If you are experiencing an issue please mention the full platform your 
issue applies to:
IDE: NetBeans/Eclipse/IDEA NetBeans 8.2
Desktop OS Windows 10 Pro
Simulator 7.?
Device PC, Android 7+ IOS 12.2+

Can you please suggest details of how to best add an colored check box 
Image to the right of the title text in a Tabs Component?

TabsTitleSwingComponent.JPG (Attached) is the desired affect in my Swing 
Project. (Using HTML)

There will be 3 colors for the Checkbox (Green, Yellow, Red)  signifying 
the aggregate state of the Tabs components

            Style s = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Tab");
            Image ChkBxImg = 
FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_CHECK_BOX, s);
            MpiInspectionForm.addTab("Mpi Inspection Base", ChkBxImg , new 

TabsTitleCodename1Component.JPG (Attached) is the codename1 version using 
Tabs.addtab with this Icon

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