My colleague Merrilee Proffitt asked me to post this to Code4LIb, as
she is going to apply to attend this event and she would love see
other tech-savvy library women at this event.

"AdaCamp[1] is an Ada Initiative event focused on increasing women’s
participation in open technology and culture. It will be a 200 person
unconference in San Francisco on June 8–9, 2013.

AdaCamp SF has two tracks. The main track is for significantly
female-identified people, with a simultaneous workshop for allies. We
use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and we welcome
trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are
significantly female-identified.

Attendees will be selected based on experience in open tech/culture,
experience or knowledge of feminism and advocacy, ability to
collaborate with others, and any rare or notable experience or
background that would add to AdaCamp. A limited number of travel
assistance grants are available to applicants before April 12. AdaCamp
has a registration fee, but it is need-based and self-selected, with a
completely free option. You do not need to go through any process to
choose the free registration fee."


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