Repository: brooklyn-docs
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 35153dd11 -> 3f2495a3d

Improve location docs


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2be644e10c307286fba96c9b0157a55cb888ac7f
Parents: bcad595
Author: Aled Sage <>
Authored: Thu Jul 28 23:17:13 2016 +0100
Committer: Aled Sage <>
Committed: Tue Aug 2 12:52:20 2016 +0100

 guide/ops/locations/           |  48 ++++++--
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 guide/ops/locations/     | 169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 6 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
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index 5d43a20..cfbc02b 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -19,21 +19,35 @@ and [AWS IAM 
 An example of the expected format is shown below:
+    location:
+      jclouds:aws-ec2:
+        region: us-east-1
+        credential: abcdefghijklmnopqrstu+vwxyzabcdefghijklm
+Users are strongly recommended to use 
+[externalized configuration]({{ 
}}/ops/externalized-configuration.html) for better
+credential management, for example using [Vault](
-### Tidying up after jclouds
-Security groups are not always deleted by jclouds. This is due to a limitation 
in AWS (see
- In brief, AWS prevents the 
security group
-being deleted until there are no VMs using it. However, there is eventual 
consistency for
-recording which VMs still reference those security groups: after deleting the 
VM, it can sometimes
-take several minutes before the security group can be deleted. jclouds retries 
for 3 seconds, but
-does not block for longer.
+### Common Configuration Options
-There is utility written by Cloudsoft for deleting these unused resources:
+Below are examples of configuration options that use values specific to AWS 
+* The `region` is the [AWS region 
+  For example, `region: us-east-1`. One can also in-line this value when such 
as `jclouds:aws-ec2:us-east-1`.
+  A specific availability zone within the region can be specified by including 
its letter identifier as a suffix. 
+  For example, `region: us-east-1a`.
+* The `hardwareId` is the [instance 
type]( For example,
+  `hardwareId: m4.large`.
+* The `imageId` is the region-specific [AMI 
+  For example, `imageId: us-east-1/ami-05ebd06c`.
+* The `securityGroups` option takes one or more names of pre-existing 
+  [security 
+  For example, `securityGroups: mygroup1` or `securityGroups: [ mygroup1, 
mygroup2 ]`.
 ### Using Subnets and Security Groups
@@ -111,3 +125,15 @@ You can then deploy blueprints to the subnet, allowing VPC 
hardware instance typ
 by specifying the subnet ID as the `networkName` in your YAML blueprint.
 This is covered in the previous section, "Using Subnets".
+### Tidying up after jclouds
+Security groups are not always deleted by jclouds. This is due to a limitation 
in AWS (see
+ In brief, AWS prevents the 
security group
+being deleted until there are no VMs using it. However, there is eventual 
consistency for
+recording which VMs still reference those security groups: after deleting the 
VM, it can sometimes
+take several minutes before the security group can be deleted. jclouds retries 
for 3 seconds, but
+does not block for longer.
+There is utility written by Cloudsoft for deleting these unused resources:
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ b/guide/ops/locations/
index 10a739d..32d64a5 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -11,21 +11,60 @@ section_position: 4
 GCE uses a service account e-mail address for the identity and a private key 
as the credential.
-To obtain these from GCE, see the [jclouds 
-An example of the expected format is shown below.
-Note that when supplying the credential in a properties file, it should be one 
long line
-with `\n` representing the new line characters:
- RSA 
+To obtain credentials for GCE, use the GCE web page's "APIs & auth -> 
Credentials" page,
+creating a "Service Account" of type JSON, then extracting the client_email as 
the identity and 
+private_key as the credential. For more information, see the 
+[jclouds instructions](
+An example of the expected format is shown below. Note that when supplying the 
credential in a 
+properties file, it can either be one long line with `\n` representing the new 
line characters, 
+or in YAML it can be split over multiple lines as below:
+    location:
+      jclouds:google-compute-engine:
+        region: us-central1-a
+        identity:
+        credential: |
+          -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
+          abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+          0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmn
+          opqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+ab
+          cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01
+          23456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnop
+          qrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcd
+          efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123
+          456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqr
+          stuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdef
+          ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345
+          6789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrst
+          uvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefgh
+          ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567
+          89/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
+          wxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghij
+          klmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
+          /+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
+          yz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijkl
+          mnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+
+          abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+          0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmn
+          opqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789/+ab
+          cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+          -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
+It is also possible to have the credential be the path of a local file that 
contains the key.
+However, this can make it harder to setup and manage multiple Brooklyn servers 
+when using high availability mode).
+Users are strongly recommended to use 
+[externalized configuration]({{ 
}}/ops/externalized-configuration.html) for better
+credential management, for example using [Vault](
 ### Quotas
 GCE accounts can have low default 
-It is easy to requesta quota increase by submitting a [quota increase 
+It is easy to request a quota increase by submitting a [quota increase 
 ### Networks
@@ -43,4 +82,10 @@ For example, for dev/demo purposes an "everything" network 
could be created that
 || Source IP Ranges            ||                   |
 || Allowed protocols and ports || tcp:0-65535 and udp:0-65535 |
+To configure the location to use this, you can include a location 
configuration option like 
+`networkName: everything`.
+### Entropy
+GCE images often have little entropy. One option to work around this is to use 
`installDevUrandom: true`.
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b5ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+section: Openstack
+title: Openstack
+section_type: inline
+section_position: 6
+## CloudStack
+### Connection Details
+The endpoint URI will normally have the suffix `/client/api/`.
+The identity is the "api key" and the credential is the "secret key". These 
can be generated in 
+the cloudstack gui: under accounts, select "view users", then "generate key".
+    location:
+      jclouds:cloudstack:
+        endpoint:
+        identity: 
+        credential: 
+### Common Configuration Options
+Below are examples of configuration options that use values specific to 
CloudStack environments:
+* The `imageId` is the template id. For example,
+  `imageId: db0bcce3-9e9e-4a87-a953-2f46b603498f`.
+* The `region` is CloudStack zone id.
+  For example `region: 84539b9c-078e-458a-ae26-c3ffc5bb1ec9`..
+* `networkName` is the network id (within the given zone) to be used. For 
+  `networkName: 961c03d4-9828-4037-9f4d-3dd597f60c4f`.
+For further configuration options, consult 
+[jclouds CloudStack template 
+These can be used with the **[templateOptions](#custom-template-options)** 
configuration option.
+### Using a Pre-existing Key Pair
+The configuration below uses a pre-existing key pair:
+    location:
+      jclouds:cloudstack:
+        ...
+ false
+        loginUser: root
+        loginUser.privateKeyFile: /path/to/keypair.pem
+        keyPair: my-keypair
+### Using Pre-existing Security Groups
+To specify existing security groups, their ids must be used rather than their 
names (note this
+differs from the configuration on other clouds!).
+The configuration below uses a pre-existing security group:
+    location:
+      jclouds:cloudstack:
+        ...
+        templateOptions:
+          generateSecurityGroup: false
+          securityGroupIds:
+          - 12345678-90ab-def0-1234-567890abcdef
+### Using Static NAT
+Assigning a public IP to a VM at provision-time is referred to as "static NAT" 
in CloudStack
+parlance. To give some consistency across different clouds, the configuration 
option is named
+`autoAssignFloatingIp`. For example, `autoAssignFloatingIp: false`.
+### Cloudmonkey CLI
+The [CloudStack Cloudmonkey 
+is a very useful tool for validating that credentials are correct, and for 
querying the API to find the correct
+zone ids etc.
+Useful commands include:
+    # for finding the ids of the zones:
+    cloudmonkey api listZones
+    # for finding the ids of the networks.
+    cloudmonkey api listNetworks | grep -E "id =|name =|========="
+### CloudStack Troubleshooting
+These troubleshooting tips are more geared towards problems encountered in old 
+CloudPlatform environment.
+#### Resource Garbage Collection Issues
+The environment may run out of resources, due to GC issues, preventing the 
user from creating new 
+VMs or allocating IP addresses (May respond with this error message: 
+`errorCode=INTERNAL_ERROR, errorText=Job failed due to exception Unable to 
create a deployment for VM`). 
+There are two options worth checking it to enforce clearing up the zombie 
+* Goto the Accounts tab in the webconsole and tap on the Update Resource Count 
+* Restart the VPC in question from the Network tab.
+#### Releasing Allocated Public IP Addresses
+Releasing allocated Public IP from the web console did not free up the 
resources. Instead 
+Cloudmonkey can be used to dissociate IPs and expunge VMs.
+Here is a cloudmonkey script to dissociate any zombie IPs:
+    cloudmonkey set display json;
+    cloudmonkey api listPublicIpAddresses | grep '"id":' > ips.txt; 
+    sed -i -e s/'      "id": "'/''/g ips.txt;
+    sed -i -e s/'",'/''/g ips.txt
+    for line in $(cat ips.txt); do cloudmonkey api disassociateIpAddress 
id="$line"; done
+    rm ips.txt;
+    cloudmonkey set display default;
+#### Restarting VPCs
+Errors have been encountered when a zone failed to provision new VMs, giving 
errors like:
+    Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:15] is unreachable: Host 15: 
Unable to start instance due to null
+The workaround was to restart the VPC networks:
+* Log into the CloudPlatform web-console.
+* Go to Network -> VPC (from the "select view")
+* For each of the VPCs, click on the "+" in the "quickview" column, and invoke 
"restart VPC".
+Other symptoms of this issue were that: 1) an administrator could still 
provision VMs using 
+the admin account, which used a different network; and 2) the host number was 
very low, so it 
+was likely to be a system host/VM that was faulty.
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ 
index 63cdf86..542dd5b 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -7,6 +7,34 @@ section_position: 5
 ## IBM SoftLayer
+### Credentials
+Credentials can be obtained from the Softlayer API, under "administrative -> 
user administration -> api-access".
+For example:
+    location:
+      jclouds:softlayer:
+        region: ams01
+        identity: my-user-name
+        credential: 
+### Common Configuration Options
+Below are examples of configuration options that use values specific to 
+* The `region` is the [Softlayer 
+  For example, `region: dal05`.
+* The `hardwareId` is an auto-generated combination of the hardware 
configuration options.
+  This is because there is no concept of hardwareId or hardware profile names 
in Softlayer. 
+  An example value is `hardwareId: "cpu=1,memory=1024,disk=25,type=LOCAL"`.
+* The `imageId` is the [Image 
+  For example, `imageId: CENTOS_6_64`.
 ### VLAN Selection
 SoftLayer may provision VMs in different VLANs, even within the same region.
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ 
index 6558d9f..ba543c6 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -7,30 +7,41 @@ section_type: inline
 ### Localhost
 If passwordless ssh login to `localhost` and passwordless `sudo` is enabled on 
-machine, you should be able to deploy blueprints with no special configuration,
+machine, you should be able to deploy some blueprints with no special 
 just by specifying `location: localhost` in YAML.
 If you use a passpharse or prefer a different key, these can be configured as 
-{% highlight bash %}
-{% endhighlight %}
+    location:
+      localhost:
+        privateKeyFile=~/.ssh/brooklyn_key
+        privateKeyPassphrase=s3cr3tPASSPHRASE
 Alternatively, you can create a specific localhost location through the 
location wizard tool available within the web console.
 This location will be saved as a [catalog entry]({{ 
}}/ops/catalog/index.html#locations-in-catalog) for easy reusability.
+#### Passwordless Sudo
 If you encounter issues or for more information, see [SSH Keys Localhost 
-If you are normally prompted for a password when executing `sudo` commands, 
passwordless `sudo` must also be enabled.  To enable passwordless `sudo` for 
your account, a line must be added to the system `/etc/sudoers` file.  To edit 
the file, use the `visudo` command:
+For some blueprints, passwordless sudo is required. (Try executing `sudo 
whoami` to see if it prompts for a password. 
+To enable passwordless `sudo` for your account, a line must be added to the 
system `/etc/sudoers` file.  
+To edit the file, use the `visudo` command:
 {% highlight bash %}
 sudo visudo
 {% endhighlight %}
 Add this line at the bottom of the file, replacing `username` with your own 
 {% highlight bash %}
 {% endhighlight %}
-If executing the following command does not ask for your password, then `sudo` 
should be setup correctly:
+If executing the following command does not ask for your password, then `sudo` 
has been setup correctly:
 {% highlight bash %}
-sudo ls
+sudo whoami
 {% endhighlight %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guide/ops/locations/ 
index cc45e0a..cb331dc 100644
--- a/guide/ops/locations/
+++ b/guide/ops/locations/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-section: Openstack
-title: Openstack
+section: OpenStack
+title: OpenStack
 section_type: inline
 section_position: 6
-## Openstack
+## OpenStack
 ### Apache jclouds
@@ -13,6 +13,54 @@ Support for OpenStack is provided by Apache jclouds. For 
more information, see t
+### Connection Details
+The endpoint URI is that of keystone (normally on port 5000).
+The identity normally consists of the tenant and username, colons-separated. 
The credential is 
+the password. For example:
+    location:
+      jclouds:openstack-nova:
+        endpoint: http://x.x.x.x:5000/v2.0/
+        identity: "your-tenant:your-username"
+        credential: your-password
+OpenStack Nova access information can be downloaded from the openstack web 
interface, for example 
+as an file. This file will normally contain the identity and 
+### Common Configuration Options
+Below are examples of configuration options that use values specific to 
OpenStack environments:
+* The `imageId` is the id of an image. For example,
+  `imageId: RegionOne/08086159-8b0b-4970-b332-a7a929ee601f`.
+  These ids can be found from the the CLI or the web-console, for example in 
IBM Blue Box, 
+  the URL is
+* The `hardwareId` is the [flavor 
+  For example `hardwareId: RegionOne/1`. These ids can be found from the the 
CLI or the web-console,
+  for example in IBM Blue Box, the URL is
+The default flavors are shown below (though the set of flavors can be 
+[managed by the 
+    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
+    | ID  | Name      | Memory_MB | Disk |
+    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
+    | 1   | m1.tiny   | 512       | 1    |
+    | 2   | m1.small  | 2048      | 20   |
+    | 3   | m1.medium | 4096      | 40   |
+    | 4   | m1.large  | 8192      | 80   |
+    | 5   | m1.xlarge | 16384     | 160  |
+    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
+For further configuration options, consult 
+[jclouds Nova template 
+These can be used with the **[templateOptions](#custom-template-options)** 
configuration option.
 ### Networks
 When multiple networks are available you should indicate which ones machines 
should join.
@@ -32,12 +80,16 @@ Do this by setting the desired values id as an option in the
 ### Floating IPs
-Configuration of floating IPs is as networks; specify the pools to use as 
-[template option](#custom-template-options):
+The `autoAssignFloatingIp` option means that a [floating 
+will be assigned to the VM at provision-time.
+A floating IP pool name can also be specified. If not set, a floating IP from 
any available pool will be chosen.
+This is set using the [template option](#custom-template-options). For example:
+        autoAssignFloatingIp: true
           # Pool names to use when allocating a floating IP
@@ -74,7 +126,7 @@ This is a basic inline YAML template for an OpenStack 
 This is the same OpenStack location in a format that can be added to your
 `` file:
-    brooklyn.location.named.My\ 
+    brooklyn.location.named.My\ 
     brooklyn.location.named.My\ OpenStack.identity=your-tenant:your-username
     brooklyn.location.named.My\ OpenStack.credential=your-password
     brooklyn.location.named.My\ OpenStack.endpoint=http://x.x.x.x:5000/v2.0/
@@ -91,33 +143,95 @@ This is the same OpenStack location in a format that can 
be added to your
     brooklyn.location.named.My\ OpenStack.securityGroups=your-security-group
     brooklyn.location.named.My\ OpenStack.keyPair=your-keypair
-Chose a value of `your-flavor-id` from one of the defaults, or create your own 
flavor if
-you have administrator privileges.
-For for more information, see the
-[OpenStack flavors 
-The default flavors are:
+### Troubleshooting
-    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
-    | ID  | Name      | Memory_MB | Disk |
-    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
-    | 1   | m1.tiny   | 512       | 1    |
-    | 2   | m1.small  | 2048      | 20   |
-    | 3   | m1.medium | 4096      | 40   |
-    | 4   | m1.large  | 8192      | 80   |
-    | 5   | m1.xlarge | 16384     | 160  |
-    +-----+-----------+-----------+------+
+#### Cloud Credentials Failing
-For an even more detailed example location configuration, consult the
-[template properties 
+If the cloud API calls return `401 Unauthorized` (e.g. in a 
+then this could be because the credentials are incorrect.
+A good way to check this is to try the same credentials with the 
+[OpenStack nova command line 
-### Other features
-Consult jclouds' [Nova template 
-for futher options when configuring Openstack locations.
+#### Unable to SSH: Wrong User
+If SSH authentication fails, it could be that the login user is incorrect. For 
most clouds, this 
+is inferred from the image metadata, but if no (or the wrong) login user is 
specified then it will  
+default to root. The correct login user can be specified using the 
configuration option `loginUser`.
+For example, `loginUser: ubuntu`.
+The use of the wrong login user can also result in the obscure error shown 
below, caused by 
+an unexpected response saying to use a different user. For more technical 
information, see 
+this [sshj github issue](
+    Received message too long 1349281121
+#### I Want to Use my Own KeyPair
+By default, jclouds will auto-generate a new [key 
+for the VM. This key pair will be deleted automatically when the VM is deleted.
+Alternatively, you can use a pre-existing key pair. If so, you must also 
specify the corresponding
+private key (pem file, or data) to be used for the initial login. For example:
+    location:
+      jclouds:clouds:openstack-nova:
+        ...
+ false
+        keyPair: "my-keypair"
+        loginUser: ubuntu
+        loginUser.privateKeyFile: /path/to/my/privatekey.pem
+#### Error "doesn't contain ... -----BEGIN"
+If using `loginUser.privateKeyFile` (or `loginUser.privateKeyData`), this is 
expected to be a .pem
+file. If a different format is used (e.g. a .ppk file), it will give an error 
like that below:
+    Error invoking start at EmptySoftwareProcessImpl{id=TrmhitVc}: chars
+    PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsa
+    ...
+    doesn't contain % line [-----BEGIN ]
+#### Warning Message: "Ignoring request to set..."
+If you see a warning log message like that below:
+    2016-06-23 06:05:12,297 WARN  o.a.b.l.j.JcloudsLocation 
+    Ignoring request to set template option loginUser because this is not 
supported by 
+    org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.compute.options.NovaTemplateOptions
+It can mean that the location configuration option is in the wrong place. The 
configuration under 
+`templateOptions` must correspond to those options on the
+[jclouds Nova template 
+However, template options such as `loginUser` are top-level configuration 
options that should not
+be inside the `templateOptions` section.
+#### HttpResponseException Accessing Compute Endpoint
+The Keystone endpoint is first queried to get the API access endpoints for the 
appropriate services.
+Some private OpenStack installs are (mis)configured such that the returned 
addresses are not always 
+directly accessible. It could be that the service is behind a VPN, or that 
they rely on hostnames
+that are only in a private DNS.
+You can find the service endpoints in OpenStack, either using the CLI or the 
web-console. For 
+example, in Blue Box the URL is
+You can then check if the Compute service endpoint is directly reachable.
+#### VM Failing to Provision
+It can be useful to drop down to the OpenStack nova CLI, or to jclouds, to 
confirm that VM
+provisioning is working and to check which options are required.
+For example, try following [these jclouds 
-### Troubleshooting
 #### jclouds Namespace Issue
@@ -127,7 +241,6 @@ the current version of jclouds does not yet support.
 If you are having problems deploying to OpenStack, consult your Brooklyn debug 
log and
 look for the following:
     "namespace": "";
@@ -141,7 +254,6 @@ configuration
 Here is a simple example template to be used with this workaround:
             endpoint: http://x.x.x.x:5000/v2.0/
@@ -154,7 +266,6 @@ Here is a simple example template to be used with this 
 Note that the following values will be set by default when omitted above:
     jclouds.keystone.credential-type=passwordCredentials true true

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