Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-26 Thread Scott Fisher
Aside from niceness, NDAs and fear of litigation, there are other 
factors that influence the lack of detailed product information and 

A lot of patrons may use library systems but often their interaction is 
limited and indirect with a specific vendor's product.  It is often 
rebranded, customized and integrated with other products to meet a 
specific library's needs.  The patron often has no idea which product 
they're using and might make only occasional use.  Given the situation, 
I wouldn't expect the volume of popular blog posts, comparisons and bug 
reports as for something like Firefox or Microsoft Word.

Even comparing to other back end software, I'd expect something like 
relational database or payroll software to see broader use and adoption 
across industries than certain library systems. With more use and 
evaluation, I'd expect to see more public feedback and complaints about 
the software in a Google search.

The library community can be relatively small, specialized and niche 
compared to other markets.

As a comparison, I once worked for a large original equipment 
manufacturer (OEM) that sold computers to end users.  They were looking 
to move from their home-brew phone technical support, ticketing and CRM 
system to a commercial product, preferably with focus and experience 
with our industry needs. I was involved in some of the evaluation and 
meetings with vendors.

We ran into some similar problems of not being able to find many public 
critiques or much information about significant bugs or problems 
(NDAs?).  Of course, vendors had their lists touting prominent 
customers. They even gave us a contact or two at companies using their 
products who would say generally nice things about them.  However, 
really useful information was most likely to come out of our own testing 
and evaluation, along with informal back channel sources, not from the 
vendor or public information available on the Internet.

In other words, I think there is more at play here than librarians 
simply (and stereotypically) wanting to play nice.  It seems to be more 
or less the case with other niche products in other industries, too.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread Thomas Krichel
  Kyle Banerjee writes

> Our profession is very risk averse.

  But fortunately we don't have any stereotypes around here. ;-)

  Isn't the vendor the one the name of which starts with O, and the
  product name ends with M?


  Thomas Krichel
   skype: thomaskrichel

Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread Kyle Banerjee
> Why are we so eager to 'protect the guilty' in discussions like this?

> Why can't we just share this stuff in public and tell it like it is, so
> the information is available for people who need it?

I agree that the practice is unfortunate as I personally believe that
critics are the ones who care, but there are a number of practical
considerations that don't lead me to believe the situation will change soon.

Our profession is very risk averse. This makes people more inclined to
adopt a CYA posture because anyone knows that if you say anything that
could influence someone's rice bowl, you could have to answer for it even
if it is 100% true. Even when legal considerations are not an issue,
mistakes are viewed as evidence that someone screwed up rather than as an
essential part of developing services, and anyone who makes one won't be
trusted until they can "prove" it won't happen again.

People who don't do the work don't appreciate the sausage making process
for what it is. When you shine lights in the wrong places, you take away
peoples' ability to balance competing priorities by diverting
disproportionate attention (and therefore resources) to issues that could
be a total distraction.

Ironically, being too open makes high value information harder to come by.
If someone trusts you with negative information about their own product to
help you understand a problem, you have to find ways to use the information
for good that don't involve getting others bitten in the butt. Betray
peoples' confidence, and they won't share.

So how are you supposed to figure out what's actually going on? Learn how
to ask the right questions by getting as much unfiltered info as possible
from as many sources as possible. Help people with weaknesses they reveal
rather than letting them get flogged in public for them.

And don't let perfect be the enemy of good. One factor that paralyzes many
environments is that progress stops whenever a fault is acknowledged rather
than figuring out what's the best overall path. People who want to get
things done clam up fast if raising issues gets you sent to meeting hell
where nothing ever happens.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread BWS Johnson

    *Warning Ranty. Brooke's Ideas shouldn't actually be consumed by anyone, 

> Why are we so eager to 'protect the guilty' in discussions like this?
> Our reluctance to share info on problems with software we use (because of 
> fear 
> of offending the vendor?) means that it's very difficult for a library to 
> find out about the plusses and minuses of any given product when evaluating 
> solutions.

    I think the root of evil here is that criticism often runs counter to the 
Prime Directive of Library Science which is Thou Shalt Be Nice. On the surface, 
that's a wonderful directive. It makes a lot of sense. We give people stuff, 
they have no real incentive to give it back, but it works. Because at the end 
of the day, most people are Nice. Most of the time, there's absolutely no harm 
in being Nice. It's great for fundraising. It's wonderful for reference and 
reader's advisory. Nice works probably about the same rate that Dewey avoids 
    However, you've hit on a rocky patch. Nice does us no good with most 
vendors. Nice also does not tend to do us any good in advocacy. Nice really 
sucks in salary negotiations. Nice becomes unhitched and somehow twists into 
passive aggressiveness when it comes to vendors.  

> Don't even bother googling -- nobody will publically call this stuff out on 
> a blog, or even in a public listserv!  It's on private customer-only 
> listservs and bug trackers, or even more likely nowhere at all.  When you 
> want 

    In the before time, when I was at a medium urbanish Library that was 
swapping systems, I did bother to do a shotgun google. I simply put in the name 
of the products + bugs and tripped on a lot of not Nice statements. It was very 
simple and probably very sloppy. I was not a degreed Librarian at the time, but 
hey, the ratio of hits bore out. The bad products that we bumped into at the 
time all had way more documented bugs. Not that more bugs is necessarily a bad 
thing if folks address them, but a lot of the hits related to lonng 
wait times for fixes.

    So I disagree here. Google away. You might turn up naught, in which case, 
I'd worry, because you're right about stuff being shuttled behind the vendor 

    Also, it might be an imperfect beast, but the Library Automation Survey 
does vaguely sketch out who's jumping ship for what and how crap customer 
service might be. It does evolve every year, but I totally understand if you 
think a year is too damn long to wait for ILS data.

> to find out the real deal, you have to start from scratch, contact personal 
> contacts at other institutions that have experience with each software you 
> are 
> curious about, and ask them one-on-one in private.  Wasting time, cause 
> everybody has to do that each time they want to find out the current issues, 
> so 
> many offline one and one conversations (or so many people that just give up 
> and 
> don't even do the 'due dilligence'), only finding out about things 
> your personal contact happened to have encountered.

    *nod* This is part of good footwork though. If someone doesn't bother with 
a Google shotgun search, doesn't bother with Library gossip, does a really 
sketchy review of a product and then signs on the dotted line, they get what 
they've got coming. 

    One of the real evils here, all sarc aside, is that Librarians sign 
contracts with non disclosure agreements. That promotes the way things are 
currently done, since we're masochistic enough to stick the hello kitty ball 
gag in our own mouths. 

    You are absolutely correct that it's unnecessarily time intensive and 
inefficient this way. It's kind of a feudal throwback, yes?

> Why can't we just share this stuff in public and tell it like it is, so the 
> information is available for people who need it?

    We should. If we avoid non disclosure we _can_, which means it's possible 
in future to move this to we *will*. :)

> If you want to find out about problems and issues with _succesful_ software 
> that 
> isn't library-specific, it's not hard to. You can often find public 
> issue trackers from the developers, but if not you can find public listservs 
> and 
> many blog posts where people aren't afraid to describe the problem(s) they 
> encountered, there's no 'protecting of the guilty.' Hint, this is 
> part of what _makes_ such software succesful.

    Mmm hmm. This also allows for folks to collaborate and fix stuff.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread

see KOHA section.

Markus Fischer

Am 25.01.2012 22:47, schrieb Ethan Gruber:


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Jonathan Rochkind  wrote:

On 1/25/2012 1:13 PM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:

itself. For example, there's a system used for many digital archives that
splits a field in two anytime a field that needs to be represented by an
XML entity is encountered. Name withheld to protect the guilty.

Why are we so eager to 'protect the guilty' in discussions like this?

Our reluctance to share info on problems with software we use (because of
fear of offending the vendor?) means that it's very difficult for a library
to find out about the plusses and minuses of any given product when
evaluating solutions.

Don't even bother googling -- nobody will publically call this stuff out
on a blog, or even in a public listserv!  It's on private customer-only
listservs and bug trackers, or even more likely nowhere at all.  When you
want to find out the real deal, you have to start from scratch, contact
personal contacts at other institutions that have experience with each
software you are curious about, and ask them one-on-one in private.
  Wasting time, cause everybody has to do that each time they want to find
out the current issues, so many offline one and one conversations (or so
many people that just give up and don't even do the 'due dilligence'), only
finding out about things your personal contact happened to have encountered.

Why can't we just share this stuff in public and tell it like it is, so
the information is available for people who need it?

If you want to find out about problems and issues with _succesful_
software that isn't library-specific, it's not hard to. You can often find
public issue trackers from the developers, but if not you can find public
listservs and many blog posts where people aren't afraid to describe the
problem(s) they encountered, there's no 'protecting of the guilty.' Hint,
this is part of what _makes_ such software succesful.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread Ethan Gruber

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Jonathan Rochkind  wrote:

> On 1/25/2012 1:13 PM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:
>> itself. For example, there's a system used for many digital archives that
>> splits a field in two anytime a field that needs to be represented by an
>> XML entity is encountered. Name withheld to protect the guilty.
> Why are we so eager to 'protect the guilty' in discussions like this?
> Our reluctance to share info on problems with software we use (because of
> fear of offending the vendor?) means that it's very difficult for a library
> to find out about the plusses and minuses of any given product when
> evaluating solutions.
> Don't even bother googling -- nobody will publically call this stuff out
> on a blog, or even in a public listserv!  It's on private customer-only
> listservs and bug trackers, or even more likely nowhere at all.  When you
> want to find out the real deal, you have to start from scratch, contact
> personal contacts at other institutions that have experience with each
> software you are curious about, and ask them one-on-one in private.
>  Wasting time, cause everybody has to do that each time they want to find
> out the current issues, so many offline one and one conversations (or so
> many people that just give up and don't even do the 'due dilligence'), only
> finding out about things your personal contact happened to have encountered.
> Why can't we just share this stuff in public and tell it like it is, so
> the information is available for people who need it?
> If you want to find out about problems and issues with _succesful_
> software that isn't library-specific, it's not hard to. You can often find
> public issue trackers from the developers, but if not you can find public
> listservs and many blog posts where people aren't afraid to describe the
> problem(s) they encountered, there's no 'protecting of the guilty.' Hint,
> this is part of what _makes_ such software succesful.
> Jonathan

[CODE4LIB] Why are we afraid to criticize library software in public?

2012-01-25 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

On 1/25/2012 1:13 PM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:

itself. For example, there's a system used for many digital archives that
splits a field in two anytime a field that needs to be represented by an
XML entity is encountered. Name withheld to protect the guilty.

Why are we so eager to 'protect the guilty' in discussions like this?

Our reluctance to share info on problems with software we use (because 
of fear of offending the vendor?) means that it's very difficult for a 
library to find out about the plusses and minuses of any given product 
when evaluating solutions.

Don't even bother googling -- nobody will publically call this stuff out 
on a blog, or even in a public listserv!  It's on private customer-only 
listservs and bug trackers, or even more likely nowhere at all.  When 
you want to find out the real deal, you have to start from scratch, 
contact personal contacts at other institutions that have experience 
with each software you are curious about, and ask them one-on-one in 
private.  Wasting time, cause everybody has to do that each time they 
want to find out the current issues, so many offline one and one 
conversations (or so many people that just give up and don't even do the 
'due dilligence'), only finding out about things your personal contact 
happened to have encountered.

Why can't we just share this stuff in public and tell it like it is, so 
the information is available for people who need it?

If you want to find out about problems and issues with _succesful_ 
software that isn't library-specific, it's not hard to. You can often 
find public issue trackers from the developers, but if not you can find 
public listservs and many blog posts where people aren't afraid to 
describe the problem(s) they encountered, there's no 'protecting of the 
guilty.' Hint, this is part of what _makes_ such software succesful.
