Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-02 Thread Peter Schlumpf
-Original Message-
>From: Alexander Johannesen 
>Sent: Nov 1, 2010 9:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]
>So this is not a *dumb* idea, nor is it one of simply saying "it's the
>API, stupid." It does goes deeper than that. Not that you / we should
>do it, but that's it a good exercise that should have happened. And,
>heck, might even have happened.

Alex explains eloquently the problems and possibilities of a DSL for the 
library world, and semantic maps generally.  This is also in answer to some of 
Patrick E.'s earlier questions about what I am trying to do.

>From the readme ( ):

  "Avanti Nova is a general-purpose semantic mapping system.  Although first 
  conceived for use as new kind of library catalog, it can be used in any
  situation to dynamically map the relationships in a set of objects.  
  Some of its core ideas were first used in Avanti MicroLCS, and these
  were later generalised and extended in Nova.

  "Nova is firstly a data structure with a scripting language interface to it.
  Programs are written in Nova to create and manage semantic maps.
  It also runs as a client-server system, and can be used from other
  environments like Unix shell scripts.  And since it is written in Java,
  it naturally provides a Java API.

  "The core idea in Nova is to represent a semantic map as a very large array.
  This allows for great flexibility in manipulating relationships in
  semantic maps."

The README also has some actual examples of programs in the Nova language as it 
was a couple of months ago, and all of this stuff works right now, although 
there is a long way to go.  Simple and crude perhaps, but that's how all things 

I see much potential value in this thing even though much of it could be done 
with generic tools.  I also believe that the generic tools (or anything for 
that matter) become their own mind-prisons if we rely too much on them.  Soon 
we're speaking and thinking only in Ruby, Python, Perl, Django, Java, MARC or 
whatever with all their inherent metaphors and limitations.  Pick up a hammer 
and everything starts looking like nails.  It even goes into more general 
things:  "Everything is an API."  We become like the blind men and the elephant.

There are DSLs that serve other domains quite well.  Mathematica and R are good 
examples.  Why not a DSL that speaks the language of semantic maps directly?  
Semantic mapping can be a very large and rich domain.  A DSL that seperates the 
problem from the API, as Alex points out, can handle many problems much more 
elegantly and flexibly than APIs or something that's tied to a specific tool's 
way of looking at things.

Another line of thought that's a big innovation killer is: "Something like this 
has been done before, so further work on the problem is not worthwhile."  
Carried to an extreme we'd all still be clunking around on wheels chiseled from 
stone slabs today "because they've always been good enough."  MARC is a very 
heavy stone wheel that has become a millstone around the neck of the library 

My approach in doing this is to not worry or think too much about what has been 
done before.  Start fresh with the basic concepts and what makes sense and try 
to make something useful out of it, from the ground up.  Worrying about what's 
been done before leads to copying and a lot of original ideas may get rejected. 
 If some wheels get reinvented, so what?  Reinventing the wheel often leads to 
better wheels.  Sometimes you have to build something first even if it doesn't 
solve a specific problem in order to see its value.  I am no expert Nova 
programmer yet because I'm still building the thing.  There's no community 
around this yet.  It may be homegrown by a lone developer right now but that's 
the way many things start.  And besides, as far as doing it goes, what the heck?

Peter Schlumpf

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-01 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:03 AM, Jonathan Rochkind  wrote:
> I would be very unlikely to use someone's homegrown library specific
> scripting language. However, if you want to make a library for an existing 
> popular scripting
> language that handles your specific domain well, I'd be quite likely to use
> that if I had a problem with your domain and I was comfortable with the
> existing popular scripting language, i'd use it for sure.

Hmm. The balance between the old and tried, and the new and
experimental will, forever, cause these kinds of discussions. Now, I
agree with the basic sentiment of what you're saying, but ...

> Odds are your
> domain is not really "libraries" (that's not really a software problem
> domain), but perhaps as Patrick suggests "dealing with relationships among
> semantic objects", and then odds are libraries are not the only people
> interested in this problem domain.

I've worked in the three basic tiers of library development world; the
plain vanilla programming world, the semantic web world, and the dark
dungeons of the Cult of MARC. Is the domain of library IT solved by
the generic technologies used? No.

There's nothing bad about a DSL, in fact, I encourage it. If you want
to get away from MARC, say, then having a DSL that approaches meta
data on the programmatic level directly is a wonderful abstraction.
But yes, we have to separate API from language. And API is, mostly
these days, simply a function/method call on top of an abstraction,
and it processes your request with your input. A language, on the
other hand, will let you deal directly with that problem. Most DSLs
are functional abstraction pre-compiled.

The line between a library and a language perhaps these days are more
blurred than ever before, however there are certain things that I
think justifies a library DSL ;

 * focus on identity management
 * mergability on entities
 * large distributed sets
 * more defined line between data and meta data
 * controlled vocabularies and structures

There's generic tools for all of these, however no one central thing
that binds them all together in a seamless way, elegant or otherwise.
No platform binds these together in an easy nor elegant way, and
perhaps such a thing would be beneficial to the library community, to
create a language that tries to create a bridge between computer
programming and what you learn in library school.

But even if we all concede that a library DSL perhaps is not a
practical solution, I'd still like to see us work on it, for nothing
more than sussing out our actual needs and wants in the process. Don't
underestimate the process of doing something that will never
eventuate, even knowingly.

> Some people like ruby because of it's support for creating what they call
> "domain specific languages", which I think is a silly phrase, which really
> just means "a libraryAPI at the right level of abstraction for the tasks at
> hand, so you can accomplish the tasks at hand concisely and without repeated
> code."

Depends on the language. Perhaps this doesn't make sense in Ruby, but
it certainly does in Scala, Haskell, and perhaps more than any, Rebol.
Even Lisp and derivatives, who can create custom structures on the
fly, are well suited to create actual languages that redefine the
language's original syntax and structure. You can redefine the hell
out of C to create any language imaginable, too, even when you

A well-defined API is not a bad thing, though, but an API are
basically semantic entities in a language to parse structures.
However, a language redefines the syntax used by that language. Sure
you can create a word "record" in an API that mimics, say, a MARC
record, but the interesting part is when you redefine the syntax to
work *with* that semantic concept, like ;

  external_repository {
 baseURI: '',
 type: OAI-PHM

  my_repository {
 baseURI: '',
 type: RIF-CS

  some_vocabulary {
 baseURI: ''
 type: thesauri

  foreach record in external_repository [without tag 850] {
 inject into my_repository {
with: exploded words ( tag 245 )
when: match words in some_vocabulary ( NT > 2 )
merge into: tag 850

Creating classes that deal with record merging based on identity
management and various standards would be trivial to script together
super-fast, because the underlying concepts for us is rather
well-known. Hacking this together in Java or otherwise is a test on
patience and sanity, because they are generic tools, even when known
library-type APIs are used. Of course lots of stuff is assumed in the
example, but these are well-understood assumptions (about merging
subject headings (like multiple tags handling, LCSH lookup, etc.),
about identity control, about word lookup (for example, I'm assuming
some form of stemming before matching), and on and on. A language that
half text manipulation and looku

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-01 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
DSL's are simple to create in ruby.  Becuase what people call a DSL in 
ruby is almost always just plain ruby methods -- it's in that context 
that I don't even like the phrase "DSL".  In ruby, developers very 
seldomly find a need to create actually another language with it's own 
grammar and parser and such -- people accomplish the same thing just by 
creating the right ruby methods.  The way that ruby supports the concise 
supplying of code blocks as arguments to methods is usually the key 
thing people rely on to do this.

Will Kurt wrote:

This is one of my favorite passage from SICP:

"It is no exaggeration to regard this as the most fundamental idea in

The evaluator, which determines the meaning of expressions in a programming
language, is just another program.

To appreciate this point is to change our images of ourselves as
programmers. We come to see ourselves as designers of languages, rather than
only users of languages designed by others."

In general I think there is too much fear of using language as just another
means of abstraction.  While I certainly agree that creating an entire
language from scratch is a bad idea, I don't think it would be insane to
create a dsl to solve a common set of problems on top of an existing
runtime. I actually think this would be particularly useful in the library
world since there is such a range of programming talent, a dsl that
simplified some common library related tasks could certainly be useful,
especially if there was full language underneath.

Of course there is the problem that even DSLs are not simple to create, the
number of library programmers with experience in parsers and language design
is probably very, very small.  But the ease of creating dsl is increasing
and I think their use will get more popular over time (hopefully).


From: Jonathan Rochkind>>
Date: November 1, 2010 11:03:13 AM PDT
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]
Reply-To: Code for Libraries >

I would be very unlikely to use someone's homegrown library specific
scripting language.

However, if you want to make a library for an existing popular scripting
language that handles your specific domain well, I'd be quite likely to
use that if I had a problem with your domain and I was comfortable with
the existing popular scripting language, i'd use it for sure. Odds are
your domain is not really "libraries" (that's not really a software
problem domain), but perhaps as Patrick suggests "dealing with
relationships among semantic objects", and then odds are libraries are
not the only people interested in this problem domain.

Some people like ruby because of it's support for creating what they
call "domain specific languages", which I think is a silly phrase, which
really just means "a libraryAPI at the right level of abstraction for
the tasks at hand, so you can accomplish the tasks at hand concisely and
without repeated code."

Patrick Etienne wrote:
Peter -

I was bewildered at the notion of needing yet another scripting
language, let alone one as "library domain-specific" (that wording
alone throws up red flags everywhere), but I'm not here to bash ideas.
Instead I looked up your site and read the small blurb about "Nova".
It seems that the main objective behind your pursuit is creating a
language that provides a specific data type for semantic objects (or
relationships). I have to ask, what about semantic maps makes you
believe that they require a specific data type rather than just being
an object type? Are other scripting languages too slow to suit certain
needs such that a new data type is necessitated? I really can't see
this being the case. That being said, while it can be an invaluable
experience to learn about making scripting languages, if there's to be
any community movement toward a particular language (php, ruby, java,
scheme or what have you) there has to be some very real and
significant benefit.

Or more directly, you seem to have specific ideas about a library
domain-specific language. What do today's languages not have that you
believe is so essential that you'd be willing to write a new scripting

- Patrick E.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Peter Schlumpf>> wrote:

Bill, you hit a nail pretty squarely on the head.  I believe this decades
long fetish with MARC has to go.  It was designed to efficiently store data
on magtapes and doesn't make any sense in today's world.  It's a huge
millstone around the neck of Libraryland and it keeps them stuck in that
tiny little ghetto.  Anything can be a mind-prison, even P

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-01 Thread Will Kurt
This is one of my favorite passage from SICP:

"It is no exaggeration to regard this as the most fundamental idea in

The evaluator, which determines the meaning of expressions in a programming
language, is just another program.

To appreciate this point is to change our images of ourselves as
programmers. We come to see ourselves as designers of languages, rather than
only users of languages designed by others."

In general I think there is too much fear of using language as just another
means of abstraction.  While I certainly agree that creating an entire
language from scratch is a bad idea, I don't think it would be insane to
create a dsl to solve a common set of problems on top of an existing
runtime. I actually think this would be particularly useful in the library
world since there is such a range of programming talent, a dsl that
simplified some common library related tasks could certainly be useful,
especially if there was full language underneath.

Of course there is the problem that even DSLs are not simple to create, the
number of library programmers with experience in parsers and language design
is probably very, very small.  But the ease of creating dsl is increasing
and I think their use will get more popular over time (hopefully).

> From: Jonathan Rochkind>>
> Date: November 1, 2010 11:03:13 AM PDT
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]
> Reply-To: Code for Libraries  CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU>>
> I would be very unlikely to use someone's homegrown library specific
> scripting language.
> However, if you want to make a library for an existing popular scripting
> language that handles your specific domain well, I'd be quite likely to
> use that if I had a problem with your domain and I was comfortable with
> the existing popular scripting language, i'd use it for sure. Odds are
> your domain is not really "libraries" (that's not really a software
> problem domain), but perhaps as Patrick suggests "dealing with
> relationships among semantic objects", and then odds are libraries are
> not the only people interested in this problem domain.
> Some people like ruby because of it's support for creating what they
> call "domain specific languages", which I think is a silly phrase, which
> really just means "a libraryAPI at the right level of abstraction for
> the tasks at hand, so you can accomplish the tasks at hand concisely and
> without repeated code."
> Patrick Etienne wrote:
> Peter -
> I was bewildered at the notion of needing yet another scripting
> language, let alone one as "library domain-specific" (that wording
> alone throws up red flags everywhere), but I'm not here to bash ideas.
> Instead I looked up your site and read the small blurb about "Nova".
> It seems that the main objective behind your pursuit is creating a
> language that provides a specific data type for semantic objects (or
> relationships). I have to ask, what about semantic maps makes you
> believe that they require a specific data type rather than just being
> an object type? Are other scripting languages too slow to suit certain
> needs such that a new data type is necessitated? I really can't see
> this being the case. That being said, while it can be an invaluable
> experience to learn about making scripting languages, if there's to be
> any community movement toward a particular language (php, ruby, java,
> scheme or what have you) there has to be some very real and
> significant benefit.
> Or more directly, you seem to have specific ideas about a library
> domain-specific language. What do today's languages not have that you
> believe is so essential that you'd be willing to write a new scripting
> language?
> - Patrick E.
> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Peter Schlumpf
>>> wrote:
> Bill, you hit a nail pretty squarely on the head.  I believe this decades
> long fetish with MARC has to go.  It was designed to efficiently store data
> on magtapes and doesn't make any sense in today's world.  It's a huge
> millstone around the neck of Libraryland and it keeps them stuck in that
> tiny little ghetto.  Anything can be a mind-prison, even PHP, Python or
> Django.  They are all arbitrary anyway.
> And you are correct in pointing out that the natural response of librarians
> to a problem is to seek consensus in a self-absorbed way.  Form committees
> and all that nonsense which never goes a

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-01 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
I would be very unlikely to use someone's homegrown library specific 
scripting language.

However, if you want to make a library for an existing popular scripting 
language that handles your specific domain well, I'd be quite likely to 
use that if I had a problem with your domain and I was comfortable with 
the existing popular scripting language, i'd use it for sure. Odds are 
your domain is not really "libraries" (that's not really a software 
problem domain), but perhaps as Patrick suggests "dealing with 
relationships among semantic objects", and then odds are libraries are 
not the only people interested in this problem domain.

Some people like ruby because of it's support for creating what they 
call "domain specific languages", which I think is a silly phrase, which 
really just means "a libraryAPI at the right level of abstraction for 
the tasks at hand, so you can accomplish the tasks at hand concisely and 
without repeated code."  

Patrick Etienne wrote:

Peter -

I was bewildered at the notion of needing yet another scripting
language, let alone one as "library domain-specific" (that wording
alone throws up red flags everywhere), but I'm not here to bash ideas.
Instead I looked up your site and read the small blurb about "Nova".
It seems that the main objective behind your pursuit is creating a
language that provides a specific data type for semantic objects (or
relationships). I have to ask, what about semantic maps makes you
believe that they require a specific data type rather than just being
an object type? Are other scripting languages too slow to suit certain
needs such that a new data type is necessitated? I really can't see
this being the case. That being said, while it can be an invaluable
experience to learn about making scripting languages, if there's to be
any community movement toward a particular language (php, ruby, java,
scheme or what have you) there has to be some very real and
significant benefit.

Or more directly, you seem to have specific ideas about a library
domain-specific language. What do today's languages not have that you
believe is so essential that you'd be willing to write a new scripting

 - Patrick E.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Peter Schlumpf

Bill, you hit a nail pretty squarely on the head.  I believe this decades long 
fetish with MARC has to go.  It was designed to efficiently store data on 
magtapes and doesn't make any sense in today's world.  It's a huge millstone 
around the neck of Libraryland and it keeps them stuck in that tiny little 
ghetto.  Anything can be a mind-prison, even PHP, Python or Django.  They are 
all arbitrary anyway.

And you are correct in pointing out that the natural response of librarians to 
a problem is to seek consensus in a self-absorbed way.  Form committees and all 
that nonsense which never goes anywhere.  They are happy enough going around in 
circles, like the Nowhere Man making all his nowhere plans for nobody.

My hope is that some among us would just undertake these problems ourselves.  
Outside of the realm of the libraries and the limiting mindsets many of us work 
in.  We've all got ideas.  Fire up vi and get busy and make something happen, 
like a library domain-specific language.  Start fresh.  There is nothing wrong 
with that.  What's wrong is how the library community goes about such things.

Let's go somewhere.

Peter Schlumpf


Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-11-01 Thread Patrick Etienne
Peter -

I was bewildered at the notion of needing yet another scripting
language, let alone one as "library domain-specific" (that wording
alone throws up red flags everywhere), but I'm not here to bash ideas.
Instead I looked up your site and read the small blurb about "Nova".
It seems that the main objective behind your pursuit is creating a
language that provides a specific data type for semantic objects (or
relationships). I have to ask, what about semantic maps makes you
believe that they require a specific data type rather than just being
an object type? Are other scripting languages too slow to suit certain
needs such that a new data type is necessitated? I really can't see
this being the case. That being said, while it can be an invaluable
experience to learn about making scripting languages, if there's to be
any community movement toward a particular language (php, ruby, java,
scheme or what have you) there has to be some very real and
significant benefit.

Or more directly, you seem to have specific ideas about a library
domain-specific language. What do today's languages not have that you
believe is so essential that you'd be willing to write a new scripting

 - Patrick E.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Peter Schlumpf
> Bill, you hit a nail pretty squarely on the head.  I believe this decades 
> long fetish with MARC has to go.  It was designed to efficiently store data 
> on magtapes and doesn't make any sense in today's world.  It's a huge 
> millstone around the neck of Libraryland and it keeps them stuck in that tiny 
> little ghetto.  Anything can be a mind-prison, even PHP, Python or Django.  
> They are all arbitrary anyway.
> And you are correct in pointing out that the natural response of librarians 
> to a problem is to seek consensus in a self-absorbed way.  Form committees 
> and all that nonsense which never goes anywhere.  They are happy enough going 
> around in circles, like the Nowhere Man making all his nowhere plans for 
> nobody.
> My hope is that some among us would just undertake these problems ourselves.  
> Outside of the realm of the libraries and the limiting mindsets many of us 
> work in.  We've all got ideas.  Fire up vi and get busy and make something 
> happen, like a library domain-specific language.  Start fresh.  There is 
> nothing wrong with that.  What's wrong is how the library community goes 
> about such things.
> Let's go somewhere.
> Peter Schlumpf

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-10-31 Thread Eric Lease Morgan
On Oct 30, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Peter Schlumpf wrote:

> And you are correct in pointing out that the natural response of librarians 
> to a problem is to seek consensus in a self-absorbed way.  Form committees 
> and all that nonsense which never goes anywhere.  They are happy enough going 
> around in circles, like the Nowhere Man making all his nowhere plans for 
> nobody.

The above certainly does seem to jive with my experience. Going around in 
circles. Endless consensus. Librarianship could use a bit more democracy and/or 
science to their (our) method. At the same time I agree that "E V E R Y T H I N 
G ! ! !" is wrong with the profession creating our own language.

EL Morgano

Re: [CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-10-30 Thread Elliot Hallmark
>>> What's wrong with the library world developing its own domain language?
>>We're already in a world of pain because we have our own data formats and
>>ways of dealing with them, all of which have basically stood idle while 30
>>years of advances computer science and information architecture have
>>by us with a giant WHOOSHing sound.
>>Having a bunch of non-experts design and implement a language that's
>>destined from the outset to be stuck in a tiny little ghetto of the
>>programming world is a guaranteed way to live with half- or un-supported
>>code, no decent libraries, and yet another legacy of pain we'd have to
>> I'm not picking on programming in particular. It's a dumb-ass move  EVERY
>>time a library is presented with a problem for which there are experts and
>>decades of research literature, and it choses to ignore all of that and
>>decide to throw a committee of librarians (or whomever else happens to be
>>the building at the time) at it based on the vague idea that librarians
>>just that much smarter (or cheaper) than everyone else (I'm looking at

then Peter said:

My hope is that some among us would just undertake these problems ourselves.
>  Outside of the realm of the libraries and the limiting mindsets many of us
> work in.  We've all got ideas.  Fire up vi and get busy and make something
> happen, like a library domain-specific language.  Start fresh.  There is
> nothing wrong with that.  What's wrong is how the library community goes
> about such things.

Yes, he hit the nail square on the head.  But i think his point is that a
huge community of really intelligent people (specifically, not librarians,
but generally, not just every isolated pobody with a hair-brain scheme) hit
vi and got busy a long time ago.

What do you expect to gain from the huge PIA you propose at the cost of
sacrificing everything a HUGE community of skilled programmers offers?

have fun.


[CODE4LIB] Let's go somewhere [was PHP vs. Python...]

2010-10-30 Thread Peter Schlumpf
Bill, you hit a nail pretty squarely on the head.  I believe this decades long 
fetish with MARC has to go.  It was designed to efficiently store data on 
magtapes and doesn't make any sense in today's world.  It's a huge millstone 
around the neck of Libraryland and it keeps them stuck in that tiny little 
ghetto.  Anything can be a mind-prison, even PHP, Python or Django.  They are 
all arbitrary anyway.  

And you are correct in pointing out that the natural response of librarians to 
a problem is to seek consensus in a self-absorbed way.  Form committees and all 
that nonsense which never goes anywhere.  They are happy enough going around in 
circles, like the Nowhere Man making all his nowhere plans for nobody.

My hope is that some among us would just undertake these problems ourselves.  
Outside of the realm of the libraries and the limiting mindsets many of us work 
in.  We've all got ideas.  Fire up vi and get busy and make something happen, 
like a library domain-specific language.  Start fresh.  There is nothing wrong 
with that.  What's wrong is how the library community goes about such things.

Let's go somewhere.

Peter Schlumpf

-Original Message-
>From: Bill Dueber 
>Sent: Oct 29, 2010 8:18 PM
>Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP vs. Python [was: Re: Django]
>On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Peter Schlumpf wrote:
>> What's wrong with the library world developing its own domain language?
>We're already in a world of pain because we have our own data formats and
>ways of dealing with them, all of which have basically stood idle while 30
>years of advances computer science and information architecture have whizzed
>by us with a giant WHOOSHing sound.
>Having a bunch of non-experts design and implement a language that's
>destined from the outset to be stuck in a tiny little ghetto of the
>programming world is a guaranteed way to live with half- or un-supported
>code, no decent libraries, and yet another legacy of pain we'd have to
> I'm not picking on programming in particular. It's a dumb-ass move  EVERY
>time a library is presented with a problem for which there are experts and
>decades of research literature, and it choses to ignore all of that and
>decide to throw a committee of librarians (or whomever else happens to be in
>the building at the time) at it based on the vague idea that librarians are
>just that much smarter (or cheaper) than everyone else (I'm looking at you,
> -Bill-
>Bill Dueber
>Library Systems Programmer
>University of Michigan Library