Repository: incubator-beam-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/asf-site 87d9a07fe -> edd0705b8

Remove duplicate paragraph.


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: edd0705b82799a8e000c995da9c099023f2ccaa8
Parents: 87d9a07
Author: Robert Bradshaw <>
Authored: Fri May 27 11:18:51 2016 -0700
Committer: Robert Bradshaw <>
Committed: Fri May 27 11:22:21 2016 -0700

 _posts/         | 2 --
 content/blog/2016/05/27/where-is-my-pcollection-dot-map.html | 2 --
 2 files changed, 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/_posts/ 
index f7ea468..e9232d3 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ Though Beam is relatively new, its design draws heavily on 
many years of experie
 The original FlumeJava API has methods like `count` and `parallelDo` on the 
PCollections. Though slightly more succinct, this approach has many 
disadvantages to extensibility. Every new user to FlumeJava wanted to add 
transforms, and adding them as methods to PCollection simply doesn't scale 
well. In contrast, a PCollection in Beam has a single `apply` method which 
takes any PTransform as an argument.
-Have you ever wondered why Beam has PTransforms for everything instead of 
having methods on PCollection? Take a look at the history that led to this (and 
other) design decisions.
 <table class="table">
diff --git a/content/blog/2016/05/27/where-is-my-pcollection-dot-map.html 
index 9d69ac3..2af12f5 100644
--- a/content/blog/2016/05/27/where-is-my-pcollection-dot-map.html
+++ b/content/blog/2016/05/27/where-is-my-pcollection-dot-map.html
@@ -112,8 +112,6 @@
 <p>The original FlumeJava API has methods like <code 
class="highlighter-rouge">count</code> and <code 
class="highlighter-rouge">parallelDo</code> on the PCollections. Though 
slightly more succinct, this approach has many disadvantages to extensibility. 
Every new user to FlumeJava wanted to add transforms, and adding them as 
methods to PCollection simply doesn’t scale well. In contrast, a PCollection 
in Beam has a single <code class="highlighter-rouge">apply</code> method which 
takes any PTransform as an argument.</p>
-<p>Have you ever wondered why Beam has PTransforms for everything instead of 
having methods on PCollection? Take a look at the history that led to this (and 
other) design decisions.</p>
 <table class="table">

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