[CODE4LIB] SHARE call for creative responses

2014-04-07 Thread Eric Celeste
SHARE is seeking applications for a technical project
hopes to receive applications from interested individuals by this
At the same time SHARE will also entertain creative responses to this job
posting. In particular, if an existing team with the requisite project
management and development skills wants to put forward a proposal that
supplies both the technical project manager and the forthcoming developer
positions, we would consider the offer.

In other words, if you have a team ready to dig into the development
of the SHARE
we'd love to hear from you!

Please take a look at the SHARE call for creative
get back to us before 4/23.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

[CODE4LIB] Fwd: ARL Seeks SHARE Technical Project Manager

2014-03-25 Thread Eric Celeste
I am happy to report that we have just posted a position for a SHARE
Technical Project
the person who will lead the development of the SHARE notification
If you are interested, or know someone who we should consider for this
position, please contact share-project-mana...@arl.org.

Have a great 2014 Code4Lib Conference this week!

Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

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ARL Seeks SHARE Technical Project Manager
  by *Judy Ruttenberg* | *202-296-2296 <202-296-2296>* | *
share-project-mana...@arl.org * | on *March
25, 2014*
   [image: ARL Seeks SHARE Technical Project Manager]
image © Niklas Wikström <http://t.e2ma.net/click/t5d6f/dx8nyc/ttsd6b>
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is recruiting a project
manager for an 18-month project to build the SHared Access Research
Ecosystem (SHARE) Notification Service
SHARE (www.arl.org/share) <http://t.e2ma.net/click/t5d6f/dx8nyc/peud6b> is
a collaborative initiative among ARL, the Association of American
Universities, and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.
The technical project manager is a full-time position with standard ARL
benefits for 18 months with the possibility of extension. This position is
also eligible for telecommuting.
 Areas of Major Responsibilities
Taking goals and direction from SHARE’s technical director, the SHARE
technical project manager will oversee the agile development process by a
small (2­–3 person) distributed team in building SHARE’s Notification
Service through a series of sprints in which discrete periods of effort
produce working code. The technical project manager will work
collaboratively but with a substantial amount of autonomy with
concentration on the following tasks:

   - Working with a part-time technical director, contribute to the
   selection of the development team and sprint schedule.
   - In collaboration with the development team, distill development tasks
   into discrete 2- to 3-week sprints of work.
   - Oversee the day-to-day operations of a distributed team of developers
   during each code sprint.
   - Review the project schedule with senior management and all other staff
   who will be affected by the project activities, and revise the schedule as
   - Track progress, review project tasks, and meet deadlines while
   ensuring deliverables are clear to the development team and to stakeholders.
   - Build team cohesion and foster good communication among stakeholders
   and the development team.

 Position Requirements
BA/BS, or equivalent knowledge or experience.

   - Demonstrated success with agile development methodologies and with
   supervising distributed teams, preferably on open source projects.
   - A solid understanding of and demonstrated experience with using
   appropriate open source and agile tools such as Jira and GitHub.
   - Preferred experience in publishing or scholarly communication in

Salary is dependent upon experience. ARL offers standard benefits including
sick leave, vacation, TIAA/CREF.
Screening will begin April 9, 2014, and will continue until the position is
filled. Please e-mail a letter of application and résumé to
View/download a PDF of this job

*ARL is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to diversity in the
professional workplace.*
  The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a
nonprofit organization of 125 research libraries in the US and Canada.
ARL’s mission is to influence the changing environment of scholarly
communication and the public policies that affect research libraries and
the diverse communities they serve. ARL pursues this mission by advancing
the goals of its member research libraries, providing leadership in public
and information policy to the scholarly and higher education communities,
fostering the exchange of ideas and expertise, facilitating the emergence
of new roles for research libraries, and shaping a future environment that
leverages its interests with those of allied organizatio

[CODE4LIB] SHARE Notification System Project Plan

2014-02-06 Thread Eric Celeste
The SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE)--a joint initiative of the
Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American
Universities (AAU), and the Association of Public and Land-grant
Universities (APLU)--today
Notification System Project Plan
This plan describes a first step for SHARE, one that would increase our
awareness of research output emerging from our universities and other
research centers. Making this notification system a reality will be the
work of an open source development project, so you can expect to hear more
about this in the coming weeks and months.

For more information about the project, visit the SHARE
follow SHARE
on Twitter <https://twitter.com/SHARE_research>.

And, yes, for those of you keeping track, this is the more formal
announcement of the same plan that I accidentally broadcast to C4L last
week. As I said last week, I'd love any feedback you may have.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / 651-323-2009

Re: [CODE4LIB] SHARE plans

2014-01-29 Thread Eric Celeste
Whoops! Dear Code4Lib, I just spammed you all with a message intended for
Dan. Sorry!

Of course, if any of you feel like plowing through that one and offering me
advice, I'd love to hear it!

Again, apologies.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009


2014-01-29 Thread Eric Celeste
Hi Dan, I saw your GWU posting on C4L last week and it sounds like you have
a great shop. I hope you are enjoying it.

I really appreciated the brief conversation I had with you at CNI last
month. The SHARE plans are starting to come together with a bit more
specificity, and just last week we learned we could be on a very fast track
for some grant funding. While this is terrific for the project, it does
mean we have to make some decisions without as much clarity as I'd like.
I'm wondering if I can impose on you again for some thoughts on these
decisions? If so, read on.

We now have a project
the notification system I described to you in December. While this is
still pretty much an internal document, feel free to look it over if you
like. Essentially, we want to build a system that captures research release
events from a variety of systems from CrossRef and CHORUS to VIVO and local
repositories to systems like RePORT and the Open Science Framework. These
events would represent publications, but also data sets or presentations or
other outputs of the research process. The goal is to build a digest of
these events that can be subscribed to (like "following" on Twitter) or
queried by stakeholders such as offices of sponsored research at
universities to managers of funding agencies (federal and private) to
publishers themselves on the hunt for future authors and editors.

Even though we are still defining the scope of this work and trying to come
to grips with how much is already being done by some of the players, we are
also trying to wrap this up in the form of a grant proposal this week. For
the purposes of this grant, I've asked that we plan for a team of one
development project manager and two full time programmers. We may have a
site in NYC or Virginia willing to host this team, or we may want to allow
the team to be distributed around the country in an effort to broaden our
available pool.

In particular, I'd love to get a project manager on board ASAP, since this
person could help sort through some of the existing projects and open
source codebases to determine from what foundation we would best launch the
development effort.

I believe we will have to start this small, focused on a partner or two and
what we can harvest, how we can structure these "events" and store them for
retrieval and push notifications, then iterate as we add partners and build
toward the full notification system. The SHARE steering group supports all
the code we write being open source (there was advocacy for the Educational
Community License <http://opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0>, which I am not
familiar with, but is an offshoot of Apache) and any data we assemble being
CC0. I imagine this would be an agile project managed on github, though I
was particularly intrigued by the degree to which it sounds like your shop
has focussed on github as a management tool.

Whew! That's a mouthful.

I am wondering whether you have any advice given this summary. In
particular, I am wondering if you have any thoughts about who might be a
suited to being a project manager for this kind of effort and whether you
have any wisdom to impart about the choice of embedding staff in a host
institution vs. trying to manage a distributed team? At CNI you seemed
interested in the potential of the project itself, I also wonder if this
still sounds worthwhile to you or what warnings of advice about the scope
of the task itself?

Finally, you had mentioned both a staff member at GWU and a few other names
when we were sitting at CNI, but if I wrote that on a piece of paper there,
I am having a devil of a time finding it (partly because I am on the road
this week). If you have any thoughts about people who would be good for
this development team, let me know. The SHARE steering group imagines this
could grow into something on the scale of I2 or Sparc, so it could have
longer legs than just this notification system too. Of course, that will
depend partly on how well we pull off this first step.

Yikes! Another mouthful.

OK, I'll stop there.  :)  Maybe I should just call. If so, give me a time
and number and I'll try to ring you up.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

Re: [CODE4LIB] newbie

2010-03-25 Thread Eric Celeste
> To offer a counterpoint to no PHP folks, One reason I like PHP is because

right now its pretty much essential to know if you are using open source web

applications like MediaWiki, Wordpress or Drupal. I feel like Javascript is

also a must for web work.

Agreed. I actually hated both PHP and JavaScript, but found I had to know
them. I've become more of a fan of JavaScript, even though it is an odd
beast. It is just so accessible and (carefully deployed) powerful that it is
hard to resist. A kind of Dennis the Menace of the web.

PHP is another story. I do need it for just those apps Karen describes. When
I want to dig in I need PHP. But I still hate PHP. The online documentation
is great, but it really _needs_ this documentation since it seems every
function uses a slightly different parameter order or return type and you
never know what to expect without looking it up. Unfortunately, this loose
ethic has infected code written with PHP so that Drupal and WordPress both
suffer the same problems.

Yes, if you are going to dig into existing apps you may need PHP. That's why
it is good to know what problems you need to solve _before_ committing to
your language. The code already written is part of the _community_ of the
language. You will do better if you can speak the language of the community.
But if you do not have to learn PHP, I would not make it a starting point.
It is just too scattered to be fun, at least for me. I would never use PHP
to teach programming, though I might use JavaScript or Ruby with new or
returning programmers.

> I keep toying with Ruby on Rails and getting about 1/3 of the way into the
> book I have before getting completely sidetracked by another project.

I had this same problem for a few years. Part of the turn-off for me was the
very "insiderness" of the Ruby crowd. Rails, especially, forces a way of
thinking on you, a "religion" as I often term it. Many languages do this,
but I found many of the books assumed you were ready to adopt the religion,
and I was not.

I finally broke through this barrier with the help of "Learning Rails" from
O'Reilly press. The authors of this book are explicitly skeptical of some of
the Rails religion, and make it clear when they are following "the way" and
when they wander afield a bit. I found this welcoming and very helpful for
arriving at Rails with my own set of questions and assumptions.

I don't think Rails is magical or a solution to all (or even most) problems.
But I do think it is a great deal of fun and a very efficient and effective
framework for database-backed web apps. Especially if you have found
yourself enjoying SmallTalk, Model-View-Controller, Cocoa programming, or
the like, you might find a comfortable home and community in Ruby on Rails
once you break through the crusty religious barrier.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

Re: [CODE4LIB] newbie

2010-03-24 Thread Eric Celeste
I agree with the responses that suggest you look at the problems you want to
solve and then decide which language, and more importantly which _community_
surrounding a language, is most in tune with solving those problems.

If you are not sure what you want to solve, but just looking for ways to
stay sharp, I have two current favorite ways to do that:

(1) JavaScript is already available to you, very versatile, and a lot of fun
to play with.

JavaScript is built in to every browser. You don't need to have access to a
web server to have a lot of fun with it. There are a ton of books, lots of
websites, and all kinds of small problems you can solve with it. It is the
foundation of client-side computation on the web, a key way that current
websites become more responsive to their users. Add some study of CSS
(cascading style sheets) and you can do miraculous things with JavaScript.
If you go this route, don't be shy of using jQuery from the beginning. It
only makes JavaScript easier to use when manipulating web pages.

(2) Ruby is a blast, and Ruby on Rails is a rocket.

Most server side tools require a whole suite of tools working in concert to
get going. PHP depends on Apache and often on plugins that can take a bit of
tweaking. Ruby, on the other hand, pretty much depends on itself. And Ruby
on Rails gives you a whole web server environment to play with on your own
machine without much hassle. You don't really even need to install a
database to get started, since it can use SQLite. If you get serious, you
can even deploy a Rails app via Heruku for free or cheap. Ruby is, IMHO, a
beautiful syntax and may actually make you smile as you code. Rails made me
laugh out loud as it simplified what I thought of as horribly complex tasks
in other languages and environments, though it also made my head hurt as I
unlearned old habits. If nothing else, you may be entertained while
learning. Give http://tryruby.org 20 minutes for a taste.

These are my current thoughts, very different than what you might have heard
from me a year ago. But really, a lot depends on the problems you are trying
to solve. Think about those for a while and let them lead you.


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 2:24 PM, jenny  wrote:

> A newly-minted library school grad who has up to this point focused my
> studies on Rare Books and Book Arts, I've been interested in getting
> back into some programming--I took two classes in college
> (VisualBASIC), have a smattering of web design and php, MySQL,
> exposure, but I'd like to try my hand at teaching myself a language in
> my free time. My partner is a former dotcom programmer (now studying
> neuroscience) and has offered to assist when needed, so I'm not
> completely on my own (thank goodness).
> My question is, where would you recommend I would begin? What's hot
> right now in the library world? Python, PERL, Ruby? Any advice you'd
> have for a beginner like me or even recommendations for online courses
> would be extremely appreciated
> JC

[CODE4LIB] a first look at Code4Lib

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Celeste
Even though I've been around for a few years and even remember some very
early discussions that eventually boiled into the founding of Code4Lib, I've
mostly been a lurker in this community. I am in the middle of my first
Code4Lib conference and writing a piece for some folks at CLIR who are
trying to determine what role DLF should have as a program of CLIR. They
were curious about Code4Lib and lucky me, I offered to come visit and report

I welcome your feedback on the report I am drafting. I'd like it to be a
fair assessment of the conference.


Thanks for a wonderful meeting, I'm looking forward to tomorrow (today!),


Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009

[CODE4LIB] Minnesota Historical Society RFI

2009-04-13 Thread Eric Celeste
The Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) is looking for help building its next
generation search tool. The engine currently driving their search is
proprietary, difficult to maintain, and expensive to tweek. They are very
interested in open solutions, though anything that might work is of
interest. What makes the MHS case challenging is that they bring together a
wide array of material, from traditional web search to image searching to
people searching and birth and death records under one roof. Since one query
can draw results from such varied sources, the result sets need to be
presented in a way that helps the user sort through the possibilities.
Today they issued an RFI. I will be helping them sort through the responses,
so I'd love to make sure we get some interesting ones in there! That's why
I'm sharing this with Code4Lib.

If you'd like to respond, please go for it! If you know someone to whom MHS
should send a copy of their Request for Information, please let me know.

The RFI itself can be found at:


Thanks for any feedback you care to share!

Eric Celeste / e...@clst.org / http://eric.clst.org / 651-323-2009