LibraryFind 0.8.2 is now available for download from the LibraryFind website

This latest release includes improvements to the out-of-the-box user
interface, and many bug fixes. More information on the changes for the 0.8
branch can be found on the LibraryFind trac site at

What is LibraryFind?

LibraryFind is metasearch software written in Ruby-on-Rails. It allows
libraries to provide a unified search solution to their users, letting
library users search across both licensed collections and local collections.
LibraryFind is open source software (licensed under the GPL), and is free to
download and use. More information on LibraryFind can be found at

LibraryFind is maintained by Oregon State University Libraries.

-- jaf

Jeremy Frumkin
The Gray Chair for Innovative Library Services
121 The Valley Library, Oregon State University
Corvallis OR 97331-4501


541.737.3453 (Fax)
541.602.4905 (Cell)
" Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. "
- Emerson

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