Registration is now open for the 2011 ELAG conference.

Theme: "It's the context, stupid!"
Dates: 24 May (Pre-conference), 25 - 27 May 2011 (Conference)
Place: National Technical Library, Prague, Czech Republic.

To register, please visit the conference website at

The theme of the 35th annual conference is taken from the title of a 1994 
article by
Paul Saffo in Wired magazine. In the article, Saffo wrote "It is not content 
but context
that will matter most a decade or so from now. The scarce resource will not be 
but point of view." More than fifteen years later, context has never been so 
in providing information to library customers.

ELAG (European Library Automation Group) is Europe's premier conference on the
application of information technology in libraries and documentation centres. 
more information on ELAG, visit the ELAG web site:

Peter van Boheemen
Elag chair

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