Hello, all-

(Once again, apologies for cross-posting.)

Thank you so much to all the people who took the time to answer our survey - 29 
in total!  Here are the anonymized results and our initial pass at analysis, in 
two different Excel tabs:

I do want to stress that we considered this a very informal survey, and haven't 
worried about proper statistical methods or anything like that.  Respondents 
were really generous with their comments, which is always great.  We did redact 
indentifying info from some comments and (obviously) any emails and URLs 
included by respondents, but other than that the data is untouched.

Thanks again to everyone who participated, and please let me know if you have 
any questions.  We left this in Excel format just in case people wanted to sort 
or move things around for their own use.


Amanda Rust
Research & Instruction Librarian
English and American Literature Collection Manager
Northeastern University, 270 Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue   Boston, MA    02115
a.r...@neu.edu / 617-373-8548

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