Pardon cross-posting.  The Villanova University Library is continuing to 
search for a Senior Web Specialist for Library and Scholarly Applications.  A 
position summary is below. Full position information is available online at:

All applications must be submitted online.

Senior Web Specialist for Library and Scholarly Applications

Position Summary: Supports design and development of online environment for 
Villanova's 21st century library. In collaboration with Library Technology 
Development Team and the library director, responsible for identifying, 
exploring, planning, & managing implementation of new methods, tools and 
resources to extend and enhance digitally delivered library services, including 
applications that extend the library's reach on the social Web. Applies 
evolving user-centered design principles to all aspects (visual, information 
architecture, site structure, navigational features etc.) of the library Web 
environment. Supports new initiatives in the digital scholarship arena, 
including implementation and support for online publishing tools and associated 
services. Supports & collaborates with the Digital Library Team Leader to 
refine and extend power & functionality of the Villanova University Digital 
Library. Collaborates with the Systems Support Librarians to plan and manage 
the transition of library management systems to state-of-the- art open source 
technologies. Advocates for and advances the library technology agenda on the 
local, regional, and national levels by means of cooperative projects and 
inter-library collaboration. Convenes and coordinates activities of 
cross-functional teams for project implementation. Works with library director, 
library technology staff, and Unit to develop and revise mid- and long-term 
library technology plans. Collaborates with Instructional Design librarian and 
Center for Instructional Technology to integrate new library technologies into 
library educational services. Collaborates with Library Assessment Team to 
measure success of new technology projects.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University<>

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