Re: [CODE4LIB] anti-harassment policy suggestion

2012-11-30 Thread Michael J. Giarlo
Note that almost exactly the same sentence is already located a paragraph
or two below that one.  I leave it to y'all to decide which wording and
which location  you like best, but we should probably strike one of them.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Mark A. Matienzo

> Karen,
> You can review a first pass here:
> In short, I have added another sentence to the end of the first
> paragraph: "If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is
> being harassed, or have any other concerns, please *speak up* and/or
> contact an event organizer or a 'Code4lib helper' in IRC immediately."
> Mark

Re: [CODE4LIB] anti-harassment policy suggestion

2012-11-30 Thread Mark A. Matienzo

You can review a first pass here:

In short, I have added another sentence to the end of the first
paragraph: "If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is
being harassed, or have any other concerns, please *speak up* and/or
contact an event organizer or a 'Code4lib helper' in IRC immediately."


Re: [CODE4LIB] anti-harassment policy suggestion

2012-11-30 Thread Abigail Goben
Access refers it to the conference organizers, though that I think is 
more structured for that conference.

On 11/30/2012 11:19 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:
We'd need to change that wording because there isn't always someone we 
could call "staff" -- I prefer some wording about "speaking up" 
"making it be known to ... ?" (This is where I crap out because I 
can't really quite figure out what you should do, for example, on IRC 
other than speak out to the list.) 

Abigail Goben
Assistant Information Services Librarian and Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences - Chicago (M/C 763)
1750 W. Polk Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612

[CODE4LIB] anti-harassment policy suggestion

2012-11-30 Thread Karen Coyle

Here's the current first paragraph:

Code4Lib is dedicated to providing a harassment-free community 
experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. 
Discriminatory language and imagery (including sexual) is not 
appropriate for any event venue, including talks, or any community 
channel such as the chatroom or mailing list. Participants at any 
Code4Lib event or in any community channel violating these rules should 
expect to be sanctioned, expelled, or banned at the discretion of the 
organizers or channel administrators or volunteers. Reports of 
harassment will be addressed immediately.

It feels heavy-handed to me. My first suggestion is that right after 
saying that that we don't tolerate harassmente (sentences 1 & 2) and 
define what we mean (sentence 3) I think the next thing to say is that 
we encourage anyone who is made uncomfortable or sees what appears to be 
harassment taking place to speak up in the venue in which it is happening.

The geekfeminism statement is:

" If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, 
or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff 
immediately. "

We'd need to change that wording because there isn't always someone we 
could call "staff" -- I prefer some wording about "speaking up" "making 
it be known to ... ?" (This is where I crap out because I can't really 
quite figure out what you should do, for example, on IRC other than 
speak out to the list.)


On 11/30/12 9:07 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:
Wow. We could not have gotten a better follow-up to our long thread 
about coders and non-coders.

I don't git. I've used it to read code, but never contributed. I even 
downloaded a gui with a cute icon that is supposed to make it easy, 
and it still is going to take some learning.

So I'm afraid that it either needs to be on a different platform for 
editing, OR someone (you know, the famed "someone") is going to have 
to do updates for us non-gitters.


On 11/30/12 7:36 AM, Michael J. Giarlo wrote:


Please feel free to make the changes you'd like to see and then submit a
pull request.  I have added instructions for how to do this in the 

I say this not to shame anyone in the jerky "patches welcome!" sense, 
as an acknowledgement that the way shiz gets done in code4lib is for 

of us to take individual initiative.  You're all empowered to do so.  I
look forward to seeing your changes in the repo.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Tim Spalding  

I'd support removing or somehow couching language about any organizer,
including any volunteer, immediately ending a talk.

All the other sanctions seem to involve the likelihood of deliberation
involving some time and multiple people, and some possibility of a
misunderstanding being cleared up. I don't think a single 
volunteer—who, in

theory, is granted the power to ban someone for life!—is going to ban
someone or refuse to post a talk online without thinking about it for a
while and involving other organizers.

By their nature, however, something said in the middle of a talk 

admit of much in the way of deliberation between organizers, or time to
deliberate, and you can't really finish a talk ended by someone if 
organizers persuade the volunteer that they made a mistake. The 
action has
to be taken quickly, by someone who hasn't talked it through with 

and is largely irreversible. It's a recipe for controversy and
disagreement, and potential unfairness.

I propose that the right reaction to an offensive talk is for people to
walk out of it while it's going on, and to deal with any sanctions 

AFTER the talk is over, when there's time and space to get the decision


Tim Spalding

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet