Re: [CODE4LIB] Anyone familiar with XSLT? Im stuck

2016-01-21 Thread Thomas Berger
Hash: SHA1

Am 21.01.2016 um 19:39 schrieb Eric Lease Morgan:

> Your XML files are pretty flat, and  if I understand the question
> correctly, then it is all but trivial to extract your three elements
> as a line of CSV.  Consequently I suggest foregoing the concatenation
> of all the XML files into a single file. Such only adds complexity.

> # process each file
> for FILE in ./data/*.xml
>  # do the work
> end

actually, if [ "$XSLTPROC" = "xsltproc" ] ;
then you can reduce that to

xsltproc $XSLT ./data/*.xml

For simple situations one might do without XSLT and stuff
XPath expressions for the content to grab into the command
line of utilities like xml_grep or xpath. But since these
are essentially shell interfaces to perl modules (XML::Xpath
and XML::Twig) it's probably not worth the effort installing
them if they are not already present in your environment.

Thomas Berger

Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


[CODE4LIB] Call for testers: next release of Net::OAI::Harvester Perl module may break legacy custom handlers

2016-01-15 Thread Thomas Berger
Hash: SHA1

[Apologies again for cross-posting, but it was just suggested to me
that XML4LIB and PERL4LIB probably won't cover the possible audience]

The Perl module Net::OAI::Harvester implements a client framework for
the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and was authored
and originally maintained by Ed Summers. It has been available on
CPAN ever since 2003 and its last stable version 1.15 has been
released almost four years ago:
 < >.

Since one of the repositories used for testing vanished from the web
some time ago and this is breaking the test suite a new version has
to be released fairly soon.

Over time I had been tackling various minor issues and published
developer releases on CPAN, cf. the list at the end of this mail
or the Changes document linked at the CPAN page for the current
release 1.16_12: < >

However the sum of these changes is not negligible and specifically
their impact on "custom metadata handlers" (which are to be used when
processing other metadata formats than oai_dc) may affect
applications using the module:

Up to version 1.15 the metadataHandler was inconsistently fed with input

 - GetRecord exposed the almost complete XML response to the Handler
   (including start_document/end_document events)
 - ListRecords exposed the (OAI)record element (header, metadata and
   optional about containers) but did not propagate start_document or
   end_document events.

In both cases the events for the header tags itself and for the optional
setSpec subelements had not been forwarded

Version 1.20 introduces a modified behavior for metadataHandler and an
additional recordHandler:
 - a metadataHandler will see only the (single) subelement of the OAI
   metadata element (so for an deleted record it might never be invoced
   at all)
 - a recordHandler will see the OAI record element and its subelements

Therefore a metadataHandler will now be confined to the metadata
fragment(s) of the response, and the new recordHandler approximates the
old behavior of ListRecords, however OAI-PMH:identifier and
OAI-PMH:datestamp will now be properly encapsulated within their
OAI-PMH:header element.

Additionally, two new methods responseDate() and request() allow access
to the corresponding top-level OAI-PMH elements in all response types.
A SAX filter of class Net::OAI::Record::DocumentHelper may be used to
inject start_document and end_document events into the chain if they
are needed.

As a temporary measure, you may set
   $Net::OAI::Harvester::OLDmetadataHandler =1
to change the behavior of handlers passed as "metadataHandler" into
that of a recordHandler.

Obviously the change of semantics for a metadataHandler to deal with the
"metadata" elements of the response instead of the "record" elements
is a design decision and may be questioned by users of the module.

The current version also contains several changes which solve
deficiencies of Net::OAI::Harvester 1.15 but possibly break existing
workarounds for these deficiencies. For example officially (per
documentation) you never could acccess
the responseDate of the OAI-PMH result, but due to a sloppy
implementation of processing for the identify verb it was possible to
extract it in this case by an undocumented method. The current version
supplies a dedicated responseDate() accessor for all verbs but at the
same time fixes the behavior in the identify case.

I may be overly optimistic but my impression is that the changes between
the current 1.15 and the coming version (most probably numbered 1.20)
do actually fix many issues but the fear is realistic (I experienced
that myself with an old application of mine using the module) that
these fixes may conflict with workarounds introduced by users to make
things work before.


So please, if you are currently using Net::OAI::Harvester *and* had
been forced to introduce workarounds or tweak internals of the module,
perform thorough testing before upgrading to the coming stable
version, preferably already now with the developer version 1.16_12.

And, please, please: provide feedback if you should run into trouble,
either via the CPAN request tracker for the module at
< >
or by direct mail.

Sorry for the inconvenience
viele Gruesse
Thomas Berger

Changes to Net::OAI::Harvester since version 1.15

1.16_12 Tue, Jan 12 00:20:05 CET 2016
- - dealing with CPANTS Kwalitee issues, esp. version number mess
- - new filter class Net::OAI::Record::DocumentHelper for tweaking

1.16_11 Tue, Jan 12 00:20:05 CET 2016
- - minor cleanup

1.16_10 Mon, Jan 11 01:29:46 CET 2016
- - renamed alldata() method for accessing recordHandler results
  to recorddata()
- - better propagation of n

Re: [CODE4LIB] Net::OAI::Harvester

2011-08-11 Thread Thomas Berger
Hash: SHA1

Hi Stephen,

> Does anyone know a way in which Net::OAI::Harvester can be used with oai_dc
> records in a way where multiple instances of a tag can be captured and then
> concatenated with the first one.

It should work to extract the tag in array context:

my $dc = $r->metadata();

@their_identifiers = $dc->identifier();

Further concatenation would be left to the application.

> That being said, I do have one other question: Is there a way within the
> Net::OAI::Harvester to output the actual metadata structure that's being 
> harvested?

There is no mandatory method for any metadata handlers within the
context of Net::OAI::Harvester to provide this.

And for the default OAI_DC handler: It provides the asString method
which at least shows the complete content.

hope this helps
Thomas Berger
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [CODE4LIB] wikipedia/author disambiguation

2011-05-31 Thread Thomas Berger
Hash: SHA1

Am 31.05.2011 17:55, schrieb Jonathan Rochkind:

> VIAF one works great, taking me to the human readable VIAF page.
> PND one seems to work too, taking me to the authority page in the Deutsche
> National Bibliothek.
> The LCCN one does not work. Tries to take me to:
> Which results in an HTTP 500 error from the OCLC server.
> Since this template apparently generates a URL to an OCLC service (rather than
> LC? I guess maybe LC itself doesn't have the right permalinks?), I think that
> OCLC probably ought to fix this. If the template is not creating the right 
> URL,
> I guess you've got to work with wikipedia to fix it. Or fix your end to accept
> those URLs properly.

These links IIRC are the same ones VIAF employs to link to a
representation of the NAF records and they are broken for about 6 weeks

To my knowledge the {{Authority Control}} Metadata in the English Wikipedia
are inspired from a similar effort in the German Wikipedia, which since
2005 notes authority nunbers for persons: They started with PND numbers
(Personennormdatei, the Collaborative Authority File for german and
austrian libraries) and were backed by an agreement with the German
National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB) to provide mutual
links from authority Records to Wikipedia and vice versa.

Currently about 150.000 articles on carry the associated
PND number, many of them also LoC-NA and VIAF numbers:

The links from to are not implemented
by 856-like manifest URLs in the authority records nor some kind of
"wikipedia numbers" as additional identification numbers. Rather publishes on a daily base a trivial concordance table
relating extracted PND numbers to the corresponding wikipedia lemma.
The DNB portal in turn incorporates this table and generates the
respective links on the fly whenever an affected authority record is

Some biographical dictionaries, regional bibliographies, classical
OPACs and historical projects picked up this mechanism and published
their own tables of this kind, all using the PND identification number
as common system of reference. This (as such a low-tech approach
to the semantic web) was coined "PND-BEACON":

< >
(english version: < >)

CKAN data package: < >

Publishing such beacon files presupposes that your data already
carries more-than-local identification numbers. With this
precondition met, the gain is twofold:

- - publishing a beacon file may direct vistors from the incorporators
  of the file to your catalogue

- - the existing authority numbers in your cataloge enable you to
  relate (via their beacon files) to other web ressources, thus
  rounding up the data you present.

Thomas Berger
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [CODE4LIB] it's cool to hate on OpenURL

2010-04-30 Thread Thomas Berger
Hash: SHA1


Jakob Voss schrieb:

> Am I right that neither OpenURL nor COinS strictly defines a metadata
> model with a set of entities/attributes/fields/you-name-it and their
> definition? Apparently all ContextObjects metadata formats are based on
> non-normative "implementation guidelines" only ??

You are right, the 129 page spec of Z39.88 only deals with these in
examples, and IIRC does not even decent pointers to the following:

There are some "Core Metadata formats" registered under

notably info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book and info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal :

< >,
< >.

As for the semantics of the fields defined there, the "description" is
certainly not strictly defined in any sense but you can already see
that there is potential for confusion and especially no canonical way
(no way at all?) to achieve satisfying descriptions for several kinds of
non-mainstream objects:

* scholarly articles originally published online (when a "journal
  context" cannot be constructed)

* articles in books which are not by coincidence conference proceedings


Thomas Berger

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
