diff --git a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/Expressions.scala 
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9efd2..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/Expressions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.{ArrayType, PrimitiveType, 
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-object Expressions {
-    import TypeUtils._
-    class ExpressionException(val e: Expression, message: String, cause: 
Throwable, enableSuppression: Boolean,
-                              writableStackTrace: Boolean)
-        extends AtlasException(message, cause, enableSuppression, 
writableStackTrace) {
-        def this(e: Expression, message: String) {
-            this(e, message, null, false, true)
-        }
-        def this(e: Expression, message: String, cause: Throwable) {
-            this(e, message, cause, false, true)
-        }
-        def this(e: Expression, cause: Throwable) {
-            this(e, null, cause, false, true)
-        }
-        override def getMessage: String = {
-            val eString = e.toString
-            s"${super.getMessage}, expression:${if (eString contains "\n") 
"\n" else " "}$e"
-        }
-    }
-    class UnresolvedException(expr: Expression, function: String) extends
-    ExpressionException(expr, s"Unresolved $function")
-    def attachExpression[A](e: Expression, msg: String = "")(f: => A): A = {
-        try f catch {
-            case eex: ExpressionException => throw eex
-            case ex: Exception => throw new ExpressionException(e, msg, ex)
-        }
-    }
-    trait Expression {
-        self: Product =>
-        def isAggregator = false
-        def children: Seq[Expression]
-        /**
-         * Returns `true` if the schema for this expression and all its 
children have been resolved.
-         * The default logic is that an Expression is resolve if all its 
children are resolved.
-         */
-        lazy val resolved: Boolean = childrenResolved
-        /**
-         * Returns the output [[IDataType[_]] of this expression.  Expressions 
that are unresolved will
-         * throw if this method is invoked.
-         */
-        def dataType: IDataType[_]
-        /**
-         * Returns true if  all the children have been resolved.
-         */
-        def childrenResolved = !children.exists(!_.resolved)
-        /**
-         * the aliases that are present in this Expression Tree
-         */
-        def namedExpressions: Map[String, Expression] = Map()
-        def fastEquals(other: Expression): Boolean = {
-            this.eq(other) || this == other
-        }
-        def makeCopy(newArgs: Array[AnyRef]): this.type = 
attachExpression(this, "makeCopy") {
-            try {
-                val defaultCtor = 
getClass.getConstructors.find(_.getParameterTypes.size != 0).head
-                defaultCtor.newInstance(newArgs: _*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
-            } catch {
-                case e: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException =>
-                    throw new ExpressionException(
-                        this, s"Failed to copy node. Reason: ${e.getMessage}.")
-            }
-        }
-        def transformChildrenDown(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, 
Expression]): this.type = {
-            var changed = false
-            val newArgs = {
-                case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                    val newChild = 
-                    if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                        changed = true
-                        newChild
-                    } else {
-                        arg
-                    }
-                case Some(arg: Expression) if children contains arg =>
-                    val newChild = 
-                    if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                        changed = true
-                        Some(newChild)
-                    } else {
-                        Some(arg)
-                    }
-                case m: Map[_, _] => m
-                case args: Traversable[_] => {
-                    case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                        val newChild = 
-                        if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                            changed = true
-                            newChild
-                        } else {
-                            arg
-                        }
-                    case other => other
-                }
-                case nonChild: AnyRef => nonChild
-                case null => null
-            }.toArray
-            if (changed) makeCopy(newArgs) else this
-        }
-        def transformDown(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): 
Expression = {
-            val afterRule = rule.applyOrElse(this, identity[Expression])
-            // Check if unchanged and then possibly return old copy to avoid 
gc churn.
-            if (this fastEquals afterRule) {
-                transformChildrenDown(rule)
-            } else {
-                afterRule.transformChildrenDown(rule)
-            }
-        }
-        def traverseChildren(traverseFunc: (Expression, 
PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]) => Unit)
-                            (rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]): Unit = {
-            productIterator.foreach {
-                case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                    traverseFunc(arg.asInstanceOf[Expression], rule)
-                case Some(arg: Expression) if children contains arg =>
-                    traverseFunc(arg.asInstanceOf[Expression], rule)
-                case m: Map[_, _] => m
-                case args: Traversable[_] => {
-                    case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                        traverseFunc(arg.asInstanceOf[Expression], rule)
-                    case other => other
-                }
-                case nonChild: AnyRef => nonChild
-                case null => null
-            }
-        }
-        def traverseChildrenDown = traverseChildren(_traverseDown) _
-        private def _traverseDown(e: Expression, rule: 
PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]): Unit = {
-            if (rule.isDefinedAt(e)) {
-                rule.apply(e)
-            }
-            e.traverseChildrenDown(rule)
-        }
-        def traverseDown(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]): Unit = {
-            _traverseDown(this, rule)
-        }
-        def traverseChildrenUp = traverseChildren(_traverseUp) _
-        private def _traverseUp(e: Expression, rule: 
PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]): Unit = {
-            e.traverseChildrenUp(rule)
-            if (rule.isDefinedAt(e)) {
-                rule.apply(e)
-            }
-        }
-        def traverseUp(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Unit]): Unit = {
-            _traverseUp(this, rule)
-        }
-        def transformUp(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): 
Expression = {
-            val afterRuleOnChildren = transformChildrenUp(rule);
-            if (this fastEquals afterRuleOnChildren) {
-                rule.applyOrElse(this, identity[Expression])
-            } else {
-                rule.applyOrElse(afterRuleOnChildren, identity[Expression])
-            }
-        }
-        def transformChildrenUp(rule: PartialFunction[Expression, 
Expression]): this.type = {
-            var changed = false
-            val newArgs = {
-                case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                    val newChild = 
-                    if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                        changed = true
-                        newChild
-                    } else {
-                        arg
-                    }
-                case Some(arg: Expression) if children contains arg =>
-                    val newChild = 
-                    if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                        changed = true
-                        Some(newChild)
-                    } else {
-                        Some(arg)
-                    }
-                case m: Map[_, _] => m
-                case args: Traversable[_] => {
-                    case arg: Expression if children contains arg =>
-                        val newChild = 
-                        if (!(newChild fastEquals arg)) {
-                            changed = true
-                            newChild
-                        } else {
-                            arg
-                        }
-                    case other => other
-                }
-                case nonChild: AnyRef => nonChild
-                case null => null
-            }.toArray
-            if (changed) makeCopy(newArgs) else this
-        }
-        /*
-         * treeString methods
-         */
-        def nodeName = getClass.getSimpleName
-        def argString: String = productIterator.flatMap {
-            case e: Expression if children contains e => Nil
-            case e: Expression if e.toString contains "\n" => 
s"(${e.simpleString})" :: Nil
-            case seq: Seq[_] => seq.mkString("[", ",", "]") :: Nil
-            case set: Set[_] => set.mkString("{", ",", "}") :: Nil
-            case f: IDataType[_] => f.getName :: Nil
-            case other => other :: Nil
-        }.mkString(", ")
-        /** String representation of this node without any children */
-        def simpleString = s"$nodeName $argString"
-        protected def generateTreeString(depth: Int, builder: StringBuilder): 
StringBuilder = {
-            builder.append(" " * depth)
-            builder.append(simpleString)
-            builder.append("\n")
-            children.foreach(_.generateTreeString(depth + 1, builder))
-            builder
-        }
-        def treeString = generateTreeString(0, new StringBuilder).toString
-        /*
-         * Fluent API methods
-         */
-        def field(fieldName: String) = new UnresolvedFieldExpression(this, 
-        def join(fieldName: String) = field(fieldName)
-        def `.`(fieldName: String) = field(fieldName)
-        def as(alias: String) = new AliasExpression(this, alias)
-        def arith(op: String)(rightExpr: Expression) = new 
ArithmeticExpression(op, this, rightExpr)
-        def + = arith("+") _
-        def - = arith("-") _
-        def * = arith("*") _
-        def / = arith("/") _
-        def % = arith("%") _
-        def isTrait(name: String) = new isTraitUnaryExpression(name, this)
-        def hasField(name: String) = new hasFieldUnaryExpression(name, this)
-        def compareOp(op: String)(rightExpr: Expression) = new 
ComparisonExpression(op, this, rightExpr)
-        def `=` = compareOp("=") _
-        def `!=` = compareOp("!=") _
-        def `>` = compareOp(">") _
-        def `>=` = compareOp(">=") _
-        def `<` = compareOp("<") _
-        def `<=` = compareOp("=") _
-        def logicalOp(op: String)(rightExpr: Expression) = new 
LogicalExpression(op, List(this, rightExpr))
-        def and = logicalOp("and") _
-        def or = logicalOp("or") _
-        def where(condExpr: Expression) = new FilterExpression(this, condExpr)
-        def select(selectList: Expression*) = new SelectExpression(this, 
-        def loop(loopingExpr: Expression) = new LoopExpression(this, 
loopingExpr, None)
-        def loop(loopingExpr: Expression, times: Literal[Integer]) =
-            new LoopExpression(this, loopingExpr, Some(times))
-        def traitInstance() = new TraitInstanceExpression(this)
-        def instance() = new InstanceExpression(this)
-        def path() = new PathExpression(this)
-        def limit(lmt: Literal[Integer], offset : Literal[Integer]) = new 
LimitExpression(this, lmt, offset)
-        def order(odr: Expression, asc: Boolean) = new OrderExpression(this, 
odr, asc)
-        def max(maxClause: Expression) = new MaxExpression(maxClause)
-        def min(minClause: Expression) = new MinExpression(minClause)
-        def groupBy(groupBy: SelectExpression, selectExpr: SelectExpression) = 
new GroupByExpression(this, groupBy, selectExpr)
-    }
-    trait BinaryNode {
-        self: Expression =>
-        def left: Expression
-        def right: Expression
-        def children = Seq(left, right)
-        override def namedExpressions = left.namedExpressions ++ 
-    }
-    trait LeafNode {
-        def children = Nil
-    }
-    trait UnaryNode {
-        self: Expression =>
-        def child: Expression
-        override def namedExpressions = child.namedExpressions
-        def children = child :: Nil
-    }
-    abstract class BinaryExpression extends Expression with BinaryNode {
-        self: Product =>
-        def symbol: String
-        override def toString = s"($left $symbol $right)"
-    }
-    case class ClassExpression(clsName: String) extends Expression with 
LeafNode {
-        val dataType = typSystem.getDataType(classOf[ClassType], clsName)
-        override def toString = clsName
-    }
-    def _class(name: String): Expression = new ClassExpression(name)
-    case class TraitExpression(traitName: String) extends Expression with 
LeafNode {
-        val dataType = typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], traitName)
-        override def toString = traitName
-    }
-    def _trait(name: String) = new TraitExpression(name)
-    object IdExpressionType extends Enumeration {
-        val Unresolved, NonType = Value;
-        class IdExpressionTypeValue(exprValue : Value) {
-            def isTypeAllowed = exprValue match {
-                case Unresolved => true
-                case _ => false
-            }
-        }
-        import scala.language.implicitConversions
-        implicit def value2ExprValue(exprValue: Value) = new 
-    }
-    case class IdExpression(name: String, exprType: IdExpressionType.Value) 
extends Expression with LeafNode {
-        override def toString = name
-        override lazy val resolved = false
-        override def dataType = throw new UnresolvedException(this, "id")
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates an IdExpression whose allowed value type will be determined
-     * later.
-     */
-    def id(name: String) = new IdExpression(name, IdExpressionType.Unresolved)
-    /**
-     * Creates an IdExpression whose value must resolve to a field name
-     */
-    def fieldId(name: String) = new IdExpression(name, 
-    case class UnresolvedFieldExpression(child: Expression, fieldName: String) 
extends Expression
-    with UnaryNode {
-        override def toString = s"${child}.$fieldName"
-        override def isAggregator = child.isAggregator
-        override lazy val resolved = false
-        override def dataType = throw new UnresolvedException(this, "field")
-    }
-    case class FieldExpression(fieldName: String, fieldInfo: FieldInfo, child: 
-        extends Expression {
-        def elemType(t: IDataType[_]): IDataType[_] = {
-            if (t.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.ARRAY) {
-                val aT = t.asInstanceOf[ArrayType]
-                if (aT.getElemType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.CLASS ||
-                    aT.getElemType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.STRUCT) {
-                    return aT.getElemType
-                }
-            }
-            t
-        }
-        val children = if (child.isDefined) List(child.get) else Nil
-        import scala.language.existentials
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            val t = {
-              if (fieldInfo.traitName != null ) {
-                typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], fieldInfo.traitName)
-              } else if (!fieldInfo.isReverse) {
-                fieldInfo.attrInfo.dataType()
-              } else {
-                fieldInfo.reverseDataType
-              }
-            }
-            elemType(t)
-        }
-        override lazy val resolved: Boolean = true
-        override def namedExpressions = if (child.isDefined) 
child.get.namedExpressions else Map()
-        override def toString = {
-            if (child.isDefined) {
-                val sep = if (dataType.isInstanceOf[ClassType]) " " else "."
-                s"${child.get}${sep}$fieldName"
-            } else {
-                fieldName
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    case class AliasExpression(child: Expression, alias: String) extends 
Expression with UnaryNode {
-        override def namedExpressions = child.namedExpressions + (alias -> 
-        override def toString = s"$child as $alias"
-        override def isAggregator = child.isAggregator
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-            }
-            child.dataType
-        }
-    }
-    case class BackReference(alias: String, reference: Expression, child: 
Option[Expression]) extends Expression {
-        val children = if (child.isDefined) List(child.get) else Nil
-        val dataType = reference.dataType
-        override def namedExpressions = if (child.isDefined) 
child.get.namedExpressions else Map()
-        override def toString = if (child.isDefined) s"${child.get} $alias" 
else alias
-    }
-    case class Literal[T](dataType: PrimitiveType[T], rawValue: Any) extends 
Expression with LeafNode {
-        val value = if (rawValue == null) dataType.nullValue() else 
dataType.convert(rawValue, Multiplicity.REQUIRED)
-        override def toString = value match {
-            case s: String => s""""$s""""
-            case x => x.toString
-        }
-    }
-    import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-    case class ListLiteral[_](dataType: ArrayType, rawValue: 
List[Expressions.Literal[_]]) extends Expression with LeafNode {
-        val lc : java.util.List[Expressions.Literal[_]] = rawValue
-        val value = if (rawValue != null) dataType.convert(lc, 
-        override def toString = value match {
-            case l: Seq[_]
-               => l.mkString("[",",","]")
-            case c: ImmutableCollection[_] =>
-                c.asList.mkString("[",",","]")
-            case x =>
-                x.toString
-        }
-    }
-    def literal[T](typ: PrimitiveType[T], rawValue: Any) = new Literal[T](typ, 
-    def boolean(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def byte(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def short(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def int(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.INT_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def long(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.LONG_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def float(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def double(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def bigint(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def bigdecimal(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE, 
-    def string(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def date(rawValue: Any) = literal(DataTypes.DATE_TYPE, rawValue)
-    def list[_ <: PrimitiveType[_]](listElements: 
List[Expressions.Literal[_]]) =  {
-    }
-    def listLiteral[_ <: PrimitiveType[_]](typ: ArrayType, rawValue: 
List[Expressions.Literal[_]]) = new ListLiteral(typ, rawValue)
-    def count() =  new CountExpression()
-    def maxExpr(maxClause: Expression) = new MaxExpression(maxClause)
-    def minExpr(minClause: Expression) = new MinExpression(minClause)
-    def sumExpr(sumClause: Expression) = new SumExpression(sumClause)
-    case class ArithmeticExpression(symbol: String,
-                                    left: Expression,
-                                    right: Expression)
-        extends BinaryExpression {
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            TypeUtils.combinedType(left.dataType, right.dataType)
-        }
-    }
-    case class isTraitLeafExpression(traitName: String, classExpression: 
Option[Expression] = None)
-        extends Expression with LeafNode {
-        // validate TraitName
-        try {
-            typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], traitName)
-        } catch {
-            case me: AtlasException => throw new ExpressionException(this, 
"not a TraitType", me)
-        }
-        override lazy val resolved = classExpression.isDefined
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"cannot resolve isTrait application")
-            }
-            if (!classExpression.get.dataType.isInstanceOf[ClassType]) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this,
-                    s"Cannot apply isTrait on 
${classExpression.get.dataType.getName}, it is not a ClassType")
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-        override def toString = s"${classExpression.getOrElse("")} is 
-    }
-    def isTrait(name: String) = new isTraitLeafExpression(name)
-    case class isTraitUnaryExpression(traitName: String, child: Expression)
-        extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-        // validate TraitName
-        typSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], traitName)
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-            }
-            if (!child.dataType.isInstanceOf[ClassType]) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this,
-                    s"Cannot apply isTrait on ${child.dataType.getName}, it is 
not a ClassType")
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-        override def toString = s"$child is $traitName"
-    }
-    case class hasFieldLeafExpression(fieldName: String, classExpression: 
Option[Expression] = None)
-        extends Expression with LeafNode {
-        override lazy val resolved = classExpression.isDefined
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"Cannot apply hasField on 
${classExpression.get.dataType.getName}, it is not a ClassType")
-            }
-            if (classExpression.isDefined && 
!TypeUtils.fieldMapping(classExpression.get.dataType).isDefined) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this, s"Cannot apply hasField on 
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-        override def toString = s"${classExpression.getOrElse("")} has 
-    }
-    def hasField(name: String) = new hasFieldLeafExpression(name)
-    case class hasFieldUnaryExpression(fieldName: String, child: Expression)
-        extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-            }
-            if (!TypeUtils.fieldMapping(child.dataType).isDefined) {
-                throw new AtlasException(s"Cannot apply hasField on 
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-        override def toString = s"$child has $fieldName"
-    }
-    case class ComparisonExpression(symbol: String,
-                                    left: Expression,
-                                    right: Expression)
-        extends BinaryExpression {
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            if(left.dataType.getName.startsWith(DataTypes.ARRAY_TYPE_PREFIX)) {
-                left.dataType;
-            } else if(left.dataType == DataTypes.DATE_TYPE) {
-                DataTypes.DATE_TYPE
-            }
-            else if(left.dataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
-                DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE;
-            }
-            else if (left.dataType != DataTypes.STRING_TYPE || right.dataType 
!= DataTypes.STRING_TYPE) {
-                TypeUtils.combinedType(left.dataType, right.dataType)
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-    }
-    case class LogicalExpression(symbol: String, children: List[Expression])
-        extends Expression {
-        assert(children.size > 0)
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            children.foreach { childExpr =>
-                if (childExpr.dataType != DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
-                    throw new AtlasException(
-                        s"Cannot apply logical operator '$symbol' on input of 
type '${childExpr.dataType}")
-                }
-            }
-            DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE
-        }
-        override def toString = children.mkString("", s" $symbol ", "")
-    }
-    case class FilterExpression(val child: Expression, val condExpr: 
Expression) extends Expression {
-        val children = List(child, condExpr)
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            if (condExpr.dataType != DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this, s"Filter condition 
'$condExpr' is not a boolean expression")
-            }
-            child.dataType
-        }
-        override def namedExpressions = child.namedExpressions ++ 
-        override def toString = s"$child where $condExpr"
-    }
-    case class SelectExpression(child: Expression, selectList: 
List[Expression], forGroupBy: Boolean = false) extends Expression {
-        val children = List(child) ::: selectList
-        def hasAggregation = {
-           var result = false;
-           selectList.foreach { expr =>
-               {
-                   result = result || expr.isAggregator
-               }
-           }
-           result
-        }
-        lazy val selectListWithAlias = selectList.zipWithIndex map {
-            case (s: AliasExpression, _) => s
-            case (x, i) => new AliasExpression(x, s"${x}")
-        }
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            TypeUtils.createStructType(selectListWithAlias)
-        }
-        override def namedExpressions = child.namedExpressions ++ 
-        override def toString = {
-             //When this is part of a group by, the child is only present so 
that the select
-             //list gets translated correctly.  It is not really part of the 
query.  The child
-             //ends up both in the GroupByExpression as well as here.  We only 
want to show it
-             //in the GroupByExpression.  Hide it here.
-             var prefix = if(forGroupBy) { "" } else { s"""${child} select """ 
-             s"""${prefix}${selectListWithAlias.mkString("", ", ", "")}"""
-        }
-        def toJavaList = selectListWithAlias.asJava
-    }
-    case class LoopExpression(val input: Expression, val loopingExpression: 
-                              val times: Option[Literal[Integer]]) extends 
Expression {
-        val children = List(input, loopingExpression)
-        lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            if (input.dataType.getTypeCategory != TypeCategory.CLASS) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this, s"Loop Expression applied 
to type : '${input.dataType.getName}';" +
-                    " loop can only be applied to Class Expressions")
-            }
-            if (input.dataType != loopingExpression.dataType) {
-                throw new ExpressionException(this,
-                    s"Invalid Loop Expression; input and loopExpression 
dataTypes don't match: " +
-            }
-            input.dataType
-        }
-        override def namedExpressions = input.namedExpressions
-        override def toString = {
-            if (times.isDefined) s"$input loop ($loopingExpression) times 
-            else s"$input loop ($loopingExpression)"
-        }
-    }
-    case class TraitInstanceExpression(child: Expression)
-      extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-      lazy val dataType = {
-        if (!resolved) {
-          throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-            s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-        }
-        if (!child.dataType.isInstanceOf[TraitType]) {
-          throw new ExpressionException(this,
-            s"Cannot apply instance on ${child.dataType.getName}, it is not a 
-        }
-        typSystem.getIdType.getStructType
-      }
-      override def toString = s"$child traitInstance"
-    }
-  case class InstanceExpression(child: Expression)
-    extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-    lazy val dataType = {
-      if (!resolved) {
-        throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-          s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-      }
-      typSystem.getIdType.getStructType
-    }
-    override def toString = s"$child instance"
-  }
-  case class PathExpression(child: Expression)
-    extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-    lazy val dataType = {
-      if (!resolved) {
-        throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-          s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved child")
-      }
-      TypeUtils.ResultWithPathStruct.createType(this, child.dataType)
-    }
-    override def toString = s"$child withPath"
-  }
-  case class LimitExpression(child: Expression, limit: Literal[Integer], 
offset: Literal[Integer]) extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-    override def toString = s"$child limit $limit offset $offset "
-    lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            child.dataType
-    }
-  }
-  case class OrderExpression(child: Expression, odr: Expression, asc: Boolean) 
extends Expression with UnaryNode {
-    override def toString = s"$child orderby $odr asc $asc"
-    lazy val dataType = {
-            if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            child.dataType
-    }
-  }
-  case class CountExpression() extends Expression {
-    override def isAggregator = true
-    override def toString = s"count()"
-    val children = Nil
-    lazy val dataType = {
-      DataTypes.LONG_TYPE
-    }
-  }
-   case class MaxExpression(maxClause: Expression) extends Expression {
-     override def toString = s"max($maxClause)"
-     override def isAggregator = true
-     val children = List(maxClause)
-     lazy val dataType = {
-          if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            maxClause.dataType
-        }
-    }
-   case class MinExpression(minClause: Expression) extends Expression {
-     override def toString = s"min($minClause)"
-     override def isAggregator = true
-     val children = List(minClause)
-     lazy val dataType = {
-          if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            minClause.dataType
-        }
-  }
-   case class SumExpression(sumClause: Expression) extends Expression {
-     override def toString = s"sum($sumClause)"
-     override def isAggregator = true
-     val children = List(sumClause)
-     lazy val dataType = {
-          if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-            }
-            sumClause.dataType
-        }
-  }
-  case class GroupByExpression(child: Expression, groupBy: SelectExpression, 
selExpr: SelectExpression) extends Expression{
-    override def toString = s"from ${child} groupby(${groupBy}) select 
-    val children = List(child, groupBy, selExpr)
-    lazy val dataType = {
-      if (!resolved) {
-                throw new UnresolvedException(this,
-                    s"datatype. Can not resolve due to unresolved children")
-        }
-        selExpr.dataType
-    }
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100755
index c2b3436..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import java.util
-import java.util.Date
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList
-import scala.language.existentials
-import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression
-import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils.FieldInfo
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.RepositoryException
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.GraphHelper
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb._
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.ITypedInstance
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.ITypedReferenceableInstance
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.persistence.Id
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes._
- * Represents the Bridge between the QueryProcessor and the Graph Persistence 
scheme used.
- * Some of the behaviors captured are:
- * - how is type and id information stored in the Vertex that represents an 
- * - how are edges representing trait and attribute relationships labeled.
- * - how are attribute names mapped to Property Keys in Vertices.
- *
- * This is a work in progress.
- *
- */
-trait GraphPersistenceStrategies {
-    @throws(classOf[RepositoryException])
-    def getGraph() : AtlasGraph[_,_]
-    def getSupportedGremlinVersion() : GremlinVersion = 
-    def generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression(expr: GroovyExpression, 
t: IDataType[_]) : GroovyExpression = 
getGraph().generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression(expr, t);
-    def isPropertyValueConversionNeeded(attrType: IDataType[_]) : Boolean = 
-    def addInitialQueryCondition(parent: GroovyExpression) : GroovyExpression 
= if (getGraph().requiresInitialIndexedPredicate()) { 
getGraph().getInitialIndexedPredicate(parent) } else { parent };
-    /**
-     * Name of attribute used to store typeName in vertex
-     */
-    def typeAttributeName: String
-    /**
-     * Name of attribute used to store super type names in vertex.
-     */
-    def superTypeAttributeName: String
-    /**
-     * Name of attribute used to store guid in vertex
-     */
-    def idAttributeName : String
-    /**
-      * Name of attribute used to store state in vertex
-      */
-    def stateAttributeName : String
-    /**
-     * Name of attribute used to store version in vertex
-     */
-    def versionAttributeName : String
-    /**
-     * Given a dataType and a reference attribute, how is edge labeled
-     */
-    def edgeLabel(iDataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: AttributeInfo): String
-    def traitLabel(cls: IDataType[_], traitName: String): String
-    def instanceToTraitEdgeDirection : AtlasEdgeDirection = 
-    def traitToInstanceEdgeDirection : AtlasEdgeDirection = 
instanceToTraitEdgeDirection match {
-      case AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT => AtlasEdgeDirection.IN;
-      case AtlasEdgeDirection.IN => AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT;
-      case x => AtlasEdgeDirection.IN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The propertyKey used to store the attribute in a Graph Vertex.
-     * @param dataType
-     * @param aInfo
-     * @return
-     */
-    def fieldNameInVertex(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: AttributeInfo): String
-    /**
-     * from a vertex for an [[ITypedReferenceableInstance]] get the traits 
that it has.
-     * @param v
-     * @return
-     */
-    def traitNames(v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): java.util.List[String]
-    def edgeLabel(fInfo: FieldInfo): String = fInfo match {
-        case FieldInfo(dataType, aInfo, null, null) => edgeLabel(dataType, 
-        case FieldInfo(dataType, aInfo, reverseDataType, null) => 
edgeLabel(reverseDataType, aInfo)
-        case FieldInfo(dataType, null, null, traitName) => 
traitLabel(dataType, traitName)
-    }
-    /**
-     * extract the Id from a Vertex.
-     * @param dataTypeNm the dataType of the instance that the given vertex 
-     * @param v
-     * @return
-     */
-    def getIdFromVertex(dataTypeNm: String, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): Id
-    def constructInstance[U](dataType: IDataType[U], v: java.lang.Object): U
-    def constructClassInstanceId[U](dataType: ClassType, v: java.lang.Object): 
-    def addGraphVertexPrefix(preStatements : Traversable[GroovyExpression]) = 
-    /**
-     * Controls behavior of how instances of a Type are discovered.
-     * - query is generated in a way that indexes are exercised using a local 
set variable across multiple lookups
-     * - query is generated using an 'or' expression.
-     *
-     * '''This is a very bad idea: controlling query execution behavior via 
query generation.''' But our current
-     * knowledge of seems to indicate we have no choice. See
-     * [[!topic/gremlin-users/n1oV86yr4yU 
discussion in Gremlin group]].
-     * Also this seems a fragile solution, dependend on the memory 
requirements of the Set variable.
-     * For now enabling via the '''collectTypeInstancesIntoVar''' behavior 
setting. Reverting back would require
-     * setting this to false.
-     *
-     * Long term have to get to the bottom of Gremlin:
-     * - there doesn't seem to be way to see the physical query plan. Maybe we 
should directly interface with Titan.
-     * - At least from querying perspective a columnar db maybe a better 
route. Daniel Abadi did some good work
-     *   on showing how to use a columnar store as a Graph Db.
-     *
-     *
-     * @return
-     */
-    def collectTypeInstancesIntoVar = true
-    def filterBySubTypes = true
-    private def propertyValueSet(vertexRef : String, attrName: String) : 
String = {
-    }
-case class GraphPersistenceStrategy1(g: AtlasGraph[_,_]) extends 
GraphPersistenceStrategies {
-    val typeAttributeName = "typeName"
-    val superTypeAttributeName = "superTypeNames"
-    val idAttributeName = "guid"
-    val stateAttributeName = "state"
-    val versionAttributeName = "version"
-    override def getGraph() : AtlasGraph[_,_] =  {
-        return g;
-    }
-    def edgeLabel(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: AttributeInfo) = 
-    def edgeLabel(propertyName: String) = s"__${propertyName}"
-    def traitLabel(cls: IDataType[_], traitName: String) = 
-    def fieldNameInVertex(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: AttributeInfo) = 
-    def getIdFromVertex(dataTypeNm: String, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): Id =
-        new Id(v.getId.toString, 0, dataTypeNm)
-    def getIdFromVertex(v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): Id =
-        getIdFromVertex(v.getProperty(typeAttributeName, 
classOf[java.lang.String]), v)
-    def traitNames(v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): java.util.List[String] = {
-        val s = v.getProperty("traitNames", classOf[String])
-        if (s != null) {
-            Seq[String](s.split(","): _*)
-        } else {
-            Seq()
-        }
-    }
-    def constructClassInstanceId[U](classType: ClassType, v: AnyRef): 
ITypedReferenceableInstance = {
-        val vertex = v.asInstanceOf[AtlasVertex[_,_]];
-        val id = getIdFromVertex(vertex)
-        val cInstance = classType.createInstance(id)
-        classType.convert(cInstance, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-    }
-    def constructInstance[U](dataType: IDataType[U], v: AnyRef): U = {
-        dataType.getTypeCategory match {
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE => dataType.convert(v, 
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.ARRAY =>
-                dataType.convert(v, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT
-              if dataType.getName == 
TypeSystem.getInstance().getIdType.getName => {
-              val sType = dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
-              val sInstance = sType.createInstance()
-              val tV = v.asInstanceOf[AtlasVertex[_,_]]
-                tV.getProperty(typeAttributeName, classOf[java.lang.String]))
-              sInstance.set(TypeSystem.getInstance().getIdType.idAttrName,
-                tV.getProperty(idAttributeName, classOf[java.lang.String]))
-              dataType.convert(sInstance, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-            }
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT => {
-                val sType = dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
-                val sInstance = sType.createInstance()
-                loadStructInstance(sType, sInstance, 
-                dataType.convert(sInstance, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-            }
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT => {
-                val tType = dataType.asInstanceOf[TraitType]
-                val tInstance = tType.createInstance()
-                /*
-                 * this is not right, we should load the Instance associated 
with this trait.
-                 * for now just loading the trait struct.
-                 */
-                loadStructInstance(tType, tInstance, 
-                dataType.convert(tInstance, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-            }
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.CLASS => {
-                val cType = dataType.asInstanceOf[ClassType]
-                val cInstance = 
-                dataType.convert(cInstance, Multiplicity.OPTIONAL)
-            }
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.ENUM => dataType.convert(v, 
-            case x => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${dataType} not supported")
-        }
-    }
-    def loadStructInstance(dataType: IConstructableType[_, _ <: 
-                           typInstance: ITypedInstance, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): 
Unit = {
-        import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-        dataType.fieldMapping().fields.foreach { t =>
-            val fName = t._1
-            val aInfo = t._2
-            loadAttribute(dataType, aInfo, typInstance, v)
-        }
-    }
-    def constructClassInstance(dataType: ClassType, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): 
ITypedReferenceableInstance = {
-        val id = getIdFromVertex(, v)
-        val tNms = traitNames(v)
-        val cInstance = dataType.createInstance(id, tNms: _*)
-        // load traits
-        tNms.foreach { tNm =>
-            val tLabel = traitLabel(dataType, tNm)
-            val edges = v.getEdges(AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, tLabel)
-            val tVertex = 
-            val tType = 
TypeSystem.getInstance().getDataType[TraitType](classOf[TraitType], tNm)
-            val tInstance = 
-            loadStructInstance(tType, tInstance, tVertex)
-        }
-        loadStructInstance(dataType, cInstance, v)
-        cInstance
-    }
-    def loadAttribute(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: AttributeInfo, i: 
ITypedInstance, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): Unit = {
-        aInfo.dataType.getTypeCategory match {
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE => 
loadPrimitiveAttribute(dataType, aInfo, i, v)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.ENUM => loadEnumAttribute(dataType, 
aInfo, i, v)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.ARRAY =>
-                loadArrayAttribute(dataType, aInfo, i, v)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.MAP =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${aInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT => 
loadStructAttribute(dataType, aInfo, i, v)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${aInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.CLASS => loadStructAttribute(dataType, 
aInfo, i, v)
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.RELATIONSHIP =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${aInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-        }
-    }
-    private def loadEnumAttribute(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: 
AttributeInfo, i: ITypedInstance, v: AtlasVertex[_,_])
-    : Unit = {
-        val fName = fieldNameInVertex(dataType, aInfo)
-        i.setInt(, v.getProperty(fName, classOf[java.lang.Integer]))
-    }
-    private def loadPrimitiveAttribute(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: 
-                                       i: ITypedInstance, v: 
AtlasVertex[_,_]): Unit = {
-        val fName = fieldNameInVertex(dataType, aInfo)
-        aInfo.dataType() match {
-            case x: BooleanType => i.setBoolean(, 
v.getProperty(fName, classOf[java.lang.Boolean]))
-            case x: ByteType => i.setByte(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: ShortType => i.setShort(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: IntType => i.setInt(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: LongType => i.setLong(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: FloatType => i.setFloat(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: DoubleType => i.setDouble(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: StringType => i.setString(, v.getProperty(fName, 
-            case x: DateType => {
-                                  val dateVal = v.getProperty(fName, 
-                                  i.setDate(, new Date(dateVal))
-                                }
-            case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${aInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-        }
-    }
-    private def loadArrayAttribute[T](dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: 
-                                    i: ITypedInstance, v: AtlasVertex[_,_]): 
Unit = {
-        import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-        val list: java.util.List[_] = v.getListProperty(
-        val arrayType: DataTypes.ArrayType = 
-        var values = new util.ArrayList[Any]
-        list.foreach( listElement =>
-            values += mapVertexToCollectionEntry(v, aInfo, 
arrayType.getElemType, i, listElement)
-        )
-        i.set(, values)
-    }
-    private def loadStructAttribute(dataType: IDataType[_], aInfo: 
-                                    i: ITypedInstance, v: AtlasVertex[_,_], 
edgeLbl: Option[String] = None): Unit = {
-        val eLabel = edgeLbl match {
-            case Some(x) => x
-            case None => edgeLabel(FieldInfo(dataType, aInfo, null))
-        }
-        val edges = v.getEdges(AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, eLabel)
-        val sVertex = 
-        if (aInfo.dataType().getTypeCategory == DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT) 
-            val sType = aInfo.dataType().asInstanceOf[StructType]
-            val sInstance = sType.createInstance()
-            loadStructInstance(sType, sInstance, sVertex)
-            i.set(, sInstance)
-        } else {
-            val cInstance = 
constructClassInstance(aInfo.dataType().asInstanceOf[ClassType], sVertex)
-            i.set(, cInstance)
-        }
-    }
-    private def mapVertexToCollectionEntry(instanceVertex: AtlasVertex[_,_], 
attributeInfo: AttributeInfo, elementType: IDataType[_], i: ITypedInstance,  
value: Any): Any = {
-        elementType.getTypeCategory match {
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE => value
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.ENUM => value
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.STRUCT =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${attributeInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.TRAIT =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${attributeInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-            case DataTypes.TypeCategory.CLASS => 
//loadStructAttribute(elementType, attributeInfo, i, v)
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${attributeInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-            case _ =>
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"load for 
${attributeInfo.dataType()} not supported")
-        }
-    }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f8ef8a..0000000
--- a/repository/src/main/scala/org/apache/atlas/query/GremlinEvaluator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.atlas.query
-import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
-import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils.ResultWithPathStruct
-import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasGraph
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.json._
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes.TypeCategory
-import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types._
-import org.json4s._
-import org.json4s.native.Serialization._
-import scala.language.existentials
-case class GremlinQueryResult(query: String,
-                              resultDataType: IDataType[_],
-                              rows: java.util.List[_]) {
-    def toJson = JsonHelper.toJson(this)
-class GremlinEvaluator(qry: GremlinQuery, persistenceStrategy: 
GraphPersistenceStrategies, g: AtlasGraph[_,_]) {
-   /**
-     *
-     * @param gResultObj is the object returned from gremlin. This must be a 
-     * @param qryResultObj is the object constructed for the output w/o the 
-     * @return a ResultWithPathStruct
-     */
-    def addPathStruct(gResultObj: AnyRef, qryResultObj: Any): Any = {
-        if (!qry.isPathExpression) {
-            qryResultObj
-        } else {
-            import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-            import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-            val iPaths = gResultObj.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].init
-            val oPaths = { value =>
-            }.toList.asJava
-            val sType = qry.expr.dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
-            val sInstance = sType.createInstance()
-            sInstance.set(ResultWithPathStruct.pathAttrName, oPaths)
-            sInstance.set(ResultWithPathStruct.resultAttrName, qryResultObj)
-            sInstance
-        }
-    }
-    def instanceObject(v: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
-        if (qry.isPathExpression) {
-            import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-            v.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].last
-        } else {
-            v
-        }
-    }
-    def evaluate(): GremlinQueryResult = {
-        import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-         val debug:Boolean = false
-        val rType = qry.expr.dataType
-        val oType = if (qry.isPathExpression) {
-            qry.expr.children(0).dataType
-        }
-        else {
-            rType
-        }
-        val rawRes = g.executeGremlinScript(qry.queryStr, 
-        if(debug) {
-            println(" rawRes " +rawRes)
-        }
-        if (!qry.hasSelectList && ! qry.isGroupBy) {
-            val rows = rawRes.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].map { v =>
-                val instObj = instanceObject(v)
-                val o = persistenceStrategy.constructInstance(oType, instObj)
-                addPathStruct(v, o)
-            }
-            GremlinQueryResult(qry.expr.toString, rType, rows.toList)
-        } else {
-            val sType = oType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
-            val rows = rawRes.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]].map { r =>
-                val rV = instanceObject(r)
-                val sInstance = sType.createInstance()
-                val selObj = 
-                if (selObj.isDefined) {
-                    val selExpr = 
-                    selExpr.selectListWithAlias.foreach { aE =>
-                        val cName = aE.alias
-                        val (src, idx) = qry.resultMaping(cName)
-                        val v = getColumnValue(rV, src, idx)
-                        //if select clause is selecting the entire object then 
return only the instance id (guid, version, state and typeName)
-                        if (aE.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.CLASS) 
-                             sInstance.set(cName, 
-                        } else {
-                            sInstance.set(cName, 
persistenceStrategy.constructInstance(aE.dataType, v))
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if(qry.isGroupBy) {
-                    //the order in the result will always match the order in 
the select list
-                    val selExpr = 
-                    var idx = 0;
-                    val row : java.util.List[Object] = 
-                    selExpr.selectListWithAlias.foreach { aE =>
-                        val cName = aE.alias
-                        val cValue = row.get(idx);
-                        sInstance.set(cName, 
persistenceStrategy.constructInstance(aE.dataType, cValue))
-                        idx += 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                addPathStruct(r, sInstance)
-            }
-            GremlinQueryResult(qry.expr.toString, rType, rows.toList)
-        }
-    }
-    private def getColumnValue(rowValue: AnyRef, colName: String, idx: 
Integer) : AnyRef  = {
-        var rawColumnValue: AnyRef = null;
-        if(rowValue.isInstanceOf[java.util.Map[_,_]]) {
-            val columnsMap = 
-            rawColumnValue = columnsMap.get(colName);
-        }
-        else {
-            //when there is only one column, result does not come back as a map
-            rawColumnValue = rowValue;
-        }
-        var value : AnyRef = null;
-        if(rawColumnValue.isInstanceOf[java.util.List[_]] && idx >= 0) {
-            val arr = rawColumnValue.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[AnyRef]];
-            value = arr.get(idx);
-        }
-        else {
-            value = rawColumnValue;
-        }
-        return value;
-    }
-object JsonHelper {
-    class GremlinQueryResultSerializer()
-        extends Serializer[GremlinQueryResult] {
-        def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deserialization of 
GremlinQueryResult not supported")
-        }
-        def serialize(implicit f: Formats) = {
-            case GremlinQueryResult(query, rT, rows) =>
-                JObject(JField("query", JString(query)),
-                    JField("dataType", TypesSerialization.toJsonValue(rT)(f)),
-                    JField("rows", Extraction.decompose(rows)(f))
-                )
-        }
-    }
-    implicit val formats = 
org.json4s.native.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new 
TypedStructSerializer +
-        new TypedReferenceableInstanceSerializer + new BigDecimalSerializer + 
new BigIntegerSerializer +
-        new GremlinQueryResultSerializer
-    def toJson(r: GremlinQueryResult): String = {
-        writePretty(r)
-    }

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