Dear Code4Lib-ers,

LibraryThing, the company behind and LibraryThing for
Libraries ( ), is looking to hire
a crackerjack library developer/programmer.

We like to think we make "products that don't suck," as opposed to much of
what's developed for libraries. We've got some new ideas and not enough
developers to make them. That's where you come in.

### Where?

* Anywhere. LibraryThing is headquartered in Portland, Maine, but most of
our technology employees are remote.

## Tangibles

* LibraryThing is mostly non-OO PHP. You need to be a solid PHP programmer
or convince us you can become one quickly.
* You should be experienced in HTML, JavaScript, CSS and SQL.
* We welcome experience with design and UX, Python, Solr, and mobile

## Intangibles

* Execution is paramount. You must be a sure-footed and rapid coder,
capable of taking on jobs and finishing them with diligence and expedition.
* This is specifically a library-programming job. We're looking for
programmers grounded in libraries, library technology and library data.
* Creativity, diligence, optimism, and outspokenness are favored.
* LibraryThing is an informal, high-pressure and high-energy environment.
This puts a premium on speed and reliability, communication and
* Working remotely gives you freedom, but also requires discipline and
internal motivation.

### Take the Quiz

We have a simple quiz, developed back in 2011. If you can do it in under
five minutes, you should apply for the job! If not, well, wasn't that fun

The quiz is here:

### How to apply

Feel free to send question to tim@librarything, or chat me at
LibraryThingTim. Please put "Library developer" somewhere in the subject
line in any emails.

To apply, send a resume. Skip the cover letter, and go through the blog
post in your email, responding to the tangibles and intangibles

Also include your solution to the quiz, and how long it took you. Anything
under five minutes is fine. If it takes you longer than five minutes, we
won’t know. But if you make it to interviews, they’ll involve some live
coding of this sort, and will be painful for you.

Hope to hear from you,

Check out my library at

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