Author: buildbot
Date: Mon Aug 18 15:33:10 2014
New Revision: 919712

Staging update by buildbot for airavata

    websites/staging/airavata/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/airavata/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Mon Aug 18 15:33:10 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

 Mon Aug 18 15:33:10 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
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+               <h3 id="accepting-contributed-code">Accepting Contributed 
+<p>Apache Airavata follows the core philosophy of the Apache Software 
Foundation, informally quoted as "Apache Way". To ensure the contributions have 
both legally complaint as well as merotically rewarded, following guidlines 
should be used.</p>
+<li>Prefered contribution is by submitting patches through Airavata JIRA. The 
contributors while uploading the PATCH accept the donation of the copy right to 
ASF. </li>
+<li>GitHUB pull requests can be accepted as a developer conveniance, but the 
individuals should have a ICLA on file that covers the contributions. When in 
question, ask on the dev list. </li>
+<li>Committers accepting the pull requests needs to ensure appropriate credit 
is given. Merged committs should annotate to the individual who authored the 
commit. This is done by ensuing both name and email addresses are preserved. 
+<li>Its better to preverse linear commit history and avoiding merged commits. 
+<p>Note: This page describes steps for accepting previously contributed code 
and is relavent for Airavata committers. Contributors should refer to <a 
href="how-to-contribute-code.html">Airavata Contributor Guide</a></p>
+<h4 id="contributed-by-a-patch-file">Contributed by a PATCH file</h4>
+<p>If the contributor has submitted a patch file on mailing list or JIRA 
(prefered), follow these steps to commit it.</p>
+<li>First update your local checkout with any remote changes (git pull).
+ Observe the changes in the patch. Git apply -stat shows the stats about the 
changes in the patch. Example: <code>git apply --stat 
+<li>Test if the patch can be seamlessly applied. Example: <code>git apply 
--check AIRAVATA-XXXX.patch</code></li>
+<li>Apply the patch. Use git am instead of git apply so signoff can be used to 
preserve the contributor as well as annotated by the committer accepting it. 
Example: <code>git am --signoff &lt; AIRAVATA-XXXX.patch</code></li>
+<li>Its a good practice to run the full build with test enabled to ensure the 
patch did not break the code. </li>
+<li>Finally push the patch to remote master/branch using git push.</li>
+<h4 id="contributed-by-a-github-pull-request">Contributed by a GitHUB Pull 
+<p>Its preferable to clone a new copy into a temporary location (or maintain 
one for contributions). This ensures the contributors changes do not get 
tangled with your local development. The following steps list out a fresh 
checkout, adapt them to use your previous checkout. </p>
+<li>Clone the Airavata repo:<code>git clone</code>. <code>cd 
airavata</code> (if the PR is for a branch, do a appropriate checkout)</li>
+<li>Configure Airavata GitHUB mirror<ul>
+<li>If you previously have not done add the github mirror: <code>git remote 
add github</code></li>
+<li>Configure to include pull requests: <code>git config --local --add 
remote.github.fetch '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/github/pr/*'</code></li>
+<li>(optional) you can check out pull requests as a branch and test/review it. 
Example: <code>git checkout github/pr/3</code>. <a 
 PR Local checkout</a> lists this steps in detail. </li>
+<li>Pick the changes you want to merge from the pull requests: <code>git 
cherry-pick hash-to-merge</code>.</li>
+<li>Its a good practice to run the full build with test enabled to ensure the 
patch did not break the code.</li>
+<li>Finally push the patch to remote master/branch using git push.</li>
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Mon Aug 18 15:33:10 2014
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 <h4 id="create-an-issue-in-jira">Create an issue in JIRA</h4>
 <p>If it’s a bug or a feature request, open a JIRA issue. Create a sample 
that you can use for prototyping the feature or demonstrating the bug. If 
creating a sample is time consuming, write steps to reproduce the issue. Attach 
this sample to the JIRA issue if it’s representing a bug report.   </p>
 <h4 id="create-a-pull-request-in-github">Create a pull request in GitHub</h4>
-<p><a href="source.html">Checkout</a> the source code. Create a pull request 
(PR) in GitHub for the change you're interested in making. The comment section 
of the PR must contain a link to the JIRA issue. Please also reference the 
issue in the commit message, and make sure it properly describes the changes 
that have been made and their purpose.</p>
+<p><a href="development/source.html">Checkout</a> the source code. Create a 
pull request (PR) in GitHub for the change you're interested in making. The 
comment section of the PR must contain a link to the JIRA issue. Please also 
reference the issue in the commit message, and make sure it properly describes 
the changes that have been made and their purpose.</p>
 <p>Some good references for working with GitHub are below. We ask that you 
keep your change rebased to master as much as possible, and we will ask you to 
rebase again if master has moved before accepting your patch.   </p>
 <li><a href="";>Setting Up Git with 
@@ -152,7 +152,9 @@
 <h4 id="the-review-process">The review process</h4>
 <p>The airavata community will need to review your pull request before it is 
merged. If we are slow to respond, feel free to also email the dev mailing 
list:    </p>
 <p>During the review process you may be asked to make some changes to your 
submission. While working through feedback, it can be beneficial to create new 
commits so the incremental change is obvious. This can also lead to a complex 
set of commits, and having an atomic change per commit is preferred in the end. 
Use your best judgement and work with your reviewer as to when you should 
revise a commit or create a new one.</p>
-<p>A pull request is considered ready to be merged once it gets at lease one 
+1 from a reviewer. Once all the changes have been completed and the pull 
request is accepted, it must be rebased to the latest upstream version. It is 
also a good idea to squash all the commits into a single one, since this will 
allow us to generate a clean patch and merge it properly.   </p>
+<p>A pull request is considered ready to be merged once it gets at lease one 
+1 from a reviewer. Once all the changes have been completed and the pull 
request is accepted, it must be rebased to the latest upstream version. It is 
also a good idea to squash all the commits into a single one, since this will 
allow us to generate a clean patch and merge it properly.</p>
+<h4 id="accepting-contributions">Accepting Contributions</h4>
+<p>Developers with Airavata Commit access should read <a 
href="how-to-commit-contributed-code.html">Accepting Contribtions</a> on steps 
to accept the contributed code</p>

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