This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ephraimanierobi pushed a change to branch v2-8-stable
in repository

    from 1745dbe907 Switch instance type to m7g (#37127)
     add 8a8b5557b6 Fix reproducibility of source-tarballs prepared as part of 
release (#36819)
     add 6a349391e0 Upgrade to FAB 4.3.11
     add 2d39ed5521 Limit `atlassian-python-api` to <3.41.6 (#36815)
     add 04261f82cd Adding log to airflow-github for disabled progress bar 
     add 025f88b20e Limit `pinecone-client` to <3.0 (#36818)
     add b94025094d Remove optimization to install wheel pacakges for affected 
providers (#36825)
     add c006bdabb7 AthenaSqlHook implementation (#36171)
     add 2cb3bf08a9 Use lax `atlassian-python-api` limitation (#36841)
     add 9be4da2dd6 More complete FAQ and context about releasing next 
patchlevel release (#36858)
     add 951b7342a8 Limit `flask-session` to <0.6 (#36895)
     add 25680c4ec3 Add back envvars for mysql and postgres version options 
     add 310b7ac8db Bump MySQL Innovation Release to 8.3 (#36893)
     add 8d7a7843e9 Fix providers validation in `` after switch 
to the hatch builds (#36921)
     add 67eaa419c1 Airflow 2.8.1 has been released (#36906)
     add 4a8fc18e38 Bump min version of Alembic to 1.13.1 (#36928)
     add b9f54a5a51 Prevent templated field logic checks in __init__ of 
operators automatically (#33786)
     add e3a018fbb5 Optionally use `client.files_upload_v2` in Slack Provider 
     add e26b8e0f52 Fix typos in descriptions about next release (#36918)
     add 75679d81d1 Move Breeze documentation to inside Breeze and split it. 
     add 13746187b8 Force install hatch in Test Open API job (#36938)
     add 9faabafbdc Fix small issues with breeze docs moved to new place 
     add b587c5ca04 Make Helm artifacts reproducible (#36930)
     add 81761a0432 Fallback to bash if SHELL variable is not set for k8s shell 
     add 33314dc3cd Fix broken links in release management Breeze docs (#36988)
     add 4cd490d98b Fix BOTH wrong links in Breeze docs and do it properly 
     add 9f5cd3a19f Fix spelling of `airflow` (#36682)
     add 4a65e2fa3c Remove duplicated definitions of random volumes (#36993)
     add abc5500dae Split contributing docs to multiple files (#36969)
     add 44518d6d38 Allow for helm plugin installation to be happening more 
than once (#37038)
     add 49422d53ab Move CI documentation to inside Breeze docs (#37039)
     add 2d15acff68 Limit moto to version below 5.0.0 (#37054)
     add 27d71e38d1 Protect against manually updated generated dependencies 
     add b5dcd210d6 Allow committer builds to use scripts/ci, dev and actions 
from the PR (#37057)
     add 009d95462c Kubernetes version bump (#37040)
     add 888612524b Make Amazon Provider tests compatible with `moto>=5` 
     add 2e50c1d9fa Bump aiohttp min version to avoid CVE-2024-23829 and 
CVE-2024-23334 (#37110)
     add dc7d4b571d Fixing a visual in breeze cheatsheet (#37083)
     add 735d24fbc4 Revert protection against back-compatibilty issue with 
google-core-api (#37111)
     add 7ea7113bff Automatically upgrade various components in canary builds 
     add e0e3fa417b The "upgrade-on-failure" feature enabled by default in 
local environment (#37116)
     add ef9803d5d8 docs: some grammatical improvements for providers index 
     add e27856278b Nicer pyproject.toml dependency generation (#37114)
     add 8298c52d0c Upgrade trove-classifier in build dependencies after it's 
released (#37147)
     add 0d64a53aa0 Temporary limit `pytest` to `<8.0` (#37157)
     add 6936baff50 Avoid `pendulum.from_timestamp` usage (#37160)
     add fca30bb5c6 Add deferrable param in SFTPSensor (#37117)
     add 88eab6c287 Update supplementary chart images (#37187)
     add 562ce2a144 Affixing exit summary to publish-docs command (#37172)
     add bd6a2903ff Update version of statsd image automatically in canary run 
     add 9b4a5eaf82 Update ruff to v0.2.1 (#37188)
     add f2393c7782 bump: kind 0.21.0 (#37159)
     add b15fbae8d0 Limit docs publishing tests to canary run (#37196)
     add a68f180456 Reorder settings in pyproject.toml (#37193)
     add d2a85d3cb7 Upgrade arifacts upload action to v4 (#37199)
     add 8d4debd6d8 Summarise publish-docs irrespective of 
--include-success-output (#37203)
     add 6ae1b413b2 Avoid log-groomer container failures when log persistence 
is enabled (#37222)
     add 96b0cfe388 Upgrade to FAB 4.3.11 (#37233)
     add 8ff051ea04 Fix security manager inheritance in fab provider (#36538)
     add 08b10b00b1 Fix failing static/unit tests.
     add ac90d22599 fix copy-bug (#34904)
     add 5cbfc1e122 Sanitize the conn_id to disallow potential script execution 
     add 4de8b4de90 REST API set description on POST to `/variables` endpoint 
     add a6055e765d Fix webserver always redirecting to home page if user was 
not logged in (#36833)
     add a2d6e6e2da Fix bug introduced by replacing spaces by + in run_id 
     add b5aad130f8 typo fix (#36900)
     add 9bd4d8ef00 Link to release notes in the upgrade docs (#36923)
     add 5293de14ce fix(dagrun): copy bug (#36855)
     add e790957045 fix: disable dryrun autofetch (#36941)
     add 5b26cd35c9 Updated config.yml for environment variable 
sql_alchemy_connect_args  (#36526)
     add 2bad7ab890 fix: DagRuns with UPSTREAM_FAILED tasks get stuck in the 
backfill. (#36954)
     add 2a043e9f2f add description to queue_when (#36997)
     add 752163b62c Secret masker ignores passwords with special chars (#36692)
     add db2036a5db Bugfix Triggering DAG with parameters is mandatory when 
show_trigger_form_if_no_params is enabled (#37063)
     add 8185b8eba0 Move docs for cron basics to Authoring and Scheduling 
section (#37049)
     add 5fd358afe3 Displaying "actual" try number in TaskInstance view (#34635)
     add 4b029e705b Add clarification about DAG author capabilities to security 
model (#37141)
     add eb49279c1b Allow running airflow against sqlite in-memory DB for tests 
     add e8ce3a821b Revert the sequence of initializing configuration defaults 
     add 81ffad14e3 Add airflow version substitution into Docker Compose Howto 
     add 308d09dceb Adjust graph node layout (#37207)
     add 5e815902f5 Fix collapsed grid width, line up selected bar with gantt 
     add 571fa5c5ae fix: PythonVirtualenvOperator crashes if any 
python_callable function is defined in the same source as DAG (#37165)
     add adc97a9ba1 Adjust node width based on task name length (#37254)
     add 18ea9be57f Fix the bug that affected the DAG end date. (#36144)
     add 3ab0044f4a Add more precise description on avoiding generic 
package/module names (#36927)
     add 651678c2e9 Fix broken regex for allowed_deserialization_classes 
     add ca69ef8ab4 Upgrade mypy to 1.8.0 (#36428)
     add e64f7a43b6 Upgrade to just released `pip 24.0` (#37236)
     add fa91343fc2 Remove validate-operators-init from v2-* static check 
branches (#37238)
     add f99fba2e66 Trims leading `./` from filenames when repackaging 
reproducible packages (#37253)
     add 71b48034b0 Sign helm chart packages without dist/ prefix (#37260)
     add dbce73e845 Optimize CI builds for unimportant pyproject.toml changes 
     add ddaa4b1bac Optimize CI jobs when for example only pre-commits change 
in scripts (#37308)
     add 2440b1fc27 Make PRs changing pyproject.toml neutral for breeze tests 
     add 89cd098158 Limit universal-pathlib to < 0.2.0 (#37311)
     add 4510f91816 Ignore occasional GPG error exists when generating key 
     add e1ec20bf57 Add better diagnostics when provider.yaml check fails 
     add fcb9971383 Fix pyhive hive_pure_sasl extra name (#37323)
     add bb2b7b183b Optimize cachine installed packages in CI build (#37315)
     add 944cd868c9 Get rid of pytest-httpx as dependency (#37334)
     add 655321ad86 Fix remote installation from git (#37340)
     add 62c638f95b Follow up after moving to source root 
     add a04c2c3386 Swtich to standard way of specifying package extra for 
github URL (#37342)
     add 5bf1a75d33 Add "devel-ci" extra with all possible dependencies to 
wheel (#37345)
     add cd24d516fb Trigger full cache rebuild with new EPOCH values (#37346)
     add ee14134f96 Add celery and cncf.kubernetes to devel dependencies 
     add 765242f225 Clarify docs around --package-filter flags in docs breeze 
commands (#37354)
     add a4002aecdb Improve speed of regular upgrades when dependencies change. 
     add 69dd406a33 Turn Pydantic into an optional dependency (#37320)
     add d7c2e3e265 Fix static checks
     add 928e3265d2 Bring back accidentally commented out tests (#37386)
     add a575f444f9 Include `airflow_pre_installed_providers.txt` into sdist 
distribution (#37388)
     add 89e16d20a6 Fix intermittent failures coming from buildkit parallel 
builds (#37403)
     add 7363e98366 Force Python 3.9+ version when building reproducible 
packages (#37401)
     add 49aba01457 Use Python 3.9 (reproducibility) in relase branch PROD 
builds (#37411)
     add 85d0a95b5f Uninstall twine before installing it in CI (#37415)
     add 7586d91ee7 Avoid side-effects for providers-manager related tests 
     add b889c0f040 Fix typo (copy&paste victim) introduced in twine fix 
     add 8324c87e05 Revoking audit_log permission from all users except admin 
     add 4cec0d872d Replace usage of `datetime.utcnow` and 
`datetime.utcfromtimestamp` in dev (#37473)
     add 26a6da4e33 Combine coverage databases to include output from 
multiprocessing (#37485)
     add 3484669902 Bring back installing airflow with constraints 
(--use-airflow-version) (#37487)
     add 4a3e01f42b Update slack channel names following new naming schemes 
     add 540de6bb15 Replace other Python 3.11 and 3.12 deprecations (#37478)
     add dc564f6d52 Update to newer version of pre-commit and build tools 
     add d930f2341e Distribute CI/PROD regular builds among multiple workers 
     add 8b3f44cc62 bump: kind 0.22.0 (#37499)
     add dad2955e07 Fixing an edge case of breeze publish-docs summary (#37506)
     add 2ff677cfc3 Fallback to locally installed k9s on ARM architecture 
     add ede675e87d Handle two types of k9s execution and add better 
diagnostics (#37510)
     add 72871a182b Validate is it possible to build wheel from sdist 
distribution (#37476)
     add 90d963fce7 Fix wrong test after fixing audit log permission (#37547)
     add f142050e44 Fix failing home view test after changing audit log 
permissions (#37550)
     add 0188536949 Synchronize missing changes in breeze with main and 
regenerate images
     add 0a7f402e97 Update black linter example in `STATIC_CODE_CHECKS.rst` 
     add 9235b08074 fix inheritance checking of security manager in 
FabAuthManager (#36343)
     add cf6340d6d8 Add libxml2 install command for macOS in contributor quick 
start doc (#36388)
     add b412cb88f4 Update Objectstore tutorial with prereqs section (#36983)
     add 858e707a2a Handle SystemExit raised in the task. (#36986)
     add 786e8dccff Use execution_date= param as a backup to base date for grid 
view (#37018)
     add 58a00260d2 Remove superfluous `@Sentry.enrich_errors`  (#37002)
     add 63818add40 Upgrade yarn stack in pre-commits (#37048)
     add 607e1d5b8a Fixing status icon alignment for various views (#36804)
     add fa703a85ee Re-add old licences-UI file to gitignore (#37175)
     add 91fb91bdd3 Type Check for retries: Add tests (#37183)
     add 5e9e7131d0 Resolve handler close race condition at triggerer shutdown 
     add eff4ac4929 Use `next_url` instead of `next` (#37225)
     add cefdd77124 Fix the otel config descriptions (#37229)
     add 74443be591 Fix the value of `dateTimeAttrFormat` constant (#37285)
     add bc2646be04 Fix permission check on DAGs when `access_entity` is 
specified (#37290)
     add 76a701d804 Fix permissions of parent folders for log file handler 
     add f4954228b0 treeview - deterministic and new getter (#37162)
     add acddcbd1fd Add more-itertools as dependency of common-sql (#37359)
     add 58c675350f Fix typo in deferring.rst (#37367)
     add 137c824e55 Remove unused pageSize method. (#37319)
     add c5b20dbaec Rmeove flakiness introduced by cleanup in configuration 
test (#37375)
     add d5ee8149bc Add redirect for deprecated page (#37384)
     add d102d9f214 Remove `markdown` from core dependencies (#37396)
     add db85f7e107 Add Python 3.12 exclusions in providers/pyproject.toml 
     add f78f35da9b Fix bug with clicking url-unsafe tags (#37395)
     add d01c6ada17 Fix a bug in fundamentals doc (#37440)
     add 6d9677e0d5 Bump undici from 5.26.3 to 5.28.3 in /airflow/www (#37493)
     add 169b9d52fd Fix Airflow serialization for namedtuple (#37168)
     add 7e172a308f Change margin to padding so first task can be selected 
     add a4c95070a4 Fix upgrade docs to reflect true cli flags available 
     add d5fe3c6b60 Update version to 2.8.2
     add 258decf38d Revert "Fix future DagRun rarely triggered by race 
conditions when max_active_runs reached its upper limit. (#31414)" (#37596)
     add ae51fb8092 Change AirflowTaskTimeout to inherit BaseException (#35653)
     add 2c0a119147 Update RELEASE_NOTES.rst

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .dockerignore                                      |    3 +
 .gitattributes                                     |    9 +-
 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/airflow_bug_report.yml      |    4 +-
 .../ISSUE_TEMPLATE/airflow_doc_issue_report.yml    |    2 +-
 .../airflow_helmchart_bug_report.yml               |    2 +-
 .../airflow_providers_bug_report.yml               |    2 +-
 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml         |    2 +-
 .github/                   |    2 +-
 .github/                                |   31 +-
 .github/actions/breeze/action.yml                  |   13 +-
 .github/actions/build-ci-images/action.yml         |   20 +-
 .github/actions/build-prod-images/action.yml       |   23 +-
 .github/actions/post_tests_failure/action.yml      |    6 +-
 .github/actions/post_tests_success/action.yml      |    2 +-
 .../actions/prepare_breeze_and_image/action.yml    |    5 +
 .github/boring-cyborg.yml                          |   17 +-
 .github/workflows/build-images.yml                 |  203 +-
 .github/workflows/ci.yml                           |  472 ++--
 .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml              |    4 +-
 .github/workflows/recheck-old-bug-report.yml       |    2 +-
 .github/workflows/stale.yml                        |    2 +-
 .gitignore                                         |    1 +
 .pre-commit-config.yaml                            |   83 +-
 BREEZE.rst                                         | 2879 +-------------------
 CI.rst                                             |  654 -----
 COMMITTERS.rst                                     |   36 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.rst                                   | 1613 +----------
 Dockerfile                                         |   28 +-                                      |  100 +-
 IMAGES.rst                                         |  561 ----
 INSTALL                                            |   13 +-                                          |   30 +-
 RELEASE_NOTES.rst                                  |  124 +
 TESTING.rst                                        | 2573 -----------------
 airflow/                                |    2 +-
 airflow/api/common/                   |    5 -
 .../api_connexion/endpoints/   |    3 +-
 airflow/api_connexion/openapi/v1.yaml              |    4 +-
 airflow/api_connexion/                  |    5 +-
 airflow/auth/managers/fab/      |   16 +-
 .../auth/managers/fab/security_manager/ |   26 +-
 airflow/cli/commands/               |    2 +-
 airflow/config_templates/config.yml                |   38 +-
 airflow/config_templates/unit_tests.cfg            |    2 +-
 airflow/                           |    3 +-
 airflow/                              |    8 +-
 airflow/jobs/                |    8 +-
 airflow/jobs/               |   17 +-
 airflow/models/                     |    2 +-
 airflow/models/                       |   39 +-
 airflow/models/                              |   25 +-
 airflow/models/                           |   12 +-
 airflow/models/                           |   69 +-
 airflow/models/                      |    3 +-
 airflow/models/                     |   45 +-
 airflow/operators/                        |   23 +-
 airflow/providers/MANAGING_PROVIDERS_LIFECYCLE.rst |   14 +-
 airflow/providers/amazon/aws/hooks/   |  168 ++
 airflow/providers/amazon/aws/hooks/     |    2 +-
 .../amazon/aws/utils/         |    5 +-
 airflow/providers/amazon/provider.yaml             |    9 +-
 airflow/providers/apache/beam/            |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/apache/beam/provider.yaml        |    4 +
 airflow/providers/apache/hdfs/sensors/      |    2 +
 airflow/providers/apache/hive/provider.yaml        |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/apache/livy/provider.yaml        |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/atlassian/jira/provider.yaml     |    6 +-
 .../celery/executors/      |    6 +-
 airflow/providers/cncf/kubernetes/provider.yaml    |    4 +-
 .../cncf/kubernetes/    |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/common/sql/provider.yaml         |    1 +
 .../providers/databricks/hooks/   |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/databricks/provider.yaml         |    4 +-
 airflow/providers/dbt/cloud/provider.yaml          |    2 +-
 .../elasticsearch/log/         |    6 +-
 airflow/providers/exasol/hooks/           |    2 +-
 .../triggers/     |    8 +-
 airflow/providers/google/provider.yaml             |    3 +-
 airflow/providers/http/hooks/               |    3 +-
 airflow/providers/http/provider.yaml               |    4 +-
 airflow/providers/influxdb/provider.yaml           |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/papermill/hooks/        |    5 +-
 airflow/providers/papermill/provider.yaml          |    5 +
 airflow/providers/pinecone/provider.yaml           |    5 +-
 airflow/providers/sftp/hooks/               |  170 +-
 airflow/providers/sftp/provider.yaml               |    6 +
 airflow/providers/sftp/sensors/             |   55 +-
 .../sftp/triggers}/                     |    0
 airflow/providers/sftp/triggers/            |  137 +
 airflow/providers/slack/hooks/             |  148 +-
 airflow/providers/slack/operators/         |   40 +-
 airflow/providers/slack/provider.yaml              |    2 +-
 airflow/providers/slack/transfers/  |   32 +-
 airflow/providers/snowflake/hooks/     |    2 +-
 airflow/                       |   22 +
 airflow/reproducible_build.yaml                    |    4 +-
 airflow/                                  |    3 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/              |   10 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/          |    6 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/          |    2 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/              |    3 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/     |   15 +-
 airflow/serialization/pydantic/          |    2 +-
 airflow/serialization/                     |   56 +-
 airflow/serialization/        |   10 +-
 airflow/                                |   24 +-
 airflow/utils/context.pyi                          |    2 +-
 airflow/utils/                                |    7 +
 airflow/utils/                              |   12 +
 airflow/utils/log/             |   37 +-
 airflow/utils/log/                |    4 +-
 airflow/utils/log/               |    8 +-
 airflow/utils/                          |   69 +
 airflow/utils/python_virtualenv_script.jinja2      |   19 +-
 airflow/utils/                          |   22 +
 airflow/www/                                |    4 +-
 airflow/www/                               |    4 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/api/useClearTaskDryRun.ts    |    5 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/api/useMarkTaskDryRun.ts     |    5 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/components/Clipboard.tsx     |    8 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/components/Graph/Edge.tsx    |    6 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/Main.tsx                 |    2 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/StatusBox.tsx            |    5 +
 .../www/static/js/dag/{grid => }/TaskName.test.tsx |   13 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/TaskName.tsx             |   89 +
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/Header.tsx       |    2 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/dagRun/index.tsx |    9 +-
 .../www/static/js/dag/details/graph/Node.test.tsx  |    2 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/graph/Node.tsx   |   86 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/graph/index.tsx  |   14 +
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/graph/utils.ts   |    8 +
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/details/index.tsx        |    2 +-
 .../taskInstance/taskActions/ClearInstance.tsx     |    1 +
 .../taskInstance/taskActions/MarkInstanceAs.tsx    |    1 +
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/grid/TaskName.tsx        |   70 -
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/grid/dagRuns/index.tsx   |   12 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/grid/index.test.tsx      |   14 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/grid/index.tsx           |    3 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/grid/renderTaskRows.tsx  |   14 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dag/useFilters.tsx           |    6 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/dags.js                      |    5 -
 airflow/www/static/js/datetime_utils.js            |    2 +-
 airflow/www/static/js/types/api-generated.ts       |    1 +
 airflow/www/static/js/types/index.ts               |    1 +
 airflow/www/static/js/utils/graph.ts               |    7 +-
 airflow/www/templates/airflow/dag.html             |    1 +
 airflow/www/templates/airflow/dags.html            |    5 +-
 airflow/www/                          |   28 +-
 airflow/www/                               |   11 +-
 airflow/www/yarn.lock                              |    6 +-
 ...ders.txt => airflow_pre_installed_providers.txt |    0
 chart/                                    |    2 +-
 chart/reproducible_build.yaml                      |    2 +
 chart/values.schema.json                           |    4 +-
 chart/values.yaml                                  |    4 +-
 contributing-docs/01_roles_in_airflow_project.rst  |  177 ++
 contributing-docs/02_how_to_communicate.rst        |  152 ++
 .../03_contributors_quick_start.rst                |  215 +-
 contributing-docs/04_how_to_contribute.rst         |  102 +
 contributing-docs/05_pull_requests.rst             |  248 ++
 contributing-docs/06_development_environments.rst  |  160 ++
 .../07_local_virtualenv.rst                        |  127 +-
 .../08_static_code_checks.rst                      |  158 +-
 contributing-docs/09_testing.rst                   |   56 +
 contributing-docs/10_working_with_git.rst          |  199 ++
 contributing-docs/11_provider_packages.rst         |  233 ++
 .../12_airflow_dependencies_and_extras.rst         |  223 ++
 contributing-docs/13_metadata_database_updates.rst |   53 +
 contributing-docs/14_node_environment_setup.rst    |  118 +
 contributing-docs/15_architecture_diagrams.rst     |   64 +
 contributing-docs/16_contribution_workflow.rst     |  317 +++
 contributing-docs/README.rst                       |  118 +
 .../images}/airflow_unit_test_mode.png             |  Bin
 .../images}/candidates_for_backtrack_triggers.png  |  Bin
 .../images}/database_view.png                      |  Bin
 .../images}/disk_space_osx.png                     |  Bin
 .../images}/docker_socket.png                      |  Bin
 .../images}/docker_wsl_integration.png             |  Bin
 {images => contributing-docs/images}/fork.png      |  Bin
 .../images}/pycharm_debug_breeze.png               |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/add Interpreter.png        |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/add_configuration.png      |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/add_env_variable.png       |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/airflow_clone.png          |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/airflow_fork.png           |  Bin
 .../quick_start/airflow_gitpod_open_ports.png      |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/airflow_gitpod_url.png     |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/ci_tests.png               |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/click_on_clone.png         |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/creating_branch_1.png      |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/creating_branch_2.png      |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/local_airflow.png          |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/postgresql_connection.png  |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/pr1.png                    |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/pr2.png                    |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/pr3.png                    |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/pycharm_clone.png          |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/start_airflow_tmux.png     |  Bin
 .../quick_start/start_airflow_tmux_gitpod.png      |  Bin
 .../quick_start/vscode_add_configuration_1.png     |  Bin
 .../quick_start/vscode_add_configuration_2.png     |  Bin
 .../quick_start/vscode_add_configuration_3.png     |  Bin
 .../quick_start/vscode_add_env_variable.png        |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/vscode_click_on_clone.png  |  Bin
 .../images}/quick_start/vscode_clone.png           |  Bin
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 .../quick_start/vscode_creating_branch_2.png       |  Bin
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 .../extending/add-providers/Dockerfile             |    2 +-
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 .../extending/add-requirement-packages/Dockerfile  |    2 +-
 .../extending/custom-providers/Dockerfile          |    2 +-
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 ...iders.txt => prod_image_installed_providers.txt |    0
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 tests/                                  |   13 +
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 tests/core/                            |    9 +-
 tests/core/                        |   24 +-
 .../}    |   21 +-
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 tests/models/                           |   17 +-
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 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_k8s_k9s.txt
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 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_k8s_run-complete-tests.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_k8s_shell.txt
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 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_k8s_tests.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_k8s_upload-k8s-image.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_release-management.txt
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 delete mode 100644 
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 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_setup_check-all-params-in-groups.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_setup_config.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_setup_regenerate-command-images.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_shell.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_start-airflow.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_static-checks.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_testing_db-tests.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_testing_integration-tests.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_testing_non-db-tests.txt
 delete mode 100644 images/breeze/output_testing_tests.txt
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prod_image_installed_providers.txt (100%)
 create mode 100755 
 create mode 100755 
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dags/} (60%)
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 create mode 100644 tests/providers/amazon/aws/hooks/
 create mode 100644 tests/providers/amazon/aws/operators/
 copy {airflow/api_connexion => tests/providers/sftp/triggers}/ 
 create mode 100644 tests/providers/sftp/triggers/

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