diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 37015d8..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/GremlinQuery.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,806 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import java.lang.Boolean
-import java.lang.Byte
-import java.lang.Double
-import java.lang.Float
-import java.lang.Integer
-import java.lang.Long
-import java.lang.Short
-import java.util.ArrayList
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions.bufferAsJavaList
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory
-import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer.GremlinQueryOptimizer
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LabeledExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyGenerationContext
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ListExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.AliasExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ArithmeticExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.BackReference
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ClassExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ComparisonExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.Expression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ExpressionException
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.FieldExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.FilterExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.InstanceExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LimitExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ListLiteral
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.Literal
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LogicalExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.LoopExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.OrderExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.PathExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.SelectExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.TraitExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.TraitInstanceExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.hasFieldLeafExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.hasFieldUnaryExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.isTraitLeafExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.isTraitUnaryExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.RepositoryException
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdgeDirection
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.TypeCategory
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.TypeSystem
-import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.GroupByExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MaxExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MinExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.SumExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.CountExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration
-import java.util.HashSet
-trait IntSequence {
-    def next: Int
-case class GremlinQuery(expr: Expression, queryStr: String, resultMaping: 
Map[String, (String, Int)]) {
-    def hasSelectList = resultMaping != null
-    def isPathExpression = expr.isInstanceOf[PathExpression]
-    def isGroupBy = expr.isInstanceOf[GroupByExpression]
-trait SelectExpressionHandling {
-  class AliasFinder extends PartialFunction[Expression,Unit] {
-        val aliases = new HashSet[String]()
-         def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
-         def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
-            case e@AliasExpression(_, alias) => {
-                aliases.add(alias)
-            }
-            case x => Unit
-        }
-    }
-    class ReplaceAliasWithBackReference(aliases: HashSet[String]) extends 
PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
-        def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
-        def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
-            case e@AliasExpression(child,alias) if aliases.contains(alias) => {
-                new BackReference(alias, child, None)
-            }
-            case x => x
-        }
-    }
-    // Removes back references in comparison expressions that are
-    // right after an alias expression.
-    //
-    //For example:
-    // .as('x').and(select('x').has(y),...) is changed to
-    // .as('x').and(has(y),...)
-    //
-    //This allows the "has" to be extracted out of the and/or by
-    //the GremlinQueryOptimizer so the index can be used to evaluate
-    //the predicate.
-     val RemoveUnneededBackReferences : PartialFunction[Expression, 
Expression] = {
-         case 
filterChild) => {
-             val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(filterChild, 
-             val changed  = !(updatedChild eq filterChild)
-             if(changed) {
-                 FilterExpression(aliasExpr, updatedChild)
-             }
-             else {
-                 filterExpr
-             }
-         }
-         case x => x
-     }
-     def removeUnneededBackReferences(expr: Expression, outerAlias: String) : 
Expression = expr match {
-         case logicalExpr@LogicalExpression(logicalOp,children) => {
-            var changed : Boolean = false;
-            val updatedChildren : List[Expression] = { child =>
-                val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(child, 
-                changed |= ! (updatedChild eq child);
-                updatedChild
-            }
-           if(changed) {
-               LogicalExpression(logicalOp,updatedChildren)
-           }
-           else {
-              logicalExpr
-           }
-        }
-        case comparisonExpr@ComparisonExpression(_,_,_) => {
-            var changed = false
-             val updatedLeft = 
removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.left, outerAlias);
-             changed |= !( updatedLeft eq comparisonExpr.left);
-             val updatedRight = 
removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.right, outerAlias);
-             changed |= !(updatedRight eq comparisonExpr.right);
-             if (changed) {
-                 ComparisonExpression(comparisonExpr.symbol, updatedLeft, 
-             } else {
-                 comparisonExpr
-             }
-        }
-        case FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, Some(br @ 
BackReference(brAlias, _, _))) if outerAlias.equals(brAlias) => {
-           //Remove the back reference, since the thing it references is right 
in front
-           //of the comparison expression we're in
-           FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, None)
-       }
-       case x => x
-    }
-    //in groupby, convert alias expressions defined in the group by child to 
-    //in the groupby list and selectList.
-    val AddBackReferencesToGroupBy : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = 
-        case GroupByExpression(child, groupBy, selExpr) => {
-            val aliases = ArrayBuffer[AliasExpression]()
-            val finder = new AliasFinder();
-            child.traverseUp(finder);
-            val replacer = new ReplaceAliasWithBackReference(finder.aliases)
-            val newGroupBy = new SelectExpression(
-                groupBy.child.transformUp(replacer),
-       {
-                    expr => expr.transformUp(replacer)
-                },
-                groupBy.forGroupBy);
-            val newSelExpr = new SelectExpression(
-                selExpr.child.transformUp(replacer),
-       {
-                    expr => expr.transformUp(replacer)
-                },
-                selExpr.forGroupBy);
-            new GroupByExpression(child, newGroupBy, newSelExpr)
-        }
-        case x => x
-    }
-    /**
-     * To aide in gremlinQuery generation add an alias to the input of 
-     */
-    class AddAliasToSelectInput extends PartialFunction[Expression, 
Expression] {
-        private var idx = 0
-        def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
-        class DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE: AliasExpression)
-            extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
-            def isDefinedAt(e: Expression) = true
-            def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
-                case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, None) =>
-                    FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, 
Some(BackReference(aliasE.alias, aliasE.child, None)))
-                case _ => e
-            }
-        }
-        def apply(e: Expression) = e match {
-            case SelectExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), selList, 
forGroupBy) => {
-                idx = idx + 1
-                SelectExpression(aliasE, 
DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE))), forGroupBy)
-            }
-            case SelectExpression(child, selList, forGroupBy) => {
-                idx = idx + 1
-                val aliasE = AliasExpression(child, s"_src$idx")
-                SelectExpression(aliasE, 
DecorateFieldWithAlias(aliasE))), forGroupBy)
-            }
-            case OrderExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), order, asc) => {
-                OrderExpression(aliasE, order.transformUp(new 
-            }
-            case OrderExpression(child, order, asc) => {
-                idx = idx + 1
-                val aliasE = AliasExpression(child, s"_src$idx")
-                OrderExpression(aliasE, order.transformUp(new 
-            }
-            case _ => e
-        }
-    }
-    def getSelectExpressionSrc(e: Expression): List[String] = {
-        val l = ArrayBuffer[String]()
-        e.traverseUp {
-            case BackReference(alias, _, _) => l += alias
-            case ClassExpression(clsName) => l += clsName
-        }
-        l.toSet.toList
-    }
-    def validateSelectExprHaveOneSrc: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
-        case SelectExpression(_, selList, forGroupBy) => {
-            selList.foreach { se =>
-                val srcs = getSelectExpressionSrc(se)
-                if (srcs.size > 1) {
-                    throw new GremlinTranslationException(se, "Only one src 
allowed in a Select Expression")
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    def groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel: SelectExpression): 
mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, List[Expression]] = {
-        val m = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, List[Expression]]()
-        sel.selectListWithAlias.foreach { se =>
-            val l = getSelectExpressionSrc(se.child)
-            if (!m.contains(l(0))) {
-                m(l(0)) = List()
-            }
-            m(l(0)) = m(l(0)) :+ se.child
-        }
-        m
-    }
-    /**
-     * For each Output Column in the SelectExpression compute the 
ArrayList(Src) this maps to and the position within
-     * this list.
-     *
-     * @param sel
-     * @return
-     */
-    def buildResultMapping(sel: SelectExpression): Map[String, (String, Int)] 
= {
-        val srcToExprs = groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel)
-        val m = new mutable.HashMap[String, (String, Int)]
-        sel.selectListWithAlias.foreach { se =>
-            val src = getSelectExpressionSrc(se.child)(0)
-            val srcExprs = srcToExprs(src)
-            var idx = srcExprs.indexOf(se.child)
-            m(se.alias) = (src, idx)
-        }
-        m.toMap
-    }
-class GremlinTranslationException(expr: Expression, reason: String) extends
-ExpressionException(expr, s"Unsupported Gremlin translation: $reason")
-class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
-                        gPersistenceBehavior: GraphPersistenceStrategies)
-    extends SelectExpressionHandling {
-    val preStatements = ArrayBuffer[GroovyExpression]()
-    val postStatements = ArrayBuffer[GroovyExpression]()
-    val wrapAndRule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
-        case f: FilterExpression if 
((!f.condExpr.isInstanceOf[LogicalExpression]) &&
(f.condExpr.isInstanceOf[isTraitLeafExpression] || 
!f.namedExpressions.isEmpty)) =>
-          FilterExpression(f.child, new LogicalExpression("and", 
-    }
-    val validateComparisonForm: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
-        case c@ComparisonExpression(op, left, right) =>
-            if (!left.isInstanceOf[FieldExpression]) {
-                throw new GremlinTranslationException(c, s"lhs of comparison 
is not a field")
-            }
-            if (!right.isInstanceOf[Literal[_]] && 
!right.isInstanceOf[ListLiteral[_]]) {
-                throw new GremlinTranslationException(c,
-                    s"rhs of comparison is not a literal")
-            }
-            if(right.isInstanceOf[ListLiteral[_]] && (!op.equals("=") && 
!op.equals("!="))) {
-                throw new GremlinTranslationException(c,
-                    s"operation not supported with list literal")
-            }
-            ()
-    }
-    val counter =  new IntSequence {
-        var i: Int = -1;
-        def next: Int = {
-            i += 1; i
-        }
-    }
-    def addAliasToLoopInput(c: IntSequence = counter): 
PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
-        case l@LoopExpression(aliasE@AliasExpression(_, _), _, _) => l
-        case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) => {
-            val aliasE = AliasExpression(inputExpr, s"_loop${}")
-            LoopExpression(aliasE, loopExpr, t)
-        }
-    }
-    def instanceClauseToTop(topE : Expression) : PartialFunction[Expression, 
Expression] = {
-      case le : LogicalExpression if (le fastEquals topE) =>  {
-        le.instance()
-      }
-      case ce : ComparisonExpression if (ce fastEquals topE) =>  {
-        ce.instance()
-      }
-      case he : hasFieldUnaryExpression if (he fastEquals topE) =>  {
-        he.instance()
-      }
-    }
-    def traitClauseWithInstanceForTop(topE : Expression) : 
PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
-//          This topE check prevented the comparison of trait expression when 
it is a child. Like trait as t limit 2
-        case te : TraitExpression =>  {
-        val theTrait ="theTrait")
-        val theInstance = theTrait.traitInstance().as("theInstance")
-        val outE =
-            id("theInstance").as("instanceInfo"))
-        QueryProcessor.validate(outE)
-      }
-    }
-    def typeTestExpression(parent: GroovyExpression, typeName : String) : 
GroovyExpression = {
-        val stats = 
 parent, typeName, counter)
-        preStatements ++= stats.init
-        stats.last
-    }
-    val QUOTE = "\"";
-    private def cleanStringLiteral(l : Literal[_]) : String = {
-        return l.toString.stripPrefix(QUOTE).stripSuffix(QUOTE);
-    }
-    private def genQuery(parent: GroovyExpression, expr: Expression, 
inClosure: Boolean): GroovyExpression = expr match {
-        case ClassExpression(clsName) => typeTestExpression(parent, clsName)
-        case TraitExpression(clsName) => typeTestExpression(parent, clsName)
-        case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child)
-            if fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE || 
fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY => {
-                val fN = 
gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo)
-                val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
-                return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateFieldExpression(childExpr, fInfo, fN, 
-            }
-        case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child)
-            if fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.CLASS || 
fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.STRUCT => {
-            val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
-            val direction = if (fInfo.isReverse) AtlasEdgeDirection.IN else 
-            val edgeLbl = gPersistenceBehavior.edgeLabel(fInfo)
-            return 
direction, edgeLbl)
-            }
-        case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child) if fInfo.traitName != 
null => {
-            val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, child, inClosure);
-            val direction = gPersistenceBehavior.instanceToTraitEdgeDirection
-            val edgeLbl = gPersistenceBehavior.edgeLabel(fInfo)
-            return 
direction, edgeLbl)
-        }
-        case c@ComparisonExpression(symb, f@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, 
ch), l) => {
-            val qualifiedPropertyName = 
s"${gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo)}"
-            val childExpr = translateOptChild(parent, ch, inClosure)
-            val persistentExprValue : GroovyExpression = 
if(l.isInstanceOf[Literal[_]]) {
-                translateLiteralValue(fInfo.attrInfo.dataType, 
-            }
-            else {
-                genQuery(null, l, inClosure);
-            }
-            if (symb == "like") {
-              return 
qualifiedPropertyName, persistentExprValue);
-            }
-           return 
childExpr, qualifiedPropertyName, c.symbol, persistentExprValue, fInfo);
-        }
-        case fil@FilterExpression(child, condExpr) => {
-            var newParent = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-            val alias = "a" +;
-            newParent = 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAliasExpression(newParent, alias);
-            val translated =  genQuery(newParent, condExpr, inClosure);
-            //we want the query to return instances of the class whose 
instances we are filtering out
-            //The act of filtering may traverse edges and have other side 
false, alias);
-        }
-        case l@LogicalExpression(symb, children) => {
-            val translatedChildren : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = 
translateList(children, false);
-            return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateLogicalExpression(parent, symb, 
-        }
-        case sel@SelectExpression(child, selList, forGroupBy) => {
-              val m = groupSelectExpressionsBySrc(sel)
-              var srcNamesList: java.util.List[LiteralExpression] = new 
-              var srcExprsList: List[java.util.List[GroovyExpression]] = List()
-              val it = m.iterator
-              while (it.hasNext) {
-                  val (src, selExprs) =
-                  srcNamesList.add(new LiteralExpression(src));
-                  val translatedSelExprs : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = 
translateList(selExprs, true);
-                  srcExprsList = srcExprsList :+ translatedSelExprs
-               }
-               val srcExprsStringList : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new 
-               srcExprsList.foreach { it =>
-                    srcExprsStringList.add(new ListExpression(it));
-               }
-               val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure)
-               return 
srcNamesList, srcExprsStringList);
-        }
-        case loop@LoopExpression(input, loopExpr, t) => {
-            val times : Integer = if(t.isDefined) {
-                t.get.rawValue.asInstanceOf[Integer]
-            }
-            else {
-                null.asInstanceOf[Integer]
-            }
-            val alias = input.asInstanceOf[AliasExpression].alias;
-            val inputQry = genQuery(parent, input, inClosure)
-            val translatedLoopExpr = 
loopExpr, inClosure);
-            return 
gPersistenceBehavior, input.dataType, translatedLoopExpr, alias, times);
-        }
-        case BackReference(alias, _, _) => {
-            return 
inClosure, alias);
-        }
-        case AliasExpression(child, alias) => {
-            var childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-            return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateAliasExpression(childExpr, alias);
-        }
-        case isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, Some(clsExp)) => {
-            val label = gPersistenceBehavior.traitLabel(clsExp.dataType, 
-            return 
AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, label);
-        }
-        case isTraitUnaryExpression(traitName, child) => {
-            val label = gPersistenceBehavior.traitLabel(child.dataType, 
-            return 
AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, label);
-        }
-        case hasFieldLeafExpression(fieldName, clsExp) => clsExp match {
-            case None => 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fieldName)
-            case Some(x) => {
-                val fi = TypeUtils.resolveReference(clsExp.get.dataType, 
-                if(! fi.isDefined) {
-                    return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fieldName);
-                }
-                else {
-                    val fName = 
gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fi.get.dataType, fi.get.attrInfo)
-                    return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateUnaryHasExpression(parent, fName);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        case hasFieldUnaryExpression(fieldName, child) =>
-            val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-            return 
-        case ArithmeticExpression(symb, left, right) => {
-            val leftExpr = genQuery(parent, left, inClosure);
-            val rightExpr = genQuery(parent, right, inClosure);
-            return 
GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateArithmeticExpression(leftExpr, symb, 
-        }
-        case l: Literal[_] =>  {
-            if(parent != null) {
-                return new org.apache.atlas.groovy.FieldExpression(parent, 
-            }
-            return translateLiteralValue(l.dataType, l);
-        }
-        case list: ListLiteral[_] =>  {
-            //Here, we are creating a Groovy list literal expression ([value1, 
value2, value3]).  Because
-            //of this, any gremlin query expressions within the list must 
start with an anonymous traversal.
-            //We set 'inClosure' to true in this case to make that happen.
-            val  values : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = 
translateList(list.rawValue, true);
-            return new ListExpression(values);
-        }
-        case in@TraitInstanceExpression(child) => {
-          val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-          val direction = gPersistenceBehavior.traitToInstanceEdgeDirection;
-          return 
-        }
-        case in@InstanceExpression(child) => {
-            return genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-        }
-        case pe@PathExpression(child) => {
-            val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure)
-            return 
-        }
-        case order@OrderExpression(child, odr, asc) => {
-          var orderExpression = odr
-          if(odr.isInstanceOf[BackReference]) {
-              orderExpression = odr.asInstanceOf[BackReference].reference
-          }
-          else if (odr.isInstanceOf[AliasExpression]) {
-              orderExpression = odr.asInstanceOf[AliasExpression].child
-          }
-          val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-          var orderByParents : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = 
-          val translatedParents : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new 
-          var translatedOrderParents = orderByParents.foreach { it =>
-                 translatedParents.add(genQuery(it, orderExpression, true));
-          }
-          return 
-        }
-        case limitOffset@LimitExpression(child, limit, offset) => {
-            val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-            val totalResultRows = limit.value + offset.value;
-            return 
offset.value, totalResultRows);
-        }
-        case count@CountExpression() => {
-          val listExpr = 
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateCountExpression(listExpr);
-        }
-        case max@MaxExpression(child) => {
-          //use "it" as the parent since the child will become
-          //part of a closure.  Its value will be whatever vertex
-          //we are looking at in the collection.
-          val childExprParent = null;
-          val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
-          val listExpr = 
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateMaxExpression(listExpr, 
-        }
-        case min@MinExpression(child) => {
-          //use "it" as the parent since the child will become
-          //part of a closure.  Its value will be whatever vertex
-          //we are looking at in the collection.
-          val childExprParent = null;
-          val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
-          val listExpr = 
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateMinExpression(listExpr, 
-        }
-        case sum@SumExpression(child) => {
-           //use "it" as the parent since the child will become
-          //part of a closure.  Its value will be whatever vertex
-          //we are looking at in the collection.
-          val childExprParent = null;
-          val childExpr = genQuery(childExprParent, child, true);
-          val listExpr = 
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateSumExpression(listExpr, 
-        }
-        case groupByExpr@GroupByExpression(child, groupBy, selExpr) => {
-          //remove aliases
-          val groupByExprListToTranslate = 
(groupBy.asInstanceOf[SelectExpression]) {
-            x => x.child;
-          }
-          val grpByExprsList = translateList(groupByExprListToTranslate, true);
-          val groupByValue = new ListExpression(grpByExprsList);
-          //reduction only aggregate methods are supported here as of 
now.(Max, Min, Count)
-          //remove aliases
-          val srcExprListToTranslate = {
-            x => x.child;
-          }
-          val srcExprsList = translateList(srcExprListToTranslate, true, true);
-          val srcExprsStringList = new ListExpression(srcExprsList)
-          val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
-          return 
groupByValue, srcExprsStringList);
-         }
-        case x => throw new GremlinTranslationException(x, "expression not yet 
-    }
-     def translateList(exprs : List[Expressions.Expression], inClosure : 
Boolean, inGroupBy: Boolean = false) : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = {
-        var parent = if (inGroupBy) {
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getGroupBySelectFieldParent();
-        }
-        else if(inClosure) {
-          null;
-        }
-        else {
-          GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getAnonymousTraversalExpression()
-        }
-        var result : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = new 
-        exprs.foreach { it =>
-            result.add(genQuery(parent, it, inClosure));
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    def translateOptChild(parent : GroovyExpression, child : 
Option[Expressions.Expression] , inClosure: Boolean) : GroovyExpression = child 
match {
-        case Some(x) => genQuery(parent, x, inClosure)
-        case None => parent
-    }
-    def translateLiteralValue(dataType: IDataType[_], l: Literal[_]): 
GroovyExpression = {
-      if (dataType == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE) {
-           try {
-               //Accepts both date, datetime formats
-               val dateStr = cleanStringLiteral(l)
-               val dateVal = 
-               return new LiteralExpression(dateVal)
-            } catch {
-                  case pe: java.text.ParseException =>
-                       throw new GremlinTranslationException(l,
-                                   "Date format " + l + " not supported. 
Should be of the format " +
-            }
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE) {
-           //cast needed, otherwise get class cast exception when trying to 
compare, since the
-           //persist value is assumed to be an Integer
-           return new CastExpression(new 
LiteralExpression(Byte.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true),"byte");
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.INT_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(Integer.valueOf(s"""${l}"""));
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(Boolean.valueOf(s"""${l}"""));
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE) {
-           return new CastExpression(new 
LiteralExpression(Short.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true),"short");
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(Long.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(Float.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(Double.valueOf(s"""${l}"""), true);
-       }
-       else if(dataType == DataTypes.STRING_TYPE) {
-           return new LiteralExpression(cleanStringLiteral(l));
-       }
-       else {
-           return new LiteralExpression(l.rawValue);
-       }
-    }
-    def genFullQuery(expr: Expression, hasSelect: Boolean): String = {
-        var q : GroovyExpression = new 
FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, new 
IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType.SOURCE, "g"),"V");
-        val debug:Boolean = false
-        if(gPersistenceBehavior.addGraphVertexPrefix(preStatements)) {
-            q = gPersistenceBehavior.addInitialQueryCondition(q);
-        }
-        q = genQuery(q, expr, false)
-        q = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateToListExpression(q);
-        q = 
gPersistenceBehavior.getGraph().addOutputTransformationPredicate(q, hasSelect, 
-        if(AtlasRepositoryConfiguration.isGremlinOptimizerEnabled()) {
-            q = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(q);
-        }
-           val closureExpression = new ClosureExpression();
-        closureExpression.addStatements(preStatements);
-        closureExpression.addStatement(q)
-        closureExpression.addStatements(postStatements);
-           val overallExpression = new LabeledExpression("L", 
-        val qryStr = generateGremlin(overallExpression);
-        if(debug) {
-          println(" query " + qryStr)
-        }
-        qryStr;
-    }
-    def generateGremlin(expr: GroovyExpression) : String = {
-         val ctx : GroovyGenerationContext = new GroovyGenerationContext();
-         ctx.setParametersAllowed(false);
-         expr.generateGroovy(ctx);
-         return ctx.getQuery;
-    }
-    def translate(): GremlinQuery = {
-        var e1 = expr.transformUp(wrapAndRule)
-        e1.traverseUp(validateComparisonForm)
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(AddBackReferencesToGroupBy)
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(new AddAliasToSelectInput)
-        e1.traverseUp(validateSelectExprHaveOneSrc)
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(addAliasToLoopInput())
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(instanceClauseToTop(e1))
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(traitClauseWithInstanceForTop(e1))
-        e1 = e1.transformUp(RemoveUnneededBackReferences)
-        //Following code extracts the select expressions from expression tree.
-        val se = SelectExpressionHelper.extractSelectExpression(e1)
-        if (se.isDefined) {
-          val rMap = buildResultMapping(se.get)
-          GremlinQuery(e1, genFullQuery(e1, true), rMap)
-        } else {
-            GremlinQuery(e1, genFullQuery(e1, false), null)
-        }
-    }
-    object SelectExpressionHelper {
-       /**
-     * This method extracts the child select expression from parent expression
-     */
-     def extractSelectExpression(child: Expression): Option[SelectExpression] 
= {
-      child match {
-            case se@SelectExpression(child, selectList, false) =>{
-              Some(se)
-            }
-            case limit@LimitExpression(child, lmt, offset) => {
-              extractSelectExpression(child)
-            }
-            case order@OrderExpression(child, odr, odrBy) => {
-              extractSelectExpression(child)
-            }
-           case path@PathExpression(child) => {
-              extractSelectExpression(child)
-           }
-           case _ => {
-             None
-           }
-      }
-    }
-    }
-    /*
-     * TODO
-     * Translation Issues:
-     * 1. back references in filters. For e.g. testBackreference: 'DB as db 
Table where ( = "Reporting")'
-     *    this is translated to:
-     * 
T.eq, "Reporting")).map().toList()
-     * But the '_().back("db") within the and is ignored, the has condition is 
applied on the current element.
-     * The solution is to to do predicate pushdown and apply the filter 
immediately on top of the referred Expression.
-     */
diff --git a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/QueryParser.scala 
deleted file mode 100755
index 4bc6e74..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/QueryParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ImplicitConversions, PackratParsers}
-import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader._
-import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes
-trait QueryKeywords {
-    this: StandardTokenParsers =>
-    import scala.language.implicitConversions
-    protected case class Keyword(str: String)
-    protected implicit def asParser(k: Keyword): Parser[String] = k.str
-    protected val LIST_LPAREN = Keyword("[")
-    protected val LIST_RPAREN = Keyword("]")
-    protected val LPAREN = Keyword("(")
-    protected val RPAREN = Keyword(")")
-    protected val EQ = Keyword("=")
-    protected val LT = Keyword("<")
-    protected val GT = Keyword(">")
-    protected val NEQ = Keyword("!=")
-    protected val LTE = Keyword("<=")
-    protected val GTE = Keyword(">=")
-    protected val COMMA = Keyword(",")
-    protected val AND = Keyword("and")
-    protected val OR = Keyword("or")
-    protected val PLUS = Keyword("+")
-    protected val MINUS = Keyword("-")
-    protected val STAR = Keyword("*")
-    protected val DIV = Keyword("/")
-    protected val DOT = Keyword(".")
-    protected val SELECT = Keyword("select")
-    protected val FROM = Keyword("from")
-    protected val WHERE = Keyword("where")
-    protected val GROUPBY = Keyword("groupby")
-    protected val LOOP = Keyword("loop")
-    protected val ISA = Keyword("isa")
-    protected val IS = Keyword("is")
-    protected val HAS = Keyword("has")
-    protected val AS = Keyword("as")
-    protected val TIMES = Keyword("times")
-    protected val WITHPATH = Keyword("withPath")
-    protected val LIMIT = Keyword("limit")
-    protected val OFFSET = Keyword("offset")
-    protected val ORDERBY = Keyword("orderby")
-    protected val COUNT = Keyword("count")
-    protected val MAX = Keyword("max")
-    protected val MIN = Keyword("min")
-    protected val SUM = Keyword("sum")
-    protected val BY = Keyword("by")
-    protected val ORDER = Keyword("order")
-    protected val LIKE = Keyword("like")
-trait ExpressionUtils {
-    protected val DESC = "desc"
-    def loop(input: Expression, l: (Expression, Option[Literal[Integer]], 
Option[String])) = l match {
-        case (c, None, None) => input.loop(c)
-        case (c, t, None) => input.loop(c, t.get)
-        case (c, None, Some(a)) => input.loop(c).as(a)
-        case (c, t, Some(a)) => input.loop(c, t.get).as(a)
-    }
-    def select(input: Expression, s: List[(Expression, Option[String])], 
forGroupBy: Boolean = false) = {
-        val selList = { t =>
-            t._2 match {
-                case None =>"${t._1}")
-                case _ =>
-            }
-        }
-       new SelectExpression(input, selList, forGroupBy)
-    }
-    def limit(input: Expression, lmt: Literal[Integer], offset: 
Literal[Integer]) = {
-        input.limit(lmt, offset)
-    }
-    def order(input: Expression, odr: Expression, asc: Boolean) = {
-        input.order(odr, asc)
-    }
-    def leftmostId(e: Expression) = {
-        var le: IdExpression = null
-        e.traverseUp { case i: IdExpression if le == null => le = i}
-        le
-    }
-    def notIdExpression = new PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
-        def isDefinedAt(x: Expression): Boolean = !x.isInstanceOf[IdExpression]
-        def apply(e: Expression) = e
-    }
-    def replaceIdWithField(id: IdExpression, fe: UnresolvedFieldExpression): 
PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
-        case e: IdExpression if e == id => fe
-    }
-    def merge(snglQuery1: Expression, sngQuery2: Expression): Expression = {
-        val leftSrcId = leftmostId(sngQuery2)
-        sngQuery2.transformUp(replaceIdWithField(leftSrcId, 
-    }
-    def groupBy(input: Expression, groupByExpr: SelectExpression, selectExpr: 
SelectExpression) = {
-      input.groupBy(groupByExpr, selectExpr)
-    }
-case class QueryParams(limit: Int, offset: Int)
- * Query parser is used to parse the DSL query. It uses scala PackratParsers 
and pattern matching to extract the expressions.
- * It builds up a expression tree.
- */
-object QueryParser extends StandardTokenParsers with QueryKeywords with 
ExpressionUtils with PackratParsers {
-    import scala.language.higherKinds
-    private val reservedWordsDelims: Seq[String] = this.
-        getClass.getMethods.filter(_.getReturnType == 
-    private val (queryreservedWords: Seq[String], querydelims: Seq[String]) =
-        reservedWordsDelims.partition(s => s.charAt(0).isLetter)
-    override val lexical = new QueryLexer(queryreservedWords, querydelims)
-  /**
-    * @param input query string
-    * @param queryParams query parameters that contains limit and offset
-    * @return
-    */
-    def apply(input: String)(implicit queryParams: QueryParams = null): 
Either[NoSuccess, Expression] = synchronized {
-        phrase(queryWithPath)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
-            case Success(r, x) => Right(r)
-            case f@Failure(m, x) => Left(f)
-            case e@Error(m, x) => Left(e)
-        }
-    }
-    import scala.math._
-    def queryWithPath(implicit queryParams: QueryParams) = query ~ 
opt(WITHPATH) ^^ {
-      case q ~ None => q
-      case q ~ p => q.path()
-    }
-    /**
-     * A singleQuery can have the following forms:
-     * 1. SrcQuery [select] [orderby desc] [Limit x offset y] -> source query 
followed by optional select statement followed by optional order by followed by 
optional limit
-     * eg: Select "hive_db where hive_db has name orderby 'hive_db.owner' 
limit 2 offset 1"
-        *
-        * @return
-     */
-    def query(implicit queryParams: QueryParams) = querySrc ~ 
opt(loopExpression) ~ opt(groupByExpr) ~ opt(selectClause) ~ opt(orderby) ~ 
opt(limitOffset) ^^ {
-        case s ~ l ~ grp ~  sel ~ odr ~ lmtoff => {
-        var expressiontree = s
-        if (l.isDefined) //Note: The order of if statements is important.
-        {
-          expressiontree = loop(expressiontree, l.get);
-        }
-        if (odr.isDefined)
-        {
-          expressiontree = order(expressiontree, odr.get._1, odr.get._2)
-        }
-        if (queryParams != null && lmtoff.isDefined)
-        {
-          val mylimit = int(min(queryParams.limit, max(lmtoff.get._1 - 
queryParams.offset, 0)))
-          val myoffset = int(queryParams.offset + lmtoff.get._2)
-          expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, mylimit, myoffset)
-        } else if(lmtoff.isDefined) {
-          expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, int(lmtoff.get._1), 
-        } else if(queryParams != null) {
-          expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, int(queryParams.limit), 
-        }
-          if (grp.isDefined && sel.isDefined)
-        {
-           var child = expressiontree
-           var selectExpr: SelectExpression = select(child, sel.get, true)
-           var grpBySelectExpr: SelectExpression = select(child, grp.get, true)
-           expressiontree = groupBy(child, grpBySelectExpr, selectExpr)
-        }
-        else if (grp.isDefined)
-        {
-           throw new AtlasException("groupby without select is not allowed");
-        }
-        else if (sel.isDefined)
-        {
-            var selectChild = expressiontree
-            val selExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, sel.get);
-            if(selExpr.hasAggregation) {
-                //In order to do the aggregation, we need to add an implicit 
group by.  Having the
-                //group by expression be a constant values forces all of the 
vertices into one group.
-                val groupByConstant : Expression = 
Expressions.literal(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, "dummy");
-                val groupBySelExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, 
sel.get, true);
-                val groupByListExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, 
List((groupByConstant,None)), true)
-                expressiontree = groupBy(selectChild, groupByListExpr, 
-            }
-            else {
-                expressiontree =  selExpr
-            }
-        }
-           expressiontree
-        }
-    }
-    def querySrc: Parser[Expression] = rep1sep(singleQrySrc, opt(COMMA)) ^^ { 
l => l match {
-        case h :: Nil => h
-        case h :: t => t.foldLeft(h)(merge(_, _))
-        case Nil => null
-    }
-    }
-    /**
-     * A SingleQuerySrc can have the following forms:
-     * 1. FROM id [WHERE] [expr] -> from optionally followed by a filter
-     * 2. WHERE expr -> where clause, FROM is assumed to be the leftmost Id in 
the where clause
-     * 3. expr (that is not an IdExpression)  -> where clause, FROM is assumed 
to be the leftmost Id in the expr
-     * 4. Id [WHERE] [expr] -> from optionally followed by a filter
-     *
-     * @return
-     */
-    def singleQrySrc: Parser[Expression] = FROM ~ fromSrc ~ opt(WHERE) ~ 
opt(expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ {
-        case f ~ i ~ w ~ None => i
-        case f ~ i ~ w ~ c => i.where(c.get)
-    } |
-        WHERE ~ (expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ { case w ~ e => {
-            val lId = leftmostId(e)
-            if (lId == null) {
-                failure("cannot infer Input from the where clause")
-            }
-            lId.where(e)
-        }
-        } |
-        expr ^? notIdExpression ^^ { case e => {
-            val lId = leftmostId(e)
-            if (lId == null) {
-                failure("cannot infer Input from the where clause")
-            }
-            lId.where(e)
-        }
-        } |
-        fromSrc ~ opt(WHERE) ~ opt(expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ {
-            case i ~ w ~ None => i
-            case i ~ w ~ c => i.where(c.get)
-        }
-    def fromSrc = identifier ~ AS ~ alias ^^ { case s ~ a ~ al =>} |
-        identifier
-    def orderby = (ORDERBY|(ORDER ~ BY )) ~ expr ~ opt (asce) ^^ {
-      case o ~ odr ~ None => (odr, true)
-      case o ~ odr ~ asc => (odr, asc.get)
-    }
-    def limitOffset: Parser[(Int, Int)] = LIMIT ~ lmt ~ opt (offset) ^^ {
-      case l ~ lt ~ None => (lt.toInt, 0)
-      case l ~ lt ~ of => (lt.toInt, of.get.toInt)
-    }
-    def offset = OFFSET ~ ofset  ^^ {
-      case offset ~ of  => of
-    }
-    def asce = asc ^^ {
-      case DESC  => false
-      case  _ => true
-    }
-    def loopExpression(implicit queryParams: QueryParams): Parser[(Expression, 
Option[Literal[Integer]], Option[String])] =
-        LOOP ~ (LPAREN ~> query <~ RPAREN) ~ opt(intConstant <~ TIMES) ~ 
opt(AS ~> alias) ^^ {
-            case l ~ e ~ None ~ a => (e, None, a)
-            case l ~ e ~ Some(i) ~ a => (e, Some(int(i)), a)
-        }
-    def selectClause: Parser[List[(Expression, Option[String])]] = SELECT ~ 
rep1sep(selectExpression, COMMA) ^^ {
-        case s ~ cs => cs
-    }
-    def selectExpression: Parser[(Expression, Option[String])] = expr ~ opt(AS 
~> alias) ^^ {
-        case e ~ a => (e, a)
-    }
-    def expr: Parser[Expression] = compE ~ opt(rep(exprRight)) ^^ {
-        case l ~ None => l
-        case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.logicalOp(r._1)(r._2)}
-    }
-    def exprRight = (AND | OR) ~ compE ^^ { case op ~ c => (op, c)}
-    def compE =
-        arithE ~ (LT | LTE | EQ | NEQ | GT | GTE | LIKE) ~ arithE ^^ { case l 
~ op ~ r => l.compareOp(op)(r)} |
-            arithE ~ (ISA | IS) ~ ident ^^ { case l ~ i ~ t => l.isTrait(t)} |
-            arithE ~ HAS ~ ident ^^ { case l ~ i ~ f => l.hasField(f)} |
-            arithE | countClause | maxClause | minClause | sumClause
-    def arithE = multiE ~ opt(rep(arithERight)) ^^ {
-        case l ~ None => l
-        case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.arith(r._1)(r._2)}
-    }
-    def arithERight = (PLUS | MINUS) ~ multiE ^^ { case op ~ r => (op, r)}
-    def multiE = atomE ~ opt(rep(multiERight)) ^^ {
-        case l ~ None => l
-        case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.arith(r._1)(r._2)}
-    }
-    def multiERight = (STAR | DIV) ~ atomE ^^ { case op ~ r => (op, r)}
-    def atomE = literal | identifier | LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN | listLiteral
-    def listLiteral = LIST_LPAREN ~ rep1sep(literal, COMMA) ~ LIST_RPAREN ^^ {
-        case lp ~ le ~ rp => list(le)
-    }
-    def identifier = rep1sep(ident, DOT) ^^ { l => l match {
-        /*
-         * We don't have enough context here to know what the id can be.
-         * Examples:
-         *    Column isa PII - "Column" could be a field, type, or alias
-         *    name = 'John' - "name" must be a field.
-         * Use generic id(), let type the be refined based on the context 
-         */
-        case h :: Nil => id(h)
-        /*
-         * Then left-most part of the identifier ("h") must be a can be 
either.  However,
-         * Atlas does support struct attributes, whose fields must accessed 
-         * this syntax.  Let the downstream processing figure out which case 
we're in.
-         *
-         * Examples:
-         * - here, hive_table must be a type
-         * sortCol.order - here, sortCol is a struct attribute, must resolve 
to a field.
-         */
-        case h :: t => { //the left-most part of the identifier (h) can be
-            t.foldLeft(id(h).asInstanceOf[Expression])(_.field(_))
-        }
-        case Nil => null
-    }
-    }
-    def alias = ident | stringLit
-    def lmt = intConstant
-    def ofset = intConstant
-    def asc =  ident | stringLit
-    def literal = booleanConstant ^^ {
-        boolean(_)
-        } |
-        intConstant ^^ {
-            int(_)
-        } |
-        longConstant ^^ {
-            long(_)
-        } |
-        floatConstant ^^ {
-            float(_)
-        } |
-        doubleConstant ^^ {
-            double(_)
-        } |
-        stringLit ^^ {
-            string(_)
-        }
-    def booleanConstant: Parser[String] =
-        elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.BooleanLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
-    def intConstant: Parser[String] =
-        elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.IntLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
-    def longConstant: Parser[String] =
-        elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.LongLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
-    def floatConstant: Parser[String] =
-        elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.FloatLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
-    def doubleConstant: Parser[String] =
-        elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.DoubleLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
-   def countClause =  COUNT ~ LPAREN ~ RPAREN ^^ {
-        case c => count()
-    }
-    def maxClause =  MAX ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
-        case m ~ e => maxExpr(e)
-    }
-    def minClause =   MIN ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
-        case m ~ e => minExpr(e)
-    }
-    def sumClause =   SUM ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
-        case m ~ e => sumExpr(e)
-    }
-    def groupByExpr = GROUPBY ~ (LPAREN ~> rep1sep(selectExpression, COMMA) <~ 
RPAREN) ^^ {
-      case g ~ ce => ce
-    }
-    def isKeyword(s: String) = queryreservedWords.contains(s)
-class QueryLexer(val keywords: Seq[String], val delims: Seq[String]) extends 
StdLexical with ImplicitConversions {
-    case class BooleanLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
-        override def toString = chars
-    }
-    case class IntLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
-        override def toString = chars
-    }
-    case class LongLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
-        override def toString = chars
-    }
-    case class FloatLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
-        override def toString = chars
-    }
-    case class DoubleLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
-        override def toString = chars
-    }
-    reserved ++= keywords.flatMap(w => allCaseVersions(w))
-    delimiters ++= delims
-    override lazy val token: Parser[Token] =
-        (
-            (trueP | falseP)
-                | longConstant ^^ LongLiteral
-                | intConstant ^^ IntLiteral
-                | floatConstant ^^ FloatLiteral
-                | dubConstant ^^ DoubleLiteral
-                | identifier ^^ processIdent
-                | quotedIdentifier ^^ Identifier
-                | string ^^ StringLit
-                | EofCh ^^^ EOF
-                | '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
-                | '"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
-                | delim
-                | '.' ^^^ new Keyword(".")
-                | failure("illegal character")
-            )
-    override def identChar = letter | elem('_')
-    def identifier = identChar ~ (identChar | digit).* ^^ { case first ~ rest 
=> (first :: rest).mkString}
-    def quotedIdentifier = '`' ~> chrExcept('`', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '`' ^^ {
-      _ mkString ""
-    }
-    override def whitespace: Parser[Any] =
-        (whitespaceChar
-            | '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
-            | '/' ~ '/' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
-            | '#' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
-            | '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")
-            ).*
-    protected override def comment: Parser[Any] = (
-        commentChar.* ~ '*' ~ '/'
-        )
-    protected def commentChar = chrExcept(EofCh, '*') | '*' ~ not('/')
-    def string = '\"' ~> chrExcept('\"', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\"' ^^ {
-        _ mkString ""
-    } |
-        '\'' ~> chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\'' ^^ {
-            _ mkString ""
-        }
-    def zero: Parser[String] = '0' ^^^ "0"
-    def nonzero = elem("nonzero digit", d => d.isDigit && d != '0')
-    def sign = elem("sign character", d => d == '-' || d == '+')
-    def exponent = elem("exponent character", d => d == 'e' || d == 'E')
-    def intConstant = opt(sign) ~> zero | intList
-    def intList = opt(sign) ~ nonzero ~ rep(digit) ^^ { case s ~ x ~ y => 
(optString("", s) :: x :: y) mkString ""}
-    def fracPart: Parser[String] = '.' ~> rep(digit) ^^ { r =>
-        "." + (r mkString "")
-    }
-    def expPart = exponent ~ opt(sign) ~ rep1(digit) ^^ { case e ~ s ~ d =>
-        e.toString + optString("", s) + d.mkString("")
-    }
-    def dubConstant = opt(sign) ~ digit.+ ~ fracPart ~ opt(expPart) ^^ {
-        case s ~ i ~ f ~ e => {
-            optString("", s) + (i mkString "") + f + optString("", e)
-        }
-    }
-    def floatConstant = opt(sign) ~ digit.* ~ fracPart ~ 'f' ^^ { case s ~ i ~ 
fr ~ f =>
-        optString("", s) + i + fr
-    } | opt(sign) ~ digit.+ ~ opt(fracPart) ~ 'f' ^^ { case s ~ i ~ fr ~ f =>
-        optString("", s) + i + optString("", fr)
-    }
-    def longConstant = intConstant ~ 'l' ^^ { case i ~ l => i}
-    def trueP = 't' ~ 'r' ~ 'u' ~ 'e' ^^^ BooleanLiteral("true")
-    def falseP = 'f' ~ 'a' ~ 'l' ~ 's' ~ 'e' ^^^ BooleanLiteral("false")
-    private def optString[A](pre: String, a: Option[A]) = a match {
-        case Some(x) => pre + x.toString
-        case None => ""
-    }
-    /** Generate all variations of upper and lower case of a given string */
-    def allCaseVersions(s: String, prefix: String = ""): Stream[String] = {
-        if (s.isEmpty) {
-            Stream(prefix)
-        } else {
-            allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toLower) #:::
-                allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toUpper)
-        }
-    }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100755
index e1e8408..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/QueryProcessor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasGraph
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
-import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
-import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration
-import org.apache.atlas.utils.LruCache
-import org.apache.atlas.util.CompiledQueryCacheKey
-import java.util.Collections
-object QueryProcessor {
-    val LOG : Logger = 
-    val compiledQueryCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new 
LruCache[CompiledQueryCacheKey, GremlinQuery](
-    def evaluate(e: Expression, g: AtlasGraph[_,_], gP : 
GraphPersistenceStrategies = null):
-    GremlinQueryResult = {
-        var strategy = gP;
-        if(strategy == null) {
-            strategy = GraphPersistenceStrategy1(g);
-        }
-        //convert the query expression to DSL so we can check whether or not 
it is in the compiled
-        //query cache and avoid validating/translating it again if it is.
-        val dsl = e.toString();
-        val cacheKey = new CompiledQueryCacheKey(dsl);
-        var q = compiledQueryCache.get(cacheKey);
-        if(q == null) {
-            //query was not found in the compiled query cache.  Validate
-            //and translate it, then cache the result.
-            val e1 = validate(e)
-            q = new GremlinTranslator(e1, strategy).translate()
-            compiledQueryCache.put(cacheKey, q);
-            if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                LOG.debug("Validated Query: " + e1)
-                LOG.debug("Expression Tree:\n" + e1.treeString);
-            }
-        }
-        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            LOG.debug("DSL Query: " + dsl);
-            LOG.debug("Gremlin Query: " + q.queryStr)
-        }
-        new GremlinEvaluator(q, strategy, g).evaluate()
-    }
-    def validate(e: Expression): Expression = {
-        val e1 = e.transformUp(refineIdExpressionType);
-        val e2 = e1.transformUp(new Resolver(None,e1.namedExpressions))
-        e2.traverseUp {
-            case x: Expression if !x.resolved =>
-                throw new ExpressionException(x, s"Failed to resolved 
expression $x")
-        }
-        /*
-         * trigger computation of dataType of expression tree
-         */
-        e2.dataType
-        /*
-         * ensure fieldReferences match the input expression's dataType
-         */
-        val e3 = e2.transformUp(FieldValidator)
-        val e4 = e3.transformUp(new Resolver(None,e3.namedExpressions))
-        e4.dataType
-        e4
-    }
-    val convertToFieldIdExpression : PartialFunction[Expression,Expression] = {
-        case IdExpression(name, IdExpressionType.Unresolved) => 
IdExpression(name, IdExpressionType.NonType);
-    }
-    //this function is called in a depth first manner on the expression tree 
to set the exprType in IdExpressions
-    //when we know them.  Since Expression classes are immutable, in order to 
do this we need to create new instances
-    //of the case.  The logic here enumerates the cases that have been 
identified where the given IdExpression
-    //cannot resolve to a class or trait.  This is the case in any places 
where a field value must be used.
-    //For example, you cannot add two classes together or compare traits.  Any 
IdExpressions in those contexts
-    //refer to unqualified attribute names.  On a similar note, select clauses 
need to product an actual value.
-    //For example, in 'from DB select name' or 'from DB select name as n', 
name must be an attribute.
-     val refineIdExpressionType : PartialFunction[Expression,Expression] = {
-         //spit out the individual cases to minimize the object churn.  
Specifically, for ComparsionExpressions where neither
-         //child is an IdExpression, there is no need to create a new 
ComparsionExpression object since neither child will
-         //change.  This applies to ArithmeticExpression as well.
-         case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, 
l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , 
r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => {
-             ComparisonExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), 
-         }
-         case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, 
l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r) => 
ComparisonExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), r)
-         case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, l, 
r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => ComparisonExpression(symbol, 
l, convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
-         case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, 
l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , 
r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => {
-             ArithmeticExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), 
-         }
-         case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, 
l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r) => 
ArithmeticExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), r)
-         case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, l, 
r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => ArithmeticExpression(symbol, 
l, convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
-         case s@SelectExpression(child, selectList, forGroupBy) => {
-             var changed = false
-             val newSelectList = {
-                 expr => expr match {
-                     case e@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) => { 
changed=true; convertToFieldIdExpression(e) }
-                     case 
AliasExpression(child@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved), alias) => 
{changed=true; AliasExpression(convertToFieldIdExpression(child), alias)}
-                     case x => x
-                  }
-             }
-             if(changed) {
-                 SelectExpression(child, newSelectList, forGroupBy)
-             }
-             else {
-                 s
-             }
-         }
-    }
diff --git a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/Resolver.scala 
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b42f3e..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/Resolver.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.TraitType
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.ClassType
-class Resolver(srcExpr: Option[Expression] = None, aliases: Map[String, 
Expression] = Map(),
-               connectClassExprToSrc: Boolean = false)
-    extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
-    import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils._
-    def isDefinedAt(x: Expression) = true
-    def apply(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
-        case idE@IdExpression(name, exprType) => {
-            val backExpr = aliases.get(name)
-            if (backExpr.isDefined) {
-                  if(backExpr.get.resolved) {
-                     return new BackReference(name, backExpr.get, None)
-                  }
-                  else {
-                    //replace once resolved
-                    return idE;
-                  }
-            }
-            if (srcExpr.isDefined) {
-                val fInfo = resolveReference(srcExpr.get.dataType, name)
-                if (fInfo.isDefined) {
-                    return new FieldExpression(name, fInfo.get, None)
-                }
-            }
-            if(exprType.isTypeAllowed) {
-                val dt = resolveAsDataType(name);
-                if(dt.isDefined) {
-                    if(dt.get.isInstanceOf[ClassType]) {
-                         return new ClassExpression(name)
-                    }
-                    if(dt.get.isInstanceOf[TraitType]) {
-                      return new TraitExpression(name)
-                    }
-                }
-             }
-            idE
-        }
-        case ce@ClassExpression(clsName) if connectClassExprToSrc && 
srcExpr.isDefined => {
-            val fInfo = resolveReference(srcExpr.get.dataType, clsName)
-            if (fInfo.isDefined) {
-                return new FieldExpression(clsName, fInfo.get, None)
-            }
-            ce
-        }
-        case f@UnresolvedFieldExpression(child, fieldName) if child.resolved 
=> {
-            var fInfo: Option[FieldInfo] = None
-            fInfo = resolveReference(child.dataType, fieldName)
-            if (fInfo.isDefined) {
-                return new FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo.get, Some(child))
-            }
-            val tType = resolveAsTraitType(fieldName)
-            if (tType.isDefined) {
-              return new FieldExpression(fieldName, FieldInfo(child.dataType, 
null, null, fieldName), Some(child))
-            }
-            f
-        }
-        case isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, classExpression)
-            if srcExpr.isDefined && !classExpression.isDefined =>
-            isTraitLeafExpression(traitName, srcExpr)
-        case hasFieldLeafExpression(traitName, classExpression)
-            if srcExpr.isDefined && !classExpression.isDefined =>
-            hasFieldLeafExpression(traitName, srcExpr)
-        case f@FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr) if inputExpr.resolved => {
-            val r = new Resolver(Some(inputExpr), inputExpr.namedExpressions)
-            return new FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr.transformUp(r))
-        }
-        case SelectExpression(child, selectList, forGroupBy) if child.resolved 
=> {
-            val r = new Resolver(Some(child), child.namedExpressions)
-            return new SelectExpression(child, {
-                _.transformUp(r)
-            }, forGroupBy)
-        }
-        case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) if inputExpr.resolved => 
-            val r = new Resolver(Some(inputExpr), inputExpr.namedExpressions, 
-            return new LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr.transformUp(r), t)
-            }
-        case lmt@LimitExpression(child, limit, offset) => {
-            val r = new Resolver(Some(child), child.namedExpressions)
-            return new LimitExpression(child.transformUp(r), limit, offset)
-        }
-        case order@OrderExpression(child, odr, asc) => {
-            val r = new Resolver(Some(child), child.namedExpressions)
-            return new OrderExpression(child, odr.transformUp(r), asc)
-        }
-        case x => x
-    }
- * - any FieldReferences that explicitly reference the input, can be converted 
to implicit references
- * - any FieldReferences that explicitly reference a
- */
-object FieldValidator extends PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
-    def isDefinedAt(x: Expression) = true
-    def isSrc(e: Expression) = e.isInstanceOf[ClassExpression] || 
-    def validateQualifiedField(srcDataType: IDataType[_]): 
PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
-        case FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, Some(child))
-            if (child.children == Nil && !child.isInstanceOf[BackReference] && 
child.dataType == srcDataType) =>
-            FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, None)
-        case fe@FieldExpression(fNm, fInfo, Some(child)) if isSrc(child) =>
-            throw new ExpressionException(fe, s"srcType of field doesn't match 
input type")
-        case hasFieldUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if child.dataType == 
srcDataType =>
-            hasFieldLeafExpression(fNm, Some(child))
-        case hF@hasFieldUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if isSrc(child) =>
-            throw new ExpressionException(hF, s"srcType of field doesn't match 
input type")
-        case isTraitUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if child.dataType == 
srcDataType =>
-            isTraitLeafExpression(fNm)
-        case iT@isTraitUnaryExpression(fNm, child) if isSrc(child) =>
-            throw new ExpressionException(iT, s"srcType of field doesn't match 
input type")
-    }
-    def validateOnlyFieldReferencesInLoopExpressions(loopExpr: LoopExpression)
-    : PartialFunction[Expression, Unit] = {
-        case f: FieldExpression => ()
-        case x => throw new ExpressionException(loopExpr,
-            s"Loop Expression can only contain field references; 
'${x.toString}' not supported.")
-    }
-    def apply(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
-        case f@FilterExpression(inputExpr, condExpr) => {
-            val validatedCE = 
-            if (validatedCE.fastEquals(condExpr)) {
-                f
-            } else {
-                new FilterExpression(inputExpr, validatedCE)
-            }
-        }
-        case SelectExpression(child, selectList, forGroupBy) if child.resolved 
=> {
-            val v = validateQualifiedField(child.dataType)
-            return new SelectExpression(child, {
-                _.transformUp(v)
-            }, forGroupBy)
-        }
-        case OrderExpression(child, order, asc) => {
-          val v = validateQualifiedField(child.dataType)
-          OrderExpression(child, order.transformUp(v), asc)
-        }
-        case l@LoopExpression(inputExpr, loopExpr, t) => {
-            val validatedLE = 
-            val l1 = {
-                if (validatedLE.fastEquals(loopExpr)) l
-                else new LoopExpression(inputExpr, validatedLE, t)
-            }
-            l1
-        }
-        case x => x
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/TypeUtils.scala 
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d2c7ae..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/TypeUtils.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import java.util
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
-import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.{LimitExpression, PathExpression, 
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.Constants
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.GraphHelper
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.{ArrayType, PrimitiveType, 
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
-object TypeUtils {
-    val typSystem = TypeSystem.getInstance()
-    def numericTypes : Seq[PrimitiveType[_]] = Seq(DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.INT_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.LONG_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE,
-        DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE)
-    def combinedType(typ1 : IDataType[_], typ2 : IDataType[_]) : 
PrimitiveType[_] = {
-        val typ1Idx =  if (numericTypes.contains(typ1))  
Some(numericTypes.indexOf(typ1)) else None
-        val typ2Idx =  if (numericTypes.contains(typ2))  
Some(numericTypes.indexOf(typ2)) else None
-        if ( typ1Idx.isDefined && typ2Idx.isDefined ) {
-            val rIdx = math.max(typ1Idx.get, typ2Idx.get)
-            if ( (typ1 == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE && typ2 == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE) 
-                (typ1 == DataTypes.LONG_TYPE && typ2 == DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE) 
) {
-                return DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE
-            }
-            return numericTypes(rIdx)
-        }
-        throw new AtlasException(s"Cannot combine types: ${typ1.getName} and 
-    }
-    var tempStructCounter : AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
-    val TEMP_STRUCT_NAME_PREFIX = "__tempQueryResultStruct"
-    def createStructType(selectExprs : List[Expressions.AliasExpression]) : 
StructType = {
-        val aDefs = new Array[AttributeDefinition](selectExprs.size)
-        selectExprs.zipWithIndex.foreach { t =>
-            val (e,i) = t
-            aDefs(i) = new AttributeDefinition(e.alias,e.dataType.getName, 
Multiplicity.OPTIONAL, false, null)
-        }
-        return 
-            null,
-            aDefs:_*);
-    }
-    object ResultWithPathStruct {
-      val pathAttrName = "path"
-      val resultAttrName = "result"
-      val pathAttrType = 
-      val pathAttr = new AttributeDefinition(pathAttrName, pathAttrType, 
Multiplicity.COLLECTION, false, null)
-      def createType(pE : PathExpression, resultType : IDataType[_]) : 
StructType = {
-        val resultAttr = new AttributeDefinition(resultAttrName, 
resultType.getName, Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
-        val typName = 
-        val m : java.util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]] = new 
util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]]()
-        if (pE.child.isInstanceOf[SelectExpression] || 
pE.child.isInstanceOf[LimitExpression]) {
-          m.put(pE.child.dataType.getName, pE.child.dataType)
-        }
-        typSystem.defineQueryResultType(typName, m, pathAttr, resultAttr);
-      }
-    }
-  /**
-   * Structure representing the Closure Graph.
-   * Returns:
-   * 1. A map of vertexId -> vertex Info(these are the attributes requested in 
the query)
-   * 2. A edges map: each entry is a mapping from an vertexId to the List of 
adjacent vertexIds.
-   *
-   * '''The Vertex Map doesn't contain all the vertices in the Graph. Only the 
ones for which Attributes are
-   * available.''' These are the vertices that represent the EntityType whose 
Closure was requested. For e.g. for
-   * Table Lineage the ''vertex map'' will contain information  about Tables, 
but not about ''Load Process'' vertices
-   * that connect Tables.
-   */
-  object GraphResultStruct {
-    val SRC_PREFIX = "src"
-    val DEST_PREFIX = "dest"
-    val verticesAttrName = "vertices"
-    val edgesAttrName = "edges"
-    val vertexIdAttrName = "vertexId"
-    lazy val edgesAttrType = typSystem.defineMapType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE,
-      typSystem.defineArrayType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE))
-    def createType(resultWithPathType: StructType): StructType = {
-      val resultType = 
-      val verticesAttrType = typSystem.defineMapType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE,
-        vertexType(resultType.asInstanceOf[StructType]))
-      val typName = 
-      val verticesAttr = new AttributeDefinition(verticesAttrName, 
-        Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
-      val edgesAttr = new AttributeDefinition(edgesAttrName, 
edgesAttrType.getName, Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null)
-      val m: java.util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]] = new 
util.HashMap[String, IDataType[_]]()
-      m.put(resultWithPathType.getName, resultWithPathType)
-      m.put(resultType.getName, resultType)
-      m.put(edgesAttrType.getName, edgesAttrType)
-      m.put(verticesAttrType.getName, verticesAttrType)
-      typSystem.defineQueryResultType(typName, m, verticesAttr, edgesAttr)
-    }
-    private def vertexType(resultType: StructType): StructType = {
-      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-      var attrs: List[AttributeDefinition] =
 { aInfo =>
-        new 
-          aInfo.multiplicity, aInfo.isComposite, aInfo.reverseAttributeName)
-      }.values.toList
-      attrs = new AttributeDefinition(vertexIdAttrName,,
-        Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null) :: attrs
-      return 
-        null,
-        attrs: _*)
-    }
-  }
-    def fieldMapping(iDataType: IDataType[_]) : Option[FieldMapping] = 
iDataType match {
-        case c : ClassType => Some(c.fieldMapping())
-        case t : TraitType => Some(t.fieldMapping())
-        case s : StructType => Some(s.fieldMapping())
-        case _ => None
-    }
-    def hasFields(iDataType: IDataType[_]) : Boolean = {
-        fieldMapping(iDataType).isDefined
-    }
-    import scala.language.existentials
-    case class FieldInfo(dataType : IDataType[_],
-                         attrInfo : AttributeInfo,
-                         reverseDataType : IDataType[_] = null,
-                          traitName : String = null) {
-        def isReverse = reverseDataType != null
-        override  def toString : String = {
-            if ( traitName != null ) {
-              s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "$traitName")"""
-            }
-            else if ( reverseDataType == null ) {
-                s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "${}")"""
-            } else {
-                s"""FieldInfo("${dataType.getName}", "${}", 
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    val FIELD_QUALIFIER = "(.*?)(->.*)?".r
-    /**
-     * Given a ComposedType `t` and a name resolve using the following rules:
-     * - if `id` is a field in `t` resolve to the field
-     * - if `id` is the name of a  Struct|Class|Trait Type and it has a field 
that is of type `t` then return that type
-     *
-     * For e.g.
-     * 1. if we have types Table(name : String, cols : List[Column]), 
Column(name : String) then
-     * `resolveReference(Table, "cols")` resolves to type Column. So a query 
can be "Table.cols"
-     * 2. But if we have Table(name : String), Column(name : String, tbl : 
Table) then "Table.Column" will resolve
-     * to type Column
-     *
-     * This way the language will support navigation even if the relationship 
is one-sided.
-     *
-     * @param typ
-     * @param id
-     * @return
-     */
-    def resolveReference(typ : IDataType[_], id : String) : Option[FieldInfo] 
= {
-        val fMap = fieldMapping(typ)
-        if ( fMap.isDefined) {
-            if (fMap.get.fields.containsKey(id)) {
-                return Some(FieldInfo(typ,fMap.get.fields.get(id)))
-            }
-            val systemField = 
-            if (systemField != null) {
-              return Some(FieldInfo(systemField.dataType(), systemField))
-            }
-            try {
-              val FIELD_QUALIFIER(clsNm, rest) = id
-                val idTyp = typSystem.getDataType(classOf[IDataType[_]], clsNm)
-                val idTypFMap = fieldMapping(idTyp)
-                if (rest != null ) {
-                  val attrNm = rest.substring(2)
-                  if (idTypFMap.get.fields.containsKey(attrNm)) {
-                    return 
Some(FieldInfo(typ,idTypFMap.get.fields.get(attrNm), idTyp))
-                  }
-                }
-                if (idTypFMap.isDefined) {
-                    import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-                    val fields: Seq[AttributeInfo] = 
idTypFMap.get.fields.values().filter { aInfo =>
-                        aInfo.dataType() == typ ||
-                            ( aInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory == 
TypeCategory.ARRAY &&
aInfo.dataType().asInstanceOf[ArrayType].getElemType == typ
-                                )
-                    }.toSeq
-                    if (fields.size == 1) {
-                        return Some(FieldInfo(typ, fields(0), idTyp))
-                    }
-                    /*
-                     * is there only 1 array field of this type?
-                     * If yes resolve to it.
-                     * @todo: allow user to specify the relationship to follow 
by further qualifying the type. for e.g.
-                     *   field("LoadProcess.inputTables")
-                     */
-                    val aFields = fields.filter { aInfo => 
aInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY}
-                    if (aFields.size == 1) {
-                        return Some(FieldInfo(typ, aFields(0), idTyp))
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch {
-                case _ : AtlasException => None
-            }
-        }
-        None
-    }
-    def resolveAsDataType(id : String) : Option[IDataType[_]] = {
-       try {
-            Some(typSystem.getDataType(id))
-        } catch {
-            case _ : AtlasException => None
-        }
-    }
-    def resolveAsClassType(id : String) : Option[ClassType] = {
-        try {
-            Some(typSystem.getDataType(classOf[ClassType], id))
-        } catch {
-            case _ : AtlasException => None
-        }
-    }
-    def resolveAsTraitType(id : String) : Option[TraitType] = {
-        try {
-            Some(typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], id))
-        } catch {
-            case _ : AtlasException => None
-        }
-    }

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