimal effort, and you can add it to your resume too!
Plus lots of gratitude from various people.

In particular, we're looking for:
* Tuesday registration helpers
* microphone runners
* session timers

Sign up on the wiki:

TheRealArty / Arty-chan

Re: [CODE4LIB] Call for Code4Lib 2014 Hosts

2013-01-30 Thread Cynthia Ng
I am more than happy to extend the deadline on behalf of the
community, but as we'd like to announce the next place at the
conference, it'll still have to be submitted soon!

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Michael J. Giarlo
> If I am reading Francis correctly, he just volunteered to coordinate the
> conference for NCSU! I'd jump on that; you don't often get offers like
> that, NCSU.
> ;)
> On Jan 30, 2013 5:20 PM, "McDonald, Robert H."  wrote:
>> they need to have it at the new hunt library - that place rocks -
>> article -
>> robert
>> **
>> Robert H. McDonald
>> Associate Dean for Library Technologies
>> Deputy Director-Data to Insight Center, Pervasive Technology Institute
>> Indiana University
>> 1320 East 10th Street
>> Herman B Wells Library 234
>> Bloomington, IN 47405
>> Phone: 812-856-4834
>> Email:
>> Skype: rhmcdonald
>> AIM: rhmcdonald1
>> From: Code for Libraries [] on behalf of Francis
>> Kayiwa []
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 5:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Call for Code4Lib 2014 Hosts
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 04:59:54PM -0500, Michael J. Giarlo wrote:
>> > Seeing 0 proposals, does that mean there's no code4lib 2014?  Is anyone
>> > working on a proposal still?  Is there reason enough to extend the
>> deadline?
>> Perhaps this is all too raw for me to have proper perspective. A year is
>> not nearly enough time. I'd say start churning out those proposals. I'm
>> looking at you NCSU! ;-) DO! IT!
>> Look you already have a video that does half of your proposal.
>> Everything else? Just details... Do! It!
>> ./fxk
>> >
>> > -Mike
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Cynthia Ng 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > > Feel free to share/report. Here's a link to the website copy if you
>> > > need it:
>> > > 
>> > > The Code4Lib Community is calling for proposals to host the 2014
>> > > Code4Lib Conference. Information on the kind of venue we seek and the
>> > > responsibilities involved can be found at the conference hosting web
>> > > page [1] and on the Code4Lib Wiki [2].
>> > >
>> > > The deadline for proposals is Sunday January 27, 2013. The decision
>> > > will be made over the course of the following weeks by a popular vote.
>> > > Voting will begin on or around Friday February 1, 2013 and will
>> > > continue through the first three days of Code4Lib 2012 until 11:59PM
>> > > Eastern on Wednesday, February 13th. The results of the vote will be
>> > > announced on Thursday, February 14th, the final day of Code4Lib 2013.
>> > >
>> > > You can apply by making your pitch to the Code4Lib Conference Planning
>> > > list [3]; attention to the criteria listed on the conference hosting
>> > > page is appreciated. May the best site win!
>> > >
>> > > Feel free to take a look at past proposals for ideas.
>> > >
>> > > Winning proposal from 2013:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > 2012 Winner:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > 2011 Proposals:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > 1.
>> > > 2.
>> > > 3.
>> > >
>> > > ---
>> > > Cynthia
>> > > (TheRealArty / Arty-chan)
>> > >
>> >
>> --
>> In the force if Yoda's so strong, construct a sentence with words in
>> the proper order then why can't he?

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib 2013 location

2013-01-29 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks for pointing it out.

So, there is no shuttle? I don't mind either way if someone hadn't
said that there would be one and now the wiki is saying there won't be
one. It's just a bit confusing and doesn't help with planning...

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Tracy Seneca  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm responding to this older thread to point you to a travel logistics page
> on the Code4Lib wiki for the conference:
> We'll add further info to this page as needed.  I hope this helps with
> conference navigation!
> Best,
> Tracy Seneca
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Apparently code4lib 2013 is going to be held at the UIC Forum
>> I assumed it would be at the conference hotel. This is just a note so
>> that others do not make the same assumption, since nowhere in the
>> information about the conference is the location made clear.
>> Since the conference hotel is 1 mile from the venue, I assume
>> transportation will be available.
>> best, Erik Hetzner
>> Sent from my free software system .

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4LibCon 2013 T-Shirt Contest Winner

2013-01-16 Thread Cynthia Ng
Curious, is code4lib 2013 going to be added to that design? Seems a
bit ... odd that it's for c4l13 but doesn't say that anywhere.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Shaun Ellis  wrote:
> On behalf of the T-Shirt Committee, I'm pleased to announce the winner of
> the t-shirt design contest is Joshua Gomez, with "Metadata":
> Rock on, Josh! \m/ \m/
> It was a tight race this year, and the winner was decided by a single vote.
> We want to thank everyone for all the great submissions, votes, help, and
> participation.
> See you in Chicago,
> Shaun
> --
> Shaun Ellis
> User Interace Developer, Digital Initiatives
> Princeton University Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] project management system

2013-01-14 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks Rosalyn and Cary. Being code4lib, I was mostly thinking issue
tracker, but if you're looking more for just organizing like a to do
list and other things, you might look at something like Trello:

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Cary Gordon  wrote:
> I agree with Rosalyn that the key is what you mean by project management. I 
> get the impression that you aren't looking for a ticketing system.
> For lists and communication, we use (and like) Basecamp, but there are lots 
> of good alternatives. PBWorks is another good hosted system. If you can host 
> yourself, MediaWiki, which powers the code4lib wiki, has a huge community, is 
> widely used in the library world, and ramps up relatively quickly.
> We use Unfuddle for most of our ticketing, and they have a new planning 
> product called Alchemy, which is in beta.
> Thanks,
> Cary
> On Jan 14, 2013, at 10:52 AM, Rosalyn Metz  wrote:
>> Hi Kun,
>> I guess the first question I would ask is what do you mean by project
>> management -- its kind of a big space.  Are you looking for something more
>> like a ticketing system?  Is your primary concern keeping up communication
>> on projects?  Or are you looking to create a project list that you can keep
>> track of?  Are you trying to just outline what it is that your projects are?
>> If you're looking for a ticketing system I like GitHub Ticketing -- its
>> free and easy to use.  If you're primarily worried about keeping up
>> communication with a different groups, google groups can suffice 9 times
>> out of 10.   If you're just looking to keep track of a list of projects,
>> you might be able to get away with something simple like a Google Form that
>> submits to a spreadsheet.  If you're just outlining what your projects are
>> you could just start off by creating project one pagers (ala Tito
>> Sierra
>> ).
>> My recommendation would be to start off small (and free).  After a few
>> months, re-evaluate and see where you are.  Maybe you'll realize you need
>> something more robust (Unfuddle instead of GitHub Ticketing; Basecamp
>> instead of Google Groups; time management planning instead of lists of
>> projects; formal project plans instead of one pagers;).
>> Rosalyn
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Lin, Kun  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Our library is looking for a project management system. Does anyone has
>>> any suggestions on which one to choose? We only have a very small team and
>>> our main focus is to guide our librarians to submit their ideas and for
>>> record tacking purposes.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kun

Re: [CODE4LIB] project management system

2013-01-14 Thread Cynthia Ng
We just started using Redmine as well last year. What I like about it
is that it's ready to go out of the box. We got it up an running
fairly quickly (once the right Rails install was done), and had to
test it for workflow, but got email -> issue working same day I

While there are a couple of small features I'd like to have in
Redmine, I haven't seen a real downside.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:45 PM, John Fink  wrote:
> We use Redmine, and we're pretty happy with it. It's often used for
> software, but we've found it very helpful for a range of projects.
> It does require that you run it locally iirc, and therefore will require
> that you have someone who can (or can learn) to deploy Rails apps.
> jf
> On 2013-01-14 1:41 PM, "Eric Phetteplace"  wrote:
>> Redmine  is an open source solution in this
>> space.
>> I haven't used it so I can't speak for its quality.
>> Best,
>> Eric
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Schwartz, Raymond > >wrote:
>> > Adam,
>> >
>> > Where is the free version of basecamp.  The website only offers a 45 day
>> > free trial.  All the rest are subscriptions.  /Ray
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
>> > Adam Traub
>> > Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:33 PM
>> > Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] project management system
>> >
>> > Hi Kun,
>> >
>> > I'm a big fan of Basecamp (  With a small group,
>> it
>> > is pretty easy to get by with just the free version and it handles
>> > distribution and archiving of emails.  Unless you're looking for
>> > time-tracking, it has done a very good job for a couple of the projects
>> > I've worked on.  I've noticed a few people get excited about the ability
>> > for it to store files and have "wikis" (called "whiteboards" in
>> Basecamp),
>> > though it is easy to outgrow the free version quickly.  I generally use
>> it
>> > as a scheduling, to-do list (with assignments), and email system.  You
>> can
>> > always complement the file storage with Dropbox or an internal file
>> system.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Adam Traub
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
>> > Lin, Kun
>> > Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:27 PM
>> > Subject: [CODE4LIB] project management system
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Our library is looking for a project management system. Does anyone has
>> > any suggestions on which one to choose? We only have a very small team
>> and
>> > our main focus is to guide our librarians to submit their ideas and for
>> > record tacking purposes.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Kun
>> >

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib 2013 location

2013-01-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
I'm sorry, but that doesn't actually clear up anything for me. The
location on the layrd page just says Chicago. So, is the conference
still happening at UIC? Since the conference hotel isn't super close,
does that mean there will be transportation provided?

While we're on the subject, are the pre-conferences happening at the
same location?

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Francis Kayiwa  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 10:41:54AM -0800, Erik Hetzner wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Apparently code4lib 2013 is going to be held at the UIC Forum
>> I assumed it would be at the conference hotel. This is just a note so
>> that others do not make the same assumption, since nowhere in the
>> information about the conference is the location made clear.
>> Since the conference hotel is 1 mile from the venue, I assume
>> transportation will be available.
> That's a good assumption to make. As to the confusion  I said to you
> when you asked me about this a couple of days ago.
> was supposed to be our
> proposal. If you look at the document it also suggests that we were
> going to have the conference registration staggered by timezones. We
> have elected not to update that because as that was our proposal. When
> preparing our proposal we borrowed heavily from Yale's and IU's proposal
> and if someone would like to steal from us I think it is fair to leave
> that as is.
> If you want the conference page use the link below. I can't
> even take credit for doing that. All of that goes to @pberry
> Cheers,
> ./fxk
>> best, Erik Hetzner
>> Sent from my free software system .
> --
> Speed is subsittute fo accurancy.

[CODE4LIB] Code4Libcon Reminder: C4L13 Various Sign Ups

2013-01-10 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi Everyone,

This is your friendly reminder to sign up for all the various things.


Please add your name and email under each pre-conference session
you're interested in joining:

Please sign up by **January 15th.** (This is not mean you can't switch
or attend if you don't sign up, but we will be using the numbers to
assign rooms so that everyone if comfy.)


You'll be at the conference already, so why not help out? We don't
bite! (or at least, I don't...) Sign up to volunteer during the

Don't forget we have socials that we can sign up for, and consider
helping to organize one.

Last, but not least, if you're looking for a room or looking to cut
your costs, consider sharing your room or ride:

(TheRealArty / Arty-chan)
Program Committee Lead

[CODE4LIB] Call for Code4Lib 2014 Hosts

2012-12-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
Feel free to share/report. Here's a link to the website copy if you
need it:

The Code4Lib Community is calling for proposals to host the 2014
Code4Lib Conference. Information on the kind of venue we seek and the
responsibilities involved can be found at the conference hosting web
page [1] and on the Code4Lib Wiki [2].

The deadline for proposals is Sunday January 27, 2013. The decision
will be made over the course of the following weeks by a popular vote.
Voting will begin on or around Friday February 1, 2013 and will
continue through the first three days of Code4Lib 2012 until 11:59PM
Eastern on Wednesday, February 13th. The results of the vote will be
announced on Thursday, February 14th, the final day of Code4Lib 2013.

You can apply by making your pitch to the Code4Lib Conference Planning
list [3]; attention to the criteria listed on the conference hosting
page is appreciated. May the best site win!

Feel free to take a look at past proposals for ideas.

Winning proposal from 2013:

2012 Winner:

2011 Proposals:


(TheRealArty / Arty-chan)

Re: [CODE4LIB] c4l13 on Lanyrd

2012-12-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
Curious, what criteria are you using to say someone is "involved"?

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Patrick Berry  wrote:
> Yes, once again I thought it would be fun to duplicate all the information
> from the web site into Lanyrd.  Yes, people routinely point out that I'm
> not that bright.  C'est la vie.
> I'm missing a ton of twitter handles.  If I missed yours, well, you already
> know I'm not that bright.  But let me know and I'll fix it up!  If you spot
> anything that you can't change yourself, let me know and I'll fix it up!
> I'm in the process of claiming the event, which supposedly gives one access
> to "advanced tools" and whatnot.  We shall see how that goes.
> Cheers,
> Pat

[CODE4LIB] C4L13 Pre-Conference Sign Up & Call for Volunteers

2012-12-05 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi Everyone,


Now that registration has died down, I'd like to ask everyone to start
signing up for pre-conference sessions.

Please add your name under each pre-conference session you're
interested in joining:

Please sign up by January 15th. (This is not mean you can't switch or
attend if you don't sign up, but we will be using the numbers to
assign rooms so that everyone if comfy.)


You'll be at the conference already, so why not help out? We don't
bite! (or at least, I don't...) Sign up to volunteer during the

(TheRealArty / Arty-chan)
Program Committee Lead

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4lib Registration tomorrow (12/4)

2012-12-04 Thread Cynthia Ng
I'm just getting this: There are no rooms available for your requested
travel criteria. Please consider modifying your preferences or
requested reservation dates

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Karen Coombs  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not getting the appropriate hotel rate when I go to the link provided.
> Anyone else seeing the same thing?
> Karen
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Park,Go-Woon  wrote:
>> Yes! Completed!

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4lib Registration tomorrow (12/4)

2012-12-04 Thread Cynthia Ng
Am I the only one having problems making the hotel reservations?


2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
Just to note, they are all happening. Moving Erik's Solr session will
be part of the next program committee's meeting and will probably be

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Erik Hatcher  wrote:
> We can have the Solr session when and wherever! :)   Organizers - feel free 
> to move it however it fits best.
> Related: With all of those pre-conferences, it looks like there'll need to be 
> 6 rooms but the page says 4 (admittedly 4+ it says)
> Erik
> On Nov 28, 2012, at 16:23 , Bess Sadler wrote:
>> On Nov 28, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Shaun Ellis  wrote:
>>> In that respect, I would suggest the preconference hackfests/workshops that 
>>> involve some kind of pair programming with experienced/inexperienced 
>>> hackers, which could follow up into a mentor relationship outside of the 
>>> conference.  I do like the idea of mentor/mentee speed-dating to align 
>>> interests, but in this sense, the workshop/hackfest you sign up for kind of 
>>> does that for you (assuming all the preconference proposals[1] are actually 
>>> going to happen).
>>> [1]
>>> -Shaun
>> My understanding is that all of the pre-conference proposals are going to 
>> happen (note to self: ask Erik Hatcher whether the evening solr session 
>> could happen at a bar somewhere). The RailsBridge workshop in particular is 
>> aimed at folks who are new to Rails and perhaps new to programming in 
>> general, and RailsBridge as a thing was started as a way to bring more women 
>> into tech. If anyone is interested in helping out at the RailsBridge 
>> session, or at the Blacklight-tailored-for-RailsBridge session in the 
>> afternoon, please join us! Workshops like this can never have too many 
>> people walking the room to help out, and if we had enough experienced folks, 
>> this would be a great opportunity for pair programming and meeting potential 
>> mentors.
>> Bess

Re: [CODE4LIB] Proposed Changes to Future Conference Program Choosing

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
I agree that a full-curated program would have its issues, and
honestly, I'd be hesitant to move make such a big leap. It seems
everyone agrees at least on the 15% (3-4 sessions) and made of note of
it in the documentation, but I'd still like to hear if people either
support more (or less). I've also made a note that the goal of these
sessions set aside for the program committee should be "diversity".

If you'd like to take a look, it's on the wiki:

As to whether people know who's a regular or not, reading through last
year's discussion, we might consider the idea of people
self-identifying as female, minority, first-timers, etc. as part of
their proposals. Thoughts?

Re: [CODE4LIB] Mentorship & Buddies

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
I think that's why it's important we try more for 1-on-1, but that
means having people who know the "regulars" (i.e. non-newbies).

So it might go something like this:
* everyone interested would sign up
* a (committee/organizing) group would match people up
* for any newbies leftover, the organizing group would ask individual
"regulars" if he/she would be willing to mentor/buddy with a
particular newbie who's interested in learning something they have to

It's then up to people to set aside a time to meet. The pairing might
only last that one meeting, it might last longer, you don't know, but
having a specific someone to go to just to ask questions if you have
any can already make a newbie feel much more welcome.

This was the sort of system we had at our library school. I haven't
asked much from my mentor, but I now have a contact at another
university library who has expanded my network and my comfort zone.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Becky Yoose  wrote:
> Some observations about conference-y stuff:
> - Newcomer dinner groups tend to see a disproportionate n/v ratio, even
> with some prodding to get more established members to participate and
> disperse themselves out in the groups. Then again, I can't make things
> mandatory, lest I get pelted with book snakes.
> - Since 2009, I've noticed that the number of first time attendees range
> between over 1/3 to roughly 1/2 of the conference crowd. [1]
> - Even when it's not their first code4lib conference, people at their
> second or third conference still identify as newbies, so these folks might
> not be comfortable being mentors quite yet...
> [1] Count taken from raised hands when asked the annual "How many
> code4libcons you've attended" question
> Thanks,
> Becky, uncaffeinated
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:
>> Getting traction for mentoring online is always difficult, but what
>> about starting that mentorship at code4libcon?
>> Maybe almost like a buddy system, so that the first meeting between a
>> mentor and mentee is at a code4libcon (national, regional, or
>> otherwise) if possible.
>> This might simply be a good idea for first timers who are not going
>> with colleagues too.
>> Just throwing out some ideas here...
>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Nick Ruest  wrote:
>> > Matt McCollow proposed something like this a while back. We have a page
>> up
>> > and everything! But, it never got much traction.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -nruest
>> >
>> > On 12-11-27 07:30 PM, Bess Sadler wrote:
>> >>
>> >> +1 to this idea. I have benefited tremendously over the years from kind
>> >> people taking me under their wings. Many of us try to do this
>> one-on-one,
>> >> but some kind of introduction service would be a huge benefit for the
>> >> community, I would think.
>> >>
>> >> Mentorship is a great example of a robust solution - a solution that
>> >> addresses more than one problem at once. I suspect that this would not
>> only
>> >> improve our diversity as a community, it might also solve some tech
>> >> leadership / succession planning problems and maybe expose some training
>> >> needs.
>> >>
>> >> Bess
>> >>
>> >> On Nov 27, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Nathan Tallman  wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> This is a slightly different topic, but relates to Kelley's post: Does
>> >>> code4lib have a mentor program where more inexperienced geeks can pair
>> up
>> >>> with someone to guide their development? I don't have anyone like that
>> in
>> >>> my network, but would really like to. I don't mean to discount the
>> >>> existing
>> >>> resources on code4lib or this list, which both have been very useful.
>> I'm
>> >>> sure I could just start by attending some of the conferences, but for
>> >>> more
>> >>> inexperienced people they can be a bit intimidating, albeit inspiring.
>> >>>
>> >>> It would also be a way to directly engage minorities.
>> >>>
>> >>> Just a thought.
>> >>>
>> >>> Nathan
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Kelley McGrath 
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4libTO December Meetup

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
The next code4lib Toronto meetup has been set for Thu, Dec 13.

Come join!

Info, signup, talks signup:

Re: [CODE4LIB] Proposed Changes to Future Conference Program Choosing

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
I would say, yes, it's because we limit the number of presentations.
(Though in reality, I wasn't part of the older discussions).

I'd be against limiting up front because people can propose to talk
about very different topics that may be of interest to the community.

For example, these are the two proposals that I sent in this year:
* Making the Web Accessible through Solid Design
* Getting People to What They Need Fast! A Wayfinding Tool to Locate
Books & Much More

Neither made the cut, but I would say that's beside the point.

How often do people send in more than two proposals anyway?

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Kevin S. Clarke  wrote:
> Curious about the no limit on number of proposals per person.  I know
> we've discussed this before, but I don't remember the reasoning for
> this decision.  Is it just that we limit in the actual presentation (1
> presentation max per person) so various proposals are okay?  Why not
> just limit up front?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:
>> I'm really glad to see this discussion continuing. It seems like
>> there's a good amount of support for at least giving a certain amount
>> of sessions over for the program committee to decide.
>> At 15%, we'd be looking at 3-4 slots reserved for the program
>> committee (whoever that might be next year) to do with as they wish.
>> If there's no opposition, I'd still like to propose giving the
>> committee the flexibility to use those slots to "diversify" the
>> program, one major consideration being first time presenters, but not
>> being an absolute requirement.
>> Limits
>> As of right now, we are still sticking to these limits, and I'd be in
>> favour of keeping it
>> * 1 presentation max per person (not including pre-conf)
>> * 2 presenters max per presentation
>> * No limit on number of proposals per person
>> Agreed: presenter anonymity--


2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
Since there are two different topics here, I split up my replies and
renamed the subjects.

Ross: I would definitely consider maybe having a breakout about this
at the conference.

See the mentorship thread that I split off and maybe we can brainstorm
a way to get some people started with this at the conference (and
possibly beyond). I'd like to hear what you have to say

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Andromeda Yelton
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Ross Singer  wrote:
>> I had a conference proposal that I can up with the night before the CfP
>> closed that was project board for libraries to jointly collaborate on
>> developing the sorts projects that get built over and over again at every
>> library, with the idea that collaborative development could both
>> immediately expand the development teams at any given library, but also
>> foster this sort of mentor/learner relationship.
> I for one would love to see & help with this.
> Andromeda

Re: [CODE4LIB] Mentorship & Buddies

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
Getting traction for mentoring online is always difficult, but what
about starting that mentorship at code4libcon?

Maybe almost like a buddy system, so that the first meeting between a
mentor and mentee is at a code4libcon (national, regional, or
otherwise) if possible.

This might simply be a good idea for first timers who are not going
with colleagues too.

Just throwing out some ideas here...

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Nick Ruest  wrote:
> Matt McCollow proposed something like this a while back. We have a page up
> and everything! But, it never got much traction.
> -nruest
> On 12-11-27 07:30 PM, Bess Sadler wrote:
>> +1 to this idea. I have benefited tremendously over the years from kind
>> people taking me under their wings. Many of us try to do this one-on-one,
>> but some kind of introduction service would be a huge benefit for the
>> community, I would think.
>> Mentorship is a great example of a robust solution - a solution that
>> addresses more than one problem at once. I suspect that this would not only
>> improve our diversity as a community, it might also solve some tech
>> leadership / succession planning problems and maybe expose some training
>> needs.
>> Bess
>> On Nov 27, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Nathan Tallman  wrote:
>>> This is a slightly different topic, but relates to Kelley's post: Does
>>> code4lib have a mentor program where more inexperienced geeks can pair up
>>> with someone to guide their development? I don't have anyone like that in
>>> my network, but would really like to. I don't mean to discount the
>>> existing
>>> resources on code4lib or this list, which both have been very useful. I'm
>>> sure I could just start by attending some of the conferences, but for
>>> more
>>> inexperienced people they can be a bit intimidating, albeit inspiring.
>>> It would also be a way to directly engage minorities.
>>> Just a thought.
>>> Nathan
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Kelley McGrath 
>>> wrote:
 I'll second the idea of approaching people individually and explicitly
 asking them to participate. It worked on me. I never would have written
 first article for the Code4Lib Journal or become a member of the
 committee if someone hadn't encouraged me individually (Thanks

 It would also be good to find a way to somehow target the pool of
 who maybe aren't already connected to someone and get them more

 As far as anonymous proposals go, we recently had a very good workshop
 implicit bias here. Someone brought up that found significant changes in
 the gender proportions in symphony orchestras after candidates started
 auditioning behind screens. There are also lots of studies about the
 different responses to the same resume/application depending on whether
 stereotypically male/female or white/black name was used. Probably it's
 impossible to make proposals completely anonymous, but it would be an
 interesting experiment to leave off the names.


 PS Interestingly, I wouldn't instinctively self-identify as a member of
 the Code4Lib community, although my first thought is that that has more
 do with not being a coder than with being a woman.

 Kelley McGrath
 Metadata Management Librarian
 University of Oregon Libraries
 1299 University of Oregon
 Eugene, OR 97403


> --
> -nruest

Re: [CODE4LIB] Proposed Changes to Future Conference Program Choosing

2012-11-28 Thread Cynthia Ng
I'm really glad to see this discussion continuing. It seems like
there's a good amount of support for at least giving a certain amount
of sessions over for the program committee to decide.

At 15%, we'd be looking at 3-4 slots reserved for the program
committee (whoever that might be next year) to do with as they wish.
If there's no opposition, I'd still like to propose giving the
committee the flexibility to use those slots to "diversify" the
program, one major consideration being first time presenters, but not
being an absolute requirement.

As of right now, we are still sticking to these limits, and I'd be in
favour of keeping it
* 1 presentation max per person (not including pre-conf)
* 2 presenters max per presentation
* No limit on number of proposals per person

Agreed: presenter anonymity--


2012-11-27 Thread Cynthia Ng
Here's something that came up during the program committee meeting.

While I understand why code4lib has traditionally decided on the
program purely by voting, would the community support leaving maybe a
couple of slots for the program committee to decide sessions? perhaps
with the explicit goal to help diversify the program: whether it be by
gender, ethnicity, technology/tool, point of view (e.g someone outside
library/archives), etc.

People tend to vote for their interest and what is familiar to them,
that's only natural, but at past Access conferences for example, I
have found some that I never would've voted (just based off of a
description) as some of the most interesting talks I've seen.
Sometimes it's the topic, sometimes it's the presenter, regardless, if
we want to diversify, it's a small step to take, but one I think we
should at least consider for code4libcon 2014.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [CODE4LIB] 2013 Code4lib Registration Details

2012-11-26 Thread Cynthia Ng
May want to add a link to the pre conf sessions as well:

Though again, not scheduled yet.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Ranti Junus  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Jodi Schneider wrote:
>> I have added this list to the schedule (without scheduling them,
>> obviously):
>> Please correct as needed.
>> -Jodi
> Nice. Thanks, Jodi.
> ranti.
> --
> Bulk mail.  Postage paid.

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4libTO December Meetup

2012-11-23 Thread Cynthia Ng
You got it.

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 4:34 AM, gibert julien  wrote:
> The Greater Toronto Area, I guess
> Le 23/11/2012 09:53, Wilhelmina Randtke a écrit :
>> What's "GTA"?
>> -Wilhelmina Randtke
>> On Nov 20, 2012 1:55 PM, "Cynthia Ng"  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> In the GTA area? Tell me when you might be available for a c4l meetup
>>> early December!
>>> Vote now!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Cynthia
> --
> signature
> *Julien Gibert*

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4LibCon Presentation Results!

2012-11-22 Thread Cynthia Ng
Good job me. In case you don't have it handy, here's the link to the

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] De la part de 
> Cynthia Ng
> Envoyé : 22 novembre 2012 09:01
> Objet : [CODE4LIB] Code4LibCon Presentation Results!
> Hi All,
> Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans! Hope you're having a fun time 
> fooding yourself to near-death =P
> The results are in! You could already see the results of course, but the 
> program committee has met and decided on the cutoff. So all the presentations 
> with a score higher than ...
> *drumroll*
> 124 are in. (You have all been cc'ed)
> I have submitted the list of presenters to the executive/host committee, so a 
> reminder to presenters that you DO NOT need to register during public 
> registration.
> Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal. There were lots of interesting 
> ones that didn't get in and I wish we could have taken in more, but I 
> encourage everyone to present at regional code4libcons/meetups.
> Sincerely,
> Cynthia Ng
> (TheRealArty / Arty-chan)
> Program Committee Lead

[CODE4LIB] code4libTO December Meetup

2012-11-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

In the GTA area? Tell me when you might be available for a c4l meetup
early December!

Vote now!


Re: [CODE4LIB] preconf ideas

2012-11-08 Thread Cynthia Ng
Don't know much about either, so can't really lead, but I would
definitely be interested in attending either, especially Ruby so that
I can learn at least a basic amount.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Jason Ronallo  wrote:
> I have a couple ideas for preconf sessions, but I am wondering whether
> anyone would be interested in them before further committing by posting one
> to the wiki. Would you be interested in attending or suggesting someone
> attend either of these?
> 1. An introduction to coding through Ruby and Rails. I'm looking at
> something like the RailsBridge Curriculum [1] as a quick, gentle
> introduction to getting started coding web applications. It seems that with
> the bigger venue that more folks may be attending that do not do coding in
> their regular job but may like to get started. Is there something like a
> basic training that the Code4Lib conference and community can do to bridge
> that gap and get more folks in libraries coding and having a better
> understanding what is involved in the work? Anyone else who would be
> interested in helping to lead this or help field questions and help folks
> work through problems?
> 2. An HTML5 Video workshop. I've pitched a talk on HTML5 Video that I'd
> really like to give, but wonder if there would be enough interest to do a
> 1/2 day workshop on the topic? It would allow time to do some hands-on work
> with the whole process of making video available this way. Anyone else with
> experience with video who would like to help put this together?
> Interest in either of these? Would you commit to attend one? Willing to
> help plan one?
> Jason
> [1]

[CODE4LIB] FINAL REMINDER - Code4lib 2013 Call for Proposals - Get in on the Action!

2012-11-07 Thread Cynthia Ng
Your final call to action. Give us more pre-conf proposals! MOAR
(ahem). Proposals are also due THIS Friday.

Voting info to come.

>> We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2013.
>> Code4lib 2013 is a loosely-structured conference for library
>> technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be
>> inspired, and forge collaborations. The conference will be held Monday
>> February 11th (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 14th, 2013 in
>> Chicago, IL. More information can be found at
>> **Prepared Talks**
>> Head over to the call for proposals page at
>> and submit
>> your idea for a prepared talk for this year's conference! Proposals
>> should be no longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.
>> Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and
>> focus on one or more of the following areas:
>> * tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
>> * specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new 
>> ones)
>> * challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)
>> The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
>> * usefulness
>> * newness
>> * geekiness
>> * uniqueness
>> * awesomeness
>> Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 2nd, 5pm PT.
>> Voting will commence soon thereafter. The submitter (and if necessary
>> a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to register for
>> the conference.
>> Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 2nd, 5pm PT.
>> We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning
>> talk and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present
>> with an opportunity to do so.
>> Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
>> -Cynthia aka TheRealArty
>> Program Committee Lead

[CODE4LIB] EXTENDED - Code4lib 2013 Call for Proposals - Get in on the Action!

2012-10-31 Thread Cynthia Ng
We have had requests for extensions due to the hurricane/storm. To
accommodate, we have decided to extend the call one week, so proposals
are now due next Friday, Nov 9.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Cynthia Ng  wrote:
> This is your friendly final reminder that conference proposals are due
> NEXT Friday!
> Don't forget to pitch your idea for pre-conference sessions as well.
> We have lots of rooms!
> Remember that getting a proposed talk in means a guaranteed spot for
> the conference, so get yours in!
>> We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2013.
>> Code4lib 2013 is a loosely-structured conference for library
>> technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be
>> inspired, and forge collaborations. The conference will be held Monday
>> February 11th (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 14th, 2013 in
>> Chicago, IL. More information can be found at
>> **Prepared Talks**
>> Head over to the call for proposals page at
>> and submit
>> your idea for a prepared talk for this year's conference! Proposals
>> should be no longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.
>> Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and
>> focus on one or more of the following areas:
>> * tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
>> * specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new 
>> ones)
>> * challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)
>> The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
>> * usefulness
>> * newness
>> * geekiness
>> * uniqueness
>> * awesomeness
>> Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 2nd, 5pm PT.
>> Voting will commence soon thereafter. The submitter (and if necessary
>> a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to register for
>> the conference.
>> Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 2nd, 5pm PT.
>> We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning
>> talk and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present
>> with an opportunity to do so.
>> Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
>> -Cynthia aka TheRealArty
>> Program Committee Lead

[CODE4LIB] FINAL REMINDER - Code4lib 2013 Call for Proposals - Get in on the Action!

2012-10-31 Thread Cynthia Ng
This is your friendly final reminder that conference proposals are due
this Friday!

Don't forget to pitch your idea for pre-conference sessions as well.
We have lots of rooms!

Remember that getting a proposed talk in means a guaranteed spot for
the conference, so get yours in!

> We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2013.
> Code4lib 2013 is a loosely-structured conference for library
> technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be
> inspired, and forge collaborations. The conference will be held Monday
> February 11th (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 14th, 2013 in
> Chicago, IL. More information can be found at
> **Prepared Talks**
> Head over to the call for proposals page at
> and submit
> your idea for a prepared talk for this year's conference! Proposals
> should be no longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.
> Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and
> focus on one or more of the following areas:
> * tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
> * specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new ones)
> * challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)
> The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
> * usefulness
> * newness
> * geekiness
> * uniqueness
> * awesomeness
> Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 2nd, 5pm PT.
> Voting will commence soon thereafter. The submitter (and if necessary
> a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to register for
> the conference.
> Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 2nd, 5pm PT.
> We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning
> talk and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present
> with an opportunity to do so.
> Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
> -Cynthia aka TheRealArty
> Program Committee Lead

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib-ers who will serve on the scholarship committee wanted

2012-10-30 Thread Cynthia Ng
Volunteering to help is not connected to volunteering. Each committee
(except the exec/host committee) consist of people from all over, so
it's just a matter of coordinating over email/skype/etc to get things

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Salazar, Christina
> Oh no, God forbid I should seek reward! I was just wondering how I could 
> commit without knowing for sure if I'd be going.
> Christina
> From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Francis 
> Kayiwa []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib-ers who will serve on the scholarship 
> committee wanted
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 09:10:57PM +, Salazar, Christina wrote:
>> Questions:
>> 1) Do sponsorship team members have a defined call list or are we expected 
>> to come up with places to call on our own?
> A bit of both although we've pretty much exhausted the `past sponsors`
> list. We do welcome new donors however.
>> 2) If we volunteer for a "during the conference" position does that help our 
>> chances of being able to GO to the conference (in the event of a very 
>> impacted registration)?
> Oh no it doesn't. The reward is the work itself. :-) If you want to
> guarantee a way to get into the conference submit (Deadline is this
> week!) a proposal
> Go ahead I dare ya! :-)
> ./fxk
>> Christina Salazar
>> Systems Librarian
>> John Spoor Broome Library
>> California State University, Channel Islands
>> 805/437-3198
>> From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Jodi 
>> Schneider []
>> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 3:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib-ers who will serve on the scholarship 
>> committee wanted
>> Direct link:
>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:01 PM, Bohyun Kim wrote:
>> > Hi code4lib-ers,
>> >
>> > The code4lib needs people who will serve on the scholarship committee for
>> > the upcoming c4l conference. Please sign up on the wiki!
>> >
>> > While you are there, check out other committees as well.
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> > Bohyun
>> >
>> > *Sent from a mobile phone - please excuse the brevity of the message.
>> >
>> > Bohyun Kim, MA, MSLIS.
>> > Digital Access Librarian
>> > Florida International University Medical Library
>> >
>> > 305. 348. 1471
>> >
> --
> "The subspace _?W inherits the other 8 properties of _?V. And there aren't
> even any property taxes."
> -- J. MacKay, Mathematics 134b

[CODE4LIB] Reminder: Code4lib 2013 Call for Proposals - Get in on the Action!

2012-10-19 Thread Cynthia Ng
Just a friendly reminder. 2 weeks left!

> We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2013.
> Code4lib 2013 is a loosely-structured conference for library
> technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be
> inspired, and forge collaborations. The conference will be held Monday
> February 11th (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 14th, 2013 in
> Chicago, IL. More information can be found at
> **Prepared Talks**
> Head over to the call for proposals page at
> and submit
> your idea for a prepared talk for this year's conference! Proposals
> should be no longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.
> Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and
> focus on one or more of the following areas:
> * tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
> * specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new ones)
> * challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)
> The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
> * usefulness
> * newness
> * geekiness
> * uniqueness
> * awesomeness
> Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 2nd, 5pm PT.
> Voting will commence soon thereafter. The submitter (and if necessary
> a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to register for
> the conference.
> Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 2nd, 5pm PT.
> We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning
> talk and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present
> with an opportunity to do so.
> Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
> -Cynthia aka TheRealArty
> Program Committee Lead

[CODE4LIB] Code4lib 2013 Call for Proposals - Get in on the Action!

2012-10-01 Thread Cynthia Ng
We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2013.

Code4lib 2013 is a loosely-structured conference for library
technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be
inspired, and forge collaborations. The conference will be held Monday
February 11th (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 14th, 2013 in
Chicago, IL. More information can be found at

**Prepared Talks**

Head over to the call for proposals page at and submit
your idea for a prepared talk for this year's conference! Proposals
should be no longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.

Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and
focus on one or more of the following areas:

* tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
* specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new ones)
* challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)

The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
* usefulness
* newness
* geekiness
* uniqueness
* awesomeness

Proposals can be submitted through Friday, November 2nd, 5pm PT.
Voting will commence soon thereafter. The submitter (and if necessary
a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to register for
the conference.

Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 2nd, 5pm PT.

We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning
talk and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present
with an opportunity to do so.

Looking forward to seeing your proposals!
-Cynthia aka TheRealArty
Program Committee Lead

Re: [CODE4LIB] Cool Tool Day at Toronto/GTA Meetup!

2012-08-13 Thread Cynthia Ng
Final Reminder!

If you're in the GTA, come join us at the second code4lib Toronto
Meetup! At this next meetup, we're asking people to simply present on
a program, website, etc. that they find cool. So, even if you're not a
programmer or coder, come join us!

If you'd like to come, please send me an email, tweet, or sign up on
the doodle, or better yet, sign up to present something you find cool!

Hope to see you there!

[CODE4LIB] Cool Tool Day at Toronto/GTA Meetup!

2012-08-07 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

If you're in the GTA, come join us at the second code4lib Toronto
Meetup! At this next meetup, we're asking people to simply present on
a program, website, etc. that they find cool. So, even if you're not a
programmer or coder, come join us!

If you'd like to come, please send me an email, tweet, or sign up on
the doodle, or better yet, sign up to present something you find cool!

Hope to see you there!

Re: [CODE4LIB] It's all job postings!

2012-08-05 Thread Cynthia Ng
Actually, you don't even need to filter on subject line (which might
filter out something like this thread). Jobs posted through (vs an individual) all come from
so all you have to do is filter emails from that specific email.

Like most, I think it's great to have these posted to the mailing list
for all the previously mentioned reasons.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Second Toronto/GTA Meetup!

2012-07-25 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Code4LibTO second meetup has been set!

When: August 14th at 5pm
Where: Ryerson University Library / Elephant & Castle

All the details are on the wiki:

If you'd like to come, please send me an email, tweet, or sign up on the doodle.

Hope to see you there!

[CODE4LIB] Second Toronto/GTA Meetup!

2012-07-18 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

Second call out!

I realize that summer means a lot of people are on holidays, but I
still thought it'd be fun times to organize one over July/August,
which is so far looking to be mid-Aug.

1) Fill out the doodle to let me know what days you're available
2) sign up, suggest more ideas, and/or vote for which you'd like to see

All the information is on the wiki:

Hope to see even more people there this time!


Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars

2012-07-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
then clearly is answer is to make your website responsive!

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Genny Engel  wrote:
> Interesting, Safari has just pulled into the lead over here.
> 1.  Safari  29.82%
> 2.  Internet Explorer   27.73%
> 3.  Firefox 24.69%
> 4.  Chrome  12.88%
> 5.  Android Browser  3.32%
> But that is not counting the library computers, which default to IE8 or in 
> some cases Public Web Browser (!).  We got a hundred IE6 visits last month - 
> a tiny percentage, but they're still out there.
> As a public library, we avoid putting up barriers to access, and I try to be 
> very careful about that with our website.  It's a public accommodation, after 
> all.
> Nowadays, I am starting to feel like the lack of a mobile site is such a 
> barrier, because almost 10% of visits are coming from mobile devices.  Not 
> having a mobile site for that 10% feels a little like finding out 10% of our 
> library patrons use wheelchairs, then building steps in front of the door.
> Genny Engel
> Sonoma County Library
> 707 545-0831 x581
> -Original Message-
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Aaron 
> Collier
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
> Firefox is the leader on our stats, but I think that's mostly because it is 
> the default browser on almost any campus system. IE is close behind though 
> while mobile browsers are the most sparse.
> I guess the old "develop in firefox, test in IE" still holds true.
> Aaron Collier
> Library Academic Systems Analyst
> California State University, Fresno - Henry Madden Library
> 559.278.2945
> - Original Message -
> From: "Brig C McCoy" 
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:28:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
> Hi...
> This is from the last six weeks from one of my public-facing websites.
> Definitely not going to drop MSIE support for the website at this rate:
> # #reqs #pages browser
> 1 18137 827 MSIE
> 8651 437 MSIE/8
> 7400 277 MSIE/9
> 1866 52 MSIE/7
> 193 42 MSIE/6
> 16 16 MSIE/5
> 11 3 MSIE/10
> 2 1809 441 Safari
> 1128 299 Safari/533
> 202 58 Safari/534
> 214 54 Safari/7534
> 79 23 Safari/6533
> 41 4 Safari/530
> 13 3 Safari/531
> 3 906 260 Netscape (compatible)
> 4 1287 182 Firefox
> 442 114 Firefox/13
> 408 34 Firefox/12
> 139 11 Firefox/10
> 163 6 Firefox/3
> 28 6 Firefox/14
> 11 5 Firefox/9
> 6 2 Firefox/4
> 12 2 Firefox/6
> 4 1 Firefox/15
> 8 1 Firefox/7
> 5 1164 175 Chrome
> 718 111 Chrome/19
> 409 61 Chrome/20
> 23 1 Chrome/9
> 4 1 Chrome/10
> 1 1 Chrome/5
> ...brig
> On 7/12/2012 9:33 AM, Michael Schofield wrote:
>> Ever since Microsoft announced the new IE auto-update policy, the
>> blogosphere is fussing. This is definitely important (and good) news, but
>> sites-Smashing Magazine has three articles on it in the last few days-are
>> really pushing the "drop IE support," and "its literally slowing the
>> internet down." I'm down, but that attitude-especially for libraries-isn't
>> really the right one to have. It is, IMHO, an old view. A smart design
>> strategy with progressive enhancement can deliver content to . everyone -
>> which should be the priority for non-prof / [local-]government web presences
>> over flare. Right?--
> Brig C. McCoy
> Network Services Coordinator
> Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
> 625 Minnesota Avenue
> Kansas City, KS 66101
> tel 913-279-2349
> cel 816-885-2700
> fax 913-279-2271

Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars

2012-07-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
I think this is true for a lot of users who access library sites.
Frequently they are using a computer they have no control over. It
would only be an annoyance to have a message telling them they're on
an outdated browser.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Aaron Collier  wrote:
> I'd have to agree with this, as the one time I can recall putting this kind 
> of message up we received complaints from faculty members.
> Aaron Collier
> Library Academic Systems Analyst
> California State University, Fresno - Henry Madden Library
> 559.278.2945
> - Original Message -
> From: "Cary Gordon" 
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:25:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
> I think that anyone using IE 6 knows that they are skiing on barrel
> staves. Those messages mostly piss folks off, particularly when they
> are on a library site.
> On the other hand, I really love getting "please update your Flash"
> messages on my iPad :
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Michael Schofield  
> wrote:
>> Does anyone actually generate a conditional message--say, if LTE IE7--to
>> suggest that visitors upgrade or otherwise warn them about a wonky site?
>> //Michael
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Cary
>> Gordon
>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
>> While we will support anything that our clients want supported, we warn them
>> away from IE6 and other expensive to support antiquities. We definitely pay
>> attention to IE during development, as backtracking to fix an issue that has
>> been buried can be both depressing and expensive.
>> We test in Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari. We test Responsive and/or
>> mobile sites in a range of mobile clients.
>> Thanks,
>> Cary
>> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Aaron Collier 
>> wrote:
>>> Firefox is the leader on our stats, but I think that's mostly because it
>> is the default browser on almost any campus system. IE is close behind
>> though while mobile browsers are the most sparse.
>>> I guess the old "develop in firefox, test in IE" still holds true.
>>> Aaron Collier
>>> Library Academic Systems Analyst
>>> California State University, Fresno - Henry Madden Library
>>> 559.278.2945
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Brig C McCoy" 
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:28:03 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
>>> Hi...
>>> This is from the last six weeks from one of my public-facing websites.
>>> Definitely not going to drop MSIE support for the website at this rate:
>>> # #reqs #pages browser
>>> 1 18137 827 MSIE
>>> 8651 437 MSIE/8
>>> 7400 277 MSIE/9
>>> 1866 52 MSIE/7
>>> 193 42 MSIE/6
>>> 16 16 MSIE/5
>>> 11 3 MSIE/10
>>> 2 1809 441 Safari
>>> 1128 299 Safari/533
>>> 202 58 Safari/534
>>> 214 54 Safari/7534
>>> 79 23 Safari/6533
>>> 41 4 Safari/530
>>> 13 3 Safari/531
>>> 3 906 260 Netscape (compatible)
>>> 4 1287 182 Firefox
>>> 442 114 Firefox/13
>>> 408 34 Firefox/12
>>> 139 11 Firefox/10
>>> 163 6 Firefox/3
>>> 28 6 Firefox/14
>>> 11 5 Firefox/9
>>> 6 2 Firefox/4
>>> 12 2 Firefox/6
>>> 4 1 Firefox/15
>>> 8 1 Firefox/7
>>> 5 1164 175 Chrome
>>> 718 111 Chrome/19
>>> 409 61 Chrome/20
>>> 23 1 Chrome/9
>>> 4 1 Chrome/10
>>> 1 1 Chrome/5
>>> ...brig
>>> On 7/12/2012 9:33 AM, Michael Schofield wrote:
 Ever since Microsoft announced the new IE auto-update policy, the
 blogosphere is fussing. This is definitely important (and good) news,
 but sites-Smashing Magazine has three articles on it in the last few
 days-are really pushing the "drop IE support," and "its literally
 slowing the internet down." I'm down, but that attitude-especially
 for libraries-isn't really the right one to have. It is, IMHO, an old
 view. A smart design strategy with progressive enhancement can
 deliver content to . everyone - which should be the priority for
 non-prof / [local-]government web presences over flare. Right?--
>>> Brig C. McCoy
>>> Network Services Coordinator
>>> Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
>>> 625 Minnesota Avenue
>>> Kansas City, KS 66101
>>> tel 913-279-2349
>>> cel 816-885-2700
>>> fax 913-279-2271
>> --
>> Cary Gordon
>> The Cherry Hill Company
> --
> Cary Gordon
> The Cherry Hill Company

Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars

2012-07-12 Thread Cynthia Ng
I agree with Cary on that point. If you're still using IE6, I have no
idea where you've been the last few years and your internet is broken
all over the place least of all the library website and they are
likely using it for a specific purpose.

I don't think force IE updates make any difference in how we develop
our websites. Microsoft still officially supports IE7 and IE8, and so
for the moment, do we. We develop in FF/Chrome and then test in IE,
Opera, Safari (on MAC and Windows, because FF and Opera at least
behave differently on the two).

I say, take a look at your own stats, but I'm willing to bet, like the
bulk of the people who have replied, IE is heavily used to access your
library website.

[this got sent a lot later, I thought I had hit the send button already!]

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Cary Gordon  wrote:
> I think that anyone using IE 6 knows that they are skiing on barrel
> staves. Those messages mostly piss folks off, particularly when they
> are on a library site.
> On the other hand, I really love getting "please update your Flash"
> messages on my iPad :
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Michael Schofield  
> wrote:
>> Does anyone actually generate a conditional message--say, if LTE IE7--to
>> suggest that visitors upgrade or otherwise warn them about a wonky site?
>> //Michael
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Cary
>> Gordon
>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 2:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
>> While we will support anything that our clients want supported, we warn them
>> away from IE6 and other expensive to support antiquities. We definitely pay
>> attention to IE during development, as backtracking to fix an issue that has
>> been buried can be both depressing and expensive.
>> We test in Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari. We test Responsive and/or
>> mobile sites in a range of mobile clients.
>> Thanks,
>> Cary
>> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Aaron Collier 
>> wrote:
>>> Firefox is the leader on our stats, but I think that's mostly because it
>> is the default browser on almost any campus system. IE is close behind
>> though while mobile browsers are the most sparse.
>>> I guess the old "develop in firefox, test in IE" still holds true.
>>> Aaron Collier
>>> Library Academic Systems Analyst
>>> California State University, Fresno - Henry Madden Library
>>> 559.278.2945
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Brig C McCoy" 
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:28:03 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Browser Wars
>>> Hi...
>>> This is from the last six weeks from one of my public-facing websites.
>>> Definitely not going to drop MSIE support for the website at this rate:
>>> # #reqs #pages browser
>>> 1 18137 827 MSIE
>>> 8651 437 MSIE/8
>>> 7400 277 MSIE/9
>>> 1866 52 MSIE/7
>>> 193 42 MSIE/6
>>> 16 16 MSIE/5
>>> 11 3 MSIE/10
>>> 2 1809 441 Safari
>>> 1128 299 Safari/533
>>> 202 58 Safari/534
>>> 214 54 Safari/7534
>>> 79 23 Safari/6533
>>> 41 4 Safari/530
>>> 13 3 Safari/531
>>> 3 906 260 Netscape (compatible)
>>> 4 1287 182 Firefox
>>> 442 114 Firefox/13
>>> 408 34 Firefox/12
>>> 139 11 Firefox/10
>>> 163 6 Firefox/3
>>> 28 6 Firefox/14
>>> 11 5 Firefox/9
>>> 6 2 Firefox/4
>>> 12 2 Firefox/6
>>> 4 1 Firefox/15
>>> 8 1 Firefox/7
>>> 5 1164 175 Chrome
>>> 718 111 Chrome/19
>>> 409 61 Chrome/20
>>> 23 1 Chrome/9
>>> 4 1 Chrome/10
>>> 1 1 Chrome/5
>>> ...brig
>>> On 7/12/2012 9:33 AM, Michael Schofield wrote:
 Ever since Microsoft announced the new IE auto-update policy, the
 blogosphere is fussing. This is definitely important (and good) news,
 but sites-Smashing Magazine has three articles on it in the last few
 days-are really pushing the "drop IE support," and "its literally
 slowing the internet down." I'm down, but that attitude-especially
 for libraries-isn't really the right one to have. It is, IMHO, an old
 view. A smart design strategy with progressive enhancement can
 deliver content to . everyone - which should be the priority for
 non-prof / [local-]government web presences over flare. Right?--
>>> Brig C. McCoy
>>> Network Services Coordinator
>>> Kansas City, Kansas Public Library
>>> 625 Minnesota Avenue
>>> Kansas City, KS 66101
>>> tel 913-279-2349
>>> cel 816-885-2700
>>> fax 913-279-2271
>> --
>> Cary Gordon
>> The Cherry Hill Company
> --
> Cary Gordon
> The Cherry Hill Company

Re: [CODE4LIB] responsiveness and Wordpress

2012-07-11 Thread Cynthia Ng
A responsive catalogue would definitely be interesting to see. I
imagine what can make this very difficult to do is the fact that many
(if not most) libraries have a proprietary ILS/OPAC, which can make it
very difficult to customize.

I've seen some mobile versions of faceted interfaces (mostly from
databases and discovery tools, such as Summon and EBSCO), but none
that are responsive. Nevertheless, if you're looking for ideas, I
think these interfaces can give you a good idea of what else has been
done at least at the small screen device size.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:06 PM, Bilal Khalid  wrote:
> Hello All,
> Excellent discussion this. We've been plugging away at a responsive design
> for our library catalogue at UofT, and I've often wondered: are there any
> good responsive layouts and design patterns out there for catalogue
> searching? I've seen some really nice generic examples, such as the ones
> from LukeW (, but they tend to be for
> long form content like blogs and the like.
> I'd love to see if anyone has implemented a responsive design for faceted
> catalogue searching in particular.
> Thoughts?
> -Bilal
> --
> Bilal Khalid
> Senior Applications Programmer/Analyst
> Information Technology Services
> University of Toronto Libraries
> (416) 946-0211

[CODE4LIB] Second Toronto/GTA Meetup!

2012-07-10 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

I realize that summer means a lot of people are on holidays, but I
still thought it'd be fun times to organize one over July/August.

All the information is on the wiki:

1) Fill out the doodle to let me know what days you're available
2) sign up, suggest more ideas, and/or vote for which you'd like to see

Hope to see even more people there this time!


Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Toronto Meetup

2012-06-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hey All,

A final reminder

Come by to the first Code4Lib Toronto Meetup. Didn't RSVP? That's
okay, just drop by!
(with some cash, one tab policy)

Tomorrow at 5pm (or later) at C'est What, 67 Front Street East, Toronto

Hope to see you there,

[CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Toronto Meetup

2012-06-14 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hey All,

Just a reminder that the first meetup is one week from now! Not sure
if you're coming? sign up on the wiki anyway (a bigger reservation is
better than too small of one)

Again, if you don't have an account and you'd rather not sign up for
whatever reason, just shoot me an email.

Hope to see you there,

[CODE4LIB] Code4Lib Toronto Meetup

2012-06-07 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hey All,

Finally got around to it! Info and sign up is on the wiki. If you
don't have a c4l wiki account and you're too lazy to sign up, just
drop me an email and I'll add you, but please read the information on
the wiki first!

Hope to see some of you there,


2012-05-10 Thread Cynthia Ng
If you're just looking for text, our programmer did it simply by doing
a screen scrape of the resulting page. So the call number search is
used, it automatically takes the first result and scrapes the
information from the item details page. Doesn't really help in getting
it in JSON or XML though.

Right now, since we have Summon, we're looking into using their API to
grab search results (for multiple items instead of just one), which I
believe is returned in XML or JSON and limiting it to e/books.


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Madrigal, Juan A  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to send a Call Number to WebOPAC via a query so that I 
> can return data (title, author, etc…) for a specific book in the catalog 
> preferably in JSON or XML (I'll even take text at this point).
> I'm thinking that one way  to accomplish this is via Z39.50 and send a query 
> to the backend that powers WebOPAC
> Has anyone done something similar to this?
> PHP YAZ ( looks promising, but I'd 
> appreciate any guidance.
> Thanks,
> Juan Madrigal
> Web Developer
> Web and Emerging Technologies
> University of Miami
> Richter Library

[CODE4LIB] Interest in Toronto/GTA Meetup?

2012-04-20 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

In light of seeing some of the other meetups going on, I thought
"cool, reminds me of the Web 2.0 meetups I used to have in Ottawa", I
wondered why I hadn't heard of one in Toronto. I've been told there
isn't one!

However, before trying to organize one, I was wondering if there was
interest in having a Toronto Meetup?

Would be interested in what others think.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Local catalog records and Google, Bing, Yahoo!

2012-02-24 Thread Cynthia Ng
I would definitely like to see something like this written up as a
journal article. "How to expose your collection to search engines"

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Stern, Randall
> In order to make more open access data available on the web, this is what 
> Harvard does for most of our silo catalogs of images, finding aids, 
> geospatial data sets, and page turned digital objects (full text) - creates 
> easily crawlable, meta-tagged index pages for each item.
> The result is that for our finding aids (lots of text data exposed) we see 
> about 3-4X as many referrals from search engines as we do searches in our 
> native interface, and for images (brief metadata exposed) about a 30% bump 
> for search engine referrals.
> ---
> Date:    Thu, 23 Feb 2012 22:54:33 +
> From:    Dave Caroline 
> Subject: Re: Local catalog records and Google, Bing, Yahoo!
> To avoid sessions and other silliness just expose a search engine
> friendly format without sessions.
> As I dont have local visitors google traffic matters.
> 86.62% Search Traffic
>  2.41% Referral Traffic
> 10.98% Direct Traffic
> For my tiny corner on the web
> Dave Caroline

Re: [CODE4LIB] Issue Tracker Recommendations

2012-02-22 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks for all the responses, everyone. If there are any more, I'd
still like to hear them.

Should probably add that
4) it's more for issue tracking/documentation i.e. code
versioning/repository is not a priority right now (though it's great
if it has that feature)

There will be discussions with the rest of the team and we'll have to
talk to the programmer/server admin to see what he thinks is easier to
implement, but we're likely to go with Redmine or Trac based on

[CODE4LIB] Issue Tracker Recommendations

2012-02-22 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

We're looking at implementing an issue tracker for internal use, so
I'm looking for recommendations.

What's key:
1) minimal effort in install/setup i.e. ready to use out of the box
2) small scale is okay, we have a very small team
3) ideally, have an area for documentation and issue creation via email

What does your institution use?
What do you like and dislike most about it?
Would you recommend it to others?

Responses (short or detailed) would be greatly appreciated.


Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib North : May 2012 : The University of Windsor : is a go!

2012-02-15 Thread Cynthia Ng
Great to hear!

As I am unfortunately unlikely to make it, I think livestreaming
and/or video archiving would be great.

Another alternative would be for all presenters to post presentations
with speaker notes and/or have a live notetaker. Just throwing ideas
out there.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Mita Williams  wrote:
> The third installment of Code4Lib North is a go!
> We have the okay from our administration, we (tentatively) we have a place
> to meet up in the University's new Engineering Building, and we have a team
> of folks from the Leddy Library who will endeavour to extend the same kind
> hospitality that both McMaster and Queen's University demonstrated in the
> past.  And there's a chance that we might be able to hold a social event in
> the soon to be reopened Walkerville Brewery.
> Code4Lib Community: do have any suggestions for what sort of format we
> should pursue?  At the moment, I'm thinking along the lines of being two
> days with the first being a hackfest and the second being lightning talks
> and presentations.  Should we also include an 'ask me anything' on the
> first day? the second?  If we get the space we want, we might have access
> to a 3D printer.  Should we try to incorporate some hardware hacking?
> Also, we're not well versed in livestreaming and archiving video of
> presentations here but if it's important to the community, we can give it
> our best shot.  How important is live video/archived video to you?
> And perhaps, most importantly, what week in May would work best for you?
> Here are some mitigating factors (please let me know of any that I may have
> missed)
> - April 20-22 : GreatLakes THATCamp (London, Ontario)
> - May 5th : Weird Al is playing the Detroit Fox Theatre
> - June/July : tentative Code4Lib Midwest meetup at Michigan State
> Please let me know, on or off-list. Thanks!
> Mita

Re: [CODE4LIB] Touch Screens in the Library

2012-02-14 Thread Cynthia Ng
Thanks everyone for the links and ideas. We'll be looking into
implementing the touch screen once we finish our wayfinding tool, so
it's great to see how others have done it.

Please post if you encounter any more.


[CODE4LIB] Touch Screens in the Library

2012-02-13 Thread Cynthia Ng
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has implemented (or plan to implement) touch
screens in their library? We're looking mostly at doing it for
wayfinding (finding items, rooms, etc.) but I'd definitely be
interested in  hearing about any other uses.

What kind of hardware did you choose?
What software are you using?
If you did it in-house, what language(s) did you use?

Any ideas/help would be great.



2012-02-01 Thread Cynthia Ng
Just a quick 2 cents. I only found out about the feed by reading this
conversation. I think it would be great to make the RSS link a little
more obvious from the front page.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Michael J. Giarlo
> I smell a potential breakout session.
> -Mike
> P.S. No, really, jokers, that's what I smell.
> On Jan 31, 2012 11:30 PM, "Ed Summers"  wrote:
>> I guess it's rarely a good idea to respond to your own post, but I
>> forgot to add that when a job is "published" on it
>> will show up in the site's Atom feed [1]. The feed should be usable by
>> your feed reader of choice, and could also be useful if you want to
>> syndicate the jobs elsewhere.
>> //Ed
>> [1]
>> PS. It was kind of fun to finally use the "tag" link relation to mark
>> up the job tags in the feed with Freebase URLs. For example:
>>        ...
>>        > href=""; type="text/html" />
>>        > href="";
>> type="application/json" />
>>        > href=""; type="application/rdf+xml"
>> />

Re: [CODE4LIB] What time of year do you look for jobs?

2011-10-31 Thread Cynthia Ng
Interestingly, I know a lot of people finish their courses in December
at the end of the winter academic term, but because of the holiday
season, not a lot of people are hiring.
Cynthia Ng
MLIS Candidate, UBC School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies (SLAIS)
& Student Librarian, UBC Education Library

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Matthew Sherman
> Post graduation is always good for us up and comers.
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Tania Fersenheim wrote:
>> I am trying to find out if there is a time of year that techie
>> librarians are more likely to look for new jobs.
>> When do your thoughts turn to greener pastures?  Fall? Spring? Right
>> after a difficult support call?
>> Tania
>> --
>> Tania Fersenheim
>> Manager of Library Systems
>> Brandeis University
>> Library and Technology Services
>> 415 South Street, (MS 017/P.O. Box 549110)
>> Waltham, MA 02454-9110
>> Phone: 781.736.4698
>> Fax: 781.736.4577
>> email: