Hello All,

I am thinking of writing an article comparing things that are done "in
house" vs things that are outsourced.  I know the standard line of nearly
everything moving outside the library

Hosted databases
Hosted ILS
Outsourced cataloging etc...

but I am interested in the things that are done more efficiently in house.
 As an example we have this home grown database finder.  It is clunky and
the back end is awful but we still use it because it beats any of the
comercial alternatives.  Another example is a "kindle counter" we made
using a Raspberry Pi and an old monitor.  It was under $50.00
for signage that would have cost a lot more  if we bought a preexisting

What are the little long tail-niche solutions you have come up with that we
can still handle better than a purchased solution?

Edward Iglesias

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