
This is to let you know that Hydra build 2796183 of job 
gnu:hurd-master:qemu_tests.build has changed from 'Dependency failed' to 

Complete build information can be found on this page: 

A summary of the build information follows:

Build ID:              | 2796183
Nix name:              | hurd-qemu-test-build
Short description:     | The GNU Hurd, GNU project's replacement for the Unix 
Maintainer(s):         | Hurd <commit-hurd@gnu.org>, Ludovic Courtès 
System:                | x86_64-linux
Derivation store path: | 
Output store path:     | 
Time added:            | 2012-07-11 03:04:20
Build started:         | 2012-07-11 00:28:52
Build finished:        | 2012-07-11 03:04:20
Duration:              | 9328s

The build inputs were:

Name             | Type  | Value
xbuild           | build | 2785888
partedTarball    | build | 2731469
hydraConfig      | git   | 
inetutils        | build | 2792119
coreutils        | build | 2690543
glibcTarball     | build | 2791847
parted           | build | 2731467
nixpkgs          | git   | 
tarball          | build | 2785884
guile            | build | 2792076
grep             | build | 2792132
hurdSrc          | git   | 
coreutilsTarball | build | 2785472
machTarball      | build | 2792148
mach             | build | 2792147


The Hydra build daemon.

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